VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3685: :Choose Russian server

After analysis, everyone in the Japanese server alliance finally realized that only by continuing to destroy the imperial city of the major servers of the Chinese server alliance can it be more apparently weakened, so that they can always suppress it is to completely make the Chinese server alliance. There is no chance of turning over.

Of course, at this time, everyone in the Japanese clothes such as Tokyo Mythology and Mount Fuji knows that Ye Luo can hardly return to the game in a short time, so it is easy for them to destroy some imperial cities, but they can’t say these things. , Otherwise it will undoubtedly expose their identity as the black hand behind the scenes.

Now that we have chosen to continue to work on the imperial city of the major servers of the China Server Alliance, the next thing to do is naturally to choose which server. At a time, everyone put forward some proposals, with different goals.

"It’s best not to choose court or non-servicing. After all, these two servers are originally weak, especially since the imperial city was destroyed by us before, so even if their imperial city is destroyed, it cannot be defeated by one party. The overall strength of the alliance has caused too much loss." Wucai Yaohu said indifferently, and looked at everyone as he said: "At this time, what we have to do is to select as many powerful servers as possible, so as to maximize It’s much easier to weaken the strength of the China-servicing alliance, and then want to suppress the China-servicing alliance."

"It is precisely because of the relatively weak power of the court and non-server that we have to choose to do it." The sun never sets the spear and said in a deep voice: "After all, none of us knows whether we will be able to destroy the major alliances of the Chinese server. The imperial city of the server, so it is better to choose a relatively weak one, so that it will be easier to succeed."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, the spear continued: "Anyway, the rewards for destroying any server's imperial city are the same. In this case, we'd better choose a relatively weaker one, so that we can be more confident."

The spear that the sun never sets is very reasonable, and his words have been echoed by many people. They have also suggested that it is a good choice to act on the court and non-service, but soon there are people who object, such as Heilong Tianzhang, Twilight Weiliang and others do not agree to choose these two goals.

"Why don't you agree?" The perfume is toxic and confused: "I feel that it is a good choice to work with these two servers. At least we are more confident to destroy them. When the situation is not clear, we will naturally Choose a relatively sure target and start working."

"Although the strength of the non-server and the court server is relatively weak among the major servers of the Chinese server alliance, destroying their imperial city can still further weaken the overall strength of the Chinese server alliance, so we want to destroy other servers in the future. The imperial city is much easier.” Perfume Toxic added.

"The reason for disagreement is that although Feifu and Chaofu are weak, their imperial defensive strength is not necessarily weak." Twilight explained, seeing that everyone did not immediately understand, he continued: " You and I all know that since the beginning of the cross-server system, between the major servers, to be precise, allies can use the teleportation array to transmit each other, that is to say, we can handle other servers such as the Chinese server and other servers in the case of the Korean server or the non-server. Elites will be dispatched to teleport to support. In this case, the imperial defensive power of non-serving or court-serving is not seen to be much weaker."

"Yes, it's no surprise that these target imperial cities have similar defensive strengths. After all, the most likely opponents we will face by then will be the opponents." Hero's Blade took the stubbornly and looked at everyone as he spoke: " That being the case, then we naturally have to choose a more powerful server to start, because as long as they destroy their imperial city, it will undoubtedly weaken the overall strength of the Chinese server alliance to the greatest extent, which is for us in the long run. good news."

"In addition, you and I both know that the imperial city is not always in a broken state after being destroyed. It will be restored after 3 days. That is to say, the strength of the Chinese server will be further restored after 3 days. This will undoubtedly make the whole alliance of the Chinese server The strength has been improved very well." Hero's Blade added, after a short pause, he continued: "So what we have to do is to weaken the overall strength of the Chinese server alliance as much as possible in these 3 days, so after 3 days When the imperial city of China Server is restored, it will be easier for us to succeed if we touch it again."

"And once the imperial city of the Chinese server is destroyed again, the alliance of the Chinese server will hardly have any strength to compete with us." Hero's Blade added.

Everyone is wise, and they quickly understand.

Think about it, right now, because the major servers of the Chinese server alliance can support each other, the defense forces are roughly the same. In this case, it is natural to choose a relatively strong player. After all, after destroying their imperial city, the overall attributes of the server player Will be weakened by 15%, and this will cause even greater losses to the overall strength of the Chinese server alliance.

