VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3694: : Joint attack

I have to say that the people who Heilong Tianzhan sent to deal with Ye Luo and the others are all masters, especially the strength of the leader is not much worse than Ye Luo, and he is also very confident in his own strength, and directly attacked Midnight Shu. , Changhe Sunset and two people can easily solve the two in his heart, and then he can rush to the most important goal of this operation-Heilongtian cut the picture of their target, and repeatedly told them to solve Ye Luo.

Think about it, although the midnight book, breaking waves and riding the wind in the game are also very strong, but it is not enough to make everyone in the day service so jealous. Of course, Ye Luo is the most jealous, so Ye Luo has also become. The most important goal of this action.

But I didn’t want to be full of confidence with a stab that not only didn’t hurt Changhe Sunset, but didn’t even push it back. While taking advantage of the gap between the stalemate between himself and Changhe Sunset, Midnight Shu directly flashed behind him. , And the dagger in his hand directly pierced his back heart, which was obviously very different from what the person expected, especially the sharp killing intent from the dagger.

Yes, like in the game, Midnight Book is more biased towards assassins in reality. At this time, he deliberately avoids the attack of the people headed by people is naturally not timid, but habitual, and what he has to do at this time is to be as short as possible. Solve this person within time.

Think about it, too, the weapon in Midnight Shu's hand is two daggers. It is undoubtedly extremely stupid to use a short dagger to fight two or three times the length of a Japanese sword. The dagger in his hand is flying, and Midnight Shu is naturally not a stupid person, and he will not head-on with it. Especially at this time, someone will intercept that person head-on—the Tang Hengdao in Changhe Sunset's hand is also sinking vigorously, so it can naturally be intercepted head-on. That person.

And what Midnight Book has to do is to sneak attack from behind when the person is intercepted by the front of the river at sunset, so that it is most likely to solve it directly-since this person drew the knife and cut off the arrow feathers, he knew that he was a master, and even his strength. Not much worse than Ye Luo, solving it will undoubtedly reduce everyone's pressure to the utmost extent.

That’s right. At this time, Midnight Book’s idea is to solve the person in the shortest time, and his cooperation with Changhe Sunset will undoubtedly have a good chance to achieve this goal. This is also the tacit understanding of the two people's cooperation-Midnight Book and Changhe Sunset more than once Joining hands with Ye Luo, they are very familiar with this kind of cooperation, but at this time the target has become a master sent by Heilong Tianzhan.

In the middle of the night book, although the strength of the leader in their hearts is very strong, but the strength is definitely not as good as Ye Luo, and even if the two of them work together, even if Ye Luo can't help them, they can definitely threaten the person in front of them, especially by using the carelessness of the incoming person. , So there is a great opportunity to solve it directly, which can be regarded as solving the most threatening enemy.

It has to be said that the cooperation between the two of them is extremely tacit and perfect, especially when the leader does not know their methods, and this is the easiest time for them to succeed in the middle of the night, especially when they see their daggers. He has come to the back of that person, which is only a few centimeters away.

At this distance, at the speed of the book in the middle of the night, I am afraid that it can be attacked in less than half a second, and his sharp dagger can penetrate the person's heart with a light stabbing, and it is natural to solve it. Down.

However, what surprised Midnight Shu was that this short ten centimeters actually reacted. Although he did not completely avoid the dagger's stabbing, he also avoided the vital point. It was even just that the dagger struck his arm. Suffered very light injuries.

That’s right, facing a tacit attack on the book in the middle of the night and the setting sun of the river, the head of the person was only slightly injured and did not affect the combat effectiveness. From this point alone, we can see how strong this person is. I’m afraid. It is not much worse than Yeluo.

Think about it, even though this person was injured, Ye Luo had never been injured when facing the attack of the two of Midnight Shu, but that was because Ye Luo would not care about the two of Midnight Shu at all, and that’s right. The method is extremely familiar, but this person has never seen the methods of the two people in the middle of the night, but they can dodge the key dangerously and only suffer a few minor injuries, which is enough to prove that this person is extremely powerful and extremely sensitive.

However, this person was also frightened after evading the attack of Midnight Shu, because he knew that his strongest was the speed of reaction, and the previous Midnight Shu's attack almost killed him, so that he was capsized in the gutter, and this It made him startled in a cold sweat, and started to get angry. After all, he would be too suffocated if he were planted on two young children.

Thinking of these, he started to play with the spirit of twelve points, temporarily gave up the plan to kill Ye Luo, but concentrated on dealing with the book in the middle of the night and the sunset in the river. Of course, at the same time, he also gave orders to the men behind him to let them go. Solve Ye Luo and the others, and what he meant by doing this is also obvious-he wants to deal with the two of Midnight Shu alone to prove his strength.

