VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3448: : Easily overtake

From 10 pm to 10 noon on the second day, the number of monsters dropped sharply to 10%. In this case, the monsters cannot pose any threat to the 5th gang resident, which means that even some elite players are not required at this time. Worried that the gang’s residence will be broken, and these players who have been transferred can do many things, such as entering the Sky City to do quests, hunting high-ranking bosses, such as doing dungeon quests, and this can save a lot of power. After thinking of these, the daily service The players of one party alliance were very excited. They agreed to Tokyo Mythology's proposal, and even some anxiously went back and immediately arranged manpower to do this.

However, at this time, Red Maple Leaf gave a proposal that shocked everyone. When the monsters attack the city and even cause great pressure on them, you can abandon the gang resident to retain the [Group Blessing Scroll] and other assassin items, which can be the greatest They must accumulate strength to a certain extent, and once the strength is accumulated to a certain level, they will naturally have the opportunity to reverse the situation in the battle with the alliance of the Chinese server and even cause heavy casualties in the alliance of the Chinese server.

The brows frowned slightly, and the spear said in a deep voice: "Is this too risky? After all, our alliance has already occupied so many gang sites. If there are more gang sites to abandon, our loss will be too great."

"What are you afraid of? The gang resident is destroyed by the monster and not occupied by the alliance of the Chinese server. Therefore, the alliance of the Chinese server cannot get system rewards. In the future, we will have the opportunity to grab the occupied gang resident from the monster. In this case Our loss is not too great." Wucai Yaohu disapproved and said that he looked a bit solemnly: "The most important thing for us now is to accumulate strength as much as possible. This time the monster attack is for us. It is an excellent opportunity, and only when we have accumulated enough power can we compete with the Chinese server alliance and even defeat them."

"That's right." The emperor's hymn took the stubbornly and looked at everyone as he spoke: "If we don't make changes anymore, we are still waiting for the occupied gangs and even the destroyed imperial city, and It’s still being occupied or destroyed by the alliance of the Chinese server. This not only causes us great losses, but also gives the alliance of the Chinese server a generous reward. Is it possible that you are willing to be the alliance of the Chinese server when the gang is occupied by monsters? Occupy the gang resident?!"

Hearing this, everyone is silent, because they also know that if they continue to follow the previous situation, after the monster siege is over, they will be occupied by the Chinese server side alliance to a large extent or even be destroyed by the imperial city. The strength is greatly reduced and the overall strength of the Chinese server alliance will be greatly improved. One trades the other, and they are not the opponents of the Chinese server alliance. The only thing waiting for them is to be completely defeated.

If this is the case, it is better to fight, abandon some gang sites and hoard a large number of [Group Blessing Scroll] and various other assassin items, so that you have the opportunity to reverse the situation and even completely suppress the next battle with the Chinese server alliance. Middle service.

As the head of a server, everyone is smart, and they soon understood this, so they all agreed to do so.

"Of course, this means that the monsters are so powerful that we must use the [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other killer tricks to keep the scrolls, and we must not let our imperial city be destroyed." Mount Fuji reminded: "So everyone wants to There is only one degree."

Everyone naturally knows this. As for how to do it, they also have certain ideas in their hearts. Then they said goodbye and then returned to their own servers, and then they began to act-they arranged for a group of elite players or settled in the sky. City or take some dungeon missions, of course, did not forget to send some assassins to search the Heavenly Tribulation Continent to find some high-level BOSS. After all, hunting BOSS can get the most efficient [Group Blessing Scroll] and other equipment and props.

I have to say that Tokyo Mythology’s approach is very good. It didn’t take long for the players in the Sky City to obtain some [Eight Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Orders], and some even received [Group Blessing Scrolls]. And this undoubtedly allows the Chinese server alliance to change some situations in the subsequent defensive monster siege and confrontation with the Chinese server alliance.

Players in the Chinese server alliance did not notice the actions of the players in the Japanese server alliance. Not only was the players in the Japanese server alliance acting on this server and Sky City, the most important thing was that the players in the Chinese server alliance even more. Pay more attention to monster siege and how to get points, especially the server of the Chinese server alliance can not abandon the gang station like the Japanese server alliance.

Time passed faintly, and another one or two hours passed in a blink of an eye. Ye Luo and the others were finally about to rest. Although Dongfang Killing Tian had not rested yet, Ye Luo and the others didn’t care much, because they also knew this time. The monster siege will be a long-lasting action, and it will not end in a day or two. The mental exhaustion caused by staying up all night will undoubtedly have a great impact on the subsequent defense of the city, and it will not be worth the loss.

