VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3834: : outrageous charge

Because Ye Luo and Fireworks were not in the cold, Dongfang Tiantian and his team had no archers who could counter-suppress the opponent. In addition, they needed to face some attacks from mobile magic crystal cannons, so Dongfang Tiantian was under pressure at this time. It is more or less big, at least a little passive, which can be seen from the fact that they can no longer kill the players of the Japanese server alliance as recklessly as before.

Fortunately, at this time, both the slender jade hands and other space-based players can use [Space Barrier] to protect everyone, and then they can easily escape from here, so they are not too worried about their own safety.

Of course, the most important thing is that super masters such as Ye Luo and Fireworks Yi Leng can come to support at any time, and if they use [Space Barrier], they can easily kill all the enemies in the Barrier with their super strength. Kill, even super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology.

It is precisely because of these scruples that although Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology dare to rush to the front line, they do not dare to get too close to Dongfang Tiantian and others, and only dare to release some long-distance skills in the distance. If they get too close, they are likely to be controlled by the [Arrow of Chaos] from Longtengtianxia, ​​and once they are controlled, they will definitely be trapped by the [Space Barrier], and there is a high probability that Ye Luo and others will be rushed to support them. Killed.

It is precisely because Dark Ye and the others are concerned about this, so the pressure they are facing at this time in Dongfang Tiantian is not that great. Although they are passive, they can easily support them.

"It would be great if Sister Fireworks was here." Long Jieyu couldn't help muttering: "Sister Fireworks' [Ice Dragon Arrow] can not only increase our attack distance, but also increase the number of our split arrows, so that Then we archers can suppress the archers of the enemy alliance."

"By the way, it seems that Sister Fireworks has obtained another national weapon exclusively for archers. That national weapon can also increase the strength of our archers. With these, we can more easily suppress the archers of the enemy alliance. At least we It won't be so aggrieved at this time." Long Jieyu added.

"Well, yes, although I don't want to admit it, the ice beauty of Fireworks is still very good at being an archer." Daughter Hong took over the words, and then changed her tone: "Of course, it would be nice if handsome Ye Luo came over. , hey, he not only has the advantage of ultra-long-range attack distance, but the most important thing is that his damage output is too high, he rushed over to support the people who can suppress the enemy alliance, so that we can attack unscrupulously."

Everyone agreed with this, and they also knew that Ye Luo and Fireworks Yi Leng could make their current situation a lot easier.

But they also know that Ye Luo and the others still have their tasks. If Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology don't rashly charge, or if they are not trapped by [Space Barrier], they will not come to support at all. Thinking of this, they are somewhat frustrated. , of course, it is more of expectation, of course, it is expected that Ye Luo and the others will cause more trouble to the Japanese server alliance - Dongfang Tiantian they have attracted the attention of Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others according to the agreement. In this case, Ye Luo and the others can act recklessly.

Let's not talk about Dongfang Tiantian's side and continue to deal with players from the Japanese server alliance, and let's talk about the situation on Ye Luo's side.

Knowing that Dongfang Slaughtering Heaven and the others had already acted, the waves and the wind couldn't wait to come. She did not urge Fireworks Yi Leng to act quickly, but she was rejected, and Fireworks Yi Leng also gave enough reasons—— Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology have not yet arrived in the Australian server to support them. At this time, their rash actions will not have a good harvest.

"Yes, if we launch a sneak attack now, then Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology will rush over to support them as soon as possible, so we will face more pressure, and there will be a lot less things we can do." After explaining, she continued: "So the best way is for them to rush to the Australian server to support them in the dark night and Tokyo Mythology. Of course, it would be better if Dongfang Tiantian could entangle them."

"Of course, if the little hands can use [Space Barrier] to trap experts such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, no, as long as they can trap some players with national weapons, then we will rush over to support them and we will definitely be able to kill them and then take them away. Their national weapon, this is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the enemy alliance." Samadhi added.

Hearing this, Jun Feixue, Po Lang Cheng Feng, and their eyes lit up. For a while, they were excited and looking forward to it, but Ye Luo quickly poured cold water on them.

"Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology, they are very clear that their overall strength is much worse than ours at this time, not to mention that our side has a great advantage after being trapped by [Space Barrier]. In this case, they will surely die, and since They know this, so naturally they won't give Xiaoshou and the others a chance to use [Space Barrier] to get trapped, otherwise they will become super experts." Ye Luo said casually.