Maybe they were in the trust of their leader, maybe they knew that Ye Luo was the main target of this operation, so they didn't pay attention to the Midnight Book and the sunset over the river, bypassing them directly and then went straight to Ye Luo.

Midnight Shu and Changhe Sunset wanted to stop those people, but at this time the person headed directly launched the most violent attack, which made them a little hard to fight for a while, at least they had no time to stop those who bypassed them. And it was someone who deliberately avoided them.

Fortunately, they also know that Ye Luo and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind are not easy to provoke, especially after they have fireworks that are easy to be cold and use arrow skills to suppress them, so they are not too worried, and then began to concentrate on that head. people.

It has to be said that Midnight Book and Long River Sunset are extremely powerful in teamwork. Even if Ye Luo meets them, it is not so easy to get a bargain. Not to mention the person in front of him. After all, his skill is still there. There are some gaps, so even if the person is up to the twelve-point spirit, he does not take advantage of it. On the contrary, as time goes by, he is getting more and more disadvantaged. Although he can persist, it is only a matter of time for the defeat at present. .

It’s just that this person is extremely good-looking. Since he has given his subordinates to ignore his orders, he is naturally embarrassed to order their people to support him at this time. He can only bite the bullet and deal with the two people in the middle of the night. I only hope that his people will solve Ye Luo and others as soon as possible.

It is not that these people want to support themselves after solving Ye Luo and others, but want to use Ye Luo and others' "tragic death" to distract Midnight Shu and Changhe Sunset, so he will naturally have the opportunity to solve Midnight Shu and them. ——From the previous attack on Midnight Shu, he also instantly judged that Midnight Shu had never killed anyone. At least he had no experience in this matter, so if the relatives and friends around them died tragically, they would be greatly disturbed. This In this case, his opportunity naturally came.

It’s just that this person underestimated Ye Luo, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, or that he looked at his men a little, although a dozen people soon rushed to Ye Luo, but it’s not so easy to solve it. Yes, even Ye Luo solved the two directly with just one shot.

Yes, seeing the two people rushing towards him, Ye Luo used a footwork that was more flexible than the midnight book and easily avoided the attack of two or three long knives, and then his figure flashed around behind one person, and then left his left hand. The long knife slashed directly across the neck of one person, while the long knife in the right hand pierced the other person's heart directly.

That's right, with a slash across the neck and piercing one person's heart with a single knife, Ye Luo made a clean move and directly solved the two of them, and directly killed them. The efficiency was even higher than that of the fireworks' easy-to-cold Lianzhu Arrow— -Ye Luo is not a newbie like Midnight Shu who has never killed anyone, especially at this time he felt that the people around him were threatened, so he would be merciful, and directly kill them at the fastest speed.

After stabbing the second person’s heart, Ye Luo flew up and kicked the third person’s long knife directly. He drew out the dagger and brought out a **** flower. The next knife slashed at another person’s wrist, holding The wrist of the knife, and his purpose for doing this is also very obvious-to directly abolish the hand of the person holding the knife, so naturally it will be solved, at least this person will not break the waves after the wrist is cut. They pose any threats by the wind.

Seeing that he was about to hit the target, but he didn’t want a knife shadow to flash by, and then a long knife slashed directly at Ye Luo’s wrist. If he continued to attack the person, his arm would naturally be cut off, and this is not the case. Ye Luo wanted to see it, so he gave up the attack and withdrew the short knife in his hand, but at this time, he then turned around and pierced another dagger directly, directly pierced another person's arm and then pierced it.

Although this attack did not hit the arm holding the knife, the pain of the arm being pierced directly caused the man to scream miserably, and the long knife in his hand finally fell to the ground, and this was how he confronted Po Lang Rong Feng and others. There is no threat.

But at this time, Ye Luo had a lot of free time to slash directly at his arm. Seeing that the man’s knife was slashed again, and it was like a shadow, he instantly judged that this person is a master, and his strength is not even as good as the first to deal with Midnight Books. What is the difference between the two, and the most important thing is that this person is extremely experienced. This can be seen from the fact that he cut out an attack that forced Ye Luo to give up the previous attack. After all, he can successfully save people. One is not a master.

Of course, Ye Luo didn’t care too much. While avoiding this man’s long sword attack, he attacked again. Although he couldn’t kill with one blow because of this man’s entanglement, he succeeded in destroying one person. Xia Ye Luo can still hurt people easily. From this alone, we can see that Ye Luo's strength is much higher than that. Give Ye Luo some time to solve it naturally.

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