VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3692: : Raising a knife to kill

The first group of people who broke into the compound of the Yingmengge studio could not pose any threat to Midnight Shu and the others. This can be seen from the fact that they have time to chat with Othello during the Midnight Shu fight.

Listening to the ridicule of Midnight Book, Othello was naturally annoyed. She naturally understood that the Midnight Book did not miss some people who came over and wanted to solve it by herself. If it weren't for when she was offline, the firework was easy to get cold and repeatedly told her to keep the door, fearing it would be her early She couldn’t help but rushed out, and she was confident that she could use the advantage of the long weapon to solve more enemies than they did in the middle of the night. Weapons like the dagger or Tang Hengdao are more advantageous.

It’s just that Othello keeps in mind that the fireworks are easy to be cold, and although she wants to shoot, she did not rush out. Of course, at the same time, she did not forget to observe the surroundings to prevent other people from entering the roof from other places, such as climbing walls. Then he broke into the Miaoge Pavilion studio, although this possibility is almost impossible.

Observing the surroundings of Othello also gave her a reward. She was the first to see the second group of people breaking into the Yingmeng studio, and she also told it to the Midnight Book and the setting sun in the long river for the first time, so that they should be more careful. After all, more people broke into the studio this time, and she faintly felt that these people were more powerful than the first group.

And when Othello reminded, Midnight Shu and Changhe Sunset also solved the problem of the first group of people. Although there are still some remaining, these people are starting to rout like a bereaved dog at this time, and it is obvious that they can no longer face the ethereal. What threat did everyone in the studio pose?

If there is no second group of people, I am afraid that it will be the middle of the night and the sunset in the river will chase those who have escaped for the first time. In this case, they don't want anyone to escape.

Those who fled also saw the second group of people who broke into the studio of the Misty Pavilion, which immediately surprised them. In their hearts, this wave of people must be their own. After so many people helped them, they did it this time. Even if the task is still difficult to succeed, it will definitely be able to entangle Midnight Shu and the others for some time, so they can take the opportunity to escape. After the previous battle, those people have realized the power of Midnight Shu and others. At this time, where are they? Dare to stay here, just thinking about leaving here as soon as possible, even if the second group of people is obviously going to deal with everyone in the Misty Pavilion.

Of course, these escaping people also rushed straight to the second group of people, especially when they saw Midnight Shu "chasing" behind them, it is safest to meet their talents at this time in their hearts-in fact, Midnight Shu they did not Pursue, just walk a few steps forward to move their bodies, but in the hearts of those who fled, they are chasing them. For a while, they were worried, and naturally fled faster, and they rushed straight to the second group of people. go with.

"Quickly, help us stop them!" Those who fled hurriedly shouted: "I stopped them, I invite you to drink a big bowl and eat meat..."

Before the word "meat" came out, the person felt a cold in his neck, and then a shower of hot water sprayed out, and then he only felt that the world in his eyes had turned scarlet, and then never again. I can't say anything, I can only twitch and twist helplessly, of course, he is also full of doubts-how dare these people do anything to Lao Tzu.

That's right, when the man ran to the second group of people, the latter started his hands. The knives in his hand flashed past the neck of the fastest running man, and the sharp blade flashed past him. His entire head flew up, which shows how sharp the knife is.

There were also other people who fled with the same accomplishments. They also met with a Japanese sword, and then they were touched their necks in horror on their faces. Seven or eight people were killed at a time, and this just happened. Within 10 seconds, all the people except those who were defeated by Midnight Shu and Othello were killed in the hands of the second group of people.

The shot is simple and neat, and the most important thing is to kill people without mercy. This style of behavior can be seen how cruel and even cruel.

And they also saw this scene in the middle of the night, which also made them feel shocked and puzzled. They even felt the cold in their hearts inexplicably when they saw a big head flying up, and their hearts couldn't help but beat violently.

And only from this midnight book, they also saw the difference between this group of people and the first group, and even the difference from themselves.

That’s right, even though they dared to easily bring down those who broke into the Misty Pavilion studio, they only wounded them and lost their combat effectiveness, but they didn’t dare to kill directly, not that they couldn’t kill, but in their hearts. I was very resistant to this kind of thing, and even had inexplicable fear in my heart.

However, the second group of people can kill without hesitation, even without blinking their eyes, and this alone made Midnight Shu see the difference from these people, and they also realized this for the first time. The group of people is much more difficult to deal with than the first group. Thinking of these, their hands trembling with the knife, you can see how the previous one shocked them.

