VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3849: : dispatch troops

Ye Yutiange couldn't help but feel worried after seeing the strength of the Misty Pavilion, but after thinking about the hidden power of his gang, he breathed a sigh of relief, and he was more confident in the future battle with Misty Pavilion. The Yu family is hiding their strength, and even those hidden powers were not used when the imperial city of the server and other servers was destroyed. Thinking of these powers, Ye Yufeifei, they are very confident in the future battles, especially when they think that they will let go first in the future. After the Dongfang Family and other gangs consumed the Misty Pavilion.

After thinking about this, Ye Yufeifei and the others no longer worried about anything, and then dispatched elites to sneak into the Hanbok as agreed, and these people went offline one after another after rushing to the periphery of Luofeng City to wait for the day of the siege to go online again - Fireworks Yi Leng they plan If you take action against Luofeng City in Hanbok, players of the Yeyu family will naturally be offline at the periphery of Luofeng City.

Because the offline players will not be displayed in the list of invading servers, so it will not attract the attention of Korean players and then be alert in advance, especially in the current situation - both sides are on every day or even every server. In the fierce battle, the situation was quite chaotic, and no one would care too much about those players who suddenly disappeared, especially if they were not displayed on the invasion list.

Not only the players of the Yeyu family, but other gangs in the Chinese server also sent players to infiltrate the Korean server and then go offline around Luofeng City. According to the agreement, each of the top ten guilds in the Chinese server must arrange at least 100,000 elites, plus Russians. The elites dispatched by the server and other servers and those who can be mobilized to the Korean server on the bright side, so it is not impossible to gather more than the total number of players that a level 5 gang station can accommodate in a short period of time.

In the same sentence, as long as the Chinese server alliance is not too disadvantaged in terms of the number of players, even if the Japanese server alliance has some advantages of city walls and the advantages of the [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Order], the Chinese server alliance has a great advantage. Opportunity to capture Luofeng City, especially the Chinese server alliance also has many advantages, such as the advantages of the number and quality of super masters, such as the advantage of hoarding - [Group Blessing Scroll] and other killer advantages.

Time passed slowly, and another 2 days passed in a blink of an eye. After such a long time of dispatching troops, the major gangs in the Chinese service sent more than 2 million elites to the periphery of Luofeng City and then went offline. When the day comes, these players will log in to the game for the first time and then participate in the siege.

Although there are only more than 2 million elites for the time being, the number is not too large, but at this time, there is still 1 day before the day they plan to siege the city, which means that the alliance of the Chinese server can continue to deploy troops at this time. Will, and not only the Chinese server, the Russian server and other servers will also act.

That's right, because there is still one day before the appointed time, the **** of wine Du Kang, Feng Xing and others finally told the leaders of their allies such as the polar silver wolf about the plan they negotiated, and these people heard the detailed explanation of the **** of wine Du Kang and the others They were also very excited. They immediately said that they would fully participate in this operation, and they would naturally send a large number of elites to sneak into the hanbok.

That's right, after learning the specific plan, the Russian server and other servers also began to dispatch troops. These servers each mobilized tens of millions of elites to sneak into the Korean server, and used one day to mobilize so many elites to sneak into the Korean server. Still not too difficult.

Of course, players from servers such as the Chinese server and the Russian server will go offline after arriving at the outside of Hanbok Luofeng City and wait for the day to start. This does not arouse the Korean server's vigilance, especially since they have successively arranged for people to sneak into the Korean server.

Each server such as the Russian server has arranged for hundreds of thousands of elites to sneak into the Korean server, and there are hundreds of millions of players on standby at any time. At that time, plus the personnel mobilized by the Chinese server alliance on the bright side, especially Xianxian The [Profound Truth*Space Portal] cast by Jade Hand and other players in the space system use [Group Teleportation Scroll] and [Cross-Server *Group Teleportation Scroll], so that when the battle starts, the number of players in the alliance on the central server will definitely exceed The total number that can be accommodated in a level 5 gang station, and at the beginning of the battle, the Chinese server alliance will still have the numerical advantage. After all, it will not be so easy for the Korean server and even their allies to mobilize so many elites in a short period of time. .

That's not all, before starting the Korean server, the Chinese server, the Russian server and the court server are still mobilizing a large number of elites to deploy on the border with the Korean server. These people can cross the barrier and rush to the Korean server at any time, because there are not many of these players. There is very little [Teleportation], which means that once the battle starts, they can lock their friends and teleport directly to Luofeng City to participate in the battle.

Of course, these people can also be teleported by the player using the [Group Teleportation Scroll]. There are relatively many items such as [Group Teleportation Scroll]. It is also feasible to use this item to transmit a large number of elites after the battle.

