VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3639: : Ready to attack

It is naturally easier and easier to attack all the gang sites on the periphery and then attack the gang sites inside. It will also minimize casualties and consumption. However, there are too many gang sites that need to be occupied, and the time will be consumed. Many, I am afraid that Ye Luo can't hold on for so long. After all, such a high-intensity siege is too exhausting for him, especially when the Japanese server alliance sends a steady stream of elite cavalry to charge him.

Since this can’t be the case, the best way is naturally to attack one or two gangs on the periphery and directly attack the inner city wall. As long as you occupy it, you can rush into it and stop the Japanese subjugation alliance from tame [Flying Wing* Fierce Crocodile] 】At the beginning, this method was used to prevent players from the Japanese server alliance from taming [Bloodthirsty Lion] in the US server.

The reason for occupying the two outer walls is that it will be convenient for everyone in the Misty Pavilion to attack the city from different directions from the large forces of the Alliance in the Chinese server. It is easier to achieve the goal by doing both.

"Yes, because Uncle Ye Luo's strength is very powerful, the super masters of the enemy alliances such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology will also be a lot afraid, so they should not deliberately target us but against our large forces, so we meet There won’t be too much resistance.” June Feixue smiled lightly, and then her tone changed: “Even if the enemy alliance deliberately targets us next, hey, at this time we have a lot of [group blessings] Scrolls], don’t forget that Uncle Ye Luo has gained a lot after completing the quest of rank nine, so just use more scrolls."

"Well, this is also true." Black and white, and then after thinking of something, she continued: "And if the super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology will target our large forces, then the Dongfang Family and other gangs will undoubtedly have greater casualties and deaths. Consumption, hey, it will be more beneficial to us further."

"Yes, it's better to let them consume more." Zhiyue took the stubbornly: "After all, the Eastern Family has discovered a powerful mount, and there are so many, plus the Ye Yu family and other gangs form an alliance with it. , So it is natural for them to consume more."

Suddenly aware of something, Zhiyue looked at the fireworks on the side and it was easy to get cold: "Sister Fireworks, it seems that you did not occupy all the gangs in the periphery, it seems that you deliberately, because this will make the consumption and casualties of our alliance's troops more serious. So the consumption of gangs such as the Eastern Family will naturally be greater, which is very good for us."

Hearing that, everyone thought of this, especially thinking that even if the consumption is a bit large, it is okay for Ye Luo to occupy more gang sites. For a while, everyone even thought that this was deliberately done by the fireworks.

Fireworks Yi Leng did not reply, but her silence made everyone even think that she did it deliberately.

The consumption continued, time passed by minute by minute, and soon more than half an hour passed.

Although there is no support from Longteng Tianxia and others, I have to say that Ye Luo's current damage output is very high, and the strength of the people in the Misty Pavilion is also very strong, and many of them have reached the level of super masters. The guard equipment on the front wall of this gang resident and the eight-winged fallen angel NPC were all destroyed or killed.

Although only destroying the defense equipment on one city wall, the eight-winged fallen angel NPCs will take the initiative to defend and attack because the gang resident is under attack. It also means that there are no Eight Winged Fallen Angel NPCs around this gang resident at this time, so it will be much easier to occupy this gang resident in the future.

Although there are still many [Eight Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Orders] in the hands of the major servers of the Japanese server side alliance, they will not continue to use and be killed by Ye Luo and the others. After all, once the Chinese server side alliance launches a general attack, there will be no With this kind of props, they will be under great pressure.

It’s a bit difficult to entangle the alliance of the Chinese server as much as possible and make it impossible to withdraw it. Therefore, players in the alliance of the Japanese server will also retain a lot of [Eight Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Orders], especially if they have already Realized that he couldn't keep this gang resident at all.

The fact is also true. After all the defensive equipment on the front wall was destroyed, masters such as Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng easily boarded the wall. At this time, Yi Xiao Hong Chen, Yi Xiao Fei Yang and others also immediately led [Flying Wing*Nightmare Commander] 】The cavalry rushed up the city wall and then rushed in from both sides, so that they could occupy the city wall little by little and finally occupy the gang resident.

Of course, at the same time, the large forces of the alliance of the Chinese server also put some pressure on the alliance of the Japanese server. For example, at this time, the Bacchus Du Kang, Feng Xing and others led some elite players to attack the city on the other side. Attracting the attention of the Japanese server alliance, at least at this time they can't try their best to stop everyone in the Misty Pavilion, and this naturally makes Ye Luo and the others a lot easier.

