That’s right, like the Tokyo Mythology they discussed, they sent people to the Sky City to obtain the [Group Blessing Scroll], [Eight Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Order] and other assassin items, and they did not hide from the investigation of the Chinese server alliance players. For example, the players in the House of Assassins in the Chinese server discovered this, and then they immediately told the players in the Chinese server alliance, including the fireworks and others.

"What, the enemy alliance actually sent some elite players to act in the Sky City?!" After learning the news, the book's voice in the middle of the night rose a little, and then he looked at the fireworks and became cold: "It seems that things are a bit troublesome, because The people of the enemy alliance definitely did not think of doing this today. It is very likely that they did it on the first day the monster attacked the city. If this is the case, then the enemy alliance must have obtained a large number of [Eight Wings Fallen Angel Recruitment] Order] and [Group Blessing Scroll] and other assassin props, especially [Group Blessing Scroll], maybe they have more scrolls in their hands than our alliance at this time."

"It must be more than our side of the alliance." Samadhi took the stubborn words, and when she said this, her tone was quite determined: "According to the Assassin House players tell us the number of players in the enemy alliance in the Sky City, look at what they get these days. [Group Blessing Scrolls] There will be about 10 each day, and the total number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] obtained these days will definitely be more than the rewards obtained by the Eastern Killing of the Sky [Thunder Abyss], which means that at this time the enemy The number of scrolls owned by the alliance is likely to exceed that of our alliance, or even a lot more than ours."

"In addition, the most important thing is that according to our judgment, the Eastern Family will hide some [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other various scrolls in this monster siege, so that we can use the number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] on the bright surface. It's even less than the enemy alliance." Samadhi Shi added.

Hearing this, everyone easily understood the meaning of the samādhi, thinking that the number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] available to the Japanese server alliance is far more than that of the Chinese server alliance. For a while, their expressions become dignified, especially I thought that because of the difference in the number of [Group Blessing Scrolls], it would be difficult for them to occupy the gang resident of the enemy alliance.

The inability to occupy the gang’s resident site means that it wants to suppress the Japanese server alliance. The best result for the Chinese server alliance is just a stalemate with the Japanese server alliance, and if the Japanese server alliance is in this monster attack period If there are too many [Group Blessing Scrolls] obtained through this method, then it is possible to launch a counterattack and then occupy the gangs of the Chinese server alliance or even destroy some imperial cities. After thinking of these, the expressions of Othello and others become more solemn. stand up.

"Why did the people from the enemy alliance think of arranging some people to station in Sky City?" Othello couldn't help muttering, "They are too smart."

"During the early stage of the underworld invasion, the monsters could not pose any threat to the player. At this time, we can arrange for some extra players to settle in the Sky City." Sitting on Qin Xin said, thinking of her looking at the fireworks, Yi Leng frowned slightly. But in the end she didn't say anything.

At this time, only a few people, such as Ye Luo and Samadhi, frowned when she saw her sitting on Qin Xin, and it was only Samadhi and Ye Luo who could fully understand why she frowned. They just saw her sitting on. Qin Xin didn't say it, nor did they ask anything in front of everyone.

"Then can we arrange some people to station in the city of the sky now?" The book said in the middle of the night, but soon he shook his head: "I'm afraid that it can't be done, because the monsters that are attacking the city are already very powerful at this time. It has caused a lot of pressure on us, especially after 10 o’clock the number of monsters has increased significantly, so we just need more manpower to defend the city, so naturally it is impossible to send more manpower to the sky city."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "In addition, even if we can send some people to the Sky City, I am afraid it will be too late, because the number of assassin items such as the [Group Blessing Scroll] we finally obtained is definitely not as good as the number of enemy alliances already obtained. , So after the monster siege is over, it is almost impossible for us to occupy the gang resident of the enemy alliance."

"Yes, it's too late." Ye Luo said, his tone was quite determined when he said this.

"Then what are we going to do?" Othello said in a deep voice: "The enemy alliance must have more [Group Blessing Scrolls] in their hands at this time, and even more than a lot, so after the monsters attack the city, we want It is almost impossible to occupy their gang camp."

"Even if they get too many assassin items such as the [Group Blessing Scroll], they may still attack our gangs. The most terrifying thing is that they can still occupy some. If so, it will be troublesome, because they can Occupying our gang resident can not only get rich rewards, but also cause heavy damage to our alliance and weaken our strength." Othello added, her expression became more solemn when she said this.

