VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3652: : A little anxious

I thought that there were not many walls occupied by the players of the Chinese server alliance at this time, but the appearance of 10%, so that everyone is gathered together, which means that many players cannot participate in the battle, and these people can undoubtedly be easily separated. Fighting and returning to the Chinese server to support, this is not what the players of the Japanese server alliance want to see-this time in Tokyo Mythology, their purpose is to destroy the imperial city of the Chinese server. In this way, the players of the Chinese server alliance are confined to the super gang. The more stations there, the better.

Not only that, at this time, the major servers of the China server alliance are still mobilizing players to join the battle, and this also means that more people will be held here in the future, so there are fewer to support the China server. It will undoubtedly make the plan of the Japanese service party alliance's next sneak attack on the Chinese service imperial city smoother.

"That's right, that's it. The more walls occupied by the Chinese server alliance, the longer the front will be. The more players will participate in the siege, which means that the more players will be left here by then. "Red Maple Leaf took the stubborn words: "In this way, the forces left behind by the Chinese server and the ability to rush over to support are even weaker, and then we will undoubtedly more easily succeed in the attack on the imperial city of the Chinese server."

The heads of the major servers of the Japanese server alliance are naturally not fools. They soon want to understand this. For a while, they no longer worry, and even start to hope that the Chinese server alliance will mobilize more players and then occupy more walls.

"In addition, there is another point. At this time, Ye Luo Zhiqiu and others are still in the state of awakening skills with big moves and combination equipment. In this state, they are invincible. It is no exaggeration to say that they can Get rid of the entanglement at any time and then return to the Chinese server for support." Mount Fuji sank and said, without everyone speaking, he continued: "And you and I have seen how powerful Ye Luo Zhiqiu and others are, if they sneak attack on us. Hurry back to the Zhongfu imperial city to defend the city as soon as possible, especially since they are still in the state of combining awakening skills with combined equipment, it will not be so easy for us to destroy the Zhongfu imperial city, even just occupy the imperial city. The outer walls of the city are not so easy."

"Well, this is also a big problem." Flame Fierce crocodile said, but he wrinkled his brows deeply when he thought of it: "But it is impossible that we have to wait until Ye Luo Zhiqiu's combination equipment awakening skill state. It's over? It takes 10 minutes, and as it stands, they have a chance to occupy all the outer walls within 10 minutes, and once they occupy all the outer walls, their advantage is too great, at least at that time they can at any time Withdrawing from the battle and rushing to the Zhongfu Defensive City, in this case, wouldn't it be very difficult for us to destroy the Zhongfu Imperial City."

"Yes, that's right." The colorful monster fox took the stubbornly. "In this way, we are faced with a dilemma. It is to wait until Ye Luo Zhiqiu and their combination equipment's awakening skill state is over and perform a sneak attack. The action to serve the imperial city is to support it before that state is over."

After a little indulgence, Tokyo Mythology made a decision. He said: "It is best to start the plan when the Chinese server alliance has occupied half of the city wall, because at this time a large number of players have been dragged in the battle here. Cannot get away, which means that this time is the weakest time for the Chinese service to stay behind, so we are undoubtedly the easiest to succeed."

"That's how it is said, but at that time Ye Luo Zhiqiu and others were still wearing the awakening skill state of combination equipment, so that they could easily get out of the battle and return to the Chinese server to support, so we want to destroy the Chinese server imperial city. It's not that easy anymore." The perfume is poisonous, and his words have been echoed by many people.

"It should have passed 6 or 7 minutes when the Chinese server alliance occupied most of the city wall, so the time that Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the combination equipment's awakening skill state can be maintained is only 2, 3 minutes, so short. Even if they rushed back to defend the city, the threat to us is not great, especially when they have consumed a lot of invincible means." Twilight said coolly, "At that time, we can send some experts. Hold them so that the rest of us can continue to attack the city. I believe it will be easy to occupy the outer walls of the imperial city of Zhongfu and then further destroy their imperial city."

"Of course, when we are about to start the action, we can also use some combination equipment awakening skills, and then let the players in this state find ways to entangle Ye Luo Zhiqiu and others, especially when there will be a large number of top cavalry to cooperate. , It’s still easy to keep Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others, at least they can keep most of them, so they can rush to the Chinese server to support a lot less." Twilight continued slightly coolly: "Actually There is no need to delay Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others for too long, just a few minutes is enough. At that time, we have not only occupied a large section of the outer wall of the Zhongfu imperial city, but the most important thing is Ye Luo Zhiqiu. There is not much time left for the awakening skill state of the combination equipment they are holding, so even if they can rush back, it will not cause too much resistance to us."