The first to calm down was Othello. She snorted coldly: "Little Shu, Sunset, this group of people is completely different from those before. Not only are these people stronger, and even the leader among them is not necessarily weaker than us. , The most important thing is that they have killed and dared to kill. We must not be afraid of such an opponent, otherwise we are afraid that we will all die here."

"Yes, the second group of people are professional." Midnight Shu said with a slight trembling, and he frowned when he said this: "Although our skills are not necessarily worse than these people, but they dare to kill, it's just that. It's not what we can compare. I'm afraid it will be difficult for the three of us to join forces to be these people's opponents. At least we can't prevent all of them. Hurry up and tell the old sister and Big Brother Ye that they..."

In the middle of the night when the book said this, Othello also started to notify them, but she found that Ye Luo and others in the game could not be contacted, which made her worried, but she also thought of the reason in an instant-since the contact If Ye Luo and others are not in the game, it naturally means that they are no longer in the game.

Smart as Othello. Then she naturally thought that Ye Luo and the others must have already been offline, naturally because the second group of people arrived, which made her a little relieved, especially when she thought that Ye Luo would also go offline-in Black and White. In Qi's heart, Ye Luo can definitely deal with these people, not to mention that they will go offline to support the next midnight Shu, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind. These people gave her some confidence.

"Yes, these people are not simple. Don't be careless." Ye Luo's voice sounded from behind him while Othello was thinking about this, and at this time his voice was a little faintly urgent: "Little book, sunset, you return , Stay by my side as much as possible."

Midnight Shu and Changhe Sunset also heard Ye Luo's words, their trembling hands stopped trembling instantly, and their expressions became a bit more determined, because they got the courage from Ye Luo's arrival, since Ye Luo in their hearts When it comes, all problems are no longer a problem.

Of course, as smart as a book in the middle of the night, he also thought of a very important thing from Ye Luo's arrival—it is naturally not easy to get Ye Luo down the line, and this is also in line with their previous judgments. For a time, he There was a faint nervousness in my heart, not the previous worry, but the excitement, an impulse to fight with the master suddenly rose.

Think about it, according to the previous agreement, if they can’t solve the problems in the middle of the night, they will go offline to support the waves and the wind, the fireworks are easy to cold, but at this time Ye Luo is offline, and only from this point of change, they will be aware of the change in the middle of the night. By this time, the people who did it were definitely not easy—the people who made Ye Luo value so much were naturally not so simple, and there was no doubt that they were definitely masters in the hands of masters.

And because Ye Luo arrived in the middle of the night, Shu had no previous worries in his heart, and then the passion of the hot-blooded man came up, and he developed an impulse to compete with these people.

Although Midnight Shu often discusses with masters, and even those masters who are more powerful than those in front of him, he knows that even the comparison will not endanger his life, so he has never worried about anything, and of course he also looks forward to it in his heart. With the life and death struggle in reality, and the life and death struggle with the master, there is such an opportunity now, which naturally makes him feel excited, and even wants to not listen to Ye Luo's words and rush forward, but is stopped by the setting sun.

That's right, the sunset in Changhe stopped Midnight Shu. Although he was also young, his personality was much more restrained and stable than Midnight Shu. Especially after hearing Ye Luo's warning, the first thing he thought of was to retreat to Ye Luo's side. Working with him to fight against the enemy, he can also see the difference between him and Midnight Book on this point.

But when he saw Midnight Shu but didn't listen to Ye Luo's words, he retreated and took a step forward. He hurriedly stopped it, and this also made Midnight Shu wake up in an instant, and the impulse in his heart was reduced most of it, because he thought This time there were a lot of people coming, and it was undoubtedly a dead end for a person to rush up.

After realizing this, he was faintly thankful that the setting sun had pulled him down, and then he stopped hesitating and started to retreat, and while retreating, he kept staring at the people coming. He did his best to fight with these people at any time. Preparation.

"Brother Ye, who are these people?" Midnight Shu asked as he stepped back, "It's no surprise that you should have seen these people coming from the surveillance, maybe you have been aware of the identities of these people, otherwise Big Brother Ye You will not go offline in such a hurry."

"I can only tell you that these people are very strong, and they are not afraid of killing people. Just remember this." Ye Luo said solemnly: "As for the others, I believe you will know soon, but Let's talk about these people."

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