VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3699: : Han anger shot

In order to save the fireworks, Yeluo had to jump up and open his own door. Facing such an opportunity, those enemies would naturally not miss it. At a time, 7 or 8 people stabbed with a long knife. Chengfeng and Othello helped him to stop in time, coupled with his efforts to block, in the end only a long knife entered the chest three inches, and deviated from the heart, which avoided the fate of death on the spot.

Although the pain from his chest made Ye Luo tremble all over, he knew that the crisis had not been relieved at this time-the man with the pistol would definitely attack again, and Ye Luo would not give him another chance to shoot. , So immediately retreated a few steps and threw the ink knife in his hand. The pitch-black jade knife pointed directly at the person's heart, like the arrow from the string, and the speed was not worse than the arrow feathers shot by the fireworks before.

The most important thing is that the fireworks are easy to be cold and they are far away from the person. This leaves enough time for the enemy to take the lead. In addition, everyone thinks that the fireworks are easy to be cold and they will fall down and Ye Luo will be counted. Stabbed with a long knife, for a while, the leader and the person with the pistol paid attention to this aspect. When the short knife shot came, they were already a little bit unable to react, at least the leader was too late to make it. Blocked.

Originally, because he was sure to get something with a single shot, the man was looking forward to it, but he didn't want to shoot a short knife at this time. For a while, the joy of his face turned into panic, and then he felt a chill in his chest. , The short knife penetrated through the chest and hit the center of the heart. Not only did it lose its combat effectiveness, it was afraid that it would still surrender his life here today.

Almost at the same time, an arrow feather cut through the void, and the target of this arrow feather attack was not the person holding the pistol, but the pistol in that person's hand. Then there was a sound of gold and stone fighting, and the arrow feather accurately hit the pistol. , And then directly knocked it off and flew into the surrounding flowers and grass. It might be difficult to find it in a short time, and this can be regarded as a temporary solution to this crisis.

Think about it too, the pistol flies into the flowers and grass, it is not so easy to find it, and such a long time will undoubtedly give Ye Luo and the others ample time, at least the fireworks are easy to be cold and have time to shoot to find the arrow feathers. People, seeing this scene of fireworks easy to cold and others finally breathed a sigh of relief.

That’s right, both Fireworks Yicold and Ye Luo were aware of the threat of the pistol for the first time. Although Ye Luo was not hit by the sight block, he could still retreat and threw the knife in his hand. After the firework is easy to be cold, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then she released her hand for the first time, and an arrow feather pointed directly at the person holding the pistol, and only then did the arrow feather hit the pistol.

At this time, Yi Leng Yi Leng also heard Ye Luo's words, and she was a little relieved after learning that it did not hit the heart, but also knowing that Ye Luo's combat power would be greatly reduced, she immediately issued an order: "Poetry Sister, Sister Qin, you also rushed up to assist Ye Luo, you must not let him be troubled!"

"But don't go past Xiaoshu and Sister Feng. Just help intercept and block them behind." Yanyi Yi Leng added: "Especially Sister Qin, you can attack with a scalpel behind."

If Ye Luo was not injured, he and Po Lang Chengfeng, Midnight Book and others formed a line of defense with full confidence to resist many enemies, but at this time he was injured. Although he did not have a heart stabbed in the heart, the injury was also very serious. Under this circumstance, he definitely couldn't stop the enemies before, so he needed the help of Samadhi, sitting on the piano heart and others.

At this time, Samadhi and other women also saw the scene where Ye Luo was stabbed. They were terrified. They were a little relieved after hearing Ye Luo's words that the fireworks were easy to get cold, and then they didn't say much, Samadhi directly charged. Going up, she was smarter, knowing that the curved blade in her hand was not suitable for the current battle, so she threw the curved blade and picked up a Japanese sword and greeted her.

As for sitting on the piano heart, she was a little slower. It was not that she didn't react immediately, but she had to pick up the scalpel thrown before. After all, these weapons can play a very good role in the next battle. .

On the other side, June Feixue finally saw that Ye Luo was injured. She couldn't help it anymore, she cried with a cry, and then rushed out directly. This made the fireworks get cold and anxious, but she didn't have time to stop her. She can only let June Feixue stop her.

That's right, Samadhi, sitting on the piano heart, went directly to support Ye Luo, and June Feixue also wanted to rush over, but worried that someone would bypass Ye Luo and others and get cold on the fireworks. For a while, she struggled to stay. I'm still going to support Ye Luo, and now she can only hug Zhiyue when she hears the fireworks Yibing's order: "Yue'er, don't worry, you also heard Uncle Ye Luo's words, he has no worries about life!"

"But I was stabbed in the chest, Brother Ye..." June Feixue's face was full of tears, but she was interrupted before she finished speaking.

"Uncle Ye Luo is still fighting, which shows that he doesn't have much problem." June Feixue hugged Zhiyue tightly: "What's more, even if you rush over and do what you can do, Uncle Ye Luo was worried in the past. And this is more likely to happen."

