VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3815: : Pick a man

Everyone has a very clear understanding of Ye Luo's damage output. Everyone is still very confident that a team composed of players in the Chinese server will compete for the first kill of the dungeon of the purgatory mode. However, at this time, Long Jieyu thought of another possibility. ——What if the team of Tokyo Mythology and others used [Group Blessing Scroll], after all, Ye Luo's [Reincarnation *Sacrifice] cannot be superimposed with the ultimate move, [Group Blessing Scroll] and other scrolls.

Samadhi and the others have long thought of this issue, and they were about to explain, unless Ye Ye stood up to explain it, and what she said was almost the same as what they had analyzed in the previous samadhi. It can be maintained for 10 minutes and the CD time is 1 hour, etc., and it is not a big problem when your own team also uses scrolls.

Nodding his head, Samadhi said: "Yes, even if the team of the enemy alliance uses the [Group Blessing Scroll], it may not be able to steal the first kill of the dungeon in the purgatory mode, and even I am eager to do so, because in this way they not only Not only can they not get the first kill of the dungeon, but they also lose 1 or 20 [Group Blessing Scrolls], which is even more loss for them.”

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, at least they still have a lot of confidence in tomorrow's dungeon mission.

"At this time, there are many assassins who are not good at doing dungeon tasks in the Rank 9 players on our server, and there are not enough players to choose from other than these assassins, so I hope that everyone in the gang will continue to upgrade. One day There should be a lot of people who will be promoted to level 360 and rank nine, so we have more opportunities to choose." Fireworks Yi said coldly, she looked at everyone while talking: "At that time, we can choose some of the best people who are good at doing things. The formation of the dungeon mission, so that we have a better chance of getting the first kill of the dungeon.”

Everyone had no objection to this, and then everyone wanted to prepare separately, but was stopped by the waves and the wind. She directly proposed how to distribute the spoils and various rewards for the dungeon tasks tomorrow. Of course, she directly proposed to distribute according to the damage output. .

Hearing this, many people's expressions became solemn, because they knew that if they followed this distribution principle, the benefits they could get would be much less, at least not as good as Misty Pavilion - not to mention Ye Luo's extremely high damage output, The maximum overall damage output for the number of rank nine players in the Misty Pavilion alone will also be higher.

Thinking of this, everyone was more or less hesitant, and they did not agree at the first time.

"It's the fairest way to distribute the spoils according to the damage output, so as to avoid as much as possible someone in the team paddling." After a moment of contemplation, the wine **** Du Kang said, and he glanced at the crowd: "While we attacked the super gang at the beginning The resident also discussed the principle of distribution according to damage output before, and everyone agreed, since everyone agreed at that time, then it is natural to distribute according to this principle now."

"In addition, don't forget to grab the first kill of the dungeon, there are not only various equipment items, but also rewards such as overall attributes and skill enhancements, and this can greatly improve everyone's strength, so players who can participate in the quest can Get a lot of benefits." Bacchus Dukang added.

Of course, the **** of wine, Du Kang, is also reminding everyone that only in this way can they join hands with Ye Luo and others to do the dungeon quest, and only in this way can they get the first dungeon kill and then get rich system rewards, otherwise they will get nothing.

Hearing this, everyone also understood that only the people who follow the Misty Pavilion can eat 'meat', not to mention that they also know that 'distribution according to work' is the most fair distribution method, and distribution according to damage output is naturally distribution according to work, thinking of these After that, they no longer hesitated and agreed, and the matter was settled in this way.

Next, everyone retreated, and then urged the players in their guild to increase their leveling efforts. After all, the more players who reached level 360 and rank nine, the more chance they would have to join forces with Ye Luo and the others to do the [Tian Jie] in purgatory mode. more, so they get more benefits.

Fireworks Yi Leng and the others were not idle either. They continued to organize the team to play the [Fallen Beast] in Nightmare Mode. This time, they also deliberately brought some level 359 players. Obviously, they also wanted more players to participate in tomorrow's game. Dungeon quest, so that the benefits of the Misty Pavilion will be more.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Luo and the others had good luck. After completing the dungeon quest, they not only got [Group Blessing Scroll] and [Group Purification Scroll], but also got a peculiar item - [Swiftness as Wind].

[Quick as the wind] is a stone-type item. After using it, you can increase the overall attack speed and movement speed of yourself and the players within 1000 teams with you by 30% and last for 10 minutes. Greatly increases the player's damage output.

