VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3346: : Try to procrastinate

As the only two [Battlestars] left in the game of Heavenly Tribulation arrived at the imperial city of Central Asia, the siege officially began. At a time, hundreds of thousands of elite cavalry began to charge, while super masters such as Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night I took the lead and rushed to the forefront, as if he would not give up without destroying the imperial city in front of him.

Of course, those two [Battlestars] also launched firepower support, and laser lasing for a while, because the attack distance is very long, their attacks rushed to the first, but it also caused some damage to the players of the Chinese server alliance defending the city. trouble.

When they rushed to a place not too far from the imperial city, Tokyo Mythology, they decisively used the awakening skills and ults of combination equipment, and their purpose of doing this is obvious-that is, they want to force Dongfang Tiantian to also use combinations. With the awakening skills of similar equipment, they can then allow a large number of elite players to entangle Dongfang Tiantian and others, and then Tokyo Mythology will be able to withdraw and then launch a sneak attack on the imperial city of court clothes.

This tactic was used when preparing for a sneak attack on Hongfeng City. I thought it would still work, but I didn't want Dongfang Tiantian. They didn't use the awakening skills of combination equipment at all, and they didn't even get close to Tokyo Mythology and others but stay away from them.

However, Samadhi and the others would naturally not just watch Tokyo Mythology and their siege, and then countless elite cavalry defending the city will charge against players with combined equipment awakening skills such as Tokyo Mythology. Many of them are [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander] Cavalry. And [Storm Unicorns] cavalry, because the number of cavalry in the uniform is much more than two or three days ago, so many cavalry charges can also cause a lot of trouble to the Tokyo Mythology, at least it makes them unable to take the lead. Rushed to the wall in a moment.

From here, we can see that the [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander] cavalry and the [Storm Unicorn] cavalry are powerful, because if other cavalry faces the Tokyo Mythology and other masters with combined equipment awakening skills, they simply cannot bear it. The cavalry of the former can resist it, although it is difficult, but there is no problem in a short time.

At this time, the most important thing for the Chinese server alliance is time. If the delay is long, the invincible methods of super masters such as Tokyo Mythology will consume a lot, and then many cavalry and control professions can always control them. Once so, it is not impossible to kill them.

Of course, relying on [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander] Cavalry and [Storm Unicorn] Cavalry is not enough. After all, Tokyo Mythology has used all the awakening skills of combination equipment at once, and there are too many players in this state. , But at this time, the Central Asian server sent a large number of soldiers to charge, and charged with invincibility. In addition, the Chinese server alliance used several [Group Blessing Scrolls], so it also successfully resisted. Staying in them-most of the people holding the [Group Blessing Scroll] status are the elites of the major servers, and the super masters such as Dongfang Tiantian are not among them, so even if these people are entangled, it will not be too much for the next battle. Impact.

That’s right, as long as it’s not for the awakening skills of Dongfang Jitian, who are using combination equipment, and the entanglement of their big moves, then it’s not a big problem. After all, Dongfang Jitian and others are too strong in this state, and they can do too much. Too much.

Although countless players in the Central Asian server will charge a lot of casualties against the people of the Japanese server alliance, but the commander of the Central Asian server does not care about these at this time, not only because they know that keeping the imperial city is more important, this loss It's totally worth it. The most important thing is that they also know that the Tokyo Mythology is just a feint and will not actually attack their imperial city, which means that the battle here will end as long as they persist for a while, so even if someone is killed, they will have time. Resurrecting them, there is almost no loss in this way.

If this is the case, then they are naturally not stingy about skills or anything. It is most important to ensure that the Central Asian server is the most important thing. Moreover, in the hearts of the Central Asian server players, the greater the resistance they cause to the enemy at this time, the more likely they are to withdraw early. In this way, their losses will be smaller.

"Hey, I used all the awakening skills of combination equipment at once and then attacked the city. Obviously, this method is to prepare to hit the city." Yaoyue toasted and sneered: "They have used this method once, and it is undoubtedly that they want to work again. Foolishly talk about dreams."

"Yes, we have already prepared." Long Jieyu took over the stubborn words: "At this time, those of us who have the opportunity to withstand the combination equipment awakening skill state deliberately avoid them, and do not use the combination equipment awakening. Skills, so their trickery will not succeed, after all, they can't stop us at all."

"It's a pity that in order to stop the Tokyo Mythology and other masters, our cavalry in the middle service and the Central Asian suit have suffered a lot. After all, at this time, the Tokyo Mythology is almost invincible. They can only make the cavalry charge in an invincible state. When the invincible state is over, it is very likely to be killed in a flash." Bacchus Du Kang sighed, after a short pause, he continued: "Even if they are not killed without the invincible state, there will not be too many things they can do next..."

