VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3677: : Abandon the city wall

Although the situation at this time is extremely unfavorable for the Chinese server, if Ye Luo and other people from the Misty Pavilion Studio return, the situation will definitely be reversed, not only because Ye Luo's strength is one or two higher than the super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. It’s not just because Ye Luo still has a lot of powerful skills in their hands, such as [Morale Boost] and [Morale Weak], [Ten Directions * Destroy], etc. The most important thing is that they return Retained an invincible skill for combination equipment.

Think about it, too, it won’t take much time for the awakening skills of combination equipment such as Dark Night, Tokyo Myth and others to end. They are not Ye Luo’s opponents, let alone Ye Luo can awaken with combination equipment. Skills and they don’t have that state anymore.

In addition, the Japanese super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology are mostly exhausted in this siege. Not only are they big moves, combined equipment awakening skills, but also invincible skills, without these life-saving skills. Skills, they have no resistance to Ye Luo at all, not to mention the [Five Elements Array] and [Taiji Dao] can affect hundreds of people.

Think about it too. Hundreds of players with combined equipment awakening skills, and under the leadership of Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng, etc., rushed to the end of the enemy army, the result can be imagined-I am afraid it is the dark night. They couldn't resist it at all, and they might even be directly beheaded by Ye Luo and others.

Once Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology were beheaded, then the crisis encountered by the Zhongfu Imperial City this time would naturally be solved, and even Ye Luo and the others could counterattack and even occupy the super gang resident.

Hearing the words of riding thousands of miles alone, everyone had no doubt that Ye Luo and others had such a method. For a while, they eagerly hope that Ye Luo and the others can return, the return of the king!

Although Ye Luo and others still showed no signs of returning at this time, everyone knew that the longer the delay, the more likely they were to return. Thinking of these, they did not give up their last hope and worked hard to intercept the people from the Japanese server alliance. Delay as much time as possible.

Time passed faintly, and soon 4 or 5 minutes passed. After such a long time, the combination equipment awakening skill state of the Japanese server alliance such as Dark Night and Tokyo Myth has finally ended. This has greatly reduced their strength, especially Among them, many of the [Group Blessing Scrolls] state that they were wearing have also ended.

It’s just that at this time, the dark night they have already occupied more than two of the four inner walls, plus the Tokyo Mythology they have occupied. At this time, they have already occupied more than half of the inner walls, and they are even about to occupy three of the four walls. This undoubtedly means Japan. The service party alliance also has an advantage on the wall.

Because it occupied most of the city wall, the number of players rushing to the wall in the Japanese server alliance was much more than that of the Chinese server alliance. In addition, they installed a large number of mobile magic crystal cannons. At this time, the Chinese server alliance almost disappeared. What resistance is there? At least there is no chance to continue to fight for the city wall, and continuing to insist will only increase casualties.

Not only that, if dark night and their elite kills and then merges with Tokyo Mythology and then they form a siege to the players of the Chinese server alliance, then the super masters of the Chinese server alliance will also be in danger of being killed, such as the East Killing the Sky and the Thousand Miles People who ride alone may be killed.

Once Eastern Killing Sky and others are killed, the situation will be extremely unfavorable for the Chinese server alliance, because they will explode the national weapons if they are killed. Not surprisingly, these national weapons will be robbed by players from the Japanese server alliance. He is long, this will undoubtedly give the Japanese service alliance a greater advantage over the Chinese service alliance.

In fact, it’s not that players who didn’t have national weapons were killed in the battle. Simple statistics are afraid that there are no less than 50 people. Although there are also Japanese alliances, the Chinese server alliances have been killed for holding national weapons. As many as 30, the number is much more than that of the Japanese server alliance.

Fortunately, the strength gap between the two parties was not too big before. Even if more than 30 players with national equipment were killed under the relative stalemate, it is unlikely that all of these people's national equipment would be robbed, plus the Japanese server side. In the alliance, players with national weapons were killed and they were lucky enough to be snatched by players from the Chinese server. Therefore, the number of national weapons lost by the alliance of the server in this battle was not much, not even the number of double palms.

Although it is less than the number of two palms, but one side of the Japanese server alliance is equivalent to nearly 20 more national instruments, and so many national instruments can further open the situation between the two sides, not to mention the alliance of the Japanese server side at this time. Having already occupied so many city walls and Dark Night, they and Tokyo Shinhwa and others will soon be able to encircle the East Killing Heaven and others. Once they are killed in this way and their national weapons are taken away, it will be easier than before.

In the same way, if the Eastern Killing Sky and the others are really killed, then it is afraid that the Chinese server alliance will never have any chance to reverse the situation, even if Ye Luo and Breaking Waves and Riders can return back.

