VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3697: : Finally converge

Sitting on Qin Xin and Samadhi greeted the two people who bypassed Ye Luo and others. The latter was able to deal with one of them. This can be seen from the fact that she can cause some injuries to him, but sitting on the Qin The situation of her heart is a bit uncomfortable. All her scalpels are blocked or evaded. She does not dare to throw out the scalpel rashly when she sees this situation. After all, the number of scalpels is limited. Once she uses all of her scalpels The lamb that is not to be slaughtered is almost there, but she is a little struggling to drive.

Fortunately, at this time, June Feixue had already rushed over, and she directly attacked the opponent who was sitting on the heart of the piano. She stabbed Emei directly in her hand. Although she did not directly hit the target, she stabbed that person’s back and abdomen to make it act. He was damaged and painful for a while, took advantage of this opportunity to sit on the Qin Xin and did not hesitate to hold the scalpel across the man’s wrist and hit it accurately, and then a splash of blood spattered out, and the Japanese sword in the man’s hand was also instantaneous. Fell to the ground.

The next thing is simple. Sitting on Qin Xin and June Feixue teamed up to easily solve this person. Then they went to support the samādhi. After they joined forces, it was easy to solve it. So far they are completely solved. This time of crisis, Zhiyue, who was hiding behind the fireworks, and Ye Luo and the others who were looking at the place from the corner of their eyes, breathed a sigh of relief. At least for a short time, there is no need to worry about fireworks and others.

Once Midnight Shu, Changhe Sunset and Ye Luo converge to form a line of defense, and the fireworks are easy to cold and use arrow skills to support, then it is not too difficult to solve this group of people, especially at this time there are many. People have lost their combat effectiveness.

However, the enemy realized for the first time that the fireworks could not be given a chance to continue to attack, so the leader quickly caught up with the midnight book and the setting sun. After all, the latter had his accomplices to help intercept them, so it would not be possible to catch them like this. It's not difficult. At this time, this person's strength is fully displayed. The exquisite swordsmanship forced Changhe Sunset to turn around to resist, and Midnight Shu also had to temporarily stop turning back to cooperate with Changhe Sunset to meet the enemy.

This time, the leader is no longer one-to-two. At this time, there are as many as 3 or 4 people who cooperated with him. In this way, they easily entangled the two people in the middle of the night, and they even faintly gained the upper hand. It can be seen that the Changhe sunset has more defenses than offenses, and under the joint attack of so many people, they have gradually been hit by the blade and suffered some injuries. Fortunately, they are quite flexible and suffered minor injuries. At this time, Can continue to fight and even maintain peak combat power.

In addition, Midnight Shu’s fighting style is very flexible and tricky. He never confronts people head-on. He uses footwork and double-knife secret techniques to fight the enemy. Although he can’t hit the enemy with every shot like Ye Luo does, After many shots, the enemy around him was stunned and even solved one person. Even the leader was stabbed by him and suffered some minor injuries.

Judging from the scene, the midnight book and Changhe Sunset teamed up against 5 or 6 people, although it was a little bit windy, but it was not a big problem to persist for some time, and they could solve these people without accidentally delaying some time, but that’s all. As a result, they couldn't join Ye Luo and the others at the first time, thus preventing someone from bypassing Ye Luo and then doing samādhi poems, fireworks and others.

Fortunately, at this time, Midnight Shu also saw Samadhi and they had solved their opponents, and they still had enough energy, which made them breathe a sigh of relief. In his heart, even if there are two or three people bypassing Ye Luo and others, it is difficult to treat Samadhi. They pose a threat, and the most important thing is to continue this way. There will be fewer and fewer enemies, so it will undoubtedly become easier and easier to deal with-although most of them are at a stalemate with the enemy, whether it is a book in the middle of the night or a break in the wind. Cooling can solve one or two enemies from time to time, especially fireworks that are not subject to any interference are easy to be cold and can shoot arrows unscrupulously.

Still the same sentence, at this time, the number of enemies that were damaged in the hands of the fireworks are the most, and even more people than Ye Luo solved. From this point, we can see the role of the fireworks in this battle. .

Of course, Ye Luo really played the most important role in the battlefield. He blocked 7 or 8 people alone, and he could solve one person from time to time. It is precisely because he blocked so many people that the fireworks are so cold that he can shoot arrows safely. Otherwise, if there are some people who are close to each other, even if the fireworks are easy to cold and can deal with samādhi and the others, they can only barely cope with them and can't continue shooting arrows and then solve the enemy so efficiently. They are also prone to accidents after a little longer.

It doesn’t take long to shoot arrows quickly to consume the arrow feathers in the two quiver pots. Fortunately, when Zhiyue saw this scene, he would return to the room where the fireworks are easy to be cold and then hold two more pots. There is no need to worry that the arrow feathers will be exhausted in a short time.

