After Ye Luo performed [Morale Boosting] and [Morale Weakening], their side quickly gained the upper hand, but at this time, the situation of Eastern Killing Heaven and Longteng Tianxia was not very good, because [Shifang Realm 】The effect of weakening their overall attributes by 10%, plus other characteristics are also reduced, so they are a bit difficult to go to Tokyo Mythology, in the long run not only will be captured many walls, even they may be kill.

"In fact, the effect of Brother Ye Luo's [Shi Fang Zhan Qi] also covers people from the enemy alliance, including Dongfang Tiantian, which means that their overall attributes are almost the same as ours at this time." Long Tengtian said in a sinking voice, Then he changed his tone: "The reason why we are at a disadvantage is that Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology are a bit stronger than us, especially Tokyo Mythology. After all, he has received too rich rewards for destroying the imperial city."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "Of course the most important reason is because the number of awakening skills of combination equipment and the number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] used by the enemy alliance is much more than ours, especially the scrolls. It is also the biggest reason why we are passive."

Hearing that, everyone nodded, but they also knew that this was not the time to discuss these, and the most important thing for them at this time was how to deal with the current troubles.

"In fact, just dragging us like this can guarantee that the imperial city will not be destroyed, because although our side is downwind, the situation on Ye Luo's side is very good, especially because they have contained a large number of enemies." Ye Yu Fei Fei said: "The most important thing is that the consumption of the enemy alliance is much larger than ours, and at present, they can't conquer the outer wall of the non-service imperial city within 10 minutes, so they can only use other scrolls. , If I’m right, they have few scrolls left at this time, and they can only capture the inner city wall at most, but they will consume some when they occupy the outer city wall, which means that they are no longer able to occupy the inner city wall."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Of course, our confidence is that at this time we still retain some scrolls, not even less than the enemy alliance. With these scrolls and our advantage of defending the city, we can keep the imperial city. There is no problem."

Think about it too. If you want to destroy the imperial city of the non-server, you must capture the inner and outer walls. At this time, the offensive of the alliance of the Japanese server is slightly suppressed. If they do not have enough scrolls to capture the inner wall, then they will only Being able to give up the siege, you can tell from their failure to do so that they still have scrolls.

However, according to the rewards obtained by Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology and the previous consumption, it can be judged that there are not too many scrolls such as the [Group Blessing Scrolls] remaining in the alliance of the Japanese server, even if the number of scrolls owned by the alliance of the Japanese server is placed in The same is true for the 2 times on the bright side. The next occupation of the outer wall will continue to consume some [Group Blessing Scrolls], so the remaining scrolls of the alliance of the Japanese service party will not be enough to conquer the inner city wall, so naturally it is not possible to take the imperial emperor The city is destroyed.

There is still some confidence in Ye Yu Fei Fei’s judgment, but Long Jie said: “That’s how it is said, but neither of you nor I know how many scrolls the enemy alliance has, especially whether they still have [Summon Demon God Scroll]. If there is one’s killer tool, there is still a chance to destroy the imperial city of non-servers."

"The most troublesome thing is that we are quite passive at this time. If we don't pay attention, we may be killed. Especially the strength of Tokyo Myth is too strong. We are afraid that only Ye Luo brother can deal with our side, but Ye Luo brother now There are more important things, so what do we do?" Long Jieyu added.

Long Jieyu’s words made everyone’s expressions dignified, because they also knew what it meant if they were killed—they being killed not only means that the imperial city is likely to be occupied by the non-services, but also that they are killed and exploded by the enemy. After being snatched, their strength will be greatly reduced, and they will no longer be opponents of the enemy alliance in the future.

"Use 2 or 3 more [Group Blessing Scrolls]." Samadhi said: "2,300 more players wearing [Group Blessing Scrolls] will help us deal with the Tokyo Mythology. They will be a lot easier, at least they will save their lives. what is the problem."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "And this still greatly slows down the enemy's occupation of the city wall. The slower they occupy the city wall, the longer the delay will be, and the situation will be more favorable to us. It can be seen that the casualties are much larger than ours."

Naturally, everyone had no objection to the Samadhi’s proposal, and then they used 3 [Group Blessing Scrolls], and then those players brazenly rushed to Tokyo Mythology and others, which greatly reduced the pressure on the Eastern Killing Sky. Completely reversed the situation, but it also greatly hindered the efficiency of the Japanese service party alliance occupying the city wall.

