VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3398: : Occupy four

The defense and attack of the imperial city are far more powerful than the level 5 Banghu resident, especially the imperial city has double-channel walls, and it takes millions of elites to attack the level 5 gang resident, let alone attack the imperial city. At least 5 million elites are needed to make it possible, and it is not so easy to mobilize so many people in a short time. Even if the slender hand [Uri*Space Portal] can be used, it is difficult to do it— The longer the delay, the more adequate the enemy’s preparations will be. This is not a big advantage on your own side. For example, if the number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] is not 20 more than the enemy’s alliance, it will be very difficult to do this. difficult.

At this time, the Chinese server alliance has more than 10 [Group Blessing Scrolls] than the Japanese server alliance. There is still a big gap from 20, which means that you want to destroy the imperial city of the Japanese server alliance at this time. It's almost impossible.

And once a strong action player, there will be great casualties and consumption, and even the advantage created before will be wiped out. This can be seen from the failure of the Japanese service party to attack the non-service imperial city-if the Japanese service party originally The people in the alliance did not work on the non-service imperial city but only on the gang resident of the Chinese server alliance. Even if Yeluo and the others are also there, they may not be able to stop them, so in the future, the advantage of the Japanese server alliance will still be better than that of the Chinese server. If the service party is big, at least it will not end up being occupied by multiple gang sites as it is now.

"Not only that, don’t forget that Sakura Ruxue still retains the [Profound Meaning*Space Portal]. If we attack the imperial city, she will use this skill behind us and then send millions of elites, especially among them. 500,000 [Devil Flame Beast] cavalry, that will cause great trouble to us, don’t forget that most of the [Devil Flame Beast] cavalry are fresh troops, and our players who participate in the siege have a large consumption. "Ye Luo said solemnly: "If this is the case, we will hardly have any chance to destroy the imperial city of Hanbok."

"There is still no chance to choose the imperial city of Hanbok, let alone the imperial city of other servers." Ye Luo added.

Hearing this, everyone also realized this, and they were silent for a while.

"Yes, it's too risky to take action against the enemy alliance's imperial city. At least it is far better than to continue to occupy the gang's resident." Samadhi took the stubborn words: "No accident, we can at least occupy 3 5th level today. Gang resident, and this will give us 1, 20 [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other ordinary scrolls and other things. With these things, we can continue to conquer the imperial city of the enemy alliance tomorrow, and this will also give us an advantage It is getting bigger and bigger, and when our advantage accumulates to a certain extent, we can take action against the imperial city of the enemy alliance, and it will be more secure at that time."

"Well, this is also true." Po Lang Chengfeng Road, and then thought of what she asked expectantly: "Then which server's gang resident shall we do next? Should we continue to work on the US server gang resident? ."

"It's not unfeasible." Ye Yufeifei took the stubbornly, and she chuckled: "At this time, we have a lot more [Group Blessing Scrolls] than the enemy alliance, and even more combination equipment than them. As long as we don’t take action on the imperial city of the U.S. server, we will have no problem with the chance of occupying their level 5 gang resident forcibly."

In this regard, everyone is also full of confidence. After all, at this time, the Chinese server alliance has a great advantage, but it will not be overturned in the ditch if it is just working on the 5th gang resident.

"It doesn't make much sense to only work on the US server, not to mention that the US server is mentally prepared at this time. Even if they are prepared, we can once again capture one of their gang sites, but this will increase our consumption. And casualties, maybe after we occupy a gang site, we won’t have enough energy to occupy other gang sites, and even have some impact on the recapture of Hongfeng City." Suddenly, Long Teng said, "Especially the cherry blossoms like snow can still display the [Profound meaning * space] Portal] In the case where millions of elites are sent over, there are 500,000 [Devil Flame Beasts] cavalry, so it is not good to continue to work on the gang resident of the US server."

That’s right, Sakura Ruxue can use [Profound Truth*Space Portal] and then help defend the city, so this will have a great impact on the next battle, even if Ye Luo and the others occupy a US server gang resident, it will have a great effect. With heavy consumption and casualties, under this circumstance, perhaps they would be unable to occupy other gang sites, and even regaining Hongfeng City would be difficult.

