VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3736: : hard to hold

The day after tomorrow, it will be 3 days from the destruction of the Chinese server imperial city, and the Chinese server imperial city will be restored at that time, so that all players in the Chinese server will no longer be punished by the 15% weakening of the overall attributes, which will undoubtedly make the Chinese server alliance. The overall strength of the server has improved a lot, and in this case, the people in the Japanese server alliance want to have a situation that can suppress the Chinese server alliance. Naturally, they will destroy the Chinese server imperial city again.

It’s just that players in the Chinese server are no longer punished by the 15% reduction in overall attributes due to the restoration of the imperial city. So if you want to destroy the imperial city in the Chinese server to the greatest extent, you must destroy the imperial city in the Russian server tomorrow. After all, the Russian server is an alliance of the Chinese server. In addition to the strongest server in the Chinese server, destroying the imperial city will undoubtedly weaken the overall strength of the Chinese server alliance to the greatest extent.

That's the way, Samadhi and Fireworks Yi Leng concluded that the alliance of one party in the service of tomorrow will definitely attack the Imperial City of Russia.

"That's true." June Feixue nodded, thinking of something she laughed: "If that's the case, then can we deploy a large number of elites in advance, so that we will have a great chance, even almost It will definitely be able to resist the siege of the enemy alliance, after all, you and I both know how much resistance it can cause to the siege of the enemy alliance by deploying elites in advance."

"Once we can resist the siege of the enemy alliance tomorrow, then the Japanese server alliance will no longer be able to destroy the imperial city of our alliance, so even if Uncle Ye Luo does not return to the game, we can resolve this crisis." June Feixue added.

Hearing this, Zhiyue, Othello and the others were all excited. With their elites deployed in advance in their hearts, they naturally had a greater chance to resist the offensive of the enemy alliance.

"I'm afraid the situation will not be the same as you think." Samadhi poured a touch of cold water: "If there are no major accidents, even if we know in advance that the enemy alliance is going to attack the Russian Imperial City, it may not be able to defend. live."

"Why?" June Feixue was quite puzzled: "How can we still fail to defend the siege of the enemy alliance even when we deploy a large number of elites to focus on defense? Especially when we deployed all the elites in advance on the Russian server. middle……"

"First of all, it is impossible for us to deploy all the elites in the Russian server in advance. Even if we focus on defense, there are more elites deployed than other servers." Samadhi interrupted June Feixue's words, seeing their doubts. After all, she did not betray and explained: "Because we have analyzed in advance that the enemy alliance is going to attack the Russian server, but after seeing that we have deployed all the elites in the Russian server in advance, they can naturally adjust the deployment, such as for Africa. Servers or Bucky Servers, because these two servers don't have many elites deployed, so they can occupy them relatively easily."

"That's right." Sitting on Qin Xin and took over the words: "Even if we want to teleport the player through the teleportation array, we will lose the opportunity and make it easier for the enemy alliance to occupy the non-server or Bucky server imperial city, In this way, their consumption and casualties are much less than deploying some elites in advance."

"Even so, isn't it that the imperial city of the non-server or Bucky server was destroyed?" Othello said disdainfully: "As long as the imperial city of the Russian server can be kept, it will be fine, so that in the future our server and Russia will The imperial city on the server server is intact, so the overall strength of our Chinese server alliance will be stronger, and with Ye Luo returning to the game, we will definitely be able to contain the enemy alliance's siege by then."

Not only Othello thinks this way, but also Jun Feixue and Zhiyue.

"Things won't be as easy as you think." Midnight Shu interrupted June Feixue, who was about to say something, and after a while, he explained, "As Sister Shi and Sister Qin said, the enemy alliance should be compared to the enemy. After a small price to destroy the imperial city of the non-service or the Bucky service, it will not stop there..."

"Hey, what if they don't give up, could it be possible that they can destroy another imperial city of ours?" Othello sneered: "Even if we didn't deploy elites in advance, it would make it easier for the enemy alliance to take Bucky or not. The imperial city will be destroyed, but they will still suffer large casualties, and there will be no more killer tools such as the remaining [Group Blessing Scroll], so it is impossible for them to destroy another imperial city of ours."

"That's right, they don't have the strength to destroy two imperial cities in one day." June Feixue agreed, and Zhiyue nodded after hearing her words, obviously she thought so too.

"Maybe the Japanese server alliance will no longer have the strength to destroy our imperial city again, but because they still retain some killer tools such as [Group Blessing Scroll], they will definitely be able to occupy our gang station, level 5 gang station, and even There may be more than one occupied." The book said in the middle of the night, after seeing the changes in the expressions of June Feixue and others, he continued: "It seems that you have also realized something, yes, the defensive power of the 5th-level gang station is far greater than that of the emperor. The city is poor, and if the enemy alliance still retains some [Group Blessing Scrolls], they don’t need much, only 7 or 8 are needed, I am afraid they have the strength to occupy our gang station, and once they occupy our gang station, then they will There will undoubtedly be some more system rewards, and it will be much easier for them to destroy our imperial city later."

