VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3706: : There is a reversal

Guyan in the desert is more pertinent, because the dark night, Tokyo Mythology and others at 360 level 9th ​​rank, plus the ability to exchange for a national weapon that can be equipped by themselves, their strength will be greatly improved. In this case, their strength will not be seen. How much worse than Ye Luo, at least Ye Luo wanted to suppress them not so easy.

"What's more, our imperial city will definitely be destroyed and our overall attributes will be reduced by 15%, so Ye Luo's strength is definitely not their opponent." Da Mo Guyan added, and his words also made Po Lang Chengfeng and others. His look became solemn.

"Yes, especially when we are weak, people from the enemy alliance will definitely continue to work on us, because Uncle Ye Luo can't log in to the game, even us, and we will definitely continue to have gang resident occupied. Even the imperial city will be destroyed, and this will further weaken the strength of our alliance." June Feixue took over: "At that time, even if we can log into the game as much as possible, I am afraid that we will not be the opponent of the enemy alliance."

Not only did June Feixue think so, but also Zhiyue and others, thinking that they would never have a chance to reverse the situation, their expressions became more solemn for a while.

"No, even such masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology are not Ye Luo's opponents, because you don't know how powerful Ye Luo is, especially after his ninth revolution." Samadhi Shi shook her head, and she continued after a while. "Of course, if our imperial city is restored, Ye Luo can easily suppress Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night and others. As long as they can be suppressed, then we still have a chance to reverse the situation."

"And the imperial city will be automatically restored 3 days after it is destroyed, and then we will not be punished by a 15% reduction in overall attributes." Samadhi Shi added.

"That's right." Firework Yi Leng took the stubborn words: "Even if Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, their 360-level Nine Ranks and their points are enough to redeem a piece of national equipment they are equipped with, their strength is not as good as Ye Luo, because they can't have a comparison. [Reincarnation* Dry general] Strong, no, I'm afraid there is no equipment comparable to this kind of equipment."

"What's more, Ye Luo has advantages in the skill system and overall attributes, especially the [Reincarnation Outer Dao* Sacrifice] and [Golden Needle Puncture]. These are the advantages that Tokyo Myth does not have." Firework Yiyi added. Said: "Using these leaf drops can cause a great threat to the enemy alliance, especially after the enemy alliance's combination equipment awakening skills and [Group Blessing Scroll] and other assassin items are exhausted, it is no exaggeration to say At that time Ye Luo possessed the strength to lead us to occupy the enemy's alliance gang resident."

"If this is the case, then we will naturally have the opportunity to reverse the situation." Fireworks Yi Leng continued, speaking with confidence in her tone.

There were no shortage of smart people present, and the most important thing was that they knew Ye Luo's situation best, and they were a little relieved when they thought of this.

And when the fireworks were so cold, the rescue vehicles and the police all came. Seeing the miserable situation of the Ying Mi Ge Studio, they all trembles for a while, especially the policemen-these policemen have received orders from above. The order was very straightforward, requiring them to rush to the Ying Mi Pavilion studio to rescue people in the shortest possible time.

It is precisely because of the death order from above that they were able to arrive in such a short period of time. They thought they were going to face the most vicious criminals, but they didn’t want them to be solved, from the broken arms and limbs on the ground and the blood flowing into rivers. The scene knows how fierce a battle erupted here, and for a while, they were used to seeing a lot of vicious people and couldn't help but feel terrified.

The next thing is simple. It’s time to save people, and when it’s time to inquire about the situation, ask about the situation. Samadhi and the others are very calm in the face of inquiries, and even just transferred the surveillance video to them, so that they can know by just watching the video screen. What was the situation at that time.

After the video is handed over to the visitor, it is natural to accompany Ye Luo and other people in need of treatment to the hospital, but the samādhi and fireworks are easy to cold and there are more important things to do, so even if they don’t want to, they can only stay temporarily. Next-Samadhi is going to explain the situation to the police, and Yi Leng Yi Leng said to contact Dukang, the **** of wine, Feng Xing, and then discuss the matter in the game, so they can't accompany Ye Luo to the hospital for the time being.

However, Palangchengfeng, Zhiyue and others have followed, as well as the game department and some people from the National Security Bureau, so they don’t have to worry about Ye Luo and the others having another accident, not to mention that the fireworks are easy to get cold, and they know her father and Polang. Chengfeng's father must know the situation here, and they will definitely take action, so there is no problem in ensuring the safety of Ye Luo and others.

