VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3823: : Worry about not getting it

7 or 8 minutes after Ye Luo and the others completed the first kill of the purgatory mode [Sky Tribulation], the team led by Tokyo Mythology finally completed the task. Because they were the second to complete the task, they also received very good rewards. , there are at least three national weapons alone, plus the overall attributes and other various rewards, the overall strength of the Japanese server alliance has also been greatly improved after this mission.

Of course, there is still a big gap between these and the system rewarding Ye Luo and the others. All kinds of rewards have been reduced by almost 40%, which means that the overall strength of Ye Luo and the others will be improved more.

"Tokyo Mythology and the others finally completed the dungeon mission and directly rewarded 3 national weapons. In addition to the explosion of the BOSS, they have gained a lot. At least the [Group Blessing Scrolls] consumed before are all made up. I'm here." Sitting on Qin Xin, she frowned slightly, obviously a little worried.

"Yeah, especially if there are Tokyo Myths and Dark Nights that can be equipped in the national weapons, then even if their strength is still not as good as Ye Luo, it will definitely be a lot harder for us to suppress them in the future, at least it will take some time. Only then can they occupy their gang residence." Samadhi took over.

"Hey, what are you afraid of? Although their rewards are very generous, there is still a big gap between them and ours, especially the overall attributes. It can be seen that there is a direct difference of 500 points." We have also analyzed before that Ye Luo's overall attribute improvement is much more effective than Tokyo Mythology under the addition of [Reincarnation Outlander * Sacrifice], not to mention that the system rewards Ye Luo and our full attribute points are more than Tokyo Mythology and them. 500 points."

"By the way, in the future, the Polar Silver Wolf and the others will also complete the [Heavenly Tribulation] in the purgatory mode and then get rewards. Although they will definitely get less rewards than Tokyo Mythology, but after counting the system rewards to us, our alliance will improve its strength this time. And the [Group Blessing Scroll] that we have hoarded has more scrolls than Tokyo Mythology, and this will undoubtedly give us an advantage in the battle with them." Bianlangchengfeng added.

"That's true." Samadhi nodded, thinking of what she continued: "What's more, now our team still has the opportunity to obtain the [Sky Tribulation] in Hard Mode, so the system rewards we get relative to the enemy alliance are even more generous. already."

"It's not just that, because the team of the enemy alliance did not choose the [Heavenly Tribulation] in the hard mode, and the first, second and third kills will all be ours, after all, we are 7 or 8 minutes ahead of Tokyo Mythology. Do the task." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and her words made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

"Sister Fireworks, why didn't the players from the enemy alliance form a team to do the hard-mode [Heavenly Tribulation]?" Zhiyue asked curiously: "It is clear that there are as many as 3 or 4,000 players in their alliance's Rank 9, except for Tokyo Mythology. In addition to their 500 people, there are more than 3,000 people, so many people are enough to form a lot of teams to do hardmode dungeon tasks."

Not only is Zhiyue confused about this, but also Jun Feixue and others.

"Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night, they took away the most powerful Rank 9 players in their alliance servers. Without these people, they are a leaderless group, and they are worried that they will be killed because they cannot complete the dungeon quests in Hard Mode, so the loss will be too great. So, for the sake of safety, most of them chose the normal mode dungeon quest." Sanmai Shi explained on his behalf, and after a while, she looked at everyone: "It's like Ye Luo, Fireworks, Sister Feng and other masters doing purgatory mode [Tian Tian]. After the robbery, I am afraid that the remaining players will not dare to take the risk of doing the hard-mode [Heavenly robbery]."

"If you guys like Yeluo Handsome Guy and Fireworks Beauty aren't there, we really don't dare to take too much risk just to be on the safe side. After all, not being able to get the dungeon's first kill reward is secondary. If you get killed and you lose your level, the loss will be too great. ." Yixiao Hongchen nodded.

After hearing this, everyone finally understood, thinking that they would have a great chance to get the first kill of the dungeon in the hard mode [Heavenly Tribulation] and then get the reward. For a time, everyone was excited and looking forward to it.

When Yixiao Hongchen said this, the system protective cover finally disappeared, but everyone was not in a mess, and they acted according to the instructions of the fireworks Yi Leng - Ye Luo, Polang Chengfeng and other melee masters were set at the front, June Feixue, Fireworks Yi Leng can attack recklessly from behind. Of course, priests such as Sitting Qinxin and Saturday are not idle. They add blood to everyone and apply various buffs.

Although a lot of skills were consumed in the previous purgatory mode enemy [Sky Tribulation], but because the monsters in the hard mode dungeon are weaker, Ye Luo and the others can still easily resist monster attacks with their strength, so June Feixue and other masters can attack with impunity.

