VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3690: : Most likely Russian service

Think about it, too, to destroy a server’s imperial city requires tens of millions of elites at the very least, so it’s just the [Uranium*Space Portal] and Space Players and even [Group Teleport Scrolls] players who can teleport are not enough. You need to deploy elites in advance.

Take the Chinese server for example. This time the Japanese server alliance destroyed the Chinese server’s imperial city and mobilized more than tens of millions of elites. They deployed tens of millions of elites on the border with the Chinese server in advance. Just dangerous and dangerous to take the imperial city of Zhongfu.

Although the Chinese server’s alliance has been greatly reduced because of the destruction of the Chinese server’s imperial city, the strength of the Chinese server and even the alliance’s strength is reduced, but it is much easier to defend the city than to attack the city, so I want to conquer another imperial city of the Chinese server alliance. Tens of millions or even more elite players are still needed, which requires the deployment of elite players on this server or adjacent servers in advance.

That is to say, as long as it is discovered that a server is invaded by players from the Japanese server alliance in advance, then the server is likely to be the target of a feint, and the target adjacent to it is naturally likely to be the target of a sneak attack. .

Knowing this, you can determine which two servers they want to do based on the advance deployment of the Japanese server alliance, so that you can deploy troops in advance for defense. In this case, it is undoubtedly easier to resist them.

There are many clever people in the crowd, and they soon wanted to understand these. For a while, everyone was very grateful that the fireworks took the time to analyze these with everyone, because this would undoubtedly greatly increase their chances of successfully defending the city.

"Fireworks, besides these, do you have anything else you want to tell everyone?" Bacchus Dukang asked, waiting for the fireworks to be cold, he continued to ask: "Of course, the most important thing is tomorrow, will you and the wind girl and they will log in to the game? , Don’t forget that you are also our server’s most powerful combat power. With you, we have a greater chance of success."

For the last sentence of the **** of Bacchus Dukang, everyone is also very satisfied. After all, although the strength of breaking waves and wind, fireworks are not as good as Yeluo, but fireworks are easy to cold, breaking waves and wind, and even the strength of sunsets and midnight books. No worse than the Eastern Killing of Heaven, the most important thing is that they also have 2 combination equipment awakening skills. After they participate in the defense of the city, it is undoubtedly easier to defend the gang resident.

The **** of Bacchus Du Kang deliberately asked about this, and after thinking of these, everyone also looked forward to the response from the fireworks.

"In addition to these, there are some details, such as deploying more players to enter the Sky City Lane [Eight Wings Fallen Angel Recruitment Order] and [Group Blessing Scroll] and other assassin items, but I think Uncle Bacchus you have already thought of these, so There's nothing to tell you." Fireworks Yi said coldly. After saying this, she paused for a while, and said after a moment: "As for whether we will participate in the defense of the city, it is still uncertain. It depends on the situation of Ye Luo. If he The situation is not bad. We will naturally log in to the game, if..."

The firework Yi was cold and paused, but everyone was very smart and knew what she was going to say from her words.

"Isn’t Ye Luo without any danger? Doesn’t it mean that you can log in to the game?" Feng Xingdao, waiting for the fireworks to reply, he continued: "And it doesn’t need you to log in to the game for too long. Do it when the Alliance does it, and it’s not too late for you to log in to the game even after they do it for some time. At that time, you can attack them from behind, and you can go offline after preventing the enemy Alliance’s siege. "

"Although Ye Luo's physical condition is not bad, no one can say whether he will be in other dangers..." Fireworks said easily, and this time she was interrupted before she finished speaking.

"You girl is a bit contradictory after finishing talking. Since Ye Luo is in good health, there is no danger..." Bacchus Du Kang blurted out, but he paused in the middle of the conversation, and then said in a deep voice: "Fireworks girl, Are you worried that someone will do something with Ye Luo in reality?"

Although he was guessing, the tone of the Bacchus Dukang was very determined.

"How is it possible that they have already done it once, how dare to do it a second time?" Ye Yufei blurted out, and when she said this, she did not hide her worries in her words, but after she said these, she also realized that she was She worried about the same thing. She hurriedly explained: "The people who do it should be worried that our action will take action this time, but the enemy alliance is about to occupy our imperial city. The situation has been determined. In this case, it should not be. Someone will do something to Brother Ye Luo again."

"It's also difficult to say, because as long as Ye Luo is still fine, it will be a threat to some people, so it is not impossible to do it again." The firework is easy to cold, and when she said these, her tone was faintly cold: " For Ye Luo's safety, we may not log in to the game."