As the hero blades said, what they have to do at this time is to severely damage the overall strength of the Chinese server alliance in a short period of time, and only in this way will they have more when the Chinese server’s imperial city is restored to its original state after 3 days. Be sure to destroy it again.

"Yes, we have 3 days. Not surprisingly, for these 3 days, we'd better destroy the imperial city of one server every day, and at present, we can almost only destroy one imperial city every day." : "In this case, we naturally have to choose three relatively powerful targets to start, and only in this way can we be more confident of destroying them when the imperial city of the Chinese server is restored, because at that time the overall strength of the alliance of the Chinese server It has been weakened as much as possible by us."

In this regard, everyone was deeply convinced, and then they agreed to such a proposal, and soon they had a unified answer-Russian service.

That's right, at present, the most powerful server for the Chinese server alliance is Russian server besides the Chinese server, which means that if the imperial city of the Russian server can be destroyed, the overall strength of the Chinese server alliance will undoubtedly be weakened to the greatest extent.

"Well, we're going to start with the Russian server." The emperor's hymn nodded in agreement, but he frowned slightly when he thought of it: "But you and I know that there are not too many servers bordering on the Russian server in our alliance. The most important thing is. It is that although the major servers can mobilize forces through the teleportation array to make the imperial city's defensive strength not too different, but the Russian server is still a more difficult target to deal with, can we destroy the imperial city in one fell swoop? If not? Destroy, then we will no longer have the power to choose other targets to do something, and the advantages we have finally created will be gone."

"Especially when Ye Luozhiqiu, Po Lang Chengfeng and others return to the game, don’t forget that even if the Zhongfu Imperial City is destroyed, their overall attributes are weakened by 15%, and their strength is extremely strong, especially Ye Luozhi Autumn, his equipment level far exceeds ours." The emperor's hymn added.

"Don't worry, there must be no problem." Under Mount Fuji, he said confidently, and after seeing that everyone was still worried, he continued: "Especially if we use some deceptive methods, then there will be no problem with success."

"A deceptive method?" After a moment, a player in Bafu blurted out and asked: "Then what are we going to do?"

"It's very simple. Next, we will send a group of elites to sneak into the Korean server or the non-server. This will make the people of the major servers of the Chinese server alliance think that we will work on one of these two servers next, so they will undoubtedly We will send heavy troops to defend these two servers.” Fujiyama said casually: “Then we suddenly attacked the Russian server. This way we will undoubtedly be more likely to succeed, because then the major servers of the Chinese server alliance will need to mobilize elites to the Russian server. For some time, maybe we have already occupied their outer wall."

"Occupy the outer city wall, then it will naturally be much easier to destroy the imperial city of Russian clothing." Mount Fuji added.

"Yes, this is a very good method, especially the China Server Alliance must think that we will choose a weaker server to do it. In this case, they will undoubtedly mobilize a large number of elite defenses in advance." Red Maple Leaf is the first lighter. Point: "Even we can really pretend to attack the imperial city of imperial service or non-servicing at that time, and then use a part of the elite to entangle the elite of the alliance of the Chinese service, and at the same time, send a large army to directly attack the Russian service."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, Red Maple continued: "Especially our goal of using the court clothes as a feint, because we can transfer the elites to the court clothes by several servers around us, including the Korean clothes, the Korean clothes, and the Russian clothes. Bordering, our people can be deployed in advance on the border between the Korean and Russian servers. At the very least, a considerable number of elites can be mobilized. When such a sneak attack on the Russian server, these elites can directly enter the Russian server, and this will undoubtedly make it easier for us. success."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up, and they quickly thought of the benefits of doing so.

Think about it too, send a large number of elite to sneak into the court clothes, and as long as these people are in the court clothes, it will undoubtedly give the people of the Chinese clothes party alliance. Next, they will focus on the signs of the court clothes. On the border of the service border, anyway, as long as these people have been in the court service, it will be displayed on the system. Without knowing the specific distribution of these people, it will undoubtedly be able to maximize the target of the people in the Chinese service alliance.

"Well, this is also a very good way. Even our server can mobilize manpower to the imperial uniform, and do things to attack the imperial uniform." The German tank said in a deep voice, "As long as our people are in the imperial uniform, then Those who can confuse the Chinese and Russian servers to the utmost extent, anyway, we have ample time to mobilize the elites on the border between the Korean service and the Russian service."

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