VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3750: : Possibility of siege

After a simple analysis, Fireworks Yi Leng and the others believe that tomorrow, there is a great chance for the alliance to attack the Imperial City in the Chinese server, because Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night and others must be worried that the delay will be longer, and Ye Luo will have a chance to return to the game. , so they have to ensure that Ye Luo's overall attributes are reduced by 15% when he returns to the game, and only in this way can they be more confident to suppress Ye Luo and then continue to suppress the China-Server Alliance.

Next, the Japanese server alliance mobilized a large number of elites to sneak into the Chinese server, which undoubtedly verified this.

"That's right, there is a ninety-nine percent chance that they will do something to our imperial city." Samadhi said, and she frowned slightly when she said this: "It takes more than a day to mobilize elites, which can undoubtedly mobilize hundreds of millions or even more. It is hundreds of millions of elites, so many people attacking the city together will undoubtedly pose a greater threat to us."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions became more solemn. After all, they also knew that the more enemies attacking the city, the more difficult it would be for them to defend.

"It's a pity that the overall strength of the enemy alliance is stronger than us at this time, especially because there are many super masters in them who can act recklessly. Otherwise, we will definitely form an elite team to attack those who infiltrate our server." Midnight Shu said angrily: "With more powerful strength, they can kill a lot of them, and this undoubtedly makes them a lot afraid."

Even super assassins like Dark Night and Wuming can't pose any threat to Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, even if they cooperate with masters such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Dongfang Tiantian, etc. In this case, they will be afraid of players who sneak into the Chinese server. Many, at least they dare not do anything to the elites with a large number of players, because the more the target number, the more likely they will be entangled - once they are entangled and then wait for the masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology to support them, they are likely to be entangled. was killed.

If masters such as Shushu were killed at this juncture, then it would undoubtedly be worse for the China-Server Alliance, so they had to be a lot more cautious, which also meant that they could not act recklessly.

"Yeah, we can't recklessly take action against those who sneak into our servers, because Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology may lay traps waiting for us." Sitting on Qin Xin, she smiled bitterly: "If Ye Luo falls, then Well, with his strength and various means, there is no need to have too many scruples. The most important thing is Ye Luo's damage output, especially the instant explosiveness is very strong, he can kill the target before the arrival of Dark Night, Tokyo Myth and others. , coupled with the effect of [Degenerate* Devour], the enemy can be degraded."

"Give Ye Luo some time and he will definitely be able to cause great casualties to the enemy's players, and this will definitely make the enemy alliance afraid and dare not mobilize elites to sneak into our server, at least not dare to mobilize elites recklessly. , so there will be a lot fewer enemies attacking the city tomorrow." Sitting on Qin Xin added.

Everyone agreed with this, but they also knew that Ye Luo would not be able to return to the game today. Thinking of the siege of hundreds of millions of enemies tomorrow, their hearts became a little heavy for a while.

"Then what are we going to do next?" Zhiyue said, looking at Fireworks Yi Leng and Samadhi as she spoke.

"Although the dark night and the Tokyo mythology are a great threat to us, we cannot let the enemy mobilize the elite to sneak into our server recklessly." She said through the waves, her face was cold, and her beautiful eyes flickered: "Next, We still have to form an elite team to snipe the enemies who have infiltrated our server, kill some of them as much as possible, and let Tokyo Mythology know that we are not very hot."

"That's right, we can't just sit still, we must act." Midnight Shu agreed, without waiting for everyone to speak, he changed his tone: "Of course, because the dark night and Tokyo mythology are very likely, no, they will definitely intercept us, so we You have to be a lot more careful, you must avoid them deliberately, at least you have to evacuate as soon as they appear and then attack us, and there must be no hesitation."

"In addition, it is best to let the assassins of our alliance participate in the operation. After all, assassins are better at assassination and sneak attacks." Midnight Book added.

"That's right, mobilize all the elite assassins to launch a sneak attack on them. Even if you can't deter them, you must cause casualties to them as much as possible. You mustn't make them so comfortable." Samadhi said, and then she looked at Polang Chengfeng: "Just as Sister Feng It’s only a few points away from Dongfang Slaughter to exchange for national weapons, and it’s not too late to level up after collecting enough points, so that our leveling efficiency will be even higher.”

"Why don't you let Sister Feng and Sister Fireworks first rise to level 360 and rank 9 before sniping at the enemy?" June Feixue said with doubts: "After rank 9, Sister Feng's strength will be greatly improved, which will not only be able to counteract the enemy. The enemy poses a greater threat and is more capable of self-defense."

