VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3740: : keep for use

That's right, even if they occupy more than 2 or 3 5th-level gang stations and then more than 10 [Group Blessing Scroll] Japanese servers are not fully confident that they can destroy the Chinese server imperial city again, especially in Ye Luozhong. In the case of returning to the game - Ye Luoke is not only strong personally, the most important thing is that he has a lot of means to assist everyone, such as [Morale Boost], [Morale Weakening] and [Heavenly Tribulation*Black Hole], of course, he is the most powerful. The most important thing is the awakening skill [Tai Chi Dao] of combined equipment.

If the Imperial City in the Chinese server cannot be destroyed again, the various advantages created by the alliance of the Japanese server side will be gone, and it will be unknown what will happen to them, but there is a high probability that they will be suppressed again. They have no chance of turning over again.

It was just thinking about these Tokyo Myths that she disapproved of using the [God Descends Scroll] tomorrow, and this made Sakura Ruxue puzzled, but she soon woke up—Tokyo Myth wanted to attack the Imperial City once again. Use [God Descends Scroll].

There were also smart people among the crowd, and soon they understood the meaning of cherry blossoms like snow, and for a while they all thought that it would be better to use the [God Descends Scroll] in the day after tomorrow.

"That's right, it's best to use the [God's Descendence Scroll] when attacking the Chinese Imperial City the day after tomorrow." Tokyo Mythology nodded: "We have 4 [God's Descending Scrolls] in our hands when we attack the Chinese Imperial City the day after tomorrow. ], no surprise tomorrow after we take down the Russian Imperial City, we will have some more [Group Blessing Scrolls] left in our hands. It would be best if we could just use the [Group Blessing Scroll] to destroy the Chinese Imperial City. If so, use the [God's Advent Scroll], because at that time both sides must have been exhausted, and there are 4 more [God's Advent Scroll] enough to suppress everyone in the alliance of the Chinese server, even if Ye Luozhiqiu returns to the game. must be able to cope.”

"Because Ye Luozhiqiu will definitely be exhausted by then. At this time, we who have the [God Descends Scroll] are invincible, and he can't resist us at all." Tokyo Mythology added.

Think about it too, because the Russian server and other servers are still being destroyed, the overall strength of the Chinese server alliance has dropped to the bottom, and the Japanese server alliance has used more [Group Blessing Scrolls]. The people in the alliance who serve one side will naturally not have any reservations, and will fight with all their strength, including Ye Luo who may return to the game.

Once he fights with all his strength, Ye Luo will undoubtedly have a lot of consumption. Even after all the scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scroll] are used, Ye Luo is already at the end of the battle. At this time, Tokyo Mythology uses the [God Descends Scroll] and uses it all at once. 4 can easily suppress or even kill Ye Luo.

In the worst case, they can drive Ye Luo away, and then they can easily destroy the Imperial City of China.

And as long as the imperial city of the Chinese server is destroyed again, then the overall strength of the alliance of the Chinese server will truly fall to the bottom, and the strength gap between the two sides will be further widened. The most important thing is that the imperial city of the Chinese server will take 3 days to recover. , in the next 3 days, the Japanese server alliance will undoubtedly be able to further expand the victory, such as continuing to destroy the imperial city serving the middle alliance alliance, such as occupying some gang stations.

Three days is enough for the Japanese server alliance to do a lot of things, which will expand the strength gap between the two sides to the extreme, so it is almost a sure thing to completely suppress the Chinese server alliance.

Hearing this, everyone also thought of this, and for a while they all thought that it would be the most sensible to use the [God Descends Scroll] in the day after tomorrow.

"Of course, we will also keep as many [Group Blessing Scrolls] as possible tomorrow. The more scrolls we keep, the more confident we will be to destroy the Imperial City in the Chinese server." Fujisan said, after a while, he continued: "If Tomorrow's remaining [Group Blessing Scrolls] can reach 5, then we can also choose a weaker level 5 gang station to start, so that we can get some more system rewards, of course, occupying some gang stations can also further weaken the alliance of the Chinese server side. Strength."

In this regard, everyone also agrees, thinking of these actions they began to look forward to.

Of course, before doing this, they had to destroy the Central Asian Imperial City. Fortunately, at this time, everyone in the Central Asian Alliance had given up defending the city, so there was no problem in taking the Central Asian Imperial City.

After more than 10 minutes, the dark night successfully destroyed the heart of the city in the imperial city of the Central Asian server. This was also discussed by everyone before, and after doing this, Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night and others did not idle, forming an elite team against the Chinese server. Players from one alliance start hunting, which can further weaken the overall strength of the Chinese server alliance.

However, through the actions of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, Fireworks Yi Leng and others have also confirmed that the alliance on the Japanese server has not retained the [Group Blessing Scroll], which means that they will no longer attack the gang station, and then everyone can do their own thing with peace of mind. .

