VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3343: : Decrease in burst rate

Dongfang Star, Ye Yu Fei Fei and others are not too happy because they have caused great losses to the Japanese server alliance this time, because they know that the crisis has not been completely resolved-the Japanese server alliance still has the gang resident and even destroyed the emperor. The strength of the city.

Think about it, too, the Japanese server alliance has more combination equipment awakening skills, plus so many scrolls rewarded by occupying 4 5th level gang sites, using these not only has the opportunity to occupy 5th level gang sites, but also There really is a chance to occupy the imperial city.

Hearing that, the expressions of Ouyang Feiri and others have also become solemn. They don’t care much about the occupied 5th level gang station. After all, the gang station that the Japanese service alliance can occupy will become less and less, and this is for the Chinese service alliance. The overall strength will not have much impact, but if the imperial city is destroyed, it will be different, not only because the player who destroys the imperial city will get more generous rewards than occupying the 5th gang resident, and the most important thing is to be destroyed. The player's overall attributes of the Imperial City server will be reduced by 10%.

"Hey, although the enemy alliance has many advantages, we are not jealous, and tomorrow we will have more [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander] cavalry, plus firework beauties, they will send back some scrolls, maybe they can’t Preventing the enemy alliance from occupying our gang site, but preventing them from destroying our imperial city is completely okay." Yi Nian Chengma smiled and said while looking at the Samadhi poem, that was self-evident.

Hua Nongyue on the side understood the meaning of becoming a demon in an instant, and he took the stubborn words: "Yes, just sending back some scrolls is enough to prevent the enemy alliance from destroying our imperial city. After all, the imperial city is not only defensive, The attack power is much higher than the level 5 gang resident. The most important thing is that the imperial city has double walls. Hey, it’s good for people from the enemy alliance to capture the outer walls. They simply can’t occupy the inner walls, so they can’t destroy them. Imperial City."

"Yes." Dongfang Zhantian took over: "If there are more than 10 [Battlestars] left in the enemy alliance, we are still worried that they can destroy our imperial city. After all, the firepower of [Battlestar] is very powerful and the continuous combat time is very long. Long, but now they only have two [Battlestars] left, which can't pose any threat to us at all, so we don't have to worry about this problem at all."

Dongfang Zhantian's words have been echoed by many people, and they also believe that the players of the Japanese server alliance are simply unable to destroy their imperial city.

"Especially the firework beauties will send back some scrolls." Dongfang Zhantian mentioned this question again, saying that he also looked at the samādhi poem, which was self-evident.

"Maybe they can only send back some [Dragon Soul Pills] instead of the scrolls. At least there won't be too many scrolls." Samadhi Shi said, seeing the puzzled look of everyone, she continued: "Because of their task of fireworks. It’s coming to an end, which means that they will soon meet the final boss. Fireworks will keep some scrolls for their own use, so naturally there won’t be too many scrolls that can be sent back."

Seeing everyone’s expressions a little dignified, Bacchus Dukang sneered in his heart, and then he said: “We can’t just rely on the fireworks girl. After all, they have done too much for us before, and we have to do some things. Unexpectedly, in the next 20 hours or so, people from the enemy alliance will not attack the city on a large scale. Using these time, we must get as many scrolls and equipment items that can improve our strength. The more scrolls we hoard, the more strength we can. The stronger the ability to deal with, the more likely it is to resist the enemy's occupation of our gang and prevent them from destroying our imperial city."

Think about it, too. The Miaogee provides so many scrolls for the Chinese server alliance. It is no exaggeration to say that the previous damage to the enemy alliance is directly related to these, so naturally everyone can no longer ask the Miaogee to do it. More things, it would be too much.

"Yes, we have to do something. Fortunately, the enemy alliance will not attack the city in the future, and we can also have a chance to get some scrolls." Fengxing took the stubbornly: "Although we can get the scrolls or something. It must be less than the enemy alliance, but we are the defender of the city. One scroll can play a role as good as the two of the siege party. In this respect, we still have an advantage."

"That is to say, the more scrolls we get, the harder it is for the enemy alliance to occupy our gang's place, let alone destroy our imperial city." Feng Xing added.

Naturally, I also know that the next period of time will be relatively calm, and the people of the major servers will not say much, and arrange some elites to do tasks and hunt high-level bosses. After all, these are the fastest to obtain scrolls or something.

As for Samadhi, Eastern Killing Sky and others, they did not idle, or hunted down the players of the enemy alliance to put some pressure on them, or hunted high-ranking bosses, but they were more or less rewarding.

