VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3784: : Take turns to cast

I have to say that the strength of Dongfang Slaughtering Heaven is very strong, especially after turning 9, exchanging a national weapon, and no longer being punished by the 15% reduction in overall attributes, of course there is also a lot of luck, so when using [Dragon God] *Mirror Cage], [Dragon God *All Copy] and [Dragon Destroyed the World], the battlefield situation has eased a lot, and even the players of the Chinese server alliance took the opportunity to move forward ten meters, which means that the Japanese server alliance Getting closer to the heart of the city is more difficult.

Twilight Weiliang and Mt. Fuji quickly realized that they could not continue to delay like this. What they had to do at this time was to clear the center of the city as soon as possible, and then get close to the heart of the city as soon as possible. After all, in Ye Luo, they thoroughly After occupying the high platform and returning to the heart of the city to defend, it is even more difficult for them to attack again. Thinking of this, they propose to use the nine-turn skill in turn.

There are still a lot of Rank 9 players in the Japanese server alliance. In addition to Emperor Hymn and Hero Nameless being trapped, there are more than 10. Among them, there are also many players who retain Rank 9 skills. They can also use Rank 9 skills in turn. Inflict a fatal blow to the players of the surrounding alliance in the server.

Thinking of this, Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology directly agreed, and the first time they agreed, the God of Amaterasu cast a Rank 9 skill, covering a large formidable and large-scale group attack skill covering 500 meters at a time.

Fortunately, at this time, there are many players in the Chinese server alliance who are invincible, especially those who are set at the front. In addition, when Qin Xin and Daughter Hong see the God of Amaterasu accumulating power, they directly cast it. [Group Protection Technique], there are players around who use invincible skills, so there are not many players killed by this skill.

Of course, the most important thing is that most of the players who are positioned at the front are fresh troops and then charge in invincible state, so they are least affected by this skill, which also means that the front line of defense of the Chinese server alliance has not been broken through, so Even if multiple players are killed in the back, the problem is not too big.

After the battle attrition, some players naturally came up, and soon some new troops came up, but at this time, Fireworks Yi Leng and their expressions were not very good, because they also realized that the players of the Japanese server alliance had to take turns to use the nine-turn skills. Now, facing multiple Rank 9 skills, there are not many players around that can handle it.

Think about it too, even the invincible skills possessed by the new force are limited, especially for these reserve personnel, it is very good that they can have 2 invincible skills, and the number of rank 9 players in the Japanese server alliance is more than 10. , which means that there will be more than 10 skill coverage attacks that are comparable to or even not worse than [Destroyer Thunder Dragon], and it is not surprising that not many players around can survive.

"Sister Fireworks, what should I do? People from the enemy alliance seem to be preparing to use Rank 9 skills in turn." Zhiyue frowned deeply, and she also realized this, especially after seeing Red Frost accumulating power to use skills again. She realized it even more.

"There is no good way, we can only fight hard at this time." Samadhi replied on his behalf, and she continued: "Fortunately, we can continuously send players over, so that after they used multiple group attack skills, the city There should be many of our players around the heart."

"In addition, Ye Luo, Xiaoshu, and Fireworks can also use Rank 9 skills." Sanmai Shi added: "Even if Ye Luo and the others use skills such as [Devil Sword and Sky Slash] on a high platform, they can cover the surrounding enemies, so it is certain It can kill a lot of enemies around and reduce the number of enemies a lot, so there will not be too many players who can get close to the heart of our city, as long as there are not too many, our people will still have a chance to resist.”

"That's right." Fireworks Yi took over the words coldly, paused for a while, and continued: "No accident, after the display of various Rank 9 skills, the players from the enemy alliance that can get close to the heart of our city are nothing but Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. , Although these people are very strong, but Ye Luo will use the [Time Stopwatch], there is still a good chance to kill them all in 10 seconds, after all, they should have no invincible means by then."

"Even if we can't kill as many as possible, we can certainly clear a lot of surrounding enemies, so it's not a big problem to quickly form a new line of defense after our people are teleported." Fireworks Yi Leng added.

"That's right, especially when we have a lot of mobile magic crystal cannons and defense equipment at the heart of the city to use." Sitting on Qin Xin, he took over the words: "Don't forget that only normal attacks can attack the defense equipment and the city defense equipment. The mobile magic crystal cannons cause damage, and the skills are not good. The mobile magic crystal cannons on the high platforms on both sides are all ours. There are tens of thousands of mobile magic crystal cannons. Coupled with the defense equipment at the heart of the city, we will still have a lot of them. With a big advantage, it is not too much of a problem to re-form the defensive formation."