"Yes, and only in the case of a sneak attack can we quickly occupy the city wall and greatly increase our advantage. In this case, even if the cherry blossoms are like snow to show the [Profound meaning * space portal] to send millions of elites, it may not be right. The situation has too much influence, at least we can still occupy a gang site relatively easily, and then we still have room to grab back to Hongfeng City." Inviting Yue to toast and take the stubbornly, while speaking, he looked at everyone: "So It’s better to sneak attacks on other servers, especially when all the super masters of the enemy alliance are gathered in the US server, it’s not good to continue to work on the US server."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and they all agreed, and then broke the waves and took the wind to look at the fireworks and it was easy to be cold: "Fireworks, then which server shall we do next?"

Not waiting for the fireworks to get cold, she continued: "I feel better to do with Hanbok, because even if we can’t destroy the Hanbok’s imperial city, it’s okay to occupy one of their gang sites, especially for Luofeng City, after all. In the previous battle, our people had destroyed many defensive equipment in Luofeng City, and even at this time, there were still many players on our side who were still fighting on the walls of Luofeng City."

Everyone agreed with the proposal of breaking the waves and riding the wind. They also felt that it would be better to work on the Luofeng City of Hanbok, especially considering that the masters and elites of the enemy side such as Tokyo Mythology have left Hanbok.

"Well, you can do it on Luofeng City in Hanbok." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "With our current strength, we can still mobilize dozens of millions of elite players in a short period of time, plus we use the [Group Blessing] Scrolls] and the awakening skills of the combined equipment, even if the dark night they can think that it will not be so easy for them to hold on to Luofeng City next."

Regarding this, everyone is still very confident, thinking that they will do something with Luofengcheng next, they all look forward to it one by one.

"Today we are going to occupy 4 5th-level gang sites in the enemy alliance, so everyone needs to be prepared." Fireworks Yi cold suddenly said. Seeing everyone's stunned look, she directly issued an order: "Let us have as many people as possible. By mobilizing some people to the Australian server, we can now mobilize all of our space players to the Australian server, leaving only one space player to wait in Hanbok."

"Do you still have to work on Australian clothes?!" Othello's beautiful eyes lit up, and then she nodded again and again: "Hey, it should be against Kangaroo City, no accident. Kangaroo City was attacked twice by us and then destroyed by us. Less city defense equipment, not surprisingly, there are still many city defense equipment that have not been repaired. This is a good shot at Kangaroo City. Maybe we can really occupy the 4 5th level gang sites of the enemy alliance in one day. Tsk tsk, in this way, we will receive more system rewards tomorrow, and we will have more power to continue occupying other gang sites in the enemy alliance."

"Yes, there are more than 20 space-based players in our alliance at this time. These players have mastered the [cross-server*space portal], and this skill can teleport 1,000 players every 3 minutes. Hero City still has some time, plus we have to work on Luofeng City in Hanbok. It will take at least 20 minutes to calculate. After such a long time, there are quite a few players from our Space Department who can teleport to the Australian server. , Coupled with the fact that there are more players lurking in the Australian server now, there will be no problem in capturing their Kangaroo City." Thousand-mile riding alone is very sure and authentic: "Especially after we captured Luofeng City, we will definitely return Some of the remaining [Group Blessing Scrolls] even retain the awakening skills of combined equipment. With these methods, it will not be too much of a problem to occupy Kangaroo City."

"In addition, we have been attacked twice by us, and the consumption of the Australian service is also very high. This will further give us a chance to occupy Kangaroo City." Qianli Zouqi added, and his words also made everyone feel convinced. They all agreed. this way.

Of course, for players in the Chinese server alliance, the more gangs that can occupy the enemy alliance, the better. They originally thought that they could only occupy 3 seats today, but now they have the opportunity to occupy 4 seats, which makes them even more excited. .

"This will not only give us the opportunity to occupy Kangaroo City, but also attract the forces of the enemy alliance to support the Australian server, so that it will be easier for us to start Luofeng City." Ye Luo smiled lightly.

"That's right, that's right, this can completely reduce the pressure on Luofengcheng." A female player of the Central Asia server said repeatedly, but she frowned slightly when she thought of it: "But if this is the case, do we still have more power? Recapture Hongfeng City?"

"Don’t worry, although occupying Kangaroo City more will increase our consumption, but because the consumption of the enemy alliance is far greater than we expected, so we will still have some leftovers after occupying Luofeng City and Kangaroo City. ] Or the awakening skills of combined equipment, with these, we can still **** Hongfeng City." Deep Sea Youlan is very sure and authentic, thinking of what she has a thick smile on her pretty face: "The most important thing is us. There are hundreds of millions of elite players surrounded Luofeng City, and the number far exceeds the enemy alliance. With these, there is absolutely no problem in grabbing Luofeng City back."

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