The Eastern star and Bacchus Dukang naturally saw this situation. They looked solemn. Although they were reluctant to give up the last section of the wall, they also knew that the loss would be even greater if they did not give up. Such a situation would be beneficial to China. The alliance is also even more disadvantageous.

"No way, the enemy alliance has already occupied most of the city wall, and even we only have less than one wall left, and the dark night will soon attack us from the side, so they have the opportunity to form a siege with Tokyo Mythology. Once we are surrounded, it will be very difficult to evacuate.” Deep Sea’s blue voice sounded in the team channel: “If we are killed, then even if we save the imperial city today, I’m afraid it will be very difficult in the future. It's hard to stand up, so we can only give up."

"Yes, this is the end of the matter, we can only give up, and the last part of the inner city wall is the worst." The third person took the stubborn words: "I believe Ye Luo Zhiqiu can reverse the situation after they return, so we It is necessary to continue to persist, but at this time it is no longer possible to use this last city wall to persist. We have to retreat to the center of the city and then use the city defense equipment around the heart of the city to hold on. Only in this way can we avoid being encircled and then having a large number of possessions. The players of the national equipment were killed."

Although they don’t want to admit it, everyone in the Zhongfu also realized that continuing to stick to this section of the city wall would only increase casualties, and in particular, it would also put the masters with national weapons such as Dongfang Tiantian into a dangerous place. Once so, there will be no more Opportunity can reverse the situation.

Thinking of this, although they were very unwilling, but the Bacchus Dukang and the others could only issue an order to retreat and then abandon the last section of the city wall.

After hearing the order, the players who were still holding on to the city wall retreated, and soon retreated to a place 100 meters away from the city wall, and then the Bacchus Dukang and the others commanded everyone to form a formation to resist the players of the Japanese server alliance—100 meters away. Don't worry about being attacked by the mobile magic crystal cannon, so the attack pressure on the alliance players on the Japanese server side will be relatively small.

The reason why I didn't retreat further is because it is the farthest from the heart of the city, so the time it takes to retreat step by step will be longer.

Again, the longer the delay, the more likely Yeluo and the others will solve the crisis in reality and return to support, so they still have a chance to reverse the situation-they will not give up guarding the imperial city of Zhongfu until the last moment. , After all, they also know what it means for the Chinese server and even the alliance of the Chinese server once the imperial city of the Chinese server is destroyed. This is not what they want to see.

"Uncle Bacchus, Uncle Fengxing, although we have exceeded the attack range of the mobile magic crystal cannon at this time, we don't have to worry about the advantage of the enemy alliance with the city wall, but we are surrounded in the most center, and the space where we can move will increase. The less come, and people from the enemy alliance can encircle us. In this case, their number is several times or even ten times as many as ours, so it is almost impossible for us to resist them. "Long Teng said in a deep voice, paused for a moment and he continued: "If we can't hold on..."

"It's just that we can't defend the imperial city by relying on us, but as long as we continue to drag the enemy alliance people, Ye Luo and the others may solve the crisis and return to support. As long as they can delay until their return, then all problems will be no problem. "Fengxing said in a deep voice, sighed with a sigh of relief, and then stabilized his emotions. He continued: "Although the enemy alliance has more players than us, but as we retreat, there won't be too many players that they can participate in the battle. We can still hold them back, especially after we retreat to the heart of the city with the aid of city defense equipment there, our pressure will be further reduced, and the delay will be longer."

"At the worst of the last moment, we can also use [Space Enchantment] to protect the heart of the city, so that it can be delayed for another 10 minutes. Ye Luo and the others should have solved all the troubles for so long." Feng Xing added, And when he said this, there was still a word in his heart that he didn't say-the premise is that Ye Luo and the others can solve all the players who do them in reality.

"Yes, we can also use [Space Enchantment] to delay time. A delay of 10 minutes should be enough for Ye Luo to solve a lot of problems. I am very confident in his strength." Qianli walked alone and said solemnly: "That sentence is still the same. Then, once he returns, he can kill the Quartet, and this will undoubtedly give us a breathing opportunity. At least we can always protect the heart of the city. As long as the heart of the city is not destroyed, we will have the opportunity to reverse the situation. It depends on Ye Luo and the others leading people to drive away the people who surround us. With their strength, they can surround our enemies in an instant, and then the space where we can move will become larger and larger."

Think about it, too, relying on the defensive equipment around the heart of the city, coupled with the return of Ye Luo and other people from the Misty Pavilion studio, it is still very easy to easily resist the offensive of the enemy alliance, as long as it can resist it. Then you can start to fight back.

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