VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3800: : start consumption

The recovery of Tiansong City was negotiated by the members of the China-Server Alliance before, but they also knew that Ye Luo and the others would need to make great efforts in this battle, so they were very polite to Fireworks Yi Leng and others - although after 3 In the days of the day, the alliance on the Chinese server has hoarded a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls], but almost all players know that the alliance on the Japanese server has also hoarded a lot of scrolls, and they can use the [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Order] to defend the city. If Ye Luo and the others didn't participate in the war, even if the Chinese server alliance had a huge numerical advantage, they might not be able to take back Tiansong City, at least the casualties would be much greater.

"The tactics are very simple. Let Ye Luo lead a group of elites to consume the defense equipment on the city wall and the eight-winged fallen angel NPCs. At the same time, we try to mobilize the elites as much as possible. The more the number, the better. There is no advantage on the [Group Blessing Scroll], and it is easier to get back to Tiansong City." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

In fact, whether it is Ye Yufeifei, Dongfang Xingxing or Dionysian Du Kang, they all know what kind of tactics they can use to get back Tiansong City at the least cost-their tactics are the same as what Fireworks Yi Leng said, of course, the premise is to Let Ye Luo lead a group of elite teams to consume the defensive power on Tiange City in advance. After all, only Ye Luo can easily consume the defensive power of the gang station under the joint suppression of Dark Night, Tokyo Myth and others.

That's what they knew, so they just waited for Fireworks Yi Leng to ask Ye Luo to take action, so it was logical, at least they didn't have to take the initiative to propose, especially when Ye Luo returned to the game after being seriously injured, they took the initiative to ask. He's not doing well.

Fireworks Yi Leng can naturally see Ye Yufeifei and their thoughts, but she is not in the mood to entangle them, so she directly speaks out the tactics of siege, and seeing Du Kang, the God of Bacchus, they are ready to act, she continues: "Uncle God of Bacchus. , after taking back Tiansong City and Yixin City, we have to act alone, so that we can no longer be **** and can cause the biggest trouble to the enemy alliance."

In fact, they had already revealed these thoughts to the gods of wine, Du Kang and Fengxing, and the latter had already been psychologically prepared, so they were not surprised when they heard this. This matter is naturally said to Dongfang Xingxing and others, and even to the people in the game department.

With crooked brows, Dongfang Xingxing and Ye Yufeifei naturally understood why Fireworks Yi Leng proposed to act alone, but they also knew that they couldn't stop them at all, especially at this juncture, they had no reason to stop them, after all, if they did not agree I'm afraid that Fireworks Yi Leng will not directly participate in the action of retaking Tiansong City and Yixin City, so the loss of the Yi Nian family and Yeyu family will be even greater.

However, Ye Yufeifei and the others are also very clear about one thing, that is, the people in the game department will definitely agree to act alone, because it is well known that the acting alone will cause great trouble to the alliance of the Japanese server, which has been verified before. Now, as long as the people in the game department agree, or acquiesce, then Misty Pavilion doesn't need to care about other people's opinions.

Even in the hearts of Dongfang Xingxing and Ye Yufeifei, even if the people in the game department disagree, they can't stop the decisions made by the people of the Misty Pavilion, even if the game department imposes sanctions, because at this time, the strength of the Misty Pavilion has reached the point where they can ignore the sanctions. Even the game department did not dare to sanction them, otherwise the consequences would be very serious.

Now that they know this, Ye Yufeifei and the others can only agree. They have no opinion. The same is true for Fengxing and Du Kang, the **** of wine. This matter is settled like this, and then Fireworks Yi Leng did not say much, and gave it to Ye Luo. With a look, the latter immediately woke up, without saying much, and walked directly towards Tiansong City.

With energy arrows and laser attacks, Ye Luo easily came to a place 3 or 40 meters away from the city wall. Then he switched to the archer mode, and the energy arrows roared away, pointing directly at the defense equipment on the city wall. Under the action of [Samsara*Split Arrow], there are many energy arrows that automatically lock the surrounding target attacks, and even the split arrow feathers can deal high damage.

Although Ye Luo was not in the state of the ultimate move or [Group Blessing Scroll] at this time, and even his attack power did not increase a bit, but with the blessing of [Samsara Outer Dao* Sacrifice] and [Golden Needle Acupuncture Point], he was able to increase his energy. The blood is locked at 50%, so his damage output at this time is also extremely considerable, which can be proved by the rapid decrease in the toughness of the defensive equipment he attacked.

