VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3613: : Full of confidence

According to the previous agreement, after Ye Luo completes the ninth rank, he will launch a general attack on the Japanese server alliance, but as smart as Bacchus Dukang and Feng Xing, they also know that Ye Luo and others must stay up late before. Of course, the most important thing is that he changes his job. The mission is likely to consume a lot of powerful skills. Under this circumstance, rushing to act is a bit risky, so they rushed over to confirm.

Of course, Dukang, the **** of Bacchus, still cares about Ye Luo's strength after the ninth revolution. After all, this is related to whether the next action goes smoothly-although it was learned from the firework Yi Leng that Ye Luo's strength will be after the ninth revolution. A qualitative leap, but Fengxing, Bacchus Dukang and the others will be completely relieved only after they have confirmed it. This is also one of the reasons why they came to look for Fireworks Yi Leng and others.

Seeing the arrival of the two, Fireworks Yi Leng directly told them that Ye Luo had a greater consumption in the previous job transfer task, and everyone was very tired at this time, hoping to delay the time of hands-on, and already had the mentality. The two of them didn't say much about the preparation, and they directly consulted and agreed, and then the two sides quickly reached an agreement-to officially launch an attack on the Australian server at 8 noon tomorrow.

Now that it is determined that the action will be launched at 8 o'clock tomorrow, then the people from the Chinese server alliance can make preparations in advance, such as mobilizing manpower to reach the designated location in advance, so that everyone can launch an attack at the agreed time.

"Fireworks girl, although you are very safe in doing things, I still want to ask how Ye Luo this kid has improved after his transfer. This is very important for tomorrow's actions." Bacchus Du Kang said, his expression Solemnly a lot.

"Don't worry, there is absolutely no problem, and the situation is even better than we expected before." Othello said first, and her smile and confident tone made Bacchus Du Kang and Fengxing a sigh of relief.

After hearing the answer from Othello, Dukang, the **** of Bacchus, knew that Ye Luo would definitely have a good reward after this change, and even they could infer that Ye Luo’s learned skills in the transfer must be very good, of course. What rewards did they get for Luo after completing the quest of Rank Nine, especially the high-grade national implement, because they guessed that Ye Luo might have drawn a national implement that he can equip, and it is precisely because of this that Othello will do so. Be sure that there will be no problems with tomorrow's actions.

The fireworks are easy to cold and they didn’t conceal the Bacchus Dukang. They directly sent the [Sword God*Zhantian] equipment book to the two, and then [Sword God*Xiaoyao] was also sent to the past, seeing the Bacchus Du Kang two With an excited look, she said lightly: "We are lucky and have obtained two pieces of national equipment. These can greatly enhance the strength of our Misty Pavilion. With these two elders, I should be completely relieved."

"Haha, don't worry, we can finally rest assured." Bacchus Du Kanglang laughed, and then he said to himself: "Ye Luo, this kid already has a ring of high-grade national equipment, so [Sword God* Zhantian ] It should be given to the sunset boy, after all, this is his exclusive equipment."

"As for [Sword God*Xiaoyao], although this is also the exclusive equipment of the sunset kid, Ye Luo has a very special profession, and he can perfectly display the power of this national weapon. A piece of national equipment, plus the ability to fuse [Ghanjang] and [Blade of Reincarnation] already in rank nine, then he is absolutely invincible at the moment..." Bacchus Du Kang added, but this time he hasn't finished. Was interrupted.

"[Sword God*Xiaoyao] didn't equip Ye Luo, but also gave the setting sun. After all, it was his exclusive equipment..." Po Lang Chengfeng corrected, but she was interrupted before she finished speaking.

"What, didn't you equip Ye Luo?!" Bacchus Du Kang raised his voice a bit: "If this is the case, how can you have so much confidence that there will be no problems with tomorrow's actions?"

"Because Ye Luojiu transferred to learn two good skills." Samadhi chuckled lightly. When she said these, she sent the [Reincarnation Outer Dao* Sacrifice] and [Golden Needle Acupuncture] skill guide to the Bacchus Du Kang. The two, then looked at them with interest.

At first, Dukang, the **** of Bacchus, didn’t care too much, even after reading the introduction of [Reincarnation Outer Dao*Sacrifice], because they also know that with Ye Luo’s current recovery ability, it’s easy to keep Qi and blood at 90. % Above, so the effect of this skill is not too great. Of course, they also know that this skill is better than nothing. It will more or less increase Ye Luo's strength, and this can also make tomorrow's actions easier.

