VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3859: : Discuss countermeasures

In the minds of many Japanese server alliance players, the reason why the center server alliance so easily captured Luofeng City and Twilight City was because of sneak attacks, because the center server side attacked and the Japanese server alliance could not deploy elite defenders in advance.

If the Japanese server alliance deploys a large number of elites in advance, and the attacked is an imperial city with a defense and attack power far stronger than that of Luofeng City, then their side has great confidence that they can defend it, and they can fight against the imperial city. The Chinese server alliance caused great casualties and consumption.

Red Ice's words have been echoed by many people, and they are still very confident in defending the imperial city.

"That's right, that's right, we will certainly be able to defend it at that time, especially since we deployed a large number of elites around the imperial city in advance, and they can suddenly attack from behind when the people from the Chinese server alliance start to attack the city." Hei Longtian He said in a hurry, his tone could not be concealed full of excitement: "And once the siege of the Chinese-server alliance is stopped, it will definitely cause them great casualties and consumption, and even the situation of our two sides is likely to change because of this. ."

"No, it's still very difficult for us to hold on, and even the CCP alliance will not have too many casualties and consumption." Fujisan shook his head, seeing Heilongtianzhan and others wanting to refute, he stopped it and explained : "As I said before, the Chinese server alliance will continue to occupy the guild station of the Korean server, and after occupying multiple seats, their efficiency in mobilizing players will be much improved, not to mention that they can mobilize enough manpower, such as far more than one. The imperial city can accommodate the number of players before attacking the city, at this time we don’t have any advantage in numbers.”

"That's right, we will only have some advantages of the city walls and the [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Order]. By the way, the Chinese server alliance will continue to attack us. In this case, our remaining recruitment orders will also be used. Not necessarily how many." Sun Bu Luo Long Ying took over the words, and he continued after a short pause: "And the Chinese server alliance has more advantages, for example, they have more killer items such as [Group Blessing Scroll], such as The top experts on their side can deter the experts on our side to a great extent, for example, they also have a great advantage in the number of catastrophe suits."

"As we said before, as long as we can destroy the imperial city of our alliance, the alliance of the Chinese server will certainly not be stingy with all means, and with various advantages, they have a great chance to destroy the imperial city of Hanbok, even if we can advance in advance. The same is true for deploying players." The sun never sets Long Ying added.

"That's right." The Emperor's Anthem took over the words, and he looked at everyone as he spoke: "Especially whether to attack the Hanbok Imperial City can be adjusted for the Chinese server side, which means that they are seeing our advance deployment. After a large number of elites, they can choose to do other servers, and in that case, it is easier for them to do it, so our early deployment is useless."

"Doesn't this mean that we have almost no way to prevent the people from the Chinese server alliance from occupying our gang station?!" Wucai Yaoji frowned, the reason for this was because she knew that once the Hanbok Imperial City was destroyed, their alliance would suffer. , it won't even be long before it will be the turn of the Indian service to face such an encounter.

Hearing this, everyone was silent, because they didn't have a good way to deal with it.

"There's no way. At this time, the Chinese server alliance has too many advantages over us, and it's difficult for us to make up for it by any means." Tokyo Mythology sighed, and the tone was full of helplessness.

"Then what are we going to do next?!" The perfume is poisonous and annoyed: "Could it be that we choose to sit still?!"

There was another long silence, and after a long time, Twilight said coldly and solemnly: "There is no good way, what we can do is to block the alliance of the Chinese server as much as possible, and at the same time, we are ready for the way back, such as continuing to strengthen the Super League. The construction of the gang station is very likely to be our last habitat."

"By the way, the defense and attack of the super gang station far exceed the imperial city, especially in which our overall attributes will not be punished because the imperial city is destroyed, and there will even be some reinforcements, plus there There are so many satellite gang stations, so they can still resist the attack of the Chinese-server alliance." Twilight Wei Liang added, after a while, he continued: "Even as long as they can't capture the super gang station in one fell swoop, they will never be there. It is possible to attack, and it is almost impossible for the Chinese server alliance to take down the super gang station in one fell swoop, because just dealing with the surrounding satellite gang stations will cause them to have great consumption and casualties, not to mention attacking more. A powerful super gang is here."

"That's right, the super gang station will be our last habitat, and for a long time, the people from the Chinese server alliance will not be able to capture it." Fujisan took over the words, and when he thought of something, he changed his tone: "In addition, , if the equipment level of those of us can be improved again, especially if we obtain some national weapons and then can suppress and entangle Ye Luozhiqiu, then we are not without a chance to turn over."

