VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3873: : harassment and stalking

Although Dark Night and Tokyo Myth did not stop Yeluo, Polangchengfeng and others, they caused a lot of casualties and consumption to the players who were attacking the city from the Chinese server alliance, which somewhat slowed down the speed of occupying the city wall. It is necessary to let the masters such as Midnight Book and Changhe Sunset to stop them, which is very beneficial for the next siege of the Chinese server alliance.

Think about it too, Midnight Book and Changhe Sunset are not the most powerful experts in the Chinese server alliance. Midnight Book, the assassin, can play a small role in the siege battle. In that case, it is better to let him entangle the sun. The most powerful player in the server alliance is extremely cost-effective for the Chinese server alliance. Of course, the most important thing is that the combination of Midnight Book and Changhe Sunset is enough to pose a great threat to Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, especially Ye Luo, Breaking the waves and riding the wind and others can rