VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3757: : about to siege

Normally, Ye Luo is now logging in to the game, which is very beneficial to the Chinese server alliance, because there is at least an hour before the enemy alliance can attack the city. With his damage output and super mobility, he can recklessly attack the gathering. The enemy outside the Imperial City of the Chinese server is almost the same, and there must be a lot of players he can kill for such a long time. In addition, there are more targets to kill with the cooperation of the waves and the wind. In this case The Japanese server alliance will naturally decrease its overall strength because of the large casualties.

The most important thing is that being helpless in the face of Ye Luo and others' attacks is undoubtedly the most damaging to morale, and this will undoubtedly have a great impact on the next siege.

If Ye Luo and the others caused too many casualties to the alliance on the Japanese server, then maybe the latter will give up the siege, and this is undoubtedly the best news for the Chinese server - it can delay the hoarding of the alliance on the Chinese server for a while longer. The stronger the power, especially the more [Eight-Winged Fallen Angels Recruitment Order] in hand, it will be more difficult for the Japanese server alliance to destroy the Chinese server imperial city.

However, Ye Luo's physical condition does not allow him to log in the game for too long. After all, his previous injury was too serious. If it weren't for the fact that the situation in the Chinese server alliance was too severe, he would still not be allowed to log in. game, so naturally he cannot log in to the game in advance.

Thinking of these Saturdays and others, they felt sorry for them, but there was nothing they could do, and thinking that the Japanese server alliance was still mobilizing a large number of elites, everyone was worried for a while - Ye Luo did not take action against the players gathered outside the imperial city of the Chinese server. The strength of Feng, Dongfang Tiantian and others cannot do this, and even if the super masters such as Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and other super masters block, there will be accidents, and this naturally means that the Japanese server alliance can mobilize people unscrupulously.

In the same sentence, the more combat power you mobilize, the more chance you will have to capture the Imperial City of China, and this is very unfavorable for the alliance of the China service. Thinking of these people, it is natural to worry.

"Actually, there are many benefits to going online when Ye Luo is attacking the city." After seeing everyone's worried look, Samadhi reassured: "The appearance of Ye Luo will definitely catch the enemy alliance by surprise, and even hit a lot. Disorder their deployment, which will undoubtedly cause great trouble to their siege, and even have miraculous effects unexpectedly. For example, Ye Luo suddenly appears and can easily kill long-range professional camps such as magicians and archers of the enemy camp. ."

"Of course, if the luck is better, Ye Luo still has the opportunity to use the [Time Stopwatch] when he rushes to the dark night and Tokyo Myth, and in this case, he has a chance to kill the Dark Night and Tokyo Myth, hey, as long as he can Kill them, then all problems will not be problems." Samadhi added, her tone was faintly excited when she said this: "Even if we don't defend the imperial city in the end, there is no problem, because even if we are attacked again, there is no problem. A 15% reduction in overall attributes to punish the enemy alliance has little chance of destroying other imperial cities in our alliance."

"That's right, Ye Luo's late appearance will make Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and other masters relax their vigilance. From this point of view, this is still very good for us." Fireworks Yi said coldly, looking at everyone as she spoke. : "In addition, Ye Luo's injury will get better and better as time goes on, so he can log into the game longer and longer, and cause more and more trouble to the enemy."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and the worries in their hearts were reduced by most for a while.

"But even if the enemy alliance mobilizes troops, they must mobilize a lot of elites, which is not good for defending the city." Zhiyue mentioned this point again.

"Although the enemy alliance can use this time to mobilize more players, the space around the imperial city is limited, and the players who can participate in the siege are also limited. As long as we fix the attack of the first player, there is still a great chance. Defend the city." Samadhi said, with a smile on the corner of her mouth when she said this: "At that time, our task is to block the enemy's attack as much as possible, and this time it is desperately blocking, so as to delay as much as possible. Time, and the more time the leaves fall, the more casualties they cause behind the enemy, and the less pressure we face."

"Yes, we were worried about the lack of damage output before, especially when we faced the dark night and Tokyo myth, we had a lot of scruples, and when we knew we couldn't hold it, we often chose to reduce casualties and give up the imperial city." Sitting on Qin Xin to take over the conversation, then she changed her tone: "But the situation is different next, after Ye Luo returns to the game, we don't have to worry about the problem of insufficient damage output, the most important thing is that we have great confidence. If we can defend the imperial city, in this case we can ignore the casualties, and when everyone stops together with all their strength, the situation will be completely different from yesterday and even when we defended the city before.”

