VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3427: : Occupy Giant City

Seeing that the time was right, Ye Luo and the others began their next action-sneak attack and attack on Giant City.

In addition to Ye Luo and other super masters in the Chinese server alliance, there are also a large number of players who have transferred from Steel City and Hero City and then used various means to participate in the attack on Boulder City. The number of players who attacked Giant City has reached hundreds of thousands. The number of people continues to increase over time.

Not only that, in order to be more efficient and reduce casualties, Ye Luo and the others also used some combination equipment awakening skills and used multiple [group teleport scrolls], after all, this will greatly increase the power of siege and then in the short term. Occupy more walls in time, and the more walls you occupy, even if the super masters of the Japanese service side alliance support you, it will not change the result that the Giant City will be occupied.

Because Ye Luo and their actions in the British server attracted a large number of experts from the Japanese server alliance in the past to support, so it takes some time for the latter to get to the US server in time, especially because the US server is only nominally allies with the Japanese server. It is said that only players in the Japanese server can support the US server through the teleportation array, but other servers are not. This means that it is more difficult for the alliance of the Japanese server to mobilize forces and give Ye Luo more opportunities.

Although players in the US and Japanese servers rushed back to support the first time they learned that the Giant City was attacked, it is almost impossible for players with only two servers to block the players from the alliance of the Chinese server, even if the cherry blossoms are like snow. According to the instructions of Tokyo Mythology, the [Uranium*Space Portal] and then the [Devil Flame Beast] cavalry were sent over to support Yeluo and the others. It could not prevent Ye Luo and the others from occupying the walls of the Giant City. Deliberately targeting the players in the day service, especially those [Devil Flame Beast] cavalry, they have greater casualties and consumption, and the combat power that can be exerted at this time is not very strong.

Not only that, Ye Luo and the others have been deliberately targeting the [Devil Flame Beast] cavalry in the past two days. After all, these cavalry are the greatest combat power to prevent the Chinese alliance from attacking the city, and weakening them as much as possible can minimize the threat. .

The fact is also true. After two days of deliberately targeting the [Devil Flame Beast] cavalry, the overall strength of the cavalry has not improved but has dropped a lot. This can be seen from the fact that they can no longer cause too much resistance to Ye Luo and the others. Out of it.

Of course, the most important reason is that the Japanese and American servers do not have the [Eight Wings Fallen Angel Recruitment Order], and there are not a few assassin items such as [Group Blessing Scroll], although there are 1 or 2 combination equipment awakenings. Skills, but they cannot cause too much resistance to Ye Luo and the others. After all, Ye Luo and the others directly used two or three combination equipment awakening skills plus several [Group Blessing Scrolls]. At this time, the Chinese server The overall strength of the alliance far exceeds that of the players who defend the city in Japanese and American servers.

In addition, the three national weapons that Yeluo and the players in the Japanese server alliance grabbed have also played a big role. At least because of the fluctuations, the situation is more biased towards the Chinese server alliance. .

With a strong attack on the city, Ye Luo and the others can easily occupy some walls and then advance with high efficiency. At present, it seems that they want to occupy all the walls of the Giant City. Skills and props.

"Players with great power and large-scale continuous damage skills will display them, and the main target is the [Devil Flame Beast] cavalry in the day service." Fireworks easily gave orders indifferently, and without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "With the [group blessing] Scroll] Players who are in the state or performing ultimate moves occupy the city wall as quickly as possible. The more walls they can occupy before the arrival of a large number of coalition support from the enemy alliance, the better."

Hearing the command of Fireworks to be cold, some players immediately used the continuous damage skills of [Vulcan Domain] and [Fengshen Domain], and some even used combo skills, such as the main goal of these skills as the Fireworks Yi Cold said. It was the [Devil Flame Beast] cavalry, and many cavalry were killed at a time, which further reduced the pressure on the alliance of the Chinese server.

"Hey, [Devil Flame Beast] The cavalry is really unlucky. We have been targeted several times in a row." Othello laughed: "At this time, many of them have been killed and their equipment exploded, so their overall strength has been reduced. Many, at this time can no longer pose too much threat to us."

"According to our people's statistics, [Devil Flame Beast] cavalry was killed 1.5 times on average, which means that almost all of them dropped by more than 1 level." Sitting on Qin Xin took the stubbornly: "Of course, losing a level will not affect them too much. The most important thing is to be killed and exploded with equipment. This has greatly weakened their strength, which has opened a bigger gap with our strength, so they can't resist our offensive. It’s normal, even if the number of [Devil Flame Beast] cavalry is still more than the sum of our [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander] Cavalry and [Storm Unicorn] Cavalry."