The most important thing is that Ye Luo and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind are very powerful, especially Ye Luo, who can take any attack, or even just use the [Thousand Chance Crossbow] attack. The damage output is extremely high, which is more powerful than double professional players. [Group Blessing Scroll] The state is much higher, and his attack can almost cover the attack, so under his attack, the players in the Japanese server alliance cannot bear it. In this case, they can naturally lead the cavalry to steadily. Rushed in.

"Hehe, it really became easier for us to attack the city after Brother Ye's ninth rank. Although this is a level 3 gang resident, there are a large number of elite enemy alliances here, and it is prepared in advance. We will not act in the future. I will give them time to prepare, because we are directly attacking." Zhiyue said with a smile: "In that situation, it is easier and much easier than now, so that even the level 5 gang resident can easily occupy one side. The city wall, it will naturally be much easier to occupy the gang's resident."

"Yes, a sneak attack is much more difficult than this kind of frontal siege. After calculating, we really have the strength to occupy the 5th-level gang resident of the enemy alliance." Samadhi poem said, and she smiled at the corner of her mouth: "More We can always occupy the gang resident of the enemy alliance, so that we can hoard a lot of [Group Blessing Scroll] and other killer props. Not surprisingly, before the end of the national war, we hoarded these things much more than the gangs such as Dongfang Family, even It's not necessarily much worse than the sum of the alliances of their gangs, so naturally there is no need to worry about facing them in the future."

Hearing that, everyone thought of this. For a while, they were excited and hardly worried about anything. Even if the Eastern Family found a large number of top mounts, even if the Yeyu Family and the Heroes of Heaven were already on their side.

"Not only that, the occupation of the gang of the enemy alliance will not only get [Group Blessing Scroll] and other assassin items, but also reward equipment, and even have a certain chance of obtaining national weapons, and this will also make us As time goes by, these will give us a great advantage both in the national war and in the future battle with the Eastern family." Midnight Shu took over the conversation, and his words were echoed by many people.

"Fireworks, Uncle Bacchus and the others asked when they can launch a general attack?" Suddenly, Samadhi said, and her words also caused everyone to look at the fireworks and get cold, which is self-evident.

"It will take some time for us to occupy this gang site, and at that time our alliance should also mobilize enough manpower, then we can launch a general attack." Fireworks Yi Leng gave the answer.

"Okay, then I will tell Uncle Dionysus to them. Then they will cooperate with us to attack the city on the other side. Both sides will attack. As long as any party occupies a gang station inside, it can prevent the enemy alliance from tame. [ Flying Wing * Fierce Crocodile], so this action is over." Samadhi said, after saying this, she informed the **** of wine Du Kang, Feng Xing and others about the decision to make fireworks easy to be cold.

"Yes, yes, we can act alone after this action is over." Breaking the waves ride the wind hurriedly, thinking of something, she looked at the fireworks expectantly and became cold: "Fireworks, we will end this action. Which server do you want to work on?"

For everyone in the Misty Pavilion, it is only the first step to prevent the players of the Japanese server alliance from tame [Flying Wing * Crocodile], and the next thing they look forward to most is the attack on the 5th-level gang station of the Japanese server alliance. Once the gangs are occupied, there will be no doubt that the Miaoge Pavilion will receive a very generous reward, which is the most important thing for the Miaoge Pavilion and others.

"As long as it is not the Australian server, you can do it with any server." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and she continued after a short meal: "Of course, it's better to be farther away from the Australian server, so that it will be easier to succeed."

Think about it, too. At this time, there are too many elite players in the Japanese server alliance. So the next action on the Australian server gang station will undoubtedly encounter many elite obstacles. It will undoubtedly be a lot difficult to succeed in this way, so choose Some targets that are far away from the Australian server can't be done better-although players can now be teleported through the teleportation array, it will take some time, so it is best to do something on targets that are farther away from the Australian server, as it will be easier to succeed.

Po Lang Chengfeng also knows this, and then she laughed: "That's it, that's good, we can work on servers such as the US server or the British server, of course, we can also work on the additional server, and we will wait until we occupy some of their gang sites. Going back and working on servers such as Australia and India."

"Yeah, you can." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then she changed her tone: "But the premise is to prevent the enemy alliance from tame [Flying Wings * Fierce Crocodile], and it is better to have a large-scale melee here. This is for us. The next move is very beneficial."

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