VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3383: : Action begins

Knowing that Ye Luo and others had gained the specific harvest in this dungeon mission, the **** of Bacchus Dukang and Feng Xing were very excited. In their hearts, they convinced that one alliance can launch a counterattack. For example, they can capture some gang sites of the enemy alliance and grab Returning to the occupied gangs such as Hongyan City, and even having a chance to destroy the imperial city of the enemy alliance, thinking that they can finally vent their depression, Bacchus Dukang and the others are naturally excited.

Next, Bacchus Dukang and the others asked if they could launch a counterattack. Judging from their urgent appearance, they knew that they would have been impatient for a long time.

"We are ready to take action against the gang resident of the enemy alliance..." Feng Xing said fiercely, but he was interrupted before he could finish.

"Do it with the gang resident of the enemy alliance." Bacchus Du Kang was a little disappointed, but soon his tone changed: "It's okay, at least it's safer. After all, it's a little bit more hands on the enemy alliance's imperial city. Taking risks, first seizing some gang sites to weaken the strength of the enemy alliance and then increase our strength is also very good."

"Then have you figured out which server you want to work on?" Fengxing asked, after a short pause, he continued: "It's a big action to seize the gang of the enemy alliance. We have to notify our allies."

"Yes, the task of contacting our allies is left to you." Fireworks Yi said indifferently. Seeing the look everyone was expecting, she continued: "You can do it on any server, because the early stage is consumption, no We have to shift the target many times in an accident."

"Of course, it is best to work on servers other than the US and Japanese servers, because then Tokyo Mythology will play a smaller role, so our consumption effect will be better." Fireworks easy to cold added road.

For now, the thing that can stop Ye Luo and the others is the Tokyo Mythology, and the Japanese server, the US server and other servers are not nominally allies, so Ye Luo and the others are working on the gang sites other than the Japanese server and the US server. If you want to intercept Ye Luo, you will also be attacked by the city’s defense equipment. Of course, the defenders will also cause damage when they use group attack skills. In this case, Ye Luo will be more likely to destroy the city’s defense equipment on the gang’s resident. Some.

"Hey, since it was the emperor’s hymn that they completed the task and received some rewards, since we are going to consume the enemy alliance, it is naturally the best choice to take the lead on the Australian clothes, especially the emperor’s hymn they should There is also some consumption. At present, they should be the soft persimmons in all the enemy alliances." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, while talking at her while looking at the fireworks and getting cold, it is self-evident.

Nodded, Fireworks Yi Leng agreed to this proposal, but they did not start acting immediately, but first let Ye Luo, Break Wave Riders, and the others hunt down the players from the enemy alliance who went out for leveling-let Ye Luo fill them up. The attack power will be easier and smoother after the next action.

Although Ye Luo and the others had a lot of consumption in their previous missions, and even their ults were in the CD, their strength was much stronger than before they did the mission. The most important thing is that the targets of their sneak attacks are mostly ordinary. Players, it is very easy to kill them with their strength and then increase the attack power, but it will not take long.

As for Bacchus Dukang and Fengxing, they were not idle. When Ye Luo and the others started their hunting operations, they contacted the heads of the Polar Silver Wolf and other major servers to tell them about their upcoming actions. This made Polar Silver Wolf. Waiting for the people to be excited, one by one geared up and looked like they couldn't wait. Obviously, they had been pressed and beaten by the enemy alliance before. They could not stand it for a long time. Now that they finally have the opportunity to fight back, they are naturally excited.

Next, the Polar Silver Wolf began to prepare manpower, because the early stage only needs to prepare some dual-professional masters and some space-based occupations, so it is easy to complete the preparations, and what they have to do next is to wait and wait for Ye Luo to display [cross] Serving *Space Portal] Teleport them over so that they can participate in the action.

It didn't take long for Ye Luo and the others to increase their attack power, and after everyone added their attack power, they also began to choose their first target-Kangaroo City in the Australian server.

Ye Luo took the lead. He directly launched a sneak attack on Kangaroo City. He came to 30 meters away from the city wall and launched an attack with the defense equipment. The powerful attack power against the defense equipment and the six-wing fallen angels NPCs have caused high damage, and it will not take long to destroy the defense equipment-as time goes by, the player's strength is getting stronger and stronger, especially the strength of super masters such as Ye Luo. The strength of the Winged Fallen Angel NPC is not enough.

Of course, the players guarding Kangaroo City reacted very quickly. They charged Ye Luo in an invincible state for the first time, trying to stop Ye Luo as much as possible and then delaying for some time to wait for the super masters of the Australian server such as the emperor's hymn Come and support.