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Luo and the others got up on time, washed and ate, and then logged into the game. Then they came to Luoshui Town as soon as possible to continue defending the monster siege. Because it was only 7 o'clock at this time and it did not reach 10 noon, so the monster was still At most one-tenth of the time, defending the city is still very easy.

"Sure enough, Dongfang Jitian and they really stayed up all night, and even now he is still online, and after so long, Dongfang Jitian's points have surpassed that of Uncle Ye Luo." June Feixue said in a deep voice, while talking about this. There was a faint worry in her tone.

"Although Eastern Killing Sky's points surpassed Ye Luo, it is true that there are not too many. And then we are all online. The 10 [Shi Fang Zhan Qi] components can maximize the efficiency of Ye Luo killing monsters, especially After 10 o’clock the number of monsters will return to normal, so it’s easy for Yeluo’s points to exceed Eastern Killing Heaven.” Sitting on Qin Xin said, her expression was still gentle when she said this, without a trace of worry: “And so. High-intensity killing monsters will definitely make Dongfang Kill Tian and their spirits very tired, which will greatly affect their efficiency in the next killing monsters, so it is easier for Ye Luo to catch up with Dongfang Kill Tian, ​​and Dongfang Kill Tian wants to do it in the future. It will be even more difficult to surpass him."

"Especially, Dongfang killed the sky soon and had to take a rest off the assembly line, so it would be even more impossible for him to surpass Ye Luo in points after he went online again." Sitting on Qin Xin added.

Naturally, I also know how high-intensity killing consumes the player's spirit, and the efficiency of killing monsters in a tired state will also be reduced a lot. After thinking of this, everyone no longer worry about this, and continue to kill monsters with all their strength.

The facts are also like what I said on Qin Xin, after two or three hours of going online, Ye Luo’s points surpassed Dongfang Tiantian, and the gap widened with the passage of time. After the efficiency of the Eastern Killing Sky to gain points, everyone was more convinced by what he said on the piano heart-the efficiency of the Eastern Killing Sky to gain points was slightly reduced. Obviously, the fatigue caused by staying up late has begun to affect his killing efficiency and then earning points. Efficiency.

At this time it’s not 10 o’clock noon, and once it reaches 10 o’clock, the number of monsters will greatly increase. At this time, Ye Luo’s efficiency in gaining points will increase again, and the efficiency of Dongfang Tiantian’s gaining points will also be affected because of fatigue. , So the gap between him and Ye Luo’s points will get bigger and bigger, even bigger than yesterday, especially after staying up late to a certain extent, Dongfang Jitian will have to go offline to rest, eat, etc. As a result, he will be even more behind in points, and there is no chance to surpass Ye Luo.

The fact is also true. It was 10 o’clock very quickly, and nearly ten times as many monsters appeared in a moment, because the strength of the Pluto general is much stronger than that of the Pluto soldier, so more or less brings some pressure to the players in the book city, this is from Yesterday, only a few remaining 1st and 2nd gang sites were destroyed one after another. Of course, at this time, the monsters still cannot pose any threat to the 5th gang sites of the major servers, even if the Japanese servers and other servers have adjusted some elites. The same is true for other things.

Because the number of monsters has greatly increased, this has improved Ye Luo's efficiency in gaining points a lot. Although Dongfang Killing Tian's efficiency in earning points has also improved a lot, the improvement compared to Ye Luo is a bit smaller. This is undoubtedly Ye Luo. The gap between Luo's points and Eastern Killing Sky will be getting bigger and bigger.

The fact is also true. Seeing that Ye Luo's points are firmly ranked first and the gap with the second-ranked Dongfang Jitian is getting wider and wider, everyone no longer worry that Ye Luo's points will be surpassed by Dongfang Jitian. At this time, June Feixue and the others began to wonder when Dongfang Killing Sky would not be able to hold it up and take a break off the assembly line.

Soon it was 12 o’clock at noon. At this time, Ye Luo’s score was already a lot more than Dongfang’s Killing Heaven, and even bigger than yesterday’s gap. However, what disappointed June Feixue and the others was that it had already passed. After such a long time, Dongfang Jitian still hasn't taken a rest off the assembly line, which is a bit beyond their expectations. ,

"Hey, Dongfang Sutian has been insisting on it for so long. Why hasn't he taken a rest off the assembly line, and he didn't even have a meal." June Feixue couldn't help muttering: "As expected of the most powerful professional player, I'm afraid it is. Only he and a limited number of players can survive such a high-intensity battle for so long."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "But he should be off the assembly line soon. After all, he will be more tired if he keeps going, so once off the assembly line, he will rest for a longer period of time. That would be even less cost-effective, so he will go down now. The line is the best choice."

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