"Hey, isn't it just to ensure the safety of that kid Ye Luo? This question is left to us, and his safety is absolutely guaranteed. We will arrange more people from the game department to guard it. If it is not possible, I can also send some more capable personnel. , To ensure the safety of that kid Ye Luo is no problem.” Bacchus Du Kang vowed to himself, but he changed his tone when he thought of it: “Hey, I don’t need our people to do it at all. Brother Feng and Brother Leng probably know that too. After this matter, the two older brothers will send someone to protect you, no matter where it is necessary for us to take action."

"Yes." Fengxing took the stubbornly, but he gave a wry smile after thinking of something: "But it is estimated that the two of us will find time to visit the door to apologize. After all, the two older brothers handed over the child to us. What happened under our care? It is our responsibility, oh, shame..."

On the side, after hearing the popular words, the old face of Bacchus Dukang also blushed, and he was a little embarrassed for a while, especially when he was drinking'boasting' with his father, who is easy to get cold with fireworks and rides the waves. Nothing will happen to them in their own hands.

"Uncle Bacchus, Uncle Fengxing, this matter can't be regarded as your fault, after all, no one would have thought that someone would be so unruly." After feeling the concern of the **** of Bacchus Dukang and Fengxing, the fireworks became cold and her heart warmed. His tone was also much warmer: "Especially this time the people who did it were premeditated, and they are also a group of masters. I believe my father and Uncle Feng will not care too much. Then you will bring some good wines and we will follow You'll be fine if you say good things."

"That's how it is said, but we can't fulfill the promise." Feng Xingdao, and then he sighed: "Fortunately, the kid Ye Luo is not bad, otherwise we will not have the face to see the two older brothers."

"Well, as the fireworks girl said, we will only pay the two old brothers when we carry wine." Bacchus Dukang said, and then his tone changed: "The most important thing now is how to resist the enemy alliance. Action, firework girl, if you can ensure the safety of the kid Ye Luo, will you be able to log in to the game?"

Fearing that Fireworks Yi Leng disagreed, he hurriedly added: "Even if it is only for a period of time, for example, we will notify you when the enemy alliance starts?"

"If Ye Luo's safety can be ensured, then there will be no problem. Of course, this matter has to be discussed with Sister Feng. This time she..." After a short pause, the firework is easy to be cold and continued: "But Sister Feng is also a person who has revenge. People, I believe she knows that there is a chance to take revenge, and if Ye Luo's safety can be ensured, she would be very happy to log in to the game."

"In that case, it's settled." Fearing that the fireworks would be too cold, Feng Xing hurriedly said, after a short pause, he continued: "When you saw that, did you log in to the game in advance or did you suddenly appear when someone from the enemy alliance did it? "

"Let’s do it again when the enemy alliance’s people do it, so as to confuse them as much as possible." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and she was about to shut down the communication when she said this, but after thinking of something, she stopped: "Wine Uncle God, if my guess is correct, the enemy alliance is likely to take action on the Russian server tomorrow."

"What, do it to us?!" The Polar Silver Wolf blurted out, and then asked: "Why do you do it to us? Shouldn't the enemy alliance pick a relatively weak target to do it? After all, this is easier to succeed and destroy. The imperial rewards of any server are the same. If I were them, I would pick a relatively weak target to do it."

"Because the Russian server is the strongest server in the alliance except our server." Fireworks Yi said coldly, feeling the doubts of the polar silver wolf and others, she continued: "In fact, after the system triggered the cross-server system, the major server emperors The defensive strength of the city is almost the same. After all, everyone can pass the teleportation array to defend the city for the first time. In this case, it is natural to choose a target with a stronger overall strength, because once the imperial city is destroyed, it will affect the whole of our alliance. Strength has the greatest impact, and this is the best result for the enemy alliance."

Hearing that, everyone was silent. It was not that they were speechless, but that they were thinking about the coldness of fireworks. Many smart people quickly understood, such as Ye Yu Fei Fei, Eastern Stars, and even they were quite sure that the enemy alliance would take over. I'm going to work on the Russian service.

"Of course, this is just my guess. Whether this is the case or not depends on the situation." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "As we said before, maybe we see that the enemy alliance's people will suddenly change after our troops are deployed. Ideas, or to take advantage of the trend to attack the target of a feint, so when the time comes, the specific situation will have to be dealt with specifically, which requires you to adapt to the situation."

"However, if the enemy alliance sends a large army into the court, then it is very likely that they will start to work on the Russian clothes, at least 80% of the probability." Yi Leng Yan Yan added.

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