Although they didn't want to admit it, they also knew that Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology would not give them such a chance. Thinking of this, they couldn't help but feel depressed.

"Although Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night will hardly give Little Hands a chance to trap them, those players with national weapons in the enemy alliance will not be trapped, and as long as they trap even one enemy, they will not be trapped. Obviously, it’s a huge loss.” The book said in the middle of the night, after seeing the waves and the wind and they nodded, he continued: “The worst can trap some of their elite masters, especially the [space enchantment] of the small hands can cover 150 meters. , and as long as those people are trapped, they will definitely be killed, which is more or less a loss to the enemy alliance."

"Well, that's true." Polang Chengfeng nodded, thinking of what she looked at Fireworks Yi Leng curiously: "Fireworks, which server are we going to attack next? Japanese server or Korean server?"

"It's best not to wear Japanese clothes or Korean clothes." Fireworks Yi said coldly, seeing the puzzled expressions of Polangchengfeng and others, she explained: "Because Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology are the strongest masters other than Ye Luo, they shot It can cause maximum resistance to us, and if we attack the Korean server or the Japanese server, they can come back to support as soon as possible. If it is to cause casualties and losses to the enemy alliance as much as possible, then don't do anything to these two servers, it is best Do it to other servers."

"Of course, after we have accumulated some advantages, or the advantage has reached a certain level, it doesn't make much difference which server we attack." Fireworks Yi Leng added.

"Well, that's true." Polang Chengfeng woke up, thinking of something, she continued to ask: "Then which server are we going to attack next?"

"As long as it's not the Korean server or the Japanese server, it's not a big problem to start with any server." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and she continued after a while: "Next, let's start with the US server, either Steel City or Hero City. "

Since Fireworks Yi Leng gave a choice, everyone no longer struggled with these, and then they waited patiently.

Soon there were opportunities for Dark Night and Tokyo Myths to come to the Australian server for support from the slender jade hands. For a while, the others were excited by the waves and the wind, and without waiting for them to urge, Ye Luo directly used [Teleport], and the next moment he Appeared outside Hero City - Ye Luo and the others had attacked Hero City before, leaving a teleportation point here, so it was naturally convenient for him to teleport over at the first time.

After completing the teleportation, Ye Luo didn't say much. He directly used the [Space Portal] to teleport the waves and the wind and others. After completing the teleportation, he rushed straight to the Hero City.

It is worth mentioning that although Ye Luo did not use his ultimate move at this time, he locked his qi and blood at 50%, and under the effect of [Reincarnation *Sacrifice], his overall attributes increased by 150%, including movement. Speed, such a distance of 100 meters only takes a few seconds for him to reach, and then he directly launched an attack - if it was before when Ye Luo locked his qi and blood at 50%, he was a little worried, but at this time His strength has been greatly improved, so he has no scruples at all, not to mention that he knows very well that super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology can't come back in a short time.

It has to be said that Ye Luo at this time is an invincible existence, especially after he directly locks his qi and blood at 50%, but the [Sword Qi Aspect] with a subsequent sword can kill the unresponsive players, and he Without stopping, he rushed directly to the city wall.

That's right, Ye Luo rushed directly to the city wall, which meant that he not only had to face a steady stream of charges from US server players who might react at any time, but also had to endure the attacks of numerous defensive equipment and eight-winged fallen angel NPCs. , if it were someone else, even Dongfang Killing Heaven would never dare to do this.

However, Ye Luo did not have any scruples. While waving the sword in his right hand to attack the defensive equipment, the [Thousand Machine Crossbow] on the left and right were also attacking, and the energy arrows automatically locked on the surrounding hostile targets to attack, although the [Thousand Machine Crossbow] 's attack is much worse than that of [Reincarnation * Able Commander], but after getting the 150% overall attribute bonus of [Reincarnation * Sacrificial], even if it is just a normal attack, it can cause a lot of damage to surrounding targets.

This is also true. Although the players in the US server are invincible and are not afraid of Ye Luo's attack, the surrounding defense equipment and those eight-winged fallen angel NPCs are floating a lot of damage, even in less than 10 seconds. In time, some defense equipment and even the eight-winged fallen angel NPC were killed.

Because Ye Luo was in the state of [Spell Immunity] at this time, and then performed the [God Dance Step], so even in the face of the US server players who reacted, he didn't have to worry at all, not to mention the waves and the wind and the book in the middle of the night. After a while, he followed and helped him intercept those players in the US server, so he was even more unscrupulous.

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