So far, Ye Luo and the others still have a great chance to solve all the enemies. At the least, they can insist on waiting for some time until the people arranged by the police and the Bacchus Dukang arrive, and then they will be completely safe.

It's just that the midnight book and the sunset in the river cannot meet Ye Luo and the others in time to form a wider line of defense, so that someone can bypass Ye Luo and them, and this time there are more people coming around, there are 5 , 6 people, if they are all approached by these people, they will be in great danger.

Fireworks are easy to be cold and naturally knows this, so next she attacked these people with all her strength, and shot 5 arrows in a row, but also successfully hit 2 of them. In this way, only 4 of them came around, and these people joined forces. After a sword formation, they wielded the long swords in turn, and their tacit cooperation succeeded in cutting down most of the feathers shot by the fireworks, and the rest of them were able to dodge more easily, and soon they approached the samaya. Poetry and the others, in desperation they can only bite the bullet to meet them.

The first to attack was sitting on Jinxin. She seized the opportunity to throw out the flying knives when the four people had just cut down the arrow feathers of the samaya, and all the scalpels. The short scalpels are more difficult to dodge than the arrow feathers at this time. , Although two of the hit targets did not make them lose their combat effectiveness, they also greatly affected their actions, so it was much easier for Samadhi and the others to think about it.

It's just that when she sits on Qin Xin, all the scalpels in her hand have been thrown out. Fortunately, she is very clever and directly picked up the Japanese swords that were dropped by those people before, although her skill at this kind of long sword is not good. It's too high, but it doesn't have much problem to deal with incoming people, at least it's much better than bare-handed.

The fact is also true. Before sitting on the piano, she didn’t dare to hold the scalpel hard. Since she has changed the Japanese sword, she doesn’t have too much scruples. Although the skill level is not very high, it is only used to block the enemy. The attack is still not a big problem, and while she is blocking the samādhi, the June Flying Snow, or stabs, or dodges, especially they will dodge with the firework's easy-to-cold arrow attack. It is not difficult to solve the person who came around this time—of course, this time the scalpel hits the two of them with the heart of the heart, which reduces their pressure to the greatest extent. After all, although the scalpel did not hit the point, it also made the person act big. Affected, so Samadhi poem and June Feixue will feel a lot easier to deal with.

And when the Samadhi and the others dealt with the enemy, Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng, and the others were also backing up, because at this time almost all people from the rear rushed up and participated in the battle. They were also struggling to face the siege of so many people. , The most important thing is that they are worried that more people will bypass them. Once they are so afraid of samādhi, they will be in trouble, so Ye Luo and the others can only retreat while fighting and try to block those who want to bypass them.

Naturally, using this tactic is to buy some time. With this time, fireworks can shoot more feathers and then solve more people. Once the number of enemies is reduced to a certain extent, their pressure will naturally be reduced. When the time comes, It is not impossible to intercept everyone.

In addition, Ye Luo and the others are still waiting for the midnight book and the sunset to get out of the river and join them. At the worst, they can retreat to the Samadhi and others and form a line of defense with them. Ye Luo also saw that they were sitting. The skills of Qin Xin and others are not bad, at least they still have a chance to ensure their safety with the help of themselves, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others.

Of course, this is also a helpless move, after all, it is much better than multiple people bypassing them and then dealing with the Samadhi and others alone.

"Fireworks, help Xiaoshu and them solve the people who entangled them." Ye Luo issued an order while fighting: "Otherwise they can't solve the enemy at all in a short time and then join us, so that someone can always bypass us. Your pressure will be reduced. It's huge."

Still the same sentence, as long as the midnight book and the sunset can rush back to meet Ye Luo and the others, the natural range of the defense line formed by the five people will be much larger. In this case, it is not so easy for the enemy to bypass them—of course. The most important thing is that Ye Luo didn't want the Samadhi and others to fight alongside them. Although they had already demonstrated their strength, it was too dangerous to let them rush forward. He would not do it as a last resort.

Fireworks are easy to be cold, and she is also a smart person. She instantly understood Ye Luo's intentions, and she didn't say much, bending her bow and shooting arrows, leaving with a few bursts of air, and several arrow feathers pointed at the people who blocked the book in the middle of the night and the sunset in the long river. Two of them were shot when they couldn't dodge, and this undoubtedly disrupted the formation of those people in an instant, and made others panic. Taking advantage of this opportunity in the middle of the night, they swung several knives in succession and solved another one. As a result, he The pressure of the sunset with Changhe is very light, at least they can get rid of those people temporarily and then join Ye Luo and the others.

This time, they didn’t procrastinate at all, they attacked at the fastest speed, coupled with the combination of fireworks and shooting arrows, they quickly bypassed the enemy and rushed back, and then they formed a line of defense with Ye Luo and the others. .

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