I have to say that Zhiyue is not an ordinary woman, especially if it is about Ye Luo’s safety. She naturally knew that she could only make trouble in the past, so she resisted her worry, and then looked at June Feixue: "Sister Feixue, go and support. Brother Ye and them, don't worry, I will not go to make trouble, but will hide behind Sister Fireworks."

Speaking of these Zhiyue, she will retreat, but at this time, June Feixue will not rest assured, she is afraid that Zhiyue will suddenly bypass her and rush towards the crowd, it will be dangerous, so she still clings to Zhiyue, and this At the same time, I did not forget to look back at Ye Luo and the others, to be precise, to see whether the Samadhi poems and sitting on the piano heart could replace Ye Luo's position, so that she had a chance to bandage Ye Luo-although it didn't hit the heart, but Ye Luo's chest still bleeds, and he can't hold on for long under this circumstance.

And when June Feixue was talking about this, Samadhi was the first to arrive. She held a Japanese sword to directly block the attacks of one or two enemies. Although the Japanese sword in her hand was a bit uncomfortable, it was only used to block the enemy. The attack is still not a big problem, and this greatly reduces Ye Luo's pressure.

"Ye Luo, how about it?" Samadhi asked while blocking, her tone was full of worry when she said this: "Let Sister Qin bandage you..."

"No, you can't stop these people at all, especially the person who was intercepted by Xiaoshu and the others is going to join the battle. His strength is stronger." Ye Luo said in a deep voice, as he raised his feet before. A Japanese sword that fell to the ground came into his hand, so that his left and right hands had double paths again-the previous ink sword was still inserted in the chest of the person who was shooting fireworks with a gun, and this Naturally, I can't pick up that short knife anymore.

Fortunately, Ye Luo's accomplishments in Japanese swords are also very good, especially the Japanese swords are very long, at this time it is obviously more suitable for group battles than short swords.

"But your injury..." Po Lang Chengfeng on the side was worried, but she was interrupted before she finished speaking.

"Only by completely solving these people can we be completely safe, otherwise we will all have to die today!" Ye Luo's voice increased a bit, seeing the faint tears in Po Lang Chengfeng's eyes, like her in his heart, his heart softened, his voice softened. Mild a bit: "Don't worry, this little injury will not kill me!"

Breaking the waves and riding the wind is not an ordinary woman, especially she knows the current situation, thinking about this, she no longer persuades, but the hand holding the sword in her hand is tighter than before, and her attacks are more open and close. The ancient Han sword sank vigorously at the time, and she shot out with anger, and immediately smashed a Japanese sword, and the other person held the sword very hard, so the long sword did not release, but the long sword was under the attack of the ancient sword. It has been bent a lot, and the Japanese sword made of stainless steel is actually bent, which shows how fierce the previous attack by breaking the waves and riding the wind is.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the long spear in Othello's hand came out of the hole like a snake, and it directly pierced the chest of the person who released the long knife.

That didn't stop there. Othello flew up, and the man with the long knife was kicked into the air. This made the surrounding accomplices stumbled and the formation was disrupted, which reduced the pressure on the river sunset and the waves and wind. After a few minutes, even Long River Sunset took the opportunity to shoot Tang Hengdao and directly slashed a person's wrist. The long knife in that person's hand also fell to the ground instantly, and even the person's wrist was broken in half, obviously losing his combat power.

At this time, Changhe Sunset also saw Ye Luo's injury, which made him anxious, and his heart was full of resentment. Under such circumstances, he would naturally not be merciful anymore.

Not only was the sunset over the river, but at midnight, both of them felt cruel, especially when they recalled the sound of the gunshots before, what would happen if Ye Luo didn’t help stop the bullet, so they were naturally full of anger. He no longer shows mercy when he shoots.

Although Ye Luo was seriously injured, his combat strength did not drop much at this time. Even the Japanese sword in his hand turned out a few sword flowers and brought a few blood-colored flowers. Obviously there were two or three people attacking him. Xia was injured. Although the injury was not too serious, the pain of distance also greatly affected the movement of these people.

At this time, there were several sounds that pierced through the void, with arrow feathers and scalpels. Obviously, they also rushed over to participate in the attack after sitting on the piano.

The targets of the scalpel and the scalpel attack were the people in front of Ye Luo. Because they were disrupted by Ye Luo’s attack, they were suddenly attacked by the scalpel and the scalpel. For a while, they couldn’t react and were caught When hit, two or three people were directly injured and fell to the ground, and even a feather of an arrow came out directly through the chest. It can be seen that this time the firework attack is easy to be cold, but also an angry shot.

The firework is easy to get cold, and sitting on the piano heart naturally knows that Ye Luo is injured, so the focus of their attack is in front of Ye Luo. Obviously this is to reduce the pressure for him, but they don’t want to have a very good cooperation and then directly hit. Hit those people.

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