Think about it too. Just as the Chinese server alliance occupied the gang site of the Japanese server alliance while also causing serious damage to it, if the Japanese server alliance really has the strength to occupy the gang site of the Chinese server alliance, then they must be able to do so. Killing more players in the Chinese server alliance will weaken the strength of the Chinese server alliance.

Occupying the Chinese server alliance to obtain system rewards will increase the strength of the Japanese server alliance, and the situation of the Chinese server alliance will be worse at that time. It is also the look of Othello after thinking of these. dignified.

"Hey, rest assured, even if the enemy alliance gets more [Group Blessing Scroll] and other assassin items than us, how about they dare to do it on us?" Po Lang Chengfeng said disapprovingly: "Don't forget Defending the city is much easier than attacking the city, especially after the [Eight Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Order] appeared, so even if the enemy alliance has a lot more [Group Blessing Scrolls] killers than us, at least they want it. It is too difficult and too difficult to occupy our gang camp."

"What's more, their [Group Blessing Scroll] and other assassin items may not be much more than us." Po Lang Chengfeng continued, and she looked at everyone as she said: "Don’t forget that we have also gained some [] Group Blessing Scroll], and after the monster siege is over, we will get rich rewards, of which there are certainly many [Group Blessing Scroll]."

"That's right, especially at this time the top three are all from our alliance." Samadhi poetry took the stubborn words: "In addition, the Emperor Underworld and the following monsters will be stronger, which will definitely make both of us consume some [groups] Blessing Scrolls], and the enemy alliance will consume more scrolls because the overall strength is weaker than ours, so in the end their remaining scrolls will not be much more than us, these are not enough to support them to occupy our gang station."

"That's true." Othello nodded, and after thinking of something, she deliberately laughed: "So I hope they will attack us actively, so that we have the opportunity to greatly consume their [Group Blessing Scroll] and other killers. Props, so soon they will not have an advantage over us in this respect."

"Especially our side of the alliance has other advantages, for example, we have an advantage against top mounts, and this advantage is very suitable for defending the city." Othello added.

Hearing that, this kind of people also thought of this, and for a while, they all expected the Japanese server alliance to take the initiative to attack them.

"The enemy alliance has no shortage of smart people. They also know that active attacks are more expensive, and they may not even be able to occupy our gangs. This way, there will be greater casualties, so it is very likely that they will not do this." Luo shook his head: "Unsurprisingly, their idea is to let us take the initiative to attack the city and then take the opportunity to hit us by surprise. This not only consumes a lot of our assassins, but also causes us to suffer heavy losses."

"That's right." Fireworks Yi Leng took the stubbornly. When she said these, her tone was as indifferent as before: "And if the consumption and casualties of one of our alliances are too great, then the enemy alliance may take advantage of the situation to attack our gang. Under normal circumstances, they would not take the initiative to attack at all, especially since they should already know that we already know the small actions they made before."

Although the fireworks Yi Leng said at the end a bit convoluted, everyone had already understood at this time, and their brows wrinkled when they thought of it.

"Doesn't it mean that we can't take the initiative to attack them next?" Othello frowned deeply.

"It's not that you can't take the initiative to attack, but you can't attack with all your strength, at least you can't attack the city with all your strength." Ye Luo shook his head, and saw the Othello and others appear in a daze, he nodded: "Yes, we still You can form an elite team to harass and consume them, or this is the most sensible way for us, because it can consume all kinds of assassin items of the enemy alliance, including the [Eight Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Order], and once They are exhausted, no, as long as they are much less than ours, we can attack with all our strength, and then naturally we can continue to occupy their gang resident, but it will take a little longer."

I have to say that Ye Luo gave everyone a strategy to deal with the Japanese server alliance next, and this is also the wisest way for the Chinese server alliance, and everyone quickly understood this. For a while, they All the previous worries have subsided.

"Yes, yes, they can't fully deal with our consumption tactics at this time. Hey, in that case, we can naturally use this tactic to consume them." Breaking the waves and riding the wind repeatedly said: "As for it takes a long time. It’s nothing, as long as it consumes them a lot, it’s okay to delay so much for some time."

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