Because Ye Luo and the others got the reward, their strength improved a bit, especially Ye Ye, unless he also obtained a middle-grade national weapon, so it was quite easy for everyone to deal with monsters, and after Ye Luo locked his qi and blood at 50% The damage output is considerable, and soon they will be the best in the dungeon mission of this mode, and this also means that everyone in the dungeon has a good chance to get the first kill of the dungeon in hard mode, and they want to grab the first dungeon of the dungeon. After killing, you will get a reward, and everyone will be more motivated for a while.

"Sister Fireworks, do you think Dongfang Slaughtering the Sky and Ye Yufeifei will choose to use the [Group Blessing Scroll]?" Suddenly June Feixue thought of this question, and when she said this, she looked a little dignified: "If If their gangs join forces and use the [Group Blessing Scroll], then they still have a great chance to complete the task ahead of us.”

"Although the CD time for using the [Group Blessing Scroll] has not yet come, you and I both know that it will take a lot of time to do the hardmode dungeon quests. Maybe they will use the scroll after the CD time is over, at least We have to guard." June Feixue added.

"Hey, they can use the [Group Blessing Scroll] of course, so can we, send someone to keep an eye on their mission progress, and then we can decide whether to use the [Group Blessing Scroll] based on their mission progress speed." Feng didn't take it seriously, and her words were echoed by many people.

Think about it too, at this time, there is no shortage of [Group Blessing Scrolls] in the Misty Pavilion. Although it is not comparable to the sum of the Dongfang Family and other gangs, the [Heavenly Tribulation] in this difficult mode only consumes 2 or 3 [Group Blessings]. Scroll], they still don't care much about this consumption.

"If Dongfang Xing and Ye Yufeifei were smart, they wouldn't use the [Group Blessing Scroll]." The book said in the middle of the night, and then he laughed: "Because they know that if they use the [Group Blessing Scroll], we will also use it, and they I know more about how powerful Brother Ye's damage output is, plus I think that Brother Ye and I still keep the [Cooldown Reset], so they have no chance to get the first kill of the dungeon after using the scroll, but it will cause us all major players in the Chinese server. The vicious competition of teams, which is not good for us."

"Obviously Dongfang Stars and the others are smart people, so there is a high probability that they will not use [Group Blessing Scroll]." Midnight Book added.

The analysis of the book in the middle of the night is still relatively recognized by everyone, and they are a little relieved when they think of this.

"However, there are only 100 people participating in the [Heavenly Tribulation] of the hard mode, which means that only 1 [Group Blessing Scroll] can make everyone stand in this state, and because there was a CD time problem before, it only takes 2, 3 One scroll is enough, just this number of scrolls will give you a chance to get the first kill of the dungeon, I am afraid that Dongfang Stars and the others are willing to use scrolls, especially since their alliance has more scrolls than us." Sitting on Qin Xin, he said solemnly, a little bit. After a meal, she continued: "Don't forget that the combined damage output of Dongfang Family and other gangs has reached more than 50%, which means that they have received more loot than us before, especially the [Group Blessing Scroll], so They are even more willing to use the [Group Blessing Scroll]."

Hearing this, everyone also thought of this, and they became more or less worried for a while, especially when they thought that the team formed by the Dongfang Aristocratic Family and other gangs was likely to be all Rank 9 players, and Ye Luo and the others had nearly 40 players. A level 359 player still has some gaps in overall strength.

"Hey, they are willing to let us, of course, so let's compare it if it's a big deal, isn't it just consuming 2 or 3 scrolls, we can afford it."

"It's nothing to use 2 or 3 [Group Blessing Scrolls]. I'm afraid they have a chance to complete the task before us. Don't forget that they are likely to be all Rank 9 players, and we only have more than 60 here." Smile Hong Chen said solemnly: "And there is a big gap between the strength of Rank 9 players and the strength of non-Rank 9 players. Even the strength of level 359 players is much worse than that of Rank 9 players."

Hearing this, everyone also thought of this, and their expressions became a little dignified for a while, and then they looked at the fireworks Yi Leng, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Although Dongfang Shijia and other gangs can join forces to turn players into nine players, their top players are a bit worse than ours, especially the top players like Ye Luo, Dongfang Xingtian, Dongfang Xingxing, Ye Yutiange, Yuexia listens to the damage output of Zen and other people, and this is not counting the multiple powerful and large-area group attack skills that Ye Luo can use after casting [Cooling Reset]." Fireworks Yi said coldly, her tone was still the same when she said this. Calmly, she continued: "In addition, we have the advantages of [Shentian Battle Drums], [Ten Directions Battle Flags], [Ice Dragon Arrows], and [Rage*Beast Riders], especially the [Ten Directions Battle Flags]. ] But let each of the 10 of us have one more national weapon of the highest grade or even the national level."

"By the way, the additional skills of [Zhentian Battle Drum] and [Ten Fang Battle Flags] are still retained." Fireworks Yi Leng added.

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