As they judged by Samadhi, the Japanese server alliance has been unable to attack the gang station of the Chinese server alliance after such a loss, even the level 4 gang station is not good, and then they can only act as an elite team. , Such as Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night, they sneaked on players who went out to level up in the Chinese server alliance, but this way the game world would be relatively calm, at least there is no need to worry about a large-scale siege.

Let's not talk about the game world for now, let's talk about the situation on Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and the others.

At this time, Ye Luo and the others also learned about the results of this operation, which excited them, especially when they learned that there were only two [Battlestars] left in the Japanese service alliance. After all, this result was far beyond the reach. Everyone's expectations.

"Unexpectedly, Xiaoshi and their actions went so smoothly this time. They destroyed so many [Battlestars] at once. Hey, there are only 2 [Battlestars] left. Tokyo Mythology can no longer use the fortress to capture our gang. "Po Lang Chengfeng laughed, and while she was talking, she looked at the fireworks and was easily cold: "Xiao Shi has a high level of strategy. I am afraid that it is not inferior to the fireworks. After all, even if you personally direct the battle, it is just like this. result."

"No, if it were my command, this would not be the result. I can't achieve the result of Sister Shi." Yi Leng Yi Leng shook his head.

"You shouldn’t. After all, Sister Fireworks, you also thought of this tactic, and I think you will have some advantages in command. After all, everyone is more convinced of you." June Feixue took the stubbornly: "There should be more It’s a good result."

"This is not the reason why the fireworks commander is inferior to Sister Shi, but other reasons." Ye Luo said, seeing the puzzled look of June Feixue and the others, he explained: "Fireworks have commanded too many large-scale national wars against the enemy. The alliance has caused too many losses and casualties. The people of the enemy alliance are very jealous of him, so if fireworks are commanding the battle, the people of the enemy alliance will be more cautious. Not surprisingly, they will not lead [Space Fortress ] Rushing into the city hastily, and will not attack the city when [Battlestar]'s toughness is lost, so even if the firework command is better, the result will not be better."

"Oh, I understand, Tokyo Mythology they despise Xiaoshi and them, so that gave Xiaoshi a chance." Po Lang Chengfeng finally understood. Seeing Ye Luo and the others nodded, she sighed: "Unfortunately we failed. Participate in this battle, hey, if we participate in the battle, even if the enemy alliance’s people are cautious, we can still destroy all their [Battlestars], and even have a chance to kill some of them with national weapons. People, the losses and casualties caused to them are even greater."

"The most important thing is that I missed such a fierce battle..." Po Lang Chengfeng added.

"Don't worry, there will be battles of this level in the future, and there will be many more." Sitting on Qin Xin smiled lightly: "At that time, there will be a chance for you to participate in the battle, Sister Feng."

"Hey, this is also true." Po Lang Chengfeng Road, thinking of something, her eyes flashed with a gleam: "Wait, after we complete this task, we will start to fight back. At that time, we will definitely let Tokyo Mythology pay. A price worse than us."

"I'm afraid that we can't lead our people to counterattack just after completing the task." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and after a short pause, she continued: "Because at that time our combination equipment awakening skills were in the CD, and all the big tricks were in it. In CD, under this situation, our strength is not at its peak. Not only can we not threaten the enemy's alliance with rash action, we may still be killed, so the gain is not worth the loss."

"Uh, this..." Breaking the waves and riding the wind was stunned. After a moment of silence, she said: "Then wait for our ultimate and combo equipment to finish the CD before doing it. Hey, of course, if the Tokyo Mythology was not in their state at that time Fortunately, we can also do it immediately. Anyway, we will get a lot of scrolls and some equipment and props. With these, we can easily suppress them."

In this regard, everyone did not say much, and then continued to kill monsters efficiently.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Luo and the others have already killed many quasi-bosses, and the more they slay, the lower the burst rate. Now it is very good to kill a quasi-boss or even burst a scroll. It will take a long time to kill a boss, so it is impossible to hoard a large number of scrolls as before.

Although the explosion rate of killing the quasi-boss has been reduced a lot, the experience gained from killing them has not decreased. As the number of BOSSs killed increases, Ye Luo and their level have increased at a faster rate. At this time, Ye Luo He is already level 357. Not surprisingly, after completing this mission, he will definitely be able to rise to level 358, so he is only one step away from level 360 with nine revolutions.

Once Ye Luo rose to rank 360, his strength would be greatly improved. In their hearts, he could sweep the entire Heavenly Tribulation game. By then, all problems would not be a problem, and they were a little looking forward to thinking of these.

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