VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3381: : Guardian of the Undead

One of the rewards obtained for completing the first kill of the dungeon is a lottery, and the first lottery will definitely get a national weapon, so after watching the explosion of BOSS, Long Tengtian is curious about what national weapon Ye Luo has drawn.

Not only is Longteng Tianxia curious, but other players are also so, especially the people of the Misty Pavilion. In their hearts, if Ye Luo can get a national weapon that he can use, even if it is only a low-grade national device, his equipment level will be greatly improved. Ascension, even if it cannot surpass the Tokyo Mythology, it can be similar, so it is easy to defeat it. Of course, even if Ye Luo is entangled by the Tokyo Mythology in the future, he can destroy the defense equipment on the enemy Alliance gang resident.

Ye Luo quickly completed the lottery, and his eyes lit up after seeing what was in his hand, and then said: "I got two low-grade national implements..."

"What, two national artifacts?!" Wei Wei was taken aback, and Othello's face was full of doubts: "Can you get two national artifacts at once? Or is it that Ye Luo, you have already drawn two prizes and then two national artifacts? ?"

"Just one draw, I got two national implements." Ye Luo said, and his words also surprised everyone. After all, in their hearts, they can only draw one national implement at a time, but Ye Luo got two. , Even if both of them are low-grade national implements, they are also worthy of their happiness, because the sum of the functions that two national implements can play will definitely exceed one middle-grade national implement, and even more than one high-grade national implement.

"The previous system reminded me that the first time the lottery will definitely win the national artifact, it didn't say how many national artifacts can be drawn, so it is not impossible for Ye Luo to get two national artifacts." Samadhi poetry said, and then she The tone changed: "Ye Luo, the national artifacts you drew should be the same, what type?"

Although it was an inquiry, the Samadhi poem was quite certain that the national artifacts Ye Luo picked up were the same, but she didn't know the specific national artifacts.

"Well, yes, it's the same." Ye Luo nodded, seeing the curious look of everyone, he continued: "The national weapon is a talisman, adding a lot of Necro Element attributes and Necro Element skills are powerful. One of the additional skills is [Dead Slash], which can cause 500,000 points of vitality damage to an enemy target within 100 meters of the opponent's circle. If the target's vitality is less than 10%, it will be directly killed in seconds. Yes, by this Players killed by skills will be directly deprived of their souls, that is to say, players who are not in a corpse state like [Depraved*Swallow] will directly drop the level and return to the city to resurrect."

"Tsk tusk, this is a powerful skill." Nangong Yunlong said, and when he said this, his expression was full of expectation.

If you think about it, these two amulets are undoubtedly the exclusive national weapons of the Necromancer, and there are only two Necromancer dual-professional players in the entire middle server-Misty One Leaf and Xiaofeng Canyue, as Xiaofeng Canyue’s help, Nangong Yunlong naturally hopes to obtain one of the talisman.

However, according to their previous scheme of distributing the trophies, the rewards obtained by Ye Luo lottery went to the Misty Pavilion, so he was a little embarrassed to speak.

In addition, it is a talisman, which can be equipped by any player, even if it is exclusive to the Necro Element. For example, Ye Luo can equip it now, and he can even perform various functions of the Necro Element attribute to make him powerful. The increase in amplitude made it even more embarrassing to speak of these Nangong Yunlong.

Ye Luoke didn’t know what Nangong Yunlong said. He continued: “Another auxiliary skill is quite peculiar. It is [Dead Guardian]. This is a passive skill. Players who are equipped with this talisman are using skills that have powerful negative effects. You can ignore the negative effects and increase the power of the skill. For example, you don’t have to worry about losing the level because of this skill after casting [Necromancy *Curse], and this skill can last for 1 minute and can be increased to 2 minutes."

"What, it still has such an effect. Doesn't it mean that after having this skill, the waning moon can unscrupulously cast [Necromancy *Curse] without worrying about losing the level?!" Nangong Yunlong blurted out, but soon he too. Realizing that he was a little gaffe, he laughed to ease the embarrassment, but everyone could see that he was looking forward to these two national instruments.

Think about it, too, [Necromancy *Curse] is extremely powerful, even after having this skill, Ye Luo and the others killed a lot of BOSS that had no chance to kill before, but this skill has one of the biggest shortcomings, that is After casting, it will definitely drop 1 level, but this punishment is very serious.

It is precisely because of this that Xiaofeng Canyue is only level 350 at this time. Compared to Ye Luo, they are 7 and 8 levels worse. Of course, they are also a lot worse than other super masters. They have even formed level suppression. This is for him. But there are great constraints on the strength of.

In addition, the duration of [Necromancy *Curse] is also a bit short, only 1 minute, while the BOSS that Yeluo and the others encounter often takes tens of minutes or more to kill it, only 1 minute. Obviously some are not enough, and that amulet can increase the time to 2 minutes, the effect is much better.