"Especially if they can occupy 2 or more of our gang's quarters, so the [Group Blessing Scroll] and other killer props they have have reached an exaggerated number. Even if Brother Ye returns to the game, it may not be able to contain it. them," Midnight Book added.

"Well, after destroying the imperial city of the non-server or Bucky server, the enemy alliance should not be able to occupy our gang's station so easily." June Feixue said, but when she said this, she was a little lacking in confidence. .

"If they want to occupy our gang station in normal times, it will not be so easy, but tomorrow, our Chinese server, court server, and the imperial city of Central Asia server have been destroyed. All the three servers have the overall attributes of the player. Both are reduced by 15%, which is almost the time when our alliance is the weakest. No surprise, even if the enemy alliance has 5 or 6 [Group Blessing Scrolls] in their hands, they have a great chance to occupy our gang station." Samadhi said After a while, she continued: "And in the case of our wrong deployment, it is still very easy for the enemy alliance to keep more than 10 killer items such as [Group Blessing Scrolls], and we have already exhausted them, such as small books. Said that they can easily occupy our gang station, and there are more than one."

"The reward for destroying the imperial city, plus the reward for occupying two or more gang quarters, the [Group Blessing Scroll] and other killer props owned by the enemy alliance have reached a relatively exaggerated level, so even if Ye Luo can Returning to the game may not necessarily be able to stop the siege of the enemy alliance." Sitting on Qin Xin, he took over the conversation: "Don't forget that the strength of the dark night and Tokyo myth can entangle Ye Luo, and then the others will be able to bear the [ Players in the state of Group Blessing Scroll] can attack the city with impunity."

Hearing this, Othello and the others were silent, and they also realized this.

"So tomorrow we will focus on defending the Russian server and at the same time deploy a group of elites in the non-server or Bucky server, so that the enemy alliance will have greater consumption and casualties, and then they will no longer be able to destroy our imperial city." Samadhi said at the end, looking at June Feixue and the others while talking about her: "So even if we know this is the case, we can only focus a little on defending the Russian server."

"Oh, that's true." Zhiyue nodded, thinking of something, she changed her tone: "But tomorrow we will deploy more elites in the Russian server than today in the Central Asia server, so we still have a bigger There is a chance to resist the offensive of the enemy alliance, so..."

"No, I'm afraid it will be difficult, and even nine out of ten we will watch the Russian Imperial City be destroyed." Samadhi interrupted Zhiyue's words, and she didn't betray her after seeing her doubts, and explained: " Because tomorrow, the imperial city of our Chinese server, court server and Central Asian server will be destroyed, and the overall attributes of all players on the three servers will be reduced by 15%, so our overall strength will be opened with the enemy alliance. The gap, in this case, the enemy alliance still has a good chance of success if it wants to force a siege."

Hearing this, everyone was silent, and then they remembered that tomorrow, the Chinese server alliance will have 3 destroyed imperial cities at the same time, and this is almost the time when the Chinese server alliance is the weakest, so it can't hold the Russian server. Imperial City is not impossible.

"Doesn't that mean that we must not be able to keep the Russian Imperial City?!" Po Lang Cheng Feng's voice increased a bit, and her face was a little ugly when she said this.

"It's hard to hold." Samadhi said, stopping what she was going to say to ride the waves and ride the wind, she continued: "However, we can still maximize consumption and casualties to the enemy alliance, so they shouldn't have much energy to continue occupying ours. The gang is stationed, and there is no chance to destroy other imperial cities, but only have the [Group Blessing Scroll] and other killer items that are rewarded by destroying an imperial city. It is not so easy for the enemy alliance to destroy our Chinese imperial city again. Especially when Ye Luo will return to the game."

"It's not that easy, but we must not destroy our imperial city anymore." Fireworks Yi Leng corrected, and she said this with strong confidence in her tone.

Listening to the words of the fireworks being easy to be cold, everyone rekindled their confidence. For a while, they no longer struggled with whether they could defend the Russian Imperial City tomorrow. After all, for everyone, as long as they could stop the Japanese server alliance from destroying the Chinese Imperial City again. The city is enough, because once it is contained, the overall strength of the Chinese server alliance will recover quickly, and the Japanese server alliance that won the system reward without destroying the imperial city will not have any chance to destroy the emperor of the Chinese server alliance again. City, even the imperial city with the weakest server.

In other words, the situation will change by then, and they will no longer have to worry about being suppressed by the Japanese server alliance.

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