VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3703: : Post-war treatment

That’s right, it seems that Midnight Shu’s injury is very serious, but it’s just a physical injury. The situation is much better than Ye Luo, but after seeing Zhiyue’s choice, he feels a lot more complicated. Temporarily disrupted his thoughts, and his mood more or less eased.

Ignoring Midnight Shu’s complaint pretending to be painful, Po Lang and riding the wind came to Ye Luo. After seeing him covered in blood, she felt a lot heavier, even if she sat on Qin Xin and said that he was not in danger of life, but At this time Zhiyue knelt down and sat beside Ye Luo again, and Qin Xin was on the other side. There was no place for her for the time being.

Samadhi, Long River Sunset, and June Feixue also rushed over. They looked around very vigilantly, to prevent someone suddenly violently attacking Ye Luo and the others. The previous person suddenly violently attacked Ye Luo but gave them. A lesson.

Fortunately, except for the No. 2 master, others were either directly killed or seriously injured and fell to the ground. Almost no one can suddenly violently wound people, not to mention that they have become vigilant at the sunset and believe that those seriously injured are basically Can't get past them and cause some injuries to Ye Luo and Zhiyue.

Fireworks Yi Leng finally ran to Ye Luo. She hugged Ye Luo's head and put it on her lap without any scruples. She picked up and asked to sit on Qin Xin, after the latter assured her that Ye Luo was not in danger of life. She only breathed a sigh of relief.

Think about it, even though Ye Luo suffered some injuries before the knife smashed the bullet, it was only a minor scratch. It was because the firework was easily cold to intercept the bullet and then the door opened wide before being stabbed. That knife was the one. Seriously injured, even heavier than helping break the waves and ride the wind as a ninja dart. Ye Luofen just broke the defense completely without taking care of herself to block bullets and fireworks. At this time, she couldn’t take care of other things at all. She would care about breaking the waves and riding the wind and knowing the moon, but she didn't care at all at this time, especially when she saw Ye Luo's injury so serious.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind and Zhiyue saw all this in their eyes. They naturally understood the fireworks’ easy-to-cold mind. For a while, their mood was extremely complicated, especially Zhiyue, especially when they thought of the look in her eyes in the middle of the night before. She couldn't tell her mood at the time.

"Ye Luo, how are you?" Seeing Ye Luo finally opened his eyes, the fireworks Yi was cold and couldn't help but tears.

Fireworks have always been easy to get cold, giving people an image that is as cold as water and everything is under control. It looks like a stranger should not enter. Now holding Ye Luo in tears, Qiao's face is full of worries without concealing it. I'm afraid that people will be surprised when the image is seen.

Yes, Firework Yi Leng's face was full of worry, because the mask she had been wearing when she ran towards Ye Luo fell off, but neither the waves nor Zhiyue noticed it. That's it.

"Fireworks, your mask..." Ye Luo saw the beautiful face in front of his eyes. Although he was extremely unfamiliar, he instantly judged that fireworks were easy to get cold when he looked at those familiar eyes. Once I saw the cold face of fireworks.

Cold, beautiful and exquisite, because she has always been wearing a mask and rarely shows up, her face is a bit pale, but it is not pale, but as broad and soft as a fluorite jade, matching the somewhat indifferent meaning in her eyes. Let life be a little bit ashamed and dare not approach the idea of ​​profanity.

Perhaps the cold appearance of fireworks is not as good as the dusty appearance of breaking the waves and riding the wind, but it is not bad, especially the insightful temperament. If ordinary people just see this face, they will produce a kind of difference. The idea of ​​daring to approach is a sharp contrast with the enthusiasm of breaking the waves and riding the wind.

Of course, for Ye Luo, the fireworks are easy to be cold and there is no inaccessible feeling. Even after her mask fell, the face that should have been unfamiliar gave him a cordial feeling, a look that should have been so.

Yes, everyone has a curiosity, and so does Ye Luo. He wanted to see how the face under the mask of the firework Yi Leng looks like a long time ago, and it is precisely because of curiosity that he once had a fight with the firework Yi Leng. Bet, although the bet was won, but because of various unexpected circumstances, I could not see the face after removing the mask because of the fireworks.

The less I can see the true appearance of fireworks, Ye Luo is naturally curious, and in private, he has fantasized about the face under the mask, and of course, like some good deeds, he thought that maybe fireworks may have flaws on his face. He would use a mask to cover it up. In short, he had imagined more than once in his heart the cold face of fireworks, and then put these faces together with the eyes and forehead on her mask.

Now that I have seen the cold face of fireworks in real life, the previous disillusionment was disillusioned, but the latter feeling that should have been like this came out spontaneously, perhaps because my curiosity was finally satisfied, or maybe it was not because of the flaws on my face. The worry of wearing the mask was eliminated, Ye Luo's mouth raised a smile, but the smile affected the wound again, and for a moment he couldn't help frowning in pain.