"Not only that, even if we hide in the super gang station, we can continue to form an elite team to launch a sneak attack on the Chinese server alliance, and this will definitely cause great trouble and casualties." Fujiyama added.

Naturally they knew what kind of losses the formation of an elite team and many assassins caused to the alliance of the Chinese server during this period of time. For a while, they also thought that doing so would cause trouble to the alliance of the Chinese server to the greatest extent, or in their hearts, they all believed that it was them. The only thing you can do in hiding in a super gang station.

"Actually, I feel that if we hide in the super gang station, it might be more beneficial to us." Suddenly Hero Wuming said, seeing everyone's puzzled look, he continued: "The defense of the super gang station is much higher than that of the imperial city. , it is no surprise that the Chinese server alliance will not attack for a long time, and even if we attack, we can defend the city without participating in the defense. Quickly improve our strength, and we can also hoard more killer items such as [Group Blessing Scroll]."

Thinking about it, the reason why the gap between the Japanese server alliance and the Chinese server alliance is getting bigger and bigger is not just because some gangs are occupied, but the most important thing is that the former can put more effort into dungeon tasks, especially It is to do the [Heavenly Tribulation] quest. After all, the rewards of this kind of dungeon quest are too rich.

Of course, it's not that Tokyo Mythology, they don't want to invest too much effort in the dungeon quest, but because they are facing a sneak attack from the Chinese server alliance at any time, they can easily be occupied by some gang stations when they are not there, so they have to give up doing the dungeon quest.

However, it will be different if they hide in the super gang station. At that time, they don't have to worry about the super gang station being destroyed and occupied, even if some of their super masters do not participate in the defense of the city, and once they put a lot of effort into the dungeon mission, their situation It will be improved more or less.

Hearing this, everyone also realized this. As the hero said, they also believed that hiding in the super gang station would make it easier for them to invest more energy to improve their strength. In this case, they were less worried about the emperor. The city was destroyed.

"Of course, even if we hide in the super gang's station, we can't make the Chinese server alliance too comfortable. We must continue to form an elite team to attack them, and even increase the intensity of the sneak attack." The Blade of Heroes suggested, look After everyone nodded, he continued: "Of course, we'd better do it in a targeted manner, such as targeting players from the Chinese server alliance who hold national weapons. With the help of [Space Barrier], we still have a good chance of killing them. Grabbing their national weapons will not only increase our strength, but also weaken the overall strength of the China-Server alliance, in which case we have a better chance to reverse the situation."

Everyone agreed with this, and even in their hearts, even if they didn't hide in the super gang station, they could increase the intensity of the sneak attack on the alliance of the Chinese server.

"Of course, since we have analyzed that the focus of the next alliance on the Chinese server is to attack the Korean server, then we can also appropriately increase the defensive strength here, which can cause casualties and consumption to the alliance on the Chinese server as much as possible." The Emperor's Praise He added, and then he snorted coldly: "Hmph, even if we can't keep the imperial city in the end, we certainly can't make them so comfortable."

In this regard, everyone has no objection, and even they immediately began to arrange.

"It would be great if we could have two super gang stations." Red Snowflake said to himself: "In this way, we have one more habitat, and if we can build two super gang stations in the same one In this case, the defense and attack power will be further improved, and in this case, it will be even more difficult for the people from the Chinese server alliance to attack there.”

Hearing this, everyone naturally hopes so, but they also know that it is very lucky to have only one super gang station. It is too wishful thinking to have two such super gang stations.

Now that the countermeasures have been negotiated, the people in the Japanese server alliance did not waste time, and they began to take action. At this time, for them, forming an elite team to launch a sneak attack on the Chinese server alliance can cause the greatest possible casualties and damage. consumption, so they directly chose this way.

It has to be said that when the Chinese server alliance is attacking the city, the defense inside the major servers of the Chinese server alliance is a lot worse, and this gives Tokyo Mythology and them more opportunities, and many players die in their hands at one time. Numbers, fortunately at this time, the well-known masters of the Chinese server alliance are all in the Korean server and then participate in the siege battle, and as long as they are not killed, they cannot cause too many losses to the Chinese server alliance.

Soon after, the Chinese server alliance completely occupied Twilight City, and this was one step closer to destroying the Hanbok Imperial City.

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