"Hey, Ye Luo brother deserves to be the number one master of the tribulation. He has half a day less time than Tokyo Mythology. But at this time, the points he has obtained are not much different. This means that only a few minutes he has killed a lot of players. , If this continues, more players will be killed, and the situation on our side will be better in the long run.” Ye Yufei said with a light smile, and while speaking, he glanced at Dongfang Killing Heaven intentionally or unintentionally.

Yes, today is the first day of the month, but because Ye Luo and the others just completed their mission, they were unable to hunt down the enemy alliance people in the first half of the day, which made Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night's points far exceed him. , But it only took a few minutes for Ye Luo's points to catch up. From this point, you can see how many players Ye Luo killed.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for those of us who had to pester Tokyo Mythology and other super masters, our efficiency in getting points would not be much worse than him." Ouyang Feiri coldly snorted, "He picked the best..."

"Oh, if you exchange positions with Ye Luo, can you do what he did to entangle the enemy with a large number of combat power?!" Samadhi asked rhetorically, without waiting for Ouyang Feiri to speak, she continued: "If you can't do it, just Shut up, just say some nonsense that affects the overall situation."

Speaking of these samādhi poems, her eyes fell on Ye Yu Fei Fei, and her face was also much colder, with a faint warning meaning-obviously, before Ye Yu Fei said that those were provocative, but the provocative was the miserable pavilion. The relationship between the Eastern family was only'cut off' by Ouyang Feiri, an eyeless guy.

Feeling the warning from the samādhi poem, Ye Yu Fei had nothing to do, but didn't say anything next, and continued to intercept the enemy alliance.

After the Chinese service party alliance used 3 [Group Blessing Scrolls] Tokyo Mythology they felt more resistance, and after learning about Yeluo's situation, their expressions became more solemn, and soon they judged to continue. If this goes on, not only will they not be able to destroy the imperial city, but they will also suffer heavy casualties and lead to the disappearance of their previous advantages.

Although Tokyo Mythology still has a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls] in their hands, they keep these scrolls to attack the inner walls of the imperial city. After all, even if they occupy all of the outer walls, they will think if there are not many scrolls left. It is almost impossible to attack the inner city wall—the inner city wall has a lot of defensive equipment. In addition, people from the Chinese server alliance can stand on the wall and attack without using the [Group Blessing Scroll]. It caused great resistance to the Japanese alliance and made them unable to break through the inner city wall.

Thinking of these Tokyo myths, they felt heavy, and then they asked their allies if they could mobilize more soldiers and if there were other assassins. Of course, what they cared most was whether their people could suppress Ye Luo and others and make them even better. Attack the imperial city with multiple combat forces.

It's just that the major servers have already mobilized a lot of amazing soldiers, although they still have some methods, they are nothing compared to the [Kuang Lei Kui Niu] cavalry, and even if they are used, it is difficult to affect the overall situation.

The fact is also true. Then the major servers used some methods one after another, but they did not make too much waves. At the very least, they still could not stop Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and others from killing, or even stop Ye Luo. They joined with the Cavalry [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander] led by Firework Yi Leng.

That’s right, the cavalry led by Fireworks Yi Leng finally joined Ye Luo and the others, and the tens of thousands of powerful cavalry had almost no resistance. They either rushed towards the [Kuang Lei Kui Niu] cavalry, or rushed towards The surroundings contained more combat power in the Japanese server alliance and further disrupted their formation. Of course, Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and others were not idle. They specifically dealt with those [Kuang Lei Kui Niu] cavalry and the Japanese server alliance. Players who perform big moves and stand in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], after all, they pose a greater threat to the players of the Chinese server alliance. After they are killed, Ye Luo and the others can do more.

Still the same sentence, as long as the super masters such as Tokyo Mythology do not stop, Ye Luo and the others can slaughter unscrupulously, including players who use their ultimate moves and the status of [Group Blessing Scroll]. Of course, they also perform 1 or 2 group attacks from time to time. Skills deal with the surrounding'minions', and this further reduces the pressure on the surrounding players in the alliance.

At this time, Ye Luo also switched to the archer mode, so that any attack can be comparable to group attack skills, and his attack speed is very fast, so the damage output and the number of players killed are very high. At present, it will not take long to surpass Tokyo Mythology, Eastern Killing Sky and others to become the first in the standings. Switching from Ye Luo to the archer mode will know how easy he is at this time. After all, only when he is not threatened. Will switch this mode.

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