After confirming this, Fireworks Yi Leng and the others continued to be busy. For example, they received the most difficult [Fallen Beast], and Midnight Book and others were also busy, or looking for high-quality BOSS, or entering the city of the sky, of course there are also Many players are working overtime to level up to level 360 as soon as possible.

"Hey, even when we have destroyed two imperial cities, the enemy alliance is only capable of destroying the Central Asian service imperial city. From the fact that they did not continue to do anything to our gang station, we knew that they did not keep [groups] in their hands. Blessing scroll]." Othello said while attacking the monster: "Although the destruction of the Imperial City of Central Asia has further weakened the overall strength of our alliance, the strength of the enemy alliance has also weakened due to the large casualties. In this way, the strength gap between our two sides is not too big. In this case, it will not be so easy for them to capture the Russian server tomorrow, especially when we focus on defense. It is no surprise that even if they capture the Russian server Imperial City. It is dead and unable to continue to capture our gang station."

"Since some gang stations can no longer be occupied, the number of scrolls such as the [Group Blessing Scroll] owned by the alliance in the Japanese server will not be too many in the future. Once Ye Luo returns to the game, it will definitely be able to contain the offensive of the enemy alliance. Especially in the future, we won't be punished by a 15% reduction in overall stats," Othello added.

In this regard, everyone also agrees, thinking that these people's expressions stretch a little.

"Not only that, in the day after tomorrow, Sister Feng and Fireworks should be able to upgrade to level 360 and rank 9. People such as riding a thousand miles alone will also have the opportunity to rank 9. The most important thing is that both Dongfang Tiantian and Sister Feng will have a chance. No, it's certain. To be able to collect 10 million points of the national war and then exchange them for a national weapon, tsk tsk, after having the national weapon, Sister Feng and their strength will be further improved. At that time, it will undoubtedly cause greater resistance to the enemy alliance and then make us more There is a chance to defend the imperial city." June Feixue said, after a short pause she continued: "Even in the future we will definitely be able to defend the imperial city."

Jiyue Feixue's words were immediately echoed by Zhiyue, Jianliu and others, and they all agreed, thinking that they could finally stop the offensive of the Japanese server alliance, and they all looked forward to it for a while.

"Things are not guaranteed, because the enemy alliance is possible, no, they must have hidden some killer tactics." Samadhi shook her head, seeing that everyone didn't care, she spit out a few words - the gods are coming reel.

Hearing these words, everyone's expressions became ugly, because they also remembered that the [God Descends Scroll] was included in the reward for destroying the imperial city, and the number of such scrolls in the hands of the Japanese server alliance was quite large. .

"Yeah, the people from the enemy alliance didn't use the [God Descends Scroll]!" Yi Xiaoqing's voice increased a bit: "Although this item is the biggest threat to the boss, it can also cause great damage to the player after using it. After all, after using it, the player's overall attributes increase by 200%, and the attack speed and movement speed increase by 100%. The most troublesome thing is that the next attack is pure damage, which means that the target's defense is ignored. In this state, the dark night , Tokyo Myth can easily kill many of us, especially after we have consumed most of our skills."

"By the way, it seems that being attacked by a player who is in the state of [God's Descending] will not cause a miss, which means that dodging is of no use." Yi Xiao Qingcheng added.

Hearing this, everyone's expressions became more solemn, and for a while they were no longer full of confidence before.

"Not only that, don't forget that it was the dark night that destroyed the Imperial City of Central Asia today." Samadhi said, looking at everyone as she spoke: "Obviously, as we guessed before, the enemy alliance was negotiated to destroy it in turn. The imperial city, coupled with the siege of the city tomorrow, it is no surprise that the strength of the super-masters of the enemy alliance will be further improved, and they can even reach the point of resisting or even threatening Ye Luo."

"Especially in the dark night, their luck is better and they can get the national weapons that they can equip, high-grade national weapons, so even if Ye Luo returns to the game, there may be accidents." Samadhi added: "If we really can't keep it, then What awaits us is that we will be suppressed all the time.”

"Then how should we deal with it?" Zhiyue blurted out, and without waiting for the fireworks and the cold to reply, she continued: "Since the enemy alliance still retains the [God's Arrival Scroll], why don't they use it? After using it, there is a chance to occupy it. Our gang is based, and this will undoubtedly allow them to obtain more generous system rewards."

"They kept these to deal with us." Sitting on Qin Xin, she continued after a while: "Accurately, they should want to use it when they attack our imperial city again, so they can attack our imperial city. The chances of the city have increased a lot, and even for them it is almost certain, and as long as we destroy our imperial city again, the overall situation has been settled for the enemy alliance, and there is no need to worry that we can turn the situation around."

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