She was as smart as the Eastern star from the leaked news from the **** of Bacchus Dukang and the performance of Dongfang Zhantian. She guessed a lot of things. Thinking of the consequences of doing so, her expression was a little solemn or even hard to look at—if it was really as she thought, Dongfang Zhantian will definitely be punished extremely severely, and this will undoubtedly make the Dongfang family lack a powerful master.

Not only that, the Eastern family will also be implicated because of this incident, which will greatly affect the reputation of the Eastern family. Once the reputation is bad, the situation will be more troublesome than one less powerful master, and these are not the Eastern stars. saw.

And when the Nine Turns Eastern star was worried, she heard further news from Bacchus Dukang and others about Ye Luo and others. After hearing this news, her expression stretched a little, because she faintly heard from the news about the island country and the secret agents. After a few words, she was as smart as she thought of a lot of things in an instant, and her expression relaxed for a while, because if that was the case in her heart, the result would be completely acceptable.

"If it is a foreign service, then the situation is completely different. I don't need to worry that our gang will be damaged by this." Dongfang Star said solemnly, but she frowned deeply when she thought of something: "But if it's true If it is the foreign service, I am afraid that they will have further plans, thinking that they suddenly appeared so many people behind us, so they must have further actions."

The Eastern star is a smart person. She instantly thought that the next action of the Japanese service party might be them. For a while, her expression became serious, and then she was ready to tell the Bacchus Du Kang, Feng Xing and others. Because Fengxing and Bacchus Dukang are in contact with the people in the game department and they can’t tell what they have thought of at the first time. At this time, Bacchus Dukang and Fengxing are extremely worried about Ye Luo and others, so they are mobilizing players. While cooperating with Dongfang Star and others, he also asked about the situation in reality from time to time.

It is precisely because of this that the Eastern Star did not have the time to tell his guess to the **** of Bacchus Du Kang, Fengxing, and her reputation is not enough to give orders to the entire Chinese server alliance, at least in this matter. She is not as effective as the fireworks and easy-to-cold orders. What's more, the previous ones are just her guesses and have not been determined. In this case, she will not directly issue orders. After all, once her guesses are wrong, then the responsibility is great. .

If you think about it, if you have any guesses, you have to consult with the **** of Bacchus Dukang and then determine it, so that you can proceed further, so the Eastern Stars can only endure temporarily, and prepare to wait for the **** of Bacchus Dukang to tell their guess as soon as they are free. them.

Leaving aside the Eastern star’s speculation, let’s talk about the situation at Ye Yu Fei Fei—the first time Ye Yu Fei realized when the three of them were off the assembly line at Changhe Sunset, Ye Yu Fei realized what, especially when she saw the anxious appearance of Da Mo Guyan.

After the desert solitary smoke calmed down a bit, Ye Yufei Fei asked him what happened with her concern, but the former did not suspect him, and blurted out to her that someone had done something to Ye Luo and others in reality. Time is so exciting to Ye Yu Fei Fei and the song of Ye Yu Tian on her side.

If you think about it, Ye Yu Tian Ge naturally knows what kind of influence the Ye Yu family will have if the Miao Miao Pavilion occupy this super gang residence. Things they never wanted to see, it was because of these that they did not hesitate to agree to join forces with the Dongfang Family and other gangs to help the Dongfang Family occupy this super gang site. After all, at this time, in addition to the Misty Pavilion, it was also the Dongfang Family. I have the best chance to occupy this super gang resident, especially after knowing that Dongfang Jitian has a displacement skill of 100 meters.

Of course, Ye Yu Feifei also wants the Ye Yu family to occupy this super gang site, but she knows that they have almost no chance under normal circumstances, especially when she thinks that Ye Luo still retains the 100-meter displacement skill and has seen Ye Luo and others. Even after the Miaomiao Pavilion became stronger, since the Ye Yu family had no chance to occupy this super gang resident, then they had no choice but to retreat-Ye Yu Fei decided to help the Eastern family to occupy this super gang resident.

Although the Eastern family is also very powerful, especially after occupying this super gang site, the strength of the Eastern family can be further increased, but in Ye Yufei's heart, the strength of the Eastern family, especially the potential, is still incomparable with the Misty Pavilion, at least by After the Eastern aristocratic family occupied this super gang resident, the Ye Yu family still had a certain chance to grab it, and if it was occupied by the Misty Pavilion, there would be no chance at all.

In addition, after Ye Yu Fei Fei's heart becomes stronger, the Eastern family will fight against the Miao Pavilion. There is no doubt that there will be a chance to lose both, so that in the future, the Ye Yu family will have a chance to replace these two gangs and become the first gang in the service.

After thinking of this, Ye Yufei Fei even supported the Eastern Family to occupy this super gang site.