But soon they saw the introduction of [Golden Needle Puncture], and Feng Xing was the first to get excited, and even a little trembling in his tone: "This, these two skills are used in conjunction? Although it can only make blood and blood Locked at more than 50%, but this can already increase Ye Luo's overall attributes by 150%. Hey, although it still can’t compare to the improvement of the player’s strength by the ultimate move and the combination equipment awakening skills, the most important thing is that this state can be It has been maintained, and the Yeluo in this state is almost invincible. With the ultra-long range attack distance, it can easily destroy and kill the city defense equipment and the eight-winged fallen angel NPC on the enemy alliance gang station, and then occupy them again. There is almost no problem with the gang station."

"Yes, these two skills don't play a big role in the hands of others, because if you lose too much energy and blood, you can easily be killed in seconds, but Ye Luo is different. His overall attributes are already at a far level. Far surpassing others, with so many life-saving skills and powerful recovery capabilities, plus the million-point energy shield of [Golden Needle Puncture], even if the super masters of the enemy alliance jointly launch a siege on him, it is difficult to kill him. Kill, and these two skills can make him invincible in future battles." Fengxing echoed.

"It seems that the two uncles also know that tomorrow's actions must be fine, so you don't have to worry about this." Sitting on Qinxin smiled.

"Yes, that's right, with these two skills, tomorrow’s actions will not be a problem at all, even if Ye Luo did not merge [Samsara Blade] with [Ghanjiang], now he can almost It’s easy to occupy the gang resident of the enemy alliance, even if the enemy alliance’s defensive force is stronger this time." Bacchus Dukang said again and again, and when he said this, he was completely relieved: "Not to mention. After [Ghanjiang] and [Blade of Reincarnation] merge, you will get an existence far beyond the national weapon of the town. With this weapon, the kid Ye Luo will be even more invincible, and there will be no problems with tomorrow's actions."

"Hey, for tomorrow's action, we are not only planning to prevent the enemy alliance from tame [Flying Wings * Fierce Crocodile], we are also preparing to occupy some of their gang sites, level 5 gang sites." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, they were shocked when they saw the **** of wine Dukang. With a look, she continued: "Because we have such strength at this time, and what we have to do next is to continue to expand our advantages with these, and then end the national war as soon as possible."

"Yes, the longer the delay, the more likely an accident will happen. What we have to do at this time is to occupy the gang of the enemy alliance as soon as possible and end the national war as soon as possible. Then the two elders can cooperate with us." After receiving the stubbornness, she looked at the two people, the **** of wine, Du Kang, which was self-evident.

"Cooperate and cooperate naturally. After all, ending the national war and completely suppressing the enemy alliance is what we want to see." Fengxingdao, and then his tone changed: "But after the end of the national war, you will definitely have to do something against other gangs. It's a bit tricky, after all, that's also the strength of our service..."

"Uncle Fengxing, you have also seen that some gangs are at odds with us. We have taken care of the overall situation if we didn't act on them during the national war, but when the national war is over, there are not so many scruples, and we will have nothing to blame for them. "Po Lang Chengfeng interrupted Feng Xing's words.

"That's right." June Feixue took the stubbornly: "Uncle, you have also seen that our relationship with the Dongfang Family and other gangs can be described as the same. If we are in a disadvantaged situation, I am afraid that they will eradicate us without hesitation. Now that the situation has reversed, we naturally cannot give them a chance, otherwise it will be us who will be unlucky in the future. If you insist on dissuading us, we will be a little bit partial to the Eastern family."

"I am not partial to the Eastern family, but because once the civil war is concerned, there will be many gangs involved. At least the Eastern family, Ouyang family, Yinian family, and the gods will be involved." Fengxing said solemnly: "Although these Some of the gangs are not from the top ten gangs, but the Eastern Family is also among the top ten gangs. The overall strength of these gangs accounts for about 30% of our gangs. In addition, you will be restrained very much when you meet them. A large part of the power, it is no exaggeration to say that by then at least 60% of the power will participate in the civil war, so the power we can use to suppress the enemy's alliance will be much weaker."

"That's right." Bacchus Du Kang took over: "This is not counted as the already ambitious heroes of the Ye Yu family who are ready to move. If these gangs are also involved in the civil war, then almost 80% of our forces in the service will be in the civil war. , So the power used to suppress the enemy alliance is relatively weak..."

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, the enemy alliance was defeated by us at that time. Their strength is not negligible and not much stronger. Not to mention that our server has a very strong part of the power that will contain them, even if we don’t take action. It’s just that our allies can also suppress them.” Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently: “Hey, with my knowledge of the major servers at this time, our allies won’t miss the opportunity to beat down the dog, let alone the enemy alliance. It can further squeeze their interests and get a lot of benefits."

"Don't forget that the imperial city of the enemy alliance will be destroyed by that time, and their strength will be greatly reduced, and the threat to us is almost eliminated." Po Lang Chengfeng added.

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