VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3782: : Seize the high platform

There are 4 players in the Chinese server alliance with 100-meter displacement skills. Unless Ye Luo and Ye Ye have already used them, only Dongfang Slaughtering the Sky and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind are left, and the 100-meter displacement skills are the skills that come with the equipment , which means that this skill cannot end the CD through [Group Purification Scroll] or [Time Reset], so we can only let the waves ride the wind or Dongfang Tiantian to use this skill and then lead the elite to seize the high platform of the Japanese server alliance. .

That's right, as of now, we must seize the high platform condensed by the formation masters of the Japanese server alliance who use [Change the World], otherwise the Chinese server alliance can't hold it at all, so they need to break the waves and ride the wind and use their 100-meter displacement skills. After all, this is the only skill that can directly rush to the high platform - under the interception of countless players in the Japanese server alliance, it is naturally impossible to kill the past with strength. If you can do this, there is no need to seize those high platforms. .

Dongfang Slaughtering Heaven also has to defend the heart of the city with the people of the Dongfang family, so the only one who can take on this task is to ride the waves and ride the wind.

Of course, breaking the waves and riding the wind doesn't have many trump cards at this time, but it's hard for her to seize those high places even with a large number of elite masters to assist, especially when the Japanese server alliance is deliberately guarding, but with Ye Luo, Midnight Book is different, and there are almost no problems - Ye Luo and Midnight Book can use [Cooling Reset] and then use various great powers, large-scale group attack skills and invincible skills. Empty is no problem.

In the worst case, Ye Luo can still use the [Time Stopwatch], and with his reserved skills, he can clear the enemies in a large area of ​​the high platform within 10 seconds, so he wants to seize those high platforms next. It's easy.

In addition, whether it is Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night, or the other dual-professional masters in the Japanese server alliance, they are all afraid of Ye Luo. When they see him in charge, they are afraid that they will have some scruples, and this can be further alleviated. The pressure of riding the waves and riding the wind in turn gave them a better chance to occupy the high platform.

Of course, Fireworks Yi Leng also knows that Ye Luo and Polang Chengfeng have more important things to do. They can't always stick to the high platform they snatch, so they need to lead the elite cavalry to occupy the high platform. Well, it can still be done with the combination of the inside and the outside.

"Sister Fireworks, Sister Feng, Uncle Ye Luo, and Xiaoshu are also very powerful damage output powerhouses. Without them, I'm afraid the situation we will face will be very bad..." June Feixue said with worry: "Special After seeing Uncle Ye Luo's departure, Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology will definitely attack recklessly, so our pressure will be even greater."

"There's no way. At this time, Ye Luo and Xiaoshu are the only ones who can seize the high platform of the enemy alliance in a short time." It's not bad, at least we can mobilize new forces to replenish it, and in a short time, we don't have to worry about being approached by the enemy to the heart of the city, the big deal is that we can shrink the defense circle a little bit."

"Ye Luo, they should be able to seize the high platform of the enemy alliance in a short time, and after the occupation, our mobile magic crystal cannon will naturally be installed, which will cause great casualties to the enemy alliance, so our pressure will also be reduced. A lot." Samadhi added: "Of course, Ye Luo, Sister Feng and the others will be teleported by Xiaoshou, and when they join and the high platform occupied by us also begins to play a role, so we can further expand the defense circle. "

Hearing this, June Feixue nodded. At this time, she naturally knew that she could only do so.

"Dongfang Slaughter, you can't keep your skills now." Suddenly Fireworks Yi Leng said in the team channel: "If necessary, use your Rank 9 skills. In addition, [Dragon God*Mirror Cage], [Dragon God*Quan] Staff Copy] must be displayed, especially [Dragon God * All Staff Copy], this skill can delay us a lot of time."

"Understood." Dongfang Shitian said coldly, but his personality is like this, so no one cares.

The battle plan has been laid out, and the next step is to start the action. Breaking the waves and riding the wind is ready to cast [Crazy Thunder Dash], and before she casts it, a large number of elites will lock her and prepare to teleport, including Ye Luo and Midnight Book.

Sitting on Qin Xin and Saturday, he did not sit idle. He applied equipment such as [Spell Immunity] to Polang Chengfeng and the others. These could more or less increase their means of life-saving.

Soon the time came, Po Lang Cheng Feng did not hesitate to use [Crazy Thunder Dash] and then came to the high platform. At the same time, Ye Luo and Midnight Book also appeared out of thin air, and of course there were a large number of elite masters, and these people were appearing The first time he used [Charge], it was naturally to intercept the rushing enemy - as Ye Ye said, the players in the Japanese server alliance also deliberately guarded against Ye Luo and the others vying for the high platform, so here Arranged a lot of masters.