Of course, this was just a previous idea. After suddenly learning that someone had done something to Ye Luo and others in reality, Ye Yufei thought for the first time that this was probably done by the Eastern family. The gang is the family of the East—At this time, Ye Yu Feifei never thought that the foreign server players did it. After all, in her mind, it is almost impossible for the foreign server people to go deep into central China, at least in a short time. Before this matter, she didn't believe that the people of foreign service had started planning this matter long ago.

The first time I thought that it was the people of the Eastern family, Ye Yu Fei was very excited, especially thinking that this is likely to greatly weaken the overall strength of the two gangs, the Mistake Pavilion and the Eastern family, so that the Ye Yu family will naturally be there. Opportunity replaced it-as smart as the night rain Fei Fei naturally knew what it means once the hands-on people succeed in reality, it is not just that Ye Luo and others can no longer log in to the game, so it will undoubtedly reduce the strength of the Misty Pavilion, and it may even be possible. Will collapse suddenly.

The strength of the Misty Pavilion is greatly reduced, and the opportunity of the Ye Yu family naturally comes, especially in Ye Yu Fei’s heart, the overall strength of the Ye Yu family, which has hidden strength, is not necessarily weaker than the Eastern family. The hands-on event will definitely have a great impact on the Eastern family and will greatly reduce its strength.

The two strongest gangs in China Server were greatly compromised because of this matter. This undoubtedly gave the Ye Yu family an opportunity. Thinking of these for a while, Ye Yu Fei and Ye Yu Tiange were naturally excited and looking forward to it.

"Sister, what happened this time is a good thing for us, at least we are likely to have the biggest gain?!" After hearing Ye Yu Fei Fei's analysis, Ye Yu Tian Ge became excited.

"Well, it's like this, because it's no accident that this incident will greatly reduce the strength of the Eastern Family and the Misty Pavilion, so our strength will naturally be highlighted." Ye Yufei said, but she brows after thinking of something. Slightly frowned, because she thought of another thing.

"Sister, what's the matter?" Ye Yu Tiange noticed the change in Ye Yu Fei's expression, and he asked hurriedly.

"Faced with the sneak attacks of many players in reality, Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others only had three offline to deal with it. There is only one possibility to make such a decision with the skill of fireworks and coldness, and that is, she thinks that only three people in the middle of the night will be able to make such a decision. It’s easy to solve the incoming enemy.” Ye Yu Feifei said in a deep voice. Seeing Ye Yu Tiange nodded, she continued: “In other words, everyone in the studio will not be harmed at all, so the overall strength of the misty pavilion is naturally It won’t be damaged, and only the Eastern family may be damaged. In this way, the situation will be extremely unfavorable to us.”

For Ye Yu Feifei, she naturally hopes that the overall strength of the Misty Pavilion and the Eastern family will be weakened, but the premise is that the power of the Misty Pavilion is weakened. If the strength of the Misty Pavilion is not weakened, she naturally does not want the strength of the Eastern family to be weakened, and even hopes that the Eastern family will be weakened. After all, it is only in this way that their alliance is more likely to contend with the Misty Pavilion and then defeat it, and only in this way can the Ye Yu family have the opportunity to emerge from the chaos and become the first gang in the Chinese server.

Now it is guessed that it is very likely that Ye Luo and the others will have nothing to do. This means that the overall strength of the Misty Pavilion will not be weakened, but the Eastern family is likely to be greatly damaged by participating in this event. This is not the night rain. Fei Fei wanted to see.

"This is also true, which means that things are not as good as we thought before, and it may even be worse for us." Ye Yu Tiange said solemnly.

Before Yeyutiange’s voice fell, Yeluo, Fireworks Yicold and others also suddenly went offline. This immediately made Yeyutiange and Yeyufeifei’s eyes brightened because they guessed that Yeluo might be attacked in reality. The people at is already enough to threaten them, thinking of these for a while they are excited and looking forward to it-no matter what happens to anyone in the studio, the overall strength of the studio will be weakened, and this is what Ye Yufei they want to see most. matter.

"Sister, can you see that, Ye Luo Zhiqiu and others have gone offline, and they are extremely rushed. Obviously, the three of them can't solve the sudden incident only in the middle of the night, even if Ye Luo Zhiqiu and others are in this situation. Even offline does not necessarily solve the problem, at least some of them will have an accident, which will undoubtedly reduce the overall strength of the Misty Pavilion." Ye Yutiange's voice has increased a bit, and even his tone of voice can hardly hide his excitement. Qing: "And this is undoubtedly the thing we want to see most."

"Well, it seems that the situation is very beneficial to us." Ye Yufei said, and then thought of something, a sharp light flashed in her eyes: "Of course, I most hope that the fireworks are easy to be cold in reality..."

"Why are fireworks so cold? I feel that Ye Luo Zhiqiu's accident is more beneficial to us..."

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