A talisman can solve these two biggest problems, no wonder Nangong Yunlong is so excited.

"Fireworks, Sister Feng, give one of the talisman to the Waning Moon." Ye Luo looked at the fireworks to be cold, breaking the waves and riding the wind and suggested: "After all, he paid the most in our previous killings of BOSS, plus this The national weapon is the most suitable for the Necromancer dual professions. The most important thing is that with this national weapon, he can play a greater role in killing the BOSS with us, so..."

"Well, just do what you said." Fireworks are easy to get cold, and the waves break through the wind.

As for other people, there is no objection to this point, not only because this national tool is the most suitable for Xiaofeng Wanyue, but also they will have the opportunity to continue to deal with the powerful BOSS in the future, so that Xiaofeng Wanyue can play a role. It's bigger.

Hearing that Ye Luo and the others agreed to give Xiaofeng Wanyue a national treasure amulet, Nangong Yunlong was very excited. Before, he had thought about using the [Thunder God's Armor] they obtained to exchange it with the Misty Pavilion. After all, that amulet It’s more important to them-it’s actually Thousand Miles who proposed to use [Thunder God’s Armor] to exchange amulets, but Ye Luo made a decision before Nangong Yunlong said it, and this is for them. Surprise joy.

Think about it, too, [Thunder God's Armor] is also very powerful. The most important thing is the national weapon that is most suitable for thousands of miles to ride alone. If it is not a last resort, he will not exchange it for other national instruments, but it is because that amulet is more important. Some of the things he only proposed to do-Thousand Miles Riding Alone, Nangong Yunlong, Xiaofeng Wanyue, they will also face powerful BOSS alone, [Necromancy *Curse] is a killer for them to kill BOSS.

Now Ye Luo took the initiative, and the fireworks are easy to get cold, and the waves and wind have also agreed. This is naturally a surprise to them.

Stopped Nangong Yunlong who wanted to say something, and said, “You don’t have to be grateful to us. After all, Xiaofeng Canyue has done a lot in dealing with BOSS, and sacrificed a lot, plus he will need his help in the future. One of the talisman should be given to him."

Although Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind said so, Nangong Yunlong is still grateful, including Xiaofeng Canyue, after he has this talisman in his heart, he finally has a chance to catch up with everyone in the level, so when he faces many super masters It will not be suppressed anymore.

One of the amulet was given to Xiaofeng Wanyue, and the other was naturally given to a misty leaf, which made her quite happy, especially when she thought that she would no longer have to worry about actual combat [Necromancy *Curse] in the future.

After allocating the two pieces of national equipment, Ye Luo continued to draw, but most of the things drawn in the next 4 times were equipment. Although most of them were of the Demon God level, they were not available to Ye Luo. They could only be allocated to the ethereal according to their needs. The other players in the court.

"Hey, this time our reward for completing the first kill of the dungeon is too rich, and we got 5 pieces of national equipment at once." Othello laughed, and while talking, she checked her equipment and skill columns: "Not only In this way, we have also received a lot of attribute rewards, coupled with the upgrade of equipment and the enhancement of a random skill, these can greatly improve our strength."

Hearing this, everyone nodded one after another, and then they remembered that there were rewards for strengthening equipment and skills, and then they hurriedly checked.

Because Ye Luo's equipment has been upgraded to the Demon God level except for the spirit weapon and the national weapon, the rewards for the opportunity to upgrade the equipment rank can only be accumulated, and the rank of a spirit instrument can be improved after saving up to 10 times. At this time, he is even more curious. Which one of the skills has been strengthened, but also quickly found-[Raid].

That’s right, the original [Raid] can only be used on targets within 5 meters. After being strengthened, it can be used on targets within 10 meters like [Spur]. In addition, the damage bonus has been increased a lot. This also makes Ye Luo The hunting and killing ability has improved a lot, after all, the difference between 5 meters and 10 meters is very large.

On the other hand, other people have also found out their enhanced skills and upgraded equipment, and they are quite satisfied with these upgrades. After thinking of what, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind looked at Ye Luo expectantly: "Ye Luo, The system seems to have rewarded us with 3 skill books before. What skill books are they?"

That's right, the system rewarded Ye Luo and the others for skill books, and in the heart of Po Lang Chengfeng, these skill books must be very good, she was naturally curious about what skill books were rewarded.

Not only was curious about breaking the waves and riding the wind, but also other players, and then they all looked at Ye Luo together, which was self-evident.

Instead of waiting for Ye Luo to speak, she spoke first on August on the side. She said, "Hehe, you are busy asking what kind of national weapon Ye Luo got. I still have some things that I haven't shown to you. This is also a skill book. The effect is very bad."

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