"Because if you don't cause casualties to the enemy alliance as much as possible at the beginning, it will be so easy to attack them after the number of enemies gathered has formed a scale." Samadhi explained: "Take advantage of the fact that the number of enemies is still small. It’s easier to succeed when you do it, not to mention that Sister Feng’s leveling efficiency will be much improved after she has collected enough points to exchange for national weapons.”

"Well, kill first, then level up." Po Lang Chengfeng said, looking at her level as she spoke: "Anyway, it's only 20% of my experience from reaching level 360 at this time, so it won't take much. It can be upgraded for a long time, the big deal is not to rest today, just stay up all night until tomorrow, and it is not too late to rest after the siege of the enemy alliance is contained, and then you can rest more at ease.”

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and then they no longer struggled with this issue, and urged Fireworks Yi Leng to quickly give orders to the people in the alliance.

"It may be worse than you think." Suddenly Fireworks Yi said coldly, and after seeing everyone's astonished expressions, she didn't sell anything and continued: "It is also possible that the enemy alliance will attack our server instead of To mobilize elites for tomorrow's siege..."

"What, they are going to attack our imperial city?!" Zhiyue's voice increased a bit, and then she shook her head: "Impossible, after all, they have already suffered great consumption and casualties in the previous siege battle. How could they still have the strength to destroy our imperial city under such circumstances?"

"The most important thing is that our imperial city has not been restored, and it is still under system protection. It is impossible for them to do anything." Sitting on Qin Xin thought of this, and her words were echoed by everyone.

Suddenly Samadhi thought of something, she looked stunned, then shook her head and said, "No, I'm afraid they are not going to do something to our imperial city, but to our gang station."

"Action against our gang station?" Wei Wei was stunned, and then Othello nodded: "Well, it is very likely to attack our imperial city. After all, occupying our imperial city will give them more system rewards. It will also be very helpful for attacking our imperial city tomorrow."

"But it's not right. At present, all the guild stations on our server are at level 5. If you want to start a gang station of this level, you need to consume at least 7, 8 or even more [Group Blessing Scrolls]. A level 5 guild station only rewards 5 [Group Blessing Scrolls], which means that even if they occupy our guild station, the [Group Blessing Scrolls] in their hands will not increase but decrease, which is not worth it for them. Soon Othello shook her head, and then she looked at Fireworks Yi Leng and Samadhi Shi: "Could it be that they can occupy our gang station at the cost of less than 5 [Group Blessing Scrolls], this is fundamentally impossible. thing."

"Less than 5 [Group Blessing Scrolls] are naturally impossible to occupy our gang station, at least 10 are needed." Fireworks Yi said coldly, seeing the stunned expressions of Othello and the others, she continued: "But occupy a level 5 one. The guild station may not only get 5 [Group Blessing Scrolls], don't forget that there are other rewards besides [Group Blessing Scrolls], such as other types of scrolls, as well as treasure chests, demon-level treasure chests, but there are treasure chests of this level. Opportunity to open multiple scrolls, including [Group Blessing Scroll].”

"In addition, if they are lucky enough to occupy the 5th-level gang station, they will have the opportunity to obtain national weapons, which can further enhance their strength." Fireworks Yi Leng added.

"Oh, that's true." June Feixue nodded, and then she frowned: "If this is the case, it will be troublesome, and the loss of more gang stations will be even greater..."

"I'm afraid it's more than that." Samadhi interrupted June Feixue's words, and she frowned when she said this: "Once our gang station is occupied, then the people of the enemy alliance can pass through the teleportation array. It has been teleported to our server. Remember that all the players of the enemy alliance can ride the teleportation array, so the efficiency of their mobilization of elites will be greatly improved, which means that the number of players who can attack the city tomorrow is more than we imagined. There are more of them.”

Hearing this, everyone also thought of this, and their expressions became solemn for a while, and then they all looked at the fireworks Yi Leng, the meaning is self-evident.

Seeing that Fireworks Yi Leng remained silent, June Feixue asked again, "Sister Fireworks, if they really want to attack our gang station and capture it, what should we do?"

"There is no good way, the next thing we can do is to try our best to stop them from occupying our gang's station." Samadhi replied on his behalf, and then she said to herself: "I hope they will attack the Russian server before. Most of the [Group Blessing Scrolls] were consumed in the battle of the imperial city, and only if the number of scrolls in his hand is not enough, we will have a chance to stop their siege."

"Not only that, we can also cause more casualties to them while defending the city, and this will also be very helpful for tomorrow's battle." Samadhi added.

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