"Yes, that's it, especially since our alliance has more combination equipment awakening skills than the Chinese server alliance, plus they have already consumed several, so we have even more advantages in this regard. It’s bigger.” The hero said in a deep voice, after a short pause, he continued: “Of course, the most important thing is that the Chinese server has very little left-behind power, and this time we have mobilized almost all the left-behind power, and it will be possible in a short period of time. There are tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of elites who rush to the Chinese server, not to mention that we will rush over more players over time. With such a large number of advantages, plus we are a sneak attack and occupy the Chinese server imperial city. The outer wall is still okay."

Hearing that, everyone is aware of this, and after thinking of the next actions, they look forward to them one by one, and their previous worries have been reduced a lot. Then they did not say much, and continued to obstruct the alliance from both sides. Players, try their best to cause resistance to it and then weaken the power of the alliance of the Chinese server.

Naturally, Twilight Weiliang and the others didn’t know that in reality, someone was preparing to do something against Ye Luo and others, so they were somewhat afraid of Ye Luo and others, especially after seeing how Ye Luo's strength was after the ninth rank. After being strong, even after listening to the hero's nameless words, they were somewhat worried.

However, the Tokyo Mythology and the others are not worried about this at all. In their hearts, Ye Luo and others will definitely not be able to participate in the battle anymore, and without them, the power of the Chinese server alliance will undoubtedly be greatly reduced, especially when the entire Misty Pavilion The strength will also be greatly affected. In this case, they not only have the confidence to hold the super gang station, but also have full confidence that they can destroy the imperial city of Zhongfu. Thinking of this, they began to look forward to it.

However, after thinking of something, the God of Susao and others began to be a little worried. They were worried about when the people from the Eastern aristocratic family would do it. If the time for these people to do it was late, Ye Luo and others could still cause a lot of trouble to their alliance.

The most important thing is that once you see that the Japanese server alliance has launched a plan to attack the Chinese server imperial city, maybe the people of the Eastern family will change their minds and stop doing it with Ye Luo and others. In this way, they need their people to do it themselves. .

Although I have confidence in my own people, as in the previous analysis, it is best if their people don’t do anything, so that they will be able to clear the suspicion, and then they can completely blame the people sent by the Eastern family. .

It is also because of the faint anxious thought of these whether it is the Black Dragon Heaven Slash or the Tokyo Mythology, they naturally hope that the sooner the people from the Eastern aristocratic family get started, the better, so that their plans will go smoother.

"The situation is already like this, why haven't the people of the Eastern aristocratic family do it yet?" Susano God asked in their dedicated channel, and he also asked other people's questions: "Could they not be prepared? Let's act. If this is the case, then we need our people to do it. After all, the situation is already like this, and the arrow is on the line."

If you think about it, if the people sent by the Eastern family don’t do anything, then Ye Luo and others can continue to participate in the battle, and everyone knows what kind of combat power they can exert, so even if the Japanese server alliance has enough Preparations are not necessarily able to destroy the imperial city of the Chinese server, and once it fails, it is no exaggeration to say that the Japanese server alliance has no chance to reverse the situation.

In fact, the Gods of Susao and their worries are not superfluous. Although this time the Japanese server alliance is fully prepared, and can even mobilize tens of millions of elites in a short period of time to sneak into the Chinese server’s imperial city to launch a sneak attack, but it’s just It takes a few minutes or even longer to occupy the outer city wall, which is enough time for players in the Chinese server alliance to react.

If the Chinese server alliance really mobilizes a large number of elite forces to return to defend the city at that time, even if the players of the Japanese server alliance have already occupied the outer wall of the Chinese server imperial city at that time, it will not be so easy to destroy the Chinese server imperial city. Yes, after all, the people of the Chinese server alliance can still rely on the inner city wall to defend the city, so it can still cause great resistance to the players of the Japanese server alliance.

Under this circumstance, the people of the Japanese server alliance may not necessarily be able to destroy the Chinese server imperial city, and once they fail, they will never have such a chance in the future, which means that they will never have the opportunity to reverse the situation on both sides. At least there will be many changes at that time.

It is precisely because of this that the Gods of Susao and the others are very anxious. Of course, they will not allow this kind of accident to happen. At that time, if the people sent by the Eastern family don’t act on Ye Luo and others in reality, they can only order. Their people have taken action, but they are not prepared to do it as a last resort. After all, once they have done it, they may be found out, and the result is not what they can bear.

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