The main purpose of these people is naturally to do their best to entangle the waves and ride the wind, and then a large number of players around them will use various group attack skills to cover the attack. Obviously, they are ready to kill Ye Luo and the others. If it's not good, they have to force them to have more invincible means.

In fact, in Tokyo Mythology, they have already consumed a lot of skills, including invincible means, at this time in their hearts They have the chance to kill it, and at the worst, they can consume all their invincible means, and then they will naturally have the opportunity to kill it, especially after they take action personally - in the Tokyo Mythology, killing the waves and riding the wind is better than destroying them. The Imperial City in the Chinese server is even more important, so they are willing to use more power.

It's just that Tokyo Mythology and they didn't expect Ye Luo and Midnight Book to be locked on the waves and ride the wind. The strength of these two people is much stronger than the current wave and ride the wind. As a result, the masters they arranged in advance are not enough. Look, especially Ye Luo cast [Space Portal] without hesitation after teleporting.

The enhanced version of the [Space Portal] can transmit 1,000 people, and the ones he teleports are all elite cavalry, including many space players.

That's right, there are multiple space players among the players Ye Luo teleported, and even all the space players on the inner city wall were teleported by him, and these people immediately cast [Space Teleportation] after being teleported. Door], tens of thousands or even more elite masters were sent over at a time.

Ye Luo didn't stay idle after using [Space Portal]. He didn't hesitate to use his skills and directly used [Cooling Reset], and then [Wanjian Returns to Zong], [Destroy the World] and other powerful and wide-ranging skills. The group attack skills were displayed, and in addition to that of the book in the middle of the night, so many group attack skills covered the attack and caused a lot of high damage to float around, and even players who exploded damage on the top of their heads were instantly killed. After all, Ye Luo and the others are now There is no problem in killing dual-professional masters with big moves, not to mention that there are mostly single-professional players around.

The reason why many players can naturally go through a series of battles with these players before and then consume a lot of invincible means is not unconcerned, especially when the [Space Barrier] was still there before, breaking the waves and riding the wind also used the nine-turn skill—— [Destroying Thunder Dragon], this skill has forced out the last invincible skill of many players.

After Ye Luo and the others killed a lot of players, the surrounding enemies became a lot sparser, so the players from the Chinese server alliance could form a formation to occupy the high platform. Of course, at the same time, they also forgot to destroy those mobile magic crystal cannons. This can not only reduce the pressure on one's own side, but also can place a large number of mobile magic crystal cannons later.

Seeing the waves and riding the wind, they really rushed to the high platform, and everyone from the Japanese server alliance was ready to intercept them, but seeing Ye Luo and Midnight Shu they used a number of powerful and large-scale group attack skills one after another, especially when they saw Ye Luo and the others cast [Cooling Reset], and many people dismissed this idea for a while - everyone in the Japanese server alliance naturally knows how many group attack skills and invincibility skills Ye Luo and the others have after casting [Cooling Reset]. It can be used, I am afraid that none of them have the confidence to resist the covering attack of these group attack skills, especially at this time, there are few invincible skills left in their hands.

It would be best if they could kill Ye Luo, Polang, and the others, but that should be done according to one's ability. Said they could just let it go.

Seeing that the super masters such as Tokyo Mythology did not rush over, they breathed a sigh of relief in the middle of the night and did not use their group attack skills. After all, they will continue to defend the heart of the city. These powerful and large-scale group attack skills will remain. can play more role.

Although they did not use all kinds of powerful and large-scale skills, Ye Luo and the others still have a lot of group attack skills with short CD time, such as [Sword Qi Aspect], [Samsara Collapse], etc. Even Ye Luo is switching After entering the archer mode, every normal attack is comparable to a group attack skill. With these, he has also killed many enemies around him, and this has also made the players in the surrounding middle-serving alliances stand firm.

Since they can stand firm, it naturally means that they can destroy the surrounding mobile magic crystal cannons, especially Ye Luo deliberately attacked those mobile magic crystal cannons after switching to the archer mode. With his attack power, it is also very easy. It destroyed multiple mobile magic crystal cannons, and even killed many surrounding enemies under the action of [Samsara*Split Arrow].

As the mobile magic crystal cannons are destroyed more, the pressure on the players in the alliance of the Chinese server is less, and as the life players of the alliance in the central server install their magic crystal cannons, the pressure is not only reduced a lot, And the damage to the surrounding enemies has also increased a lot.

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