VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3832: : The benefits of division

If it was in the past, especially after Tokyo Mythology destroyed the Imperial City of the China-Server Alliance, whether it was Riding the Waves or Slaughtering the Sky in the East, their strength was inferior to Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, and even had the advantage of a city wall in the face of these When you are a human, you can only avoid the edge for a while, and at that time, I am afraid that only Ye Luo can compete with it.

But things are a little different now. After Ye Luo and the others got the first kill of the dungeon of the purgatory mode [Heavenly Tribulation], the strength of Polang Chengfeng and others has improved a lot. They successively obtained the first and second kills of the [Tian Jie] dungeons in the hard mode, and then got the rewards again, so their strength has been greatly improved. At least it has been able to fight head-on and then entangle it for a while.

And if you use some killer props or the awakening skills of combination equipment, then there will be no problem to entangle them. Once this happens, Ye Luo and the others can do a lot of things. For example, they have a great chance to attack the city wall and then occupy it. A large section of the city wall, such as killing multiple players in the enemy alliance, and even having a chance to consume them multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls] - I want to intercept Ye Luo, etc. when the super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Myth have not arrived. People can only use the ultimate move or consume [Group Blessing Scroll].

And as long as they can consume their scrolls and cause greater casualties, the advantages of the Chinese server alliance over them will become larger and larger, which not only curbs the development of the Japanese server alliance, but also fights against them. Inflicting greater casualties, in the long run, the Chinese server alliance will naturally have the opportunity to suppress it in all aspects or even make it without any chance of turning over.

The Dionysian Du Kang and Fengxing were experienced, and instantly thought of the advantage of splitting into two teams. They were all excited for a while, because they also realized that this tactic would be very effective.

But then the **** of wine, Du Kang, thought of another question - what if Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology, and the others would not hesitate to lose some gang residences and leave Dongfang Tiantian and others behind?

"Hey, are Dongfang Tiantian and the others vegetarians? Why are they so easy to be killed by the dark night, especially the space players of our alliance are always watching the situation over there." Polang Chengfeng said indifferently: "After all Your goal is just to get their attention or entangle them to an appropriate degree without making you fight with them."

"That's what I said, but I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case..." The wine **** Du Kang said, but he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"If we really encounter such a situation, we will rush over to support it as soon as possible." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "This is also the reason why Xiaoshou is left on your side. After all, it is convenient for us to rush over to support."

"That's right." Ye Luo said, thinking of something and he laughed: "At this time, our overall strength is stronger than the enemy's alliance. When we gather together, we have the confidence to defeat any enemy, and we will not dare to join us at that time. It should be the people of the enemy alliance who will face it head-to-head."

In this regard, the Dionysian Du Kang and the others have no doubts, because not only Ye Luo, Polangchengfeng and their strengths have been able to suppress Tokyo Mythology and others after the improvement, the most important thing is the various killer props hoarded by the CCP Alliance at this time. It is certainly far more than the enemy alliance. The two sides will face each other hard, especially the head-to-head confrontation of the top players will undoubtedly result in the final victory of the Chinese server alliance.

It is also very easy to avoid the alliance of the Japanese server to mobilize a large number of elite cavalry and then rely on the number of people to win - space players such as slender jade hands can use [space enchantment] to isolate the enemy, at least to create the battle of the top masters Easy.

The gods of wine, Dukang, Fengxing, and the others also thought of this, so they didn't care about this issue anymore.

"Of course, if it's not necessary, it's best not to make the situation to the point where you need to confront the enemy alliance head-on, at least not at the beginning." Fireworks Yi Leng said: "I thought that at the beginning, we would consume the enemy by consuming it. Alliance and cause some casualties to them as much as possible, and only need the people on your side to attract their attention to Tokyo Mythology. We can cause some casualties to their people. Don’t forget Tokyo Mythology, they also need to rush over. some time."

"What's more, even if they rush over, it may not cause us much trouble." Fireworks Yi Leng added.

"Hey, yes, our current strength is not afraid of Tokyo Mythology and the others. The big deal is not to force a siege." Polang Chengfeng said confidently, and she continued after a little pause: "Of course, if Tokyo Mythology and the others rush over to intercept us , then you can also take advantage of the opportunity, and it's a big deal to mobilize some more experts, anyway, there are a lot of space players in our alliance, and it is simple and easy to mobilize people."

