VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3753: : Occupied again

In the continuous battles, Dongfang Killing the Sky and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind also killed many enemies and gained a lot of points. At this time, their points will only reach 10 million points, and then they will be able to exchange for a national weapon. And this will undoubtedly increase their strength and make it easier to defend the city tomorrow.

Everyone also thought of this, and for a while they all breathed a sigh of relief and began to look forward to it.

While everyone was looking forward to it, there was another news from the Assassin's family - a large number of elite players were gathering in Tiansong City, a gang resident of the Yeyu family.

"What, a large number of elite players are gathering in Tiansong City?!" After hearing this, Othello's voice increased a bit, and she blurted out: "Could it be that the enemy alliance still retains the [Group Blessing Scroll] at this time and then You can also occupy one of our gang quarters."

"It looks like this at the moment." Sitting on Qin Xin, she frowned slightly when she said this: "That is to say, they still have a great chance to occupy another gang station at this time, and this will undoubtedly make us The loss will be greater, and it will also have some impact on the defense of the city tomorrow, after all, the number of teleportation formations in the two gang stations will be more, and it will be more convenient to mobilize elites."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions became solemn, because they also knew that since the people from the Japanese server alliance gathered outside Tiange City, they were naturally confident to occupy it, and this was not good news for the Chinese server.

"Well, I feel that the enemy alliance's attack on Tiansong City is not necessarily bad news for us, even if they can really capture it." The book said in the middle of the night, after seeing everyone's puzzled expressions, he explained: "Through the You and I have seen the previous city defense battle, even if the enemy alliance can occupy our gang station, but the casualties will be more than ours. In Japan, their overall strength in defending the city is weaker than it is now."

"As you can see, people from the enemy alliance need to consume about 10 [Group Blessing Scrolls] to win our guild station, but occupying a level 5 guild station may not necessarily reward so many scrolls, and the number may be reduced. , The number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] has been reduced, which is still beneficial to us defending the city." Midnight Book added.

There is no shortage of smart people in the crowd, and the most important thing is that they have all gone through the previous battles, and soon they also want to understand this, and then June Feixue muttered: "So that's true, it's just that the Yeyu family lost some more tax revenue. Well, it seems to be more favorable to us for the overall situation.”

"But the more gangs the enemy alliance occupies, the more efficient they can mobilize elites. This will undoubtedly greatly increase the pressure on our defense..." Zhiyue said, but she was interrupted before she could finish.

"Actually, there are already quite a few teleportation formations in a level 5 gang station, but the efficiency of teleporting players from a gang station is very high." At the same time, the number of players who can attack the city is also limited, that is to say, only the players at the front can participate in the siege, and as long as we can defend the attack of the players at the front, it will be fine, so it is not too much trouble to send more players over. ."

"Although what Sister Qi said is a bit one-sided, it's basically the same situation. In short, the occupation of two gang quarters will not have much impact on our defense of the city tomorrow. Even if we kill more enemies next time, it's okay. Let the situation be more favorable to us." Samadhi said, without waiting for everyone to speak, she will continue: "Of course the most important thing is that the enemy has decided to attack the city, what we can do is to fight with all our strength, and we can't let them rob the gang station. go."

"That's right, we must do our best to inflict casualties on them." June Feixue vowed, and everyone else's expressions were also a little resolute.

After that, everyone didn't say much, and they were ready to meet the enemy at any time, and the war did not take too long to break out. At a time, tens of millions of elites surrounded Tiansong City and launched the most violent attack—— They used all the remaining [Group Blessing Scrolls].

This time, Tokyo Mythology used as many as 10 [Group Blessing Scrolls]. The use of so many scrolls at once made their overall strength a lot improved. The players of the Chinese server alliance even took advantage of the city walls and defensive equipment to resist. Can't stop, Tokyo Myth and other super masters will soon attack the city wall, and this also means that there is a high probability that everyone will not be able to defend Tiange City.

Of course, Fireworks Yi Leng and the others will not give up this gang station in vain. Next, they try to intercept those elite masters and cause greater casualties. This is the only thing they can do at this time.

As the book in the middle of the night said, even though they didn't defend Tiansong City this time, they did cause a lot of casualties to the Japanese server alliance, at least more casualties than the Chinese server alliance. The overall strength of the Japanese server alliance still has some influence.

