VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3769: : Take back the city wall

The outer city walls of the Imperial City were all captured, and Yi Leng and the others had to retreat to the inner city wall. At this time, Ye Luo had two choices. The first was to return to the inner city wall with Midnight Shu and others to defend the city. , deterring and even intercepting Tokyo Mythology with his strength will certainly cause great trouble to them, and even prevent them from capturing the inner city wall.

Another option is to lead a group of elite cavalry with Yixiao Hongchen and others to **** the outer city wall back. Once these are achieved, tens of millions of elite cavalry will be able to attack the players of the Japanese server alliance from behind, and this will definitely be able to attack them. Inflicted great casualties and then greatly affected their siege.

Faced with these two choices, Fireworks Yi Leng directly chose the latter, which made Long Jieyu and others puzzled. After all, it is especially important to block Tokyo Myth, Dark Night and other super masters in their hearts, and only after blocking them can they hold on. The inner city wall then defended the imperial city of Zhongfu.

"I'm afraid that even if Ye Luozhiqiu wants to take back the outer city wall, it will not be so easy. Don't forget that the enemy alliance has dispatched elite defense at this time, and there are so many mobile magic crystal cannons on the city wall." Some yin and yang said strangely: "Even if he finally leads someone to **** back a section of the outer city wall, it will be a long time later. Maybe our inner city wall has been occupied by that time. When he returns, I am afraid that everything will be too late."

"No, it won't take much time, no more than 3 minutes at most." Dongfang Xingxing suddenly said, seeing Yi Nian Cheng Yao and others' suspicious expressions, she will continue: "There are still people in our team who have reserved the 100-meter displacement skill, use the With this skill Yeluo handsome guy, they can easily kill above the city wall, especially those players from the enemy alliance who are in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] will mostly attack the inner city wall."

Think about it too, the most important thing for the Japanese server alliance at this time is to capture the inner city wall and then destroy the Chinese server imperial city, and to do this will undoubtedly need to use the most elite power, so those who wear the [Group Blessing Scroll] 】 The players in the state are undoubtedly Metropolis, and even all participated in the attack on the inner city wall. At this time, Ye Luo led Xiaohongchen and the others to grab a section of the outer city wall.

There were many smart people in the crowd, and soon they thought of this, and for a while they had great confidence in Ye Luo's ability to do this in a short period of time.

"Also, there is no need for handsome Ye Luo and the others to grab too many outer city walls, only one, no, just a section is enough, with this section of the city wall, the elite cavalry led by Xiao Hongchen and the others can pass through here and then **** it back. There are more outer city walls, of course, at the same time, you can also attack the enemy alliance from behind." Dongfang Xingxing added, after a while, she continued: "If you choose to let handsome Ye Luo return to the inner city wall to defend the city, then smile Hongchen and their tens of millions of elite cavalry not only cannot cause large casualties to the enemy alliance, but they are still surrounded outside the city wall at this time, and they will all be killed next time, which is also true for us. A big loss."

Hearing this, those who had some objections were completely silent. After all, everyone knew that the loss of tens of millions of elite cavalry was too great to lose.

"Since everyone has no objection, then this matter is settled." Sanmai said, after seeing that no one was talking, she looked at Ye Yezhuo aside: "Xiao Fei, next Ye Luo will send you over, and then you Use [Crazy Thunder Dash] to rush to the city wall, and then use [Thor Domain], as long as it covers the surrounding outer city wall, and other people will cooperate with you to cast this powerful, large-scale skill of continuous damage. ."

"It turned out that I kept [Thor Domain] for this." Unless Ye Ye understood it instantly, she nodded again and again: "Understood, I will definitely cooperate with Uncle Shuai and the others."

Think about it too, [Thor Domain] is a large-scale continuous damage and control skill. Using this skill on the city wall will undoubtedly cause a lot of trouble to the enemy who is 100 meters away, and it will last for 5 minutes. In this case It will undoubtedly be much easier for players from the lower-China server alliance to keep occupying that section of the city wall, especially with other powerful and large-scale group attack skills.

And unless Ye Ye was talking about this, the slender jade hand had already used the [Space Portal] to teleport her, and at the same time, there were several dual-professional masters who had national weapons and kept them. Similar to [Vulcan Domain] and [Five Poisons and Miasma], these powerful and large-scale group attack skills.

The next thing is simple, seeing Ye Ye, unless Yi Xiao Hongchen, Polar Flying Bear and others lead the charge of elite cavalry, they can easily take the place of Ye Luo, Midnight Book and others, so that the latter can Lock Ye Ye unless teleported.