"Hee hee, Miss Fireworks, tomorrow we are going to take action against Luofeng City in Hanbok. Our alliance has mobilized hundreds of millions of elites to lurk outside of Luofeng City. In addition, we can let space players and Using the [Group Teleportation Scroll] to teleport a large number of elites, we can certainly mobilize tens of millions of elites in a short period of time, tsk tsk, this is more than the total number of players that can be accommodated in a level 5 gang station, so we can definitely be lost. Fengcheng captures it." June Feixue said excitedly.

"That's right, attacking Luofeng City is inevitable, especially at the beginning, the number of players on our side will far exceed the players defending Luofeng City. After all, even if they can form a teleportation formation and want to teleport a large number of elites, they will need some Time." Samadhi took over the words: "Using the advantage of the number of people and the advantage of sneak attacks, we will definitely be able to occupy a large section of the city wall before the enemy alliance mobilizes sufficient manpower, which means that we will definitely be able to stand firm at that time. It will be much easier to occupy Luofeng City after that.”

"Hey, at the beginning, we had the advantage of sneak attacks and the number of people, plus the number of killers such as the [Group Blessing Scroll] that we hoarded far exceeded the enemy alliance, doesn't it mean that we can easily occupy Luofeng City?! "Bandang Chengfeng laughed, and while she was talking, she looked at Fireworks Yi Leng and the others: "Why do I feel like we're just taking a 5th-level gang station and we're making a big deal out of it?"

"I feel the same way." Zhiyue took over the words: "I feel that the manpower that our alliance mobilized after the battle has a great chance to occupy Luofeng City, especially since we have the advantage of sneak attack."

"Because it is very important to occupy the first gang station in Hanbok, because we need to use this gang station as a springboard for the imperial city of Hanbok, so we must win it smoothly. It is necessary to make adequate preparations." Ye Luo explained Dao, after seeing everyone nodding, he continued: "But after occupying Luofeng City, it will be easier and easier for us to mobilize manpower, and then it will be much easier to occupy other gangs in Hanbok. Of course, we want to destroy the Hanbok later. The Imperial City will also be smoother.”

In this regard, everyone also agrees, thinking of these, they are excited and looking forward to each other.

"Fireworks, tomorrow we won't only attack Hanbok's Luofengcheng, shall we take down Luofengcheng and then take over one or two guild quarters in Hanbok?" : "Anyway, once we attack the Hanbok, the enemy alliance will definitely be vigilant. In this case, we might as well stop hiding anything, and we can directly mobilize enough people to the second guild station, and then naturally take advantage of the situation and take it down. already."

Because according to the plan, it is necessary to occupy the Hanbok's imperial city after occupying several gang stations. If only one is occupied every day, it will undoubtedly take many days, but if you can occupy 2 or more in one day, then it will not take long. It is possible to do something about the imperial city of Hanbok. I can't wait to ride the waves and ride the wind in this matter.

It is not only the waves and the wind, but also Othello, Midnight Book and others. They are also eager to try, and it is not surprising that most players in the Chinese server alliance can't wait to destroy the imperial city of Hanbok.

Think about it too, because many imperial cities of the China-server alliance have been destroyed, and even the China-server alliance almost collapsed because of this. Although the final form was reversed, many players in the China-server alliance held a sigh of relief. They all wanted to destroy the imperial city of the Japanese server alliance one day, and the sooner the better.

I thought that Fireworks Yi Leng would nod in agreement, but she didn't want her to shake her head and said, "It's best not to continue to attack the Hanbok gang station, even if we capture Luofeng City relatively smoothly, because at this time the enemy alliance Almost all of the elites are in the hanbok, especially if we mobilize players to another gang station, they will immediately determine the target of the action, and then they will deploy in advance, so that even if we can finally win the second gang station It will also be more difficult, and the casualties and consumption will be greater..."

"Hey, as long as we can capture the second gang garrison, then everything is worth it." Breaking the waves blurted out: "Especially, the two gang garrison we occupy in succession in Hanbok will definitely make the enemy alliance have a lot of consumption, and then we will It's too easy to destroy the imperial city of Hanbok."

"It would be best if we could easily occupy the Hanbok's gang station." Ye Luo said, after a while, he continued: "After we occupied Luofeng City, the enemy alliance should not have thought that we would continue to attack the Hanbok, especially It’s us who acted on other servers, for example, we formed an elite team to launch a sneak attack on servers such as the printed server, and then it would definitely attract a large number of elites from the enemy alliance to defend the city, and then it would be easier for us to suddenly attack the Korean server.”

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