Thinking about it, the attack speed is faster, and the damage output that can be dealt in a short period of time will naturally be higher, and after having this stone, Ye Luo and the others are also more confident in grabbing the first kill of the dungeon of Purgatory Mode tomorrow. Now, in particular, [Fast Like the Wind] can be stacked with various other items, and even stack with the attributes added by [Samsara *Sacrifice], which means that Ye Luo can also use the characteristics of this stone.

"Hey, our luck is too good. At this time, we actually got an item that can increase attack speed and movement speed. Although it only increases by 30%, but the attack speed is fast, but it can increase a lot of damage output, especially this one. The item can last for 10 minutes, and within 10 minutes, it can increase the damage output of our team by 30%, which will undoubtedly give us a better chance to complete the first kill of the dungeon in the purgatory mode." Polang Chengfeng couldn't help laughing.

"That's right, especially [Fast Like the Wind] can also be stacked with Ye Luo's [Samsara* Sacrificial] and [Group Blessing Scroll]. With such an additional item, our damage output will be greatly increased. "Sanmadhi said, after a while, she continued: "Before, I was a little worried that the team of the enemy alliance would take away the first dungeon kill. After all, the players that their major servers can jointly select are generally stronger, and now there are There's almost nothing wrong with this prop."

"That's right." Sitting on Qin Xin to pick up the conversation, a smile appeared on her pretty face when she said this: "At this time, I hope that Tokyo Mythology and their team choose the dungeon task of the same mode as ours, and even I hope they use the [Group Blessing Scroll] in the process of the dungeon quest, because not only will they not be able to grab the first kill of the dungeon, but they will also lose a lot of [Group Blessing Scroll].”

"Hey, don't worry, Tokyo Mythology and the others also know how the first kill of the dungeon we stole from Purgatory Mode will affect the situation on both sides. Of course, the most important thing is that they are confident that after uniting the team of masters from all servers, there will be a There is a great chance to get the first kill in the dungeon, so they will definitely choose the [Tian robbery] in the purgatory mode." Po Lang Chengfeng is very confident, and after a while, she continued: "Of course they don't choose the [Tian robbery] in the purgatory mode. , then there is no suspense for us to get the first kill of the dungeon, so we will get more system rewards than them."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and they were full of confidence in grabbing the first kill of the dungeon of the purgatory mode [Heavenly Tribulation] tomorrow.

"Even so, I still hope that they can choose the [Tian Jie] of the purgatory mode, because this will not only make them get nothing, but also very likely lose some [group blessing scrolls]. We are completing the purgatory mode. After the [Heavenly Tribulation], there is still a chance to go back and do hard mode, so that the system rewards we get will be more generous, and the most important thing is that this is the system reward we only get." Midnight book added.

Hearing this, everyone also thought of this, and they all began to look forward to it for a while.

Next, they didn't say much, and continued to do the dungeon quests, sometimes not forgetting to hunt high-level bosses, so not only did they hoard some props such as [Group Blessing Scroll], but the player's level was also steadily improving. I believe that at 12:00 noon tomorrow, there will be some more 9-turn players in the Misty Pavilion.

This is also true. At 11:00 noon on the second day, there were 5 more players in the 9th rank. As a result, there were as many as 50 players who were eligible to participate in the dungeon quest, and this was also the number of all gangs. In addition, Ye Luo and the others have extremely high damage output, so the overall damage of the Misty Pavilion will definitely be the first, and the rewards will be the most.

At this time, there is not much time until 12:00 noon, and the players of the 9th rank of the Chinese server are also in place, and then it is time to choose the players who are most suitable for participating in the task, and the right to choose naturally lies in Fireworks Yi Leng, Dongfang Xingxing, Ye Yufeifei, etc. In the hands of people, of course, they are not biased, and try to choose some players who are most suitable for the dungeon task. After all, creating the strongest team will have a better chance of winning the first dungeon kill, at least because of a little grasp.

Although assassins are not very suitable for dungeon missions, assassins such as Midnight Book, Wuming, and Dongfang Lutian are naturally not included. Let alone Midnight Book, Wuming and Dongfang Lutian don’t have many group attack skills, but their equipment The level is better than most players, and the operation level is even more so. With these, they can also deal high damage, so they are naturally eligible to participate in this dungeon mission, not to mention that the environment in the dungeon may also require assassins. Probing or something, it's still necessary to have some of the top assassins on the team.

Soon, Fireworks Yi Leng and the others have selected their staff, and the next step is to wait, waiting for the arrival of 12 noon, when the dungeon can be officially triggered, but there is not much time left at this time, so there is no need to wait too long.

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