Not only that, the split arrow also locked a lot of players on the city wall and the eight-winged fallen angel NPC in front of the city wall and caused great damage to them. Those players who were attacked had to retreat or be invincible, because In the face of Ye Luo's attack, they may be instantly killed if they are not careful, and they have no chance of being resurrected at all - Ye Luo can directly kill players under the effect of [Degenerate* Devour] without leaving them lying dead. condition.

Rao is that the players of the Japanese server alliance can't bear the invincibility skills in time. After all, every player has limited invincibility means. In the face of Ye Luo's endless attacks, they will either be killed or retreat, or they will wait for them. only to be killed.

This is also true. After 2 or 30 seconds, some players were finally killed, and Ye Luo's attack began to increase. It is worth mentioning that at this time, he had already destroyed a magic crystal cannon, a catapult, and even another one. The toughness of the arrow tower is not much left, and from this, it can be seen how terrifying Ye Luo's damage output is.

Of course, players from the Japanese server alliance will not let Ye Luo attack the city. Many cavalrymen charge Ye Luo despite being invincible, but the latter can easily avoid their charge with their high mobility and skills such as [God Dance Step]. Then you can deal with it, and naturally many players are killed over time.

Of course, Dongfang Slaughtering the Sky, Breaking the Waves Riding the Wind and others didn't watch. They locked Ye Luo and teleported over. It is worth mentioning that they were still in the state of [Spell Immunity], so within 5 seconds of teleportation, almost They can attack unscrupulously, and for a while they are not stingy with their skills. The group attack skills with short CD time such as [Sword Qi Across] and [Sweep Thousands of Armies] are displayed, which has also caused a lot of damage to the players of the Japanese server alliance. Trouble.

In addition, Dongfang Tiantian and the others will naturally help Ye Luo and the others to block the charging players. With their strength and skill, they can easily block them, which means that Ye Luo can attack recklessly, so that the damage he can deal The output is quite impressive.

That's not all, after that, dual-professional archers such as Fireworks Yi Leng and Long Jieyu will also lock Ye Luo to teleport from time to time, and then rely on the super long-range attack advantage to attack, although their damage output is much worse than that of Ye Luo, but It can also do some damage output. The most important thing is that there are many control-type occupations among them, which can further cause trouble to the alliance on the Japanese server and make Ye Luo and the others more relaxed.

Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology were naturally not idle either. They also charged Yeluo and Dongfang Tiantian in the state of [Spell Immune]. Once they can catch it in their hearts, the space players on their side can use [Space Barrier] to trap them and then use the number of people to kill them. Even in their hearts, even Ye Luo is trapped by the space barrier. Great chance to kill them all.

Thinking about it, Ye Luo and the others used only dozens of players after all, and the Japanese server alliance can send tens of thousands or even more elites to join the battle after using [Space Barrier]. There is also a good chance to defeat it in a wheel battle, not to mention that Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology are also very powerful at this time, and they can also pose a great threat to Ye Luo and the others when they come to get the procedures.

Ye Luo and the others naturally know this, so they will deliberately be wary of Tokyo Mythology and their actions, and they will not entangle with it at all. When the invincible state of [Spell Immunity] or [God Dance Step] ends, they will let their own space The system player teleports them back.

Everyone who cooperated with Ye Luo was a super expert, with a fast reaction speed, plus the status of [Spell Immunity] or [God Dance], of course, the most important thing is that Ye Luo and others will support each other, so they are not affected by it. It's still easy for them to catch the East Slaughter.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Luo was not teleported back when Dongfang Tiantian and others were teleported back. He would use his ultra-long-range advantage and ultra-high mobility to easily deal with Tokyo Mythology and others, especially when he saw Tokyo. When Shinhwa and the others approached, he would deliberately pull some distance away from them, and after pulling away, he could attack recklessly.

There are naturally many dual-professional archers in the Japanese server alliance, and even many of them have an attack distance that is not worse than Ye Luo, especially standing on the city wall, but their attack power is much worse than Ye Luo, at least With Ye Luo's defensive power and blood recovery speed, he didn't care at all.

As for those dual-professional archers who have a control system, Ye Luo can use [God Dance Steps] and [Clothes of Light] to resolve them, plus he has various other means, so it is still very easy to avoid being controlled.

In a word, even if Tokyo Mythology and the others cooperated with many cavalry and dual-professional archers, it would never be possible to drive Ye Luo away, especially with the help of Polang Chengfeng and others, and Ye Luo would continue to fight back during this period. With super high damage output and higher and higher attack power, it can always kill players in the Japanese server alliance, and at worst, it can destroy the defense equipment and kill some eight-winged fallen angel NPCs.

And after a long time, Ye Luoneng will cause more trouble to the alliance of the Japanese server. At that time, the players of the alliance of the Chinese server will be able to attack the city with all their strength.

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