"The most important thing is that we have won every battle against the [Devil Flame Beast] cavalry. If they are killed, it will be difficult for them to be resurrected and retain their equipment. Therefore, it is normal that the overall strength is weakened a lot. "Sanmai Shidao, after seeing everyone nodding their heads, she changed her words: "We occupied a wall of Giant City in just one or two minutes. Although Yinfu and other servers have sent people to support them at this time, they only Those who can harass us and cannot enter the Giant City do not cause too much resistance to us, especially since we deliberately used a [Group Purification Scroll] and then let our alliance’s masters of formation cast [Change Heaven and Earth] Cohesion After going out of the high platform, a large number of mobile magic crystal cannons were placed to suppress them."

Because occupying the enemy alliance gang resident will get rewards of various scrolls, among which there will be [Group Purification Scrolls], so the Chinese server alliance also has a greater advantage in the number of such scrolls, and this scroll is not only It can only be used against Ye Luo and the others so that they can perform their ultimate moves. In addition, it can also be used against the master of formation-in the siege battle, the master of formation can play a great role, even farther. It's much bigger than multiple dual-professional players who have performed big moves, so it is also necessary for them to use the [Group Purification Scroll].

In addition to using the mobile magic crystal cannon to suppress the players of the printing server and other servers, the Chinese server alliance also sent a large number of elite cavalry from the City of Heroes and the Iron City. Their task is to block the players of the printing server and other servers as much as possible. After a little delay, Ye Luo and the others will be able to occupy all the walls of the Giant City, and once they do so, it will naturally be a matter of course.

Bacchus Dukang and Feng Xing are responsible for commanding everyone to block the players who are supported by Yinfu. At this time, they still have some [Group Blessing Scrolls] in their hands. They will use some when they see the situation is wrong, so there is no problem to ensure that there is nothing wrong.

Because servers such as Yinfu also had a lot of consumption and casualties in previous battles, and there were not too many players they could transmit over, it would not pose too much threat to the alliance of the Chinese server, or even alcohol. The gods Dukang and Fengxing can stop them for some time without using the [Group Blessing Scroll].

"Yes, the situation here has been determined at this time, and we must be able to occupy Giant City." Po Lang Chengfeng was confident, and when she said this, her pretty face was full of smiles: "Hey, after this scene After the battle, we can not only occupy the Giant City and further improve our strength, but also the players of the enemy alliance will be killed and weaken a little. Occupy two more gang sites."

According to the previous plan, it would be good to be able to occupy 3 5th-level gangs of the enemy alliance, but for now, in addition to occupying Fuji City and the giant city in front of him, the Chinese server alliance has the opportunity to occupy 2 more enemy alliance gangs. Residents, this naturally excites everyone. After all, it is a surprise for the Chinese alliance to occupy an additional gang resident. The most important thing is that it means that they will still be able to occupy 4 enemy alliances to a large extent tomorrow and even in the future. And even more gang resident.

The ability to occupy more gang sites also means that the Chinese server alliance will enter a virtuous circle, and it will not take long to expand the advantage to the point where it can destroy the enemy alliance’s imperial city, and once this is the case, the Japanese server alliance will not. The Chinese server is an opponent of the alliance, which means that it will not take too long to completely suppress the Japanese server alliance and end the national war.

"Hey, it seems that there is such an opportunity right now. After all, we still have a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls] at this time, and the enemy alliance should be exhausted by us." The number one said: "And occupy one more. The gang resident not only allows us to get some more rewards, the most important thing is that it can further cause casualties to the enemy alliance and further reduce their strength, so that our strength gap will be even greater."

At this time everyone thought of this too, which made them excited, and then they unconsciously stepped up their attacks. They couldn't wait to occupy the Giant City and then take action against other gangs.

Time passed faintly, and another 5 or 6 minutes passed in a blink of an eye. Ye Luo and the others finally occupied all the walls of Giant City, which means that they almost occupied Giant City with a memorial hall, especially after seeing that the situation is not good. After the players of the Japanese server alliance gave up defending the city, it would be no problem to occupy the Giant City in this way.

"Hey, sure enough, I easily occupied the Giant City." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, then she looked at the firework Yi Leng and asked: "Firework, how many [Group Blessing Scrolls] and how many combinations are in our hands at this time? The awakening skills equipped should be enough to occupy two gang sites."

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