"Well, you, are you a little disappointed to see my face?" Fireworks is easy to cold. At this time, where is the kind of strategizing and everything in my heart, completely in a young daughter's attitude, lest I can't satisfy Ye Luo and worry about the gains and losses. .

"Very good, much more beautiful than I imagined." Ye Luo spit out such a sentence, and this also dissipated all the worries in Firework Yi Leng's heart.

"Is that my beauty or Feng Jiemei..." The firework Yi Leng blurted out, but she regretted it as soon as she finished speaking, because it was not suitable to say this at this time, especially since she knew what she meant by saying this.

Although extremely regretful, Fireworks Yi Leng also hoped that Ye Luo could make an evaluation, because it was very important to her-that undoubtedly meant that Ye Luo had made a choice.

"This..." Ye Luomoran didn't say a word for a long time. Obviously he didn't know what to say at all. This made the fireworks easy to cold and the breaking waves and wind to be silent, a little disappointed, but more But they were relieved, because they also knew that if Ye Luo said that sentence instead of what they wanted to hear, it would be difficult for them to see each other again in the future, and this was not what they wanted to see.

"Okay, don't talk about it, let Ye Luo take a good rest." Sitting on Qin Xin couldn't help saying, she forced a sad mood: "Although I helped Ye Luo deal with it, it's just For emergency treatment, we still need to go to the hospital for treatment, and we don’t know when the hospital’s car will arrive, and we are afraid that it is not suitable to take Ye Luo to the hospital at this time. After all, we don’t have special tools."

If you think about it, Ye Luo is almost the same without saying that his whole body is injured. This requires him to lie down. Although there are a lot of vehicles in the Yingmenge Studio, there is no car that can let Ye Luo lie down. The best way is to wait. The ambulance arrives.

"Don't worry, we hit 120 and 110 the first time we were offline, because we know that someone is destined to go to the hospital, and I believe it will not take long." After saying this, she couldn't help but spit out: "Ye Luo, okay, today you can be considered a hero to save the United States, hey, it is not an exaggeration to hug the left and the right depending on your performance today."

"That's right, not to mention that Sister Feng and Fireworks have already secretly promised." Samadhi poetry took the stubbornly, and at the end added: "There is also Sister Qin."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense." Po Lang Chengfeng said, but she was already blushing when she said this: "Let Ye Luo rest for a while, she shed so much blood, I don't know. When will I get better."

"Don't worry, Ye Luo is in good health. Although his injury looks serious, it shouldn't take long for his physical fitness to get better." Sitting on Qin's heart, she kept saying this. Holding Ye Luo's hand, lest he suddenly disappear, or he will no longer belong to him.

After hearing the words on the piano, everyone was relieved, especially when they faintly heard the sound of the police siren, which meant that the ambulance was not too far away.

On the other side, the desert solitary smoke opened and closed, the baseball in his hand was waving like a wind, and his powerful combat power was also three times five and divided by two to solve all the people who wanted to escape. The shot was clean and neat, and he knew only by his skill. He is better than Changhe Sunset, and at least his shots are much harder than Changhe Sunset, and this also shows that he is not the first time he has played against such a vicious master, and he has more experience than Changhe Sunset.

After solving those people, the lone smoke in the desert came to the Changhe sunset like a okay person. He was completely relieved to see that although there were some injuries on his body but it was not a major problem, he was completely relieved, and originally wanted to scream to let him sit on the piano. He bandaged and dealt with it, but at this time he also saw Ye Luo lying on the ground covered in injuries, and couldn't say what he had just reached his mouth for a while.

Fortunately, June Feixue had already reacted, and found gauze to wrap the river sunset. Naturally, she couldn’t help but say it when she was bandaging it. However, seeing her distressed look at the river sunset, she could only giggle, which naturally made June unavoidable. Feixue said a few idiots.

On the other side, Zhiyue looked down, especially after seeing the fireworks’ cold face and hearing what Ye Luo and the others said. Fortunately, at this moment, she remembered the injury of the book in the middle of the night, and hurriedly picked up the gauze to bandage him. The depressed midnight book improved a lot in an instant, and there was hope in his heart. Especially after seeing Zhiyue's unconscious concern, he felt that he was totally worth the injuries.

"Ye Luo, your performance today is very good. I saw it from the previous surveillance perspective. I didn't expect you to be able to cut bullets. This alone shows that your strength is very strong and stronger than mine." Admire the authentic way: "But you can't just let go, hey, although you are not your opponent in reality, you can make gestures in the game in the future."

"You don't seem to be Ye's opponent in the game either." Changhe Sunset couldn't help but muttered.

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