It is worth mentioning that when Ye Luo and the others were doing this, Tokyo Mythology and others had already issued an order to attack the inner city wall, and as predicted by Dongfang Xing, all the players in the [Group Blessing Scroll] state of the Japanese server alliance were predicted. They were all transferred away and then attacked the inner city wall, so even though there were a large number of elite masters stationed on the outer city wall, the overall defensive strength was much weaker.

The reason why all players in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] attack the inner city wall is naturally because of Tokyo Mythology, they want to capture the inner city wall in the shortest time, and in their minds, once they attack the inner city wall with all their strength, Ye Luo will definitely return. Support, so there is no need to worry that the elite cavalry surrounded by their people will be able to **** the city wall back.

And by the time they found out that Ye Luo hadn't rushed back to the inner city wall to defend the city, it was too late when Tokyo Mythology and the others had already used [Crazy Thunder Dash] to rush to the city wall. The masters who were in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] also completed the teleportation and came to her side - Ye Luo and the others used the remaining [Group Blessing Scroll]. Players in the state of group blessing scroll.

Although there are relatively few players in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] around Ye Luo at this time, all of them are dual-professional masters, and there are super masters such as Midnight Book and Changhe Sunset. The most important thing is that among the enemies they face No player was in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], and it was no exaggeration to say that Ye Luo and the others had an absolute advantage over those defending the city.

This is also true. After Ye Luo and the others were teleported to the city wall, they were like tigers and sheep. They could easily kill the surrounding enemies by using various means. Of course, they also destroyed the mobile magic crystal cannons. Occupied a section of the city wall.

Under the protection of Ye Luo, Midnight Shu, and others, Ye Ye and others successfully cast [Thor Domain], [Fengshen Domain] and other powerful and large-scale continuous damage skills. When 4 or 5 skills are displayed, the damage will be repeated. It is quite objective to add up, at least it caused a lot of damage to the players in the surrounding Japanese server alliance, and this undoubtedly makes it easier for Ye Luo and the others to **** the surrounding city walls.

In less than a minute, Ye Luo and the others took back the city wall of hundreds of meters. After that, the dozens or hundreds of players in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] were divided into two groups, and each group led a group of elite cavalry. Continue to **** the city wall. After all, the more city walls you grab back, the larger the passage for tens of millions of elite cavalry. It will be easier to cross here and then rush into the city.

After doing this, Ye Luo, Midnight Shu and the others did not stop, and hurriedly asked Feng Xinglie and others to teleport them to the inner city wall.

Thinking about it, Ye Luo and the others have already helped Yi Xiaohongchen and other tens of millions of elite cavalry to get back a section of the city wall and then opened a passage, leaving dozens or hundreds of players wearing the [Group Blessing Scroll] state to continue. Grab the city wall back, so Ye Luo and the others are not needed at all, and then they can go back to the inner city wall to stop Tokyo Myth and other masters.

Hearing Ye Luo's request, Feng Xinglie did not hesitate, and directly used the [Space Portal] to teleport him. At the same time, experts such as Midnight Book and Changhe Sunset were also teleported. They were undoubtedly blocking the Japanese server alliance. The backbone of the player.

Returning to the inner city wall, Ye Luo and the others instantly discovered the situation at this time—many players from the Japanese server alliance had already rushed to the city wall, and they were still quickly occupying the inner city wall. If you don't come back for support, I'm afraid that all the inner city walls will be occupied in less than 10 minutes, and once this is the case, the Chinese server alliance will fall into an absolute disadvantage.

The reason why they climbed the inner city wall in such a short period of time and then occupied some of the Tokyo Mythology is not only because the number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] they use is far more than that of the Chinese server alliance, the most important thing is that they use hundreds of them. Mi's displacement skills, and I used 2 of them for the first time, so it is normal to rush to the city wall, especially after seeing that Ye didn't defend against the inner city wall, they attacked more recklessly. Players who serve one alliance can't resist even if they fight to the death, and they lose several sections of the city wall in just 1 or 2 minutes.

Seeing Ye Luo and the others coming back, and returning in such a short period of time, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others were overjoyed and they were even more confident in their actions this time.

There is no need for fireworks to give orders, and the book in the middle of the night, the long river and the sunset directly rush to the waves and the wind and others, and then block the super masters such as Tokyo Mythology and Fuji Mountain. After these two super masters, it is still difficult to stop Tokyo. Mythology them, but it also caused them a lot of trouble.

"Sister Feng, Xiaoshu, prepare to use [Arrow of Chaos] to control the masters of Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night!" Fireworks Yi Leng gave an order, and she continued without waiting for them to speak in the middle of the night: "Feng Xinglie, prepare to use [Space Barrier] to trap it. Tokyo Shinhwa and others, and then we concentrated our superior forces to kill them."

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