"Relax, now our [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander] cavalry is much more than two days ago. At this time, only a part of the cavalry is used, and other cavalry can still play a great role." Samadhi said as she watched. Xiang Tokyo Shinhwa and others: "Although the casualties and consumption are a bit heavy, as long as the tricks of Tokyo Shinhwa are not allowed to succeed, then it is totally worth it."

"Of course the most important thing is that once they see the Tokyo Mythology that we are not fooled, they can only helplessly launch the next step, and as long as we people are not entangled, we can rush to the imperial city where they were attacked as soon as possible. And our killed players can also be resurrected. If we look at it this way, our casualties are not large, it's just that some skills are consumed." Samadhi Shi added.

"But what if they plan to attack our imperial city directly in the future?" A dual-professional expert in the Central Asian Service was quite worried.

"Don't worry, as long as they don't withdraw after 3 minutes, we will also use the awakening skills of combination equipment, and we will start to mobilize a large number of elites to support them, so that we can still resist them." Dongfang Star answered on his behalf and took a short pause. She continued: "Even because our vanguard cavalry continuously charged players with combo-type equipment awakening skills such as Tokyo Mythology, it cost them a lot, so that we can deal with them more easily. ."

"Yes, it's limited to 3 minutes. Hey, it's okay for our people here to resist for 3 minutes." Polar Silver Wolf smiled: "I think it is Tokyo Mythology that should be anxious at this time, because we don't If they are fooled, their conspiracy will not succeed."

Hearing that, everyone nodded, and then they didn't say much, and started to act separately.

That’s right, as the Polar Silver Wolf said at this time in Tokyo Mythology, they are really anxious, because once they have used all the combination equipment awakening skills in their hearts, the people from the Chinese server alliance will definitely also use all the combination equipment. Awakening skills, so that they can replay their old skills-let their elite entangle Dongfang Killing and the others as much as possible, and then they can sneak attack on the imperial city of the court.

However, the people in the Chinese server alliance did not use the awakening skills of combination equipment, and the Dongfang Jitian and others with the assassin did not rush forward to stop them, but retreated. In this case, they almost wanted to entangle them. It's impossible.

If the Tokyo Mythology wastes too much time here, it will naturally greatly affect the result of their next action on the imperial city. Thinking of many players in these Japanese-served alliances, they start to be anxious. Heilong Tianzhan took the lead and said: "Boss, Unexpectedly, the people in the Chinese server alliance were not fooled. They did not use the awakening skills of combination equipment, and they did not even use such a killer. Moreover, our people can't entangle Dongfang Tiantian, Longtengtianxia and others at all, so What should we do? After all, it is very difficult for us to waste too much time here trying to destroy the imperial palace, and the more time we waste here, the more difficult it will be to destroy the imperial palace."

"Yes." The **** of Amaterasu took the stubborn words: "As far as the person watching the other party is, it is obvious that we are not facing the imperial city of Central Asia, so we will do this. The most troublesome thing is those of China Server. [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander] Cavalry and [Storm Unicorn] Cavalry are very troublesome, even if we are in the state of [Eight Qi Tianfall] and want to kill them, it is difficult, especially the continuous flow of cavalry with invincibility The state launches a sneak attack on us, even if we want to rush into the city, it is impossible."

"Of course, if we rush into the city desperately, we can do it, but only those of us with the awakening skill state of combo equipment can do this, and only those of us who rush into the city will fall into the trap. Surrounded, it may not be difficult for us to escape, but once we are entangled, our actions on the court clothes will also be affected, which is even more detrimental to us." The God of Amaterasu added, and finally he continued: "Now What are we going to do?"

"What else can I do? Either directly kill the court suit, or use the trick to destroy the imperial city of the Central Asian suit directly." The God of Suzuo said in an angry manner.

"Well, it is a good way to destroy the imperial city of the Central Asian server by tactics." Hero's Blade took the stubbornness, and he continued after a short pause: "Or we won't do anything on the imperial server and directly capture the emperor of the Central Asian server. City."

The Hero's Blade's proposal was immediately echoed by many people, but it was directly rejected by Fujiyamashita, Tokyo Mythology, and others, and the reasons they gave were simple and straightforward-at this time, they were all prepared to focus on military strength. After the court service, it will undoubtedly be more difficult to work on the Central Asian service at this time, and it may even fail to achieve the goal.

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