VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3711: : Temporary compromise

Fireworks Yi Leng easily solved the behavior of Feng Chen and Leng Shuang competing for the'son-in-law'. After all, the latter also knew that the decision to go to was in the hands of Ye Luo. They had no sense in fighting for these, of course, although they stopped. The verbal scramble was over, but in his heart he was thinking about how to persuade Ye Luo to go to their house-this matter is very important to them, so they all take it seriously.

"You dispel the idea of ​​persuading Ye Luo in private." Fireworks Yi Leng instantly understood Feng Chen and Leng Shuang's thoughts: "That can only make Ye Luo embarrassed. His current situation is a bit bad, and this incident should not affect his rest. ."

Of course, even though she said this, what worried her most was the result of Ye Luo's choice.

Although the fireworks are easy to be cold, Ye Luo hopes that Ye Luo will choose Leng’s house, but this undoubtedly means that he has refused to break the waves and ride the wind, and this is undoubtedly a huge blow to their relationship. Maybe the Misty Pavilion studio will be split because of this. But it wasn't what she wanted to see, she felt confused when thinking of these for a while.

After being easily cold by the fireworks, Fengchen and Lengshuang blushed again, but then they did not struggle with this issue anymore, but they still insisted that the people in the Misty Pavilion studio should leave the studio and go to Feng's house or Lengjia, after all, the studio is a bit unsafe.

"Don't worry, this time is just an accident, and this kind of thing will not happen again." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "Not only will the game department increase the protection of the studio in the future, especially the work of our top ten gangs. In addition, we will pay special attention to it, and believe that such security will never happen again in the future."

The reason why the firework is easy to cold is that the reason why Ye Luo makes a choice is only to keep everyone in the studio of Misty Pavilion, and only in this way can we avoid the possible split of Misty Pavilion. At least this is the most she can think of. A good solution.

"No, who can guarantee that something like this won't happen, your place is too unsafe..." Feng Chen said, but he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Fireworks is right. Our profession is a player. Naturally, we have to stay in the studio and go to home. Many things will be affected." Po Lang Chengfeng instantly understood the reasons why fireworks Yi Leng said. She also supported this, and she continued after a short while: "As for the safety issue, you don’t have to worry about it. Not to mention that this time is an accident. If only the hands-on person has been solved, there will be no such dangerous person. So we can still guarantee our own safety."

"In addition, as the fireworks said, the game department will also increase the protection of celebrity studios, especially our place will be strengthened, and the safety issue must not be a problem." Po Lang Chengfeng added.

As if they were worried that Fengchen would persuade them again, Po Lang Chengfeng glanced at the direction of the operating room, and said, "Ye Luo has the power to decide this matter. We will all support his choice. Father and Uncle Leng can't stop you. ."

"That's right." Fireworks and Midnight Shu and others all agreed, and they also expressed their thoughts.

Fengchen frowned deeply, and Fengchen glanced at Leng Shuang. The latter immediately understood the old man’s thoughts, and he solemnly said: "Ye Luo has the right to decide, but I don’t believe what you said is absolutely safe, so This matter still needs to be considered."

"That's right." Fengchen took the stubbornly, and then he pretended to be angry: "I don't worry about the two old boys Du Kang and Fengxing doing things, otherwise you won't have such a thing this time."

"It's not to blame Uncle Bacchus, after all, no one ever thought that someone would dare to risk the world to do such a thing, and this kind of thing has never happened before." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and she had a short meal. Continue: "And as I said before, after this lesson, the people in the game department will definitely strengthen the security of the top ten gang studios, so our safety will definitely be guaranteed."

"But..." Feng Chen said, but he was interrupted before he could finish.

"Hey, isn't it just worrying about our safety. It's simple. You can send some experts around you to protect us." The book blurted out in the middle of the night, "So you can rest assured that your two elders don't have to move anymore. After all, we move. Very troublesome."

"You kid, what's the trouble with moving, and I won't let you do it." Fengchen said in a calm manner, but by looking at his expression, he knew that he was a little shaken.

"Although we don't need to do it, there is always a lot of trouble, and we have to adapt again, and the game is at a critical juncture, we don't have time to do this, so it's best to stay in the studio." Samadhi said, and then. She chuckled: "As for the safety issue, the two uncles don't have to worry. It's really impossible to just send some guards over as the little book said. I don't believe there will still be as powerful as today's attack us."