Although Ye Luo couldn’t kill them right away because those people were invincible, each player’s invincibility methods were limited. Once they were exhausted, then these people would naturally not escape Ye Luo’s attack if they dared to rush over. Was killed.

In addition, although there are many players in the Australian server guarding Kangaroo City, and more and more with the passage of time, their mobility and attack distance are much worse than that of Yeluo. Even if many people charge together, they cannot attack Yeluo. What threat is caused, the latter can almost attack unscrupulously.

Under the action of [Reincarnation * Split Arrows], Ye Luo’s main attack target is defense equipment, but other split arrows can attack surrounding Australian players or NPCs. Once those players’ invincibility status ends, they may be killed by him. .

Of course, when Ye Luo started the action, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others were not idle. They locked Ye Luo and sent it, and then the melee masters brazenly rushed to the players of the Australian server, such as Po Lang Cheng Feng, Polar Silver Wolf, Eastern Killing Sky It is very easy for the super masters to resist the ordinary elites of the Australian server with their strength-because it is consumption, it requires high mobility. This time, most of the hands are super masters.

However, dual professional archers such as fireworks, Long Jieyu, and Ye Yewu also locked Ye Luo to teleport, and then with the ultra-long range attack distance they also began to attack Kangaroo City’s defense equipment, of course, in the role of [Split Arrows] There are also many energy arrows that automatically lock the surrounding Australian server players and six-wing fallen angel NPC attacks. The powerful attacks speed up the speed of the toughness of the defense equipment falling.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, they are all in the state of [spell immunity], so there is no need to worry about being controlled by the players of the Australian server. In this case, they can attack unscrupulously, and powerful attacks are also right. The Australian server players have caused a lot of trouble.

The emperor’s anthem, they rushed over as soon as they learned that Kangaroo City had been attacked, and they even asked their space system players to teleport the dark night and other allies over, but these people came in haste, and they couldn’t do it right away. Resist Ye Luo's attack.

I have to say that after completing the Nightmare Mode [Fallen Beasts], Ye Luo's strength has improved very well. At least many of them are stronger than Dark Night, such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind and Killing the East. The sky can entangle the dark night relatively easily, of course, such as Longtengtianxia, ​​Midnight Book, and Thousand Miles alone can also entangle them in a short time, so that the ultra-long-range attacking players such as Ye Luo can attack unscrupulously.

As for the super masters of Japanese and American servers such as Tokyo Mythology, because they are not nominally allies of the Australian server, the space players of the Australian server cannot send them over, although there are some Japanese and American servers in the Australian server. Players, but there are no space players, and in the previous battle, the Japanese server alliance consumed a lot of [Cross-server*Group Teleportation Scrolls]. There is no such scroll in the hands of the Australian server players, so Tokyo Mythology they want It will take some time to get here.

There is no need to face super masters such as Tokyo Mythology and Mount Fuji, especially Tokyo Mythology, which reduces the pressure on Ye Luo and the others a lot, so the threat to Kangaroo City is naturally greater.

Yes, Ye Luo and the others are not under great pressure at this time. Even if the effect of [Spell Immunity] ends, they don’t need to be teleported away immediately. After all, there are not many players who can leave them at this time—of course. The most important thing is that they can use invincible methods such as [God Dance Step] to break the waves and ride the wind, and there is no problem using these to escape safely.

It didn’t take long for Yeluo and the others to destroy the first city defense equipment, and other city defense equipment will be destroyed over time. Even at this time, some players on the Australian server have consumed all the invincible means and have to retreat. , It's just that they were stopped by the others in the middle of the night, and waiting for them was naturally killed.

"Hey, as expected, our current strength is much stronger than that of the enemy alliance." Po Lang said with a smile, and when she said this, she looked at the fireworks behind with anticipation and became cold: "Fireworks, it’s not as good as us directly. To attack the city wall, don't you just use some [Group Blessing Scrolls], anyway, our scrolls must be more than the enemy alliance, so that we can quickly occupy Kangaroo City, at least it is much better than the current consumption."

The proposal of breaking the waves and riding the wind was immediately echoed by many players. They also thought that the consumption efficiency was a bit too low. The most important thing was to convince them that one alliance had a great advantage in their hearts. In this case, there is no need to be so cautious. NS.

"If Ye Luo is in our peak state, such as big moves and some large-scale group attack skills can be used, then this will not be a big problem, especially in the Japanese and American super masters such as Tokyo Mythology. In the case of rushing." Samadhi replied on her behalf: "Unfortunately, this is not the case. If we forcibly attack the city, our consumption will be greater than the enemy alliance."

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