VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3852: : according to plan

Think about it too, this time, the alliance with the Hanbok and the Chinese server made sufficient preparations in advance, and even in order to make the plan go smoothly, they also used the sound of the east and the west and sacrificed 20,000 elite cavalry. In this case, the siege will naturally go smoothly. It can be seen from the fact that about 40% of the city wall was occupied by the Chinese-serving alliance before the siege began. After all, this meant that the Chinese-serving alliance had no disadvantage on the city wall.

Of course, the most important thing is that at this time, neither the dark night nor the Tokyo Mythology and others dared to stop Ye Luo, Polangchengfeng and others, which means that Ye Luo and the others can dash forward at a faster speed and then occupy more city walls. At present, it doesn't take long to occupy all the city walls of Luofeng City, so occupying Luofeng City is a sure thing.

However, Samadhi and the others know that occupying Luofeng City is not the most important thing. The most important thing is to see how much consumption of the alliance on the Japanese server side, and this is related to whether Ye Luo and the others can successfully destroy the imperial city of Hanbok-Japanese server in the future. The greater the consumption of one alliance, the more sure that the Chinese server alliance will destroy the Hanbok Imperial City.

However, because the offensive of the Chinese server alliance was too ferocious this time, and Hanbok and even their allies knew what the impact would be if Luofeng City fell, so they immediately used multiple [Group Blessings] Scrolls], even more than the one used by the Chinese server alliance.

As the book in the middle of the night said, the alliance on the Chinese server originally had an advantage in the number of trump cards such as [Group Blessing Scrolls] hoarded, but now the alliance on the Japanese server consumes more, so the gap between the two sides is undoubtedly wider. , and this also means that the action to attack the Hanbok Imperial City in the future will be smoother.

Everyone saw this, and they were all excited for a while, especially when they thought about the result of destroying the Hanbok Imperial City.

And then the book in the middle of the night and the sunset in the long river told everyone good news - after such a long battle, they had accumulated a lot of points in the national war at this time, and it was no accident that they would be able to collect 10 million at the end of this battle. At that time, they can exchange for a national weapon that they can equip, so their strength will undoubtedly increase greatly.

"Hey, fireworks, the action was much smoother than we expected, especially since the enemy alliance also used so many killer props." Breaking the waves and laughing, she continued after a while: "In addition, there is a surprise, That is, Xiaoshu and Sunset will soon be able to exchange national weapons. Once they do so, their strength will definitely be greatly improved. When they join forces, they will be enough to entangle one of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, so that we can attack the city later. Easier."

"Since the situation is much smoother than what we expected, then we might as well take advantage of the situation and occupy some gangs in Hanbok. This will not only further consume the enemy's alliance, but also shorten the time it takes for us to destroy the Hanbok Imperial City." Wind added.

The proposal of breaking the waves and riding the wind was immediately echoed by many people, and they also persuaded Fireworks Yi Leng to continue to work on other gangs in Hanbok after taking down Luofengcheng.

"The reason why we are so smooth is naturally because we have made sufficient preparations in advance, and of course it is also related to the fact that the enemy alliance did not expect that we would suddenly launch a large-scale siege battle." Ye Luo took his place after seeing the fireworks Yi Leng did not reply. Dao, after a short pause, he continued: "But the battle has already started at this time, the attention of the enemy alliance is focused on the Hanbok, and a large number of elites have also been mobilized to come here, and then we will undoubtedly start any gang station in the Hanbok. will encounter great resistance. When we initially attack the city, the number of players in the enemy alliance defending the city will be far more than ours. In this case, even if we finally successfully occupy the target, there will be greater consumption and casualties. ."

"That's right, because at that time, we were at a disadvantage in the number of players and the city walls, so we could only use more [Group Blessing Scrolls] to make up for it. In this way, our consumption was naturally much larger than that of the enemy alliance." Samadhi took over the words: "Don't forget that the purpose of our operation this time is not only to occupy the gang station of Hanbok, but also the most important thing is to make the enemy alliance have more consumption, in the end, our consumption is bigger than them, this is It is very detrimental to our future actions.”

"So it's not suitable to continue to work on the gang station in the Hanbok. We'd better shift the attention of the enemy alliance to other servers, just like the tactics we discussed yesterday." Samadhi added.

Polangchengfeng naturally knew this, but she was somewhat disappointed when she thought that she couldn't take advantage of the situation to continue occupying other gangs in Hanbok.