"Well, yes, it's better for you to attract their attention from Tokyo Mythology. After all, you will be very easy to deal with them." Du Kangdao, the **** of wine, paused for a while and continued: "Although the top combat power on our side is comparable to Not on your side, but the overall combat power is still stronger than yours, and it is not a big problem to cause some casualties and consumption to the enemy alliance with these."

"Uncle Bacchus, Uncle Fengxing, we must be prepared for a protracted battle with the enemy alliance. After all, we have not had a large-scale conflict for a long time. During this period, everyone has hoarded a lot of killer props, especially the [Eight Wings]. There are quite a few Fallen Angels Recruitment Orders." Sanmai Shi said: "So in the early stage, we only need to consume some of their recruitment orders. Of course, there is a chance to kill some of them. This matter needs to be carefully planned. ."

"Well, we understand." Dionysus Du Kang nodded: "Anyway, what we have to do at this time is to attract the attention of the enemy alliance's top combat power, so that they can't concentrate on dungeon tasks, as long as they can attract Tokyo Mythology Waiting for people's attention then we can contain them."

"That's right." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "Because it takes a long time to do the dungeon quest, especially the [Heavenly Tribulation] in the Hard Mode and the [Fallen Beast] in the Nightmare Mode, and once Tokyo Mythology they do the quest, then We will have the opportunity to cause great casualties and consumption to them, and it is not unexpected that they will not rush to do the dungeon quest when we see them."

"They have such scruples, and we don't. With these, our efficiency in improving our strength will be faster than them." Fireworks Yi Leng added: "And it is with these that we can further contain them, and we don't even need to deal with them at all. They caused too many casualties, if only people knew that."

Du Kang, the **** of wine, quickly thought of this, and then they nodded to make it clear.

"In addition, what we need to do now is to improve our strength as much as possible, and improving our strength by doing dungeon tasks is undoubtedly the fastest way, so we still have to spend most of our time doing tasks." Fireworks Yi Leng continued. : "Using these, we can further expand our advantages. Of course, we can also hoard more killer items such as [Group Blessing Scroll]. Only in this way can we have a better chance to suppress the enemy alliance."

"Hey, yes, we do dungeon quests from time to time, and we go to sneak attacks on the enemy alliance from time to time, which makes them even more confused and has to work hard to deal with it, and will mobilize more experts to prepare for battle at any time. In this case They will naturally have a lot less power to devote to the dungeon missions." Breaking the waves and riding the wind laughed: "In the long run, their strength will definitely open a bigger gap compared to ours."

Everyone agreed with this, and they also realized that Fireworks Yi Leng's proposal was a good way to do a good job in the Japanese server alliance, so they were more determined to divide their troops, and then the wine **** Du Kang and Feng Xing left one after another. Then gather other gangs and even people from other servers to discuss this matter.

At the beginning, there were still many people who objected, especially knowing that they were asked to attract the attention of the enemy alliance. In their hearts, this was undoubtedly a cannon fodder and then created opportunities for Ye Luo and the others.

"It's not a chance to create opportunities for everyone in the Misty Pavilion, because even though their strength has improved a lot, there is almost no chance of occupying the enemy alliance gang in a short period of time. Don't forget that the enemy alliance must be hoarding these days. Many [Group Blessing Scrolls], or even just [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Orders] are not so easy to deal with, and there is almost no chance to occupy the gang station of the enemy alliance until these are exhausted." Dongfang Xingxing She shook her head, and then changed her tone: "Besides, both us and the enemy alliance are probably aware that Ye Luozhiqiu and others pose a greater threat to them, so they are divided into two groups. They will be more inclined to send experts to target Ye Luozhiqiu and the others, so the pressure on our side will be less."

"That's right." Ye Yufeifei took over the words, and then she chuckled: "The most important thing is that the tactic of splitting the troops into two groups and then using the tactics of separate sneak attacks will make the enemy alliance difficult to guard against, at least they can't concentrate on us. , so that we will cause them more trouble, which means this tactic will be more beneficial to us."

"Of course, the most important thing is that I'm afraid that this proposal was made by Sister Fireworks. If we don't agree, I'm afraid that they will not agree to attack the enemy alliance at all." Ye Yufei said, although she was guessing, but her tone was quite In order to be sure, while she was talking, she looked at Du Kang and Feng Xing, the **** of wine, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Yes, this is proposed by the firework girl. It is a condition, that is to say, we must agree." Du Kang, the **** of wine, said.

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