Although the situation is a bit complicated, but fortunately there is a video to prove it, and Ye Luo and the others are obviously legitimate defenses, so the samādhi poems are still easy to explain, and the fireworks are easy to cold to find the situation with the Bacchus Du Kang and Feng Xing. Contact, and then she has to analyze the situation with everyone.

After finishing these, the samādhi side also explained almost, the two sisters did not say much, and drove the vehicle to chase Ye Luo and the others at the fastest speed. Of course, the fireworks were easy to get cold on the way to her father and the waves to ride the wind. His father said about the attack this time.

In fact, based on the status of these two people in Luoyang, I am afraid that it was not much later than the police that they knew about the sneak attack on Miao Miao Pavilion's studio, but they didn't know how dangerous it was. If so, they also acted directly, okay. After they learned that everyone in the studio was okay, otherwise no one could guarantee that they would do something clear.

"Fireworks, have you ever thought about how to get along with Ye Luo and Sister Feng?" Samadhi asked while driving. Seeing the latter silently, she continued: "In fact, what happened today still has something to do with your relationship. The good thing is, at least you can see your own heart more clearly, and you can also see what Ye Luo thinks about you, but how do you choose..."

"Look at what Ye Luo chooses." Firework Yi cold murmured, and when she said these, she seemed to have made a decision: "If, if Ye Luo asked me to stay with him, then I will stay with him, as for the wind. Sister, I can accept it too."

"It is estimated that Sister Feng is the same as yours. With your relationship, you don't have to worry about turning against each other." Samadhi said, thinking of what she thought, she gave a wry smile: "But Yue'er? Both you and I should be able to see that she is against Ye. What is Luo's expectation, and sister Qin, you and I know that no one has ever walked into her heart, but you and I also know that she must have been moved, so how to deal with this?"

Without waiting for the fireworks to get cold, Samadhi said, “Yue’er’s problem shouldn’t be big, because Ye Luo has always regarded her as her younger sister, and she should only be so dependent on Ye Luo because of her young age. Xiaoshu saved her before. It should be possible for her to recognize these a little bit, but what about sister Qin, is it possible that you want to see her close her heart again?"

"You know what happened to Sister Qin before, so she finally moved her heart again..." Samadhi said, but she said half of it and didn't continue.

"I can accept Sister Feng and Sister Qin." After a long silence, the fireworks said easily, and then she paused for a while to continue: "But it depends on how Ye Luo chooses. If he is unwilling, then we can't force anything. "

"Yes." Samadhi said, she smiled bitterly: "Originally this kind of trouble should be left to Ye Luo, who would let him provoke you, but I guess he doesn't know how to solve it, trouble."

"If that's the case, let's go with the flow." Fireworks said coldly, as if she had untied her heart knot, and her expression returned to indifferent.

At this time, Samadhi Shi also saw that the firework Yi Leng did not wear the mask again, she chuckled: "Firework, are you not going to wear the mask again?"

Although she was asking, the tone of the samādhi poem was quite determined. After a while, she continued: "But it's a coincidence that Ye Luo is the first person to see your true face, except for us, of course. After all, we have seen it before."

"Yeah, since he saw it, then don't wear it." The firework is easy to coldly said. When she said these, she blushed: "He seems to like it. Since he likes it, then I don't wear it."

Hearing this, Samadhi couldn't help laughing, but thinking that Long Teng Tianxia had contacted her more than once before, her heart was also warm for a while.

Samadhi has always been aware of Long Teng Tianxia’s affection for her. Although Long Teng Tianxia did not rush over immediately, she is not a wayward woman. She naturally knows that Long Teng Tianxia is far away from here. When he rushes over, she is afraid that it will be necessary. After a few hours, she can still understand this.

Shaking his head to ran away these temporarily, Samadhi asked again: "Fireworks, how many chances do you think we have to reverse the situation in the game? This time the situation is probably worse than we thought. Even if you discuss and analyze the situation with Uncle Bacchus and the others, you may not even work out tactics."

"Don't worry, some more imperial cities will be destroyed." The firework Yi Leng looked indifferent: "As long as Ye Luo can wake up in 3 days and then log in to the game, then we have a chance to reverse the situation, but if If we delay for some time, I am afraid that the situation will be a little out of control, because if the delay is longer, the overall strength of our alliance will be weakened too much."

"Three days later." Samadhi murmured, and after a moment of reflection, she continued: "It shouldn't be a big problem. Ye Luo was not stabbed in the heart, so the injury looks very serious, but his physical fitness doesn't need it. You can be active for as long as you can, and as long as you can be active, you can log in to the game naturally. It's nothing more than the length of the login time is somewhat limited."

"I hope so." The fireworks said in a cold voice, "Otherwise the situation would really be bad."

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