"Sister Feng, we have the absolute upper hand at this time, so we don't have to worry too much, we can slowly consume the alliance with the enemy." Sitting on Qin Xin, she saw the thoughts of breaking the waves and riding the wind, and she spoke to comfort: " What's more, we didn't delay for too long, just wait until tomorrow, so the time is not too long, the most important thing is to do it more safely."

Breaking waves and riding the wind naturally knew this, and after thinking for a while, she finally nodded and said, "Okay, let's just follow the plan, anyway, we have made a good start at this time, and then we want to occupy the Hanbok, no, the enemy It's a lot easier for the Alliance to reside in a gang."

And when they were talking about the waves and the wind, the movements in their hands did not stop at all, and they continued to use various skills, so the speed of their dash did not slow down, and more and more city walls fell into the hands of the Chinese server alliance.

"Yixiao Hongchen, Sister Qi, you take the positions of Sister Feng and Ye Luo." Suddenly Fireworks Yi Leng gave an order, and she continued without waiting for Xiao Hongchen to reply: "Ye Luo, Sister Feng, go and target Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. , at this time they are a great threat to our people, and it is important to deter them."

Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng also talked a lot. After hearing the order, they quickly changed their positions, and then Ye Luo and the others went directly to the positions of Dark Night, Tokyo Myth and others.

"Sister Fireworks, why didn't you let Brother Ye and the others deal with Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology before?" Zhiyue asked curiously, and she also asked the doubts in many people's hearts.

"Because our most important task before was to occupy as many city walls as possible. At that time, Ye Luo and Sister Feng had no one to stop them. They rushed forward the fastest. If they were led by them, we would have the highest efficiency in occupying the city walls." Samadhi Shidai explained that after seeing Zhiyue and the others nodding, she continued: "Now we have occupied nearly half of the city wall, at least we are no longer at a disadvantage on the city wall, and let the dark night, Tokyo mythology and their actions will greatly increase us. It is very important for Ye Luo and Sister Feng to deter them."

"Of course, the most important thing is that Ye Luo can attack from a long distance. He can also kill and drive away the enemies he encounters while dealing with the dark night and Tokyo mythology, and this will also give our players a greater advantage where he is. , so that it is easier for them to occupy the city wall, so we quickly have the advantage of the city wall, which can further reduce our casualties." Samadhi added.

All of them were smart people, and they understood this quickly, and then they didn't say much and obeyed the orders.

Yeluo, Polangchengfeng and the others were very fast, and it didn't take long for them to rush to the dark night and Tokyo Mythology where they were. As Sanmai said, they used some group attack skills and even ordinary attacks to attack. Killing a lot of enemies that you encounter, so that the players in the central server alliance will have some advantages, and it will be easier to occupy the city wall. At this time, both Ye Luo and the waves and the wind have increased their attack power, so Any of their skills can instantly kill those players who are not invincible, so the target is also in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], and even Ye Luo's normal attack using the [Thousand Machine Crossbow] can instantly kill the enemy he encounters.

Seeing Ye Luo and Po Lang rushing straight towards the wind, Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others panicked instantly, because they also knew that with their current strength, they were not opponents of Ye Luo and others at all, and once Ye Luo and the others cast [Chaos of Chaos] Arrow] Controlling them is more likely to kill them. Once this happens, their alliance will no longer have a chance to compete with the Chinese server alliance. Thinking of these, they will naturally avoid them for the first time, but this is the case. It wasted a lot of their time.

Seeing that Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology were withdrawing, Ye Luo and the others did not pursue them immediately. Instead, they helped the players below to occupy a section of the city wall. It is almost over half, which means that the Chinese server alliance is not only no longer at a disadvantage on the city wall, but already has some advantages.

After that, Ye Luo and the others continued to pursue the Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others, but did all the masters from the Japanese server alliance escape where they lived, especially those players with national weapons, and they even let them hide in a safe space for the sake of safety. The players used the [Space Portal] to teleport them away. After all, Ye Luo and the others were faster than them. It would be difficult to escape if they only escaped by themselves, but once they let their people teleport them to a safe place, there would be no doubt about that. It means that they can't continue to participate in the battle, at least it will waste some time, and this will naturally be more beneficial for the Chinese server alliance.

In this way, with the help of Ye Luo and the others, more and more city walls were occupied by the Chinese server alliance, because they already had the advantage of the city wall, and this further increased the speed of the Chinese server alliance's advance. One alliance can completely occupy all the city walls of Luofeng City within 2 minutes, which also means that they will definitely be able to occupy Luofeng City.

At this time, the players of the Japanese server alliance also saw the current situation. They knew that they could not defend Luofeng City. If they continued to persist, they would only increase casualties. Especially at this time, the Chinese server alliance already had the advantage of the city wall.

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