Hearing this, everyone thought of this, and they all breathed a sigh of relief for a while, especially Dongfang Xingxing and Ye Yufeifei, because it was the first time they knew that Ye Luo had a killer like [Time Stopwatch] in his hand—in When Du Kang, the **** of wine, asked him, Sanmaishi gave him the picture book of the [Time Stopwatch], and of course he also gave a copy to Dongfang Xingxing, Ye Yufeifei and other commanders, which undoubtedly gave them more confidence.

"Firework girl, when did you get the [time stopwatch] that kind of trump card, and you're actually hiding it until now." Du Kang, the **** of wine, said angrily, but when he said this, he was full of smiles. Obviously, he knew a lot. Having such a trump card will greatly increase their chances of successfully defending the imperial city, which is good news for him and even all Chinese server players.

"There are a lot of people, and no one can guarantee that they will not be known by the enemy alliance, so the less people know, the better." Fireworks Yi Leng explained lightly, and then she changed her tone and began to issue Ye Luo and the others. The order is naturally an order to cast a large-scale and large-scale group attack skill.

After receiving the order, Midnight Book was the first to act. Not only did he use [Destroyer Thunder] again, but he also used the Rank 9 skill—[Wind Demon Domain].

This skill is not the same as [Destroyer Thunder Dragon]. Although the covering range is also 500 meters, it is not an instantaneous burst skill, but a continuous damage skill, but the damage is not much stronger than that of [Vulcan Domain]. , Fortunately, the range is very large, and the damage output caused by this combination is also very impressive.

The fact is also true, this skill still caused a lot of trouble to the players of the Japanese server alliance, and even many players were killed, especially before Midnight Book also used [Destroy the World], so the surrounding Japanese server party The number of players in the alliance has also decreased a lot.

After Midnight Book used this skill, the number of enemies around the high platform also decreased a lot, which further reduced the pressure on Ye Luo and the others, which made it easier for them to occupy the surrounding high platforms. And the waves and the wind teleported back, leaving only himself.

That's right, I originally thought that the dark night, Tokyo Mythology and other super masters would come to intercept, so the fireworks were easy to be cold and the three of them would pass by, but now the dark night they did not come to intercept them in person, the most important thing is that Ye Luo and the others are still there at this time. They have seized a lot of high platforms, so as long as Ye Luo stays behind, it is enough to occupy the surrounding high platforms, and Midnight Books and Polang Chengfeng can return to support.

Fireworks Yi Leng naturally also judged this, so Feng Xinglie sent Midnight Book and Polang to ride the wind back. Of course, there were also hundreds of new troops who were sent back at the same time. These players quickly replenished under the command of Samadhi and others. Go to the vacant position - after Red Ice performed the nine-turn skill, more surrounding positions were emptied, so that players who were teleported by Feng Xinglie could fill it up.

Of course, under the attack of Midnight Books, the number of players in the surrounding Japanese server alliances is also a little rare, and even because there are not many players in their space left around, they cannot effectively replenish their troops, so the number of players in the surrounding Japanese server alliances is also The battle around the heart of the city is undoubtedly the most fierce and cruel. It is difficult for space players to survive in this place, especially since most of the high platforms on both sides are occupied by the Chinese server alliance, so it is even more difficult for space players. stay.

In a word, according to the analysis of Samadhi Poetry, although the players of the surrounding alliance in the central server have sparsed a lot after the players of the enemy alliance have taken turns to cast the skill of Rank 9, the players of the alliance in the Japanese server are also the same. The only people who can survive around are the super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology.

After being teleported back, Midnight Book did not hesitate to use his skills, and all kinds of group attack skills were displayed for a while, and these can only further cause casualties to the players in the surrounding Japanese server alliance.

Of course, these are not enough. Next, Fireworks Yi Leng also used the skill of Rank 9—[Song of the Ice Dragon].

[Song of the Ice Dragon] is a 9th-turn skill that is easy to cool by fireworks. It is worth mentioning that this skill is the same as the skill of Midnight Book, which is a continuous damage skill, and it also covers 500 meters. ] It is more inclined to control, the enemy caught in it has a certain probability of being frozen, and the speed will be slowed down, and the longer the time involved, the greater the chance of being frozen, and this undoubtedly forces Tokyo Myth and others to keep Only with [Spell Immunity] or invincible means, after all, they also know what it means to them once they are controlled. Even if they are controlled for only 1 second, they are likely to be instantly killed, especially when Ye Luo is still eyeing the tiger. - Ye Luo has some skills that can instantly kill them.

"It seems that the situation is not too favorable for us." Cherry Blossom said solemnly: "Although the number of players in the surrounding CCP alliance has decreased a lot, the number of people on our side has also decreased a lot, and only we can destroy the heart of the city. Is it?"

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