Thinking about it, they knew that if they insisted on intercepting the fireworks, they would not only fail to defend the city, but also increase casualties, so they would choose to give up defending the city when they saw that the situation was not good, and this naturally made the Japanese server It is much easier for one alliance to siege the city, and at least the time it takes to win the target has been reduced a lot.

However, the situation is different today. Simply put, the Chinese-server alliance has no way out. In this case, everyone will fight to the death. The most important thing is to think that Ye Luo and the others can kill and kill in the enemy camp. A large number of enemies will be killed and then there is a great hope of defending the imperial city. In this case, the Chinese server and even other servers will naturally fight to the death, so the situation will naturally be very different.

Hearing this, everyone also thought of this, and they were all full of confidence for a while, and all the remaining worries were dissipated.

Because it was determined that the people from the Japanese server alliance would not attack the city immediately, they did not deliberately return to the imperial city, but continued to hunt high-quality fallen angels in the city of the sky, and obtained more [Eight-winged Fallen Angels Recruitment Order] Yes It always works for them.

Of course, in the face of the increasing number of enemies gathered outside the imperial city, the Alliance will naturally not remain indifferent. Fengxing and Du Kang, the **** of wine, are in command in the imperial city, and under their command, a large number of elites lined up on the city wall. Be prepared to defend the city at any time.

Not only players from the Chinese server side are rushing to the Chinese server imperial city, but also servers such as the Russian server. They are not even more slack than the Chinese server players, because they know that if they cannot defend the Chinese server imperial city today, there is a high probability that they will not have any turnaround. opportunity, just because of these they will do their best.

Of course, thinking that some people in the Japanese server alliance may be more or less likely to attack the non-server or Bucky server imperial city, so these servers also leave some elite garrison, these elite players can ensure that they can resist the enemy for a period of time, and With this time, it is enough for players from the Chinese server and other servers to mobilize their elites to rush over.

Players in the Chinese server naturally hope that the Japanese server alliance will attack the non-server or Bucky server imperial city today, because although it is more difficult to defend, using this point can cause casualties and consumption to the Japanese server alliance as much as possible. It is still very helpful to defend the Imperial City in the middle.

However, whether it is Fireworks Yi Leng, Dongfang Xingxing, or Ye Yufeifei, they all know that this possibility is not very big, almost none, which means that today the Japanese server alliance will definitely choose the Chinese server imperial city, so they all fight. Twelve points of spirit.

Time passed slowly, and nearly an hour had passed in the blink of an eye. After such a long time, the system protection time of Yixin City and Tiange City had ended one after another, which meant that the alliance of the Japanese server could use these two teleportation arrays to continuously send to the city. The Chinese server has sent troops, and soon they will start the Chinese server imperial city.

After such a long period of time, there have been tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of players gathered outside the Imperial City of the Chinese server, and as time goes by, a large number of elites have gathered, and at present it is easy to exceed hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions of players. It has reached hundreds of millions, and the recent battle will undoubtedly be recorded in the history of the game, not only because of the large number of people participating in the battle, but the most important thing is that the result of this battle can determine the direction of the game situation.

However, what surprised the players of the alliance on the Chinese server was that the alliance on the Japanese server did not immediately attack the city after the system protection time of Tiansong City ended. They were still mobilizing their elites, watching the enemies outside the imperial city full of secrets, the city walls Everyone's expressions became solemn, and they were very nervous in their hearts.

"Tiange City has clearly ended the system protection time. People from the enemy alliance can be teleported through the teleportation array and then join the battle. Why haven't they attacked the city immediately?" Her daughter Hong asked in confusion.

"It's very simple. Although Tiange City and Yixin City are very close to the imperial city, even the speed of the elite cavalry will take some time to arrive, so it is wiser to delay the siege for a while." Dongfang Xingxing explained After a while, she continued: "But delaying time is not only good for the enemy alliance, after all, they can mobilize more elites to come over, and it is also good for us, don't forget Fireworks Yi Leng, they are still in the sky. City, the longer the delay, the more killer items such as the [August 1 Fallen Angel Recruitment Order] they will get, and this will still help us defend the city in the future."

"Well, that's true." Long Jieyu said, thinking of something she muttered to herself: "But this time there are too many enemies to attack the city, and I don't know if we can hold it, even if brother Ye Luo can return The game may not necessarily be able to hold, after all, a person's power is limited after all."

Hearing this, everyone was silent, and their expressions were a little more solemn. Although they were full of confidence before, they also knew that this time was different from the past - they never thought that the Japanese server alliance would have so many advantages.

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