According to Fireworks Yi Leng's request, everyone persisted for a while longer, until Tokyo Mythology and the [Group Blessing Scroll] state they were wearing had less than 1 minute to evacuate. Although this increased the casualties of the Chinese server alliance, but only With so little time left, Tokyo Mythology and the others are no longer enough to occupy other gang residences, at least they cannot occupy other gang residences without using more [Group Blessing Scrolls].

Even so, the people from the major gangs in the Chinese server are also nervous. They are afraid that the people from the Japanese server alliance will attack the city again, because no one can guarantee whether the next one to be attacked is the gang station of their guild - once the gang station is there Being occupied is a huge loss for a gang.

Thinking about it, maybe the Japanese server alliance continues to siege the city, which is more beneficial to the Chinese server alliance. The loss is too great. After all, the loss of a gang station and the loss of so much tax will undoubtedly reduce their income a lot. I am afraid that any gang will not want to see this.

Fortunately, after occupying Tiansong City, the players of the Japanese server alliance did not continue to act, which also means that they have consumed all the [Group Blessing Scrolls] and are unable to capture other guild stations. After judging these, the Chinese server majors The players in the guild let out a long sigh of relief.

Because it was determined that the players of the Japanese server alliance would not continue to attack the city, the players of the major servers began to act independently. Next, they should get as many items as [Group Blessing Scroll], [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Order] and other items as much as possible. , after all, the number of these props is related to whether they can successfully defend the imperial city of China service tomorrow.

Whether the Chinese server can be defended is not only important for Chinese server players, but also for allied servers such as Russian server, because once the Chinese server imperial city is destroyed again, it means that the Japanese server alliance can continue to destroy other imperial cities. , so it almost means that the Chinese server alliance will never have a chance to turn over again.

In order to avoid these, the people of the major servers have started to get busy. They have to improve their strength as much as possible and hoard all kinds of useful killer items.

In addition to these, people from major servers have also sent a large number of elites to the Chinese server, many of whom will be deployed on the periphery of the Chinese server's imperial city before going offline, so that when the people from the Japanese server alliance attack the city tomorrow People can log in to the game and attack the enemy from behind.

As for Fireworks Yi Leng, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind, etc., after confirming that the people from the Japanese server alliance will no longer continue to siege the city, they continue to do the dungeon quest, which is still the most difficult [Fallen Beast]. After all, this not only allows them to There is a chance to get pet suits and scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scroll]. In addition, you can also let people such as Riding the Waves and Riding the Wind, Fireworks Yi Leng and others gain rich experience and then upgrade to level 360 to turn 9. Whether it is possible to turn 9 will be better for tomorrow's battle. big influence.

It is worth mentioning that after the previous battles, Bianlangchengfeng and Dongfang Tiantian gathered up 10 million points of the national war and then exchanged the national weapon. The national weapon exchanged by the wave and the wind was a low-quality national weapon helmet, although It is a low-grade national weapon, but it still improves her strength very well, and the combat power she can exert in tomorrow's battle will naturally increase a lot.

Now that she has exchanged for a low-quality national weapon helmet, what she has to do next is to upgrade to level 360 and rank 9 as much as possible. At present, she still has a good chance of rising to level 360 and rank 9 before attacking the city tomorrow. Fireworks are easy to be cold, and they have more or less such opportunities in the middle of the night.

"Sister Feng, Miss Fireworks, Xiaoshu and Nerd have already reached 80% of level 359, so there is still a chance to reach level 360 and rank 9." June Feixue said, "And can they be level 360? The strength of rank nine has a great influence, so the idiot told me that they have to stay up all night and must rise to level 360 of rank nine, you see..."

"Well, it's very important whether they rank nine or not, so they can stay up late." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "We are all professional players, although everyone's pressure has been a little bit lately, but it's not a big deal if you just stay up all night, the most important thing. The main thing is to let Xiaoshu and the others turn nine."

"It's not just Sunset and Xiaoshu. Sister Feng and I have to stay up all night. We must reach level 360 and rank nine." Fireworks Yi Leng added. Get as many props as [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Order] and [Group Blessing Scroll] as much as possible. The more such props, the better it will be for our defense of the city tomorrow. The most important thing is that this is one of our few advantage."

Think about it, although the players of the Japanese server alliance can also get the [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Order] in the city of the sky, but they can't use this kind of thing when they are attacking the city. From this aspect, this is a Chinese server alliance. have the advantages.

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