Stopping Feng Chen who is still to finish talking, Leng Shuang nodded and said, "Okay, since you insist, then things are set for the time being, but if the kid Ye Luo makes any choice, you can't say anything else. , Then you must follow Ye Luo's arrangement."

"This is natural." Po Lang Chengfeng and the others said in unison.

Fengchen was a little anxious when he heard Leng Shuang say this. He was dragged by the former as soon as he wanted to say something. Then he lowered his voice and said, "You don't see that these little guys have a lot of scruples in their hearts. They can no longer face each other. Although you and I both know that sooner or later they have to make a choice, but now the situation is special, and they can’t worry about this matter, especially the things in the game. You and I know from Dukang and the others. In view of how grim the game is, there must be no other accidents at this time."

Although they don't play games, Fengchen and Lengshuang also know how important games are to the country now. As retired soldiers, they naturally know that national interests are important. After thinking of this, Fengchen nodded and made a decision: "Well, that's true, let's talk about it when things in the game ease down a bit."

"No, children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, let them choose for themselves, after all, that is their heart, we may be self-defeating if we intervene too much." Leng Shuang shook his head, seeing Fengchen hesitate, he continued: "You The relationship with your girl has finally eased. Is it possible that you want to fight again because of your intervention? If this is the case, I am afraid that they will hide away. If this is the case, they will be even more dangerous."

I also know the character of Po Lang Riding the Wind, Feng Chen knows that if she is really overly persecuted, she might really hide from a distance. Although it is easy to find with his means, it will naturally not be possible to protect herself as close as she is now. Now, thinking of these, he nodded, accepting such a decision.

"But it's always unsafe to stay in the studio." Fengchen thought of this question: "Now we can't forcefully change their minds. What should we do?"

"The decision is in the hands of that kid, Ye Luo, and we can try to persuade him in the future." Cold Shuang said lightly, after a short pause, he continued: "As my daughter said, the country will strengthen the studio after this incident. In addition, we can send some people to protect them. There is no problem to ensure their safety."

"Well, that's true." Fengchen nodded, and then he sighed: "The most important thing is that this can only be done. Alas, I like Ye Luo more and more now, but there is only one..."

"Who said no?" Leng Shuang said lightly, but the voice was very low, I don't know if Fengchen heard it.

And while Fengchen and the others were talking about this, Ye Luo’s operation was also completed. They were relieved after hearing the doctor said that it was only a serious skin injury, especially when the doctor said that Ye Luo had been seeing Ye Luo for two or three days. After being able to move freely with his cultivation, this makes the fireworks easy to breathe a sigh of relief-as mentioned before, if Ye Luo cannot recover for a long time and cannot log in to the game, then the Chinese server alliance will never have a chance to reverse the situation. Now, she can finally breathe a sigh of relief when she hears that the situation is not bad.

"Well, you already know that Ye Luo is not a serious problem, and the hospital is not a place where you can stay. Go back quickly." Po Lang Chengfeng couldn't help but began to issue the'dismissal order', which caused Leng Shuang and Feng Chen to bother. People blow their beards and stare, but they can do nothing.

Think about it, even though Leng Shuang and the others wanted to thank Ye Luo for saving their daughter, of course they also wanted to'influence' Ye Luo secretly, but at this time Ye Luo was still asleep because of anesthesia, and these naturally couldn't be achieved. Naturally, they couldn't watch the night here, so they didn't have any reason to stay, but they were somewhat unwilling to leave without seeing Ye Luo, and they hesitated for a while.

Seeing Fengchen two hesitate, Fireworks Yi said coldly: "Father, Uncle Feng, you can go back, it's no surprise that Uncle Bacchus and Uncle Fengxing are on their way here. Then you will have a good chat."

"As for Ye Luo, we are here to take care of it, there will be no problem, you can rest assured." Firework Yi Leng added.

After a moment of silence, Leng Shuang said: "Well, good, but once Ye Luo wakes up and turns around, he will notify us as soon as possible. We must thank him in person for saving my daughter."

He looked at the fireworks meaningfully and it was easy to be cold, and the latter instantly understood what he meant, with a blushing face and a little girl's attitude.

"That's right, I want to thank him in person." Fengchen who was behind once again blew his beard and stared, and he felt so depressed in his heart.

Next, Fengchen and Lengshuang left, but when they left, the fireworks were easy to be cold, and the waves and wind were not sent to each other. This made them murmur and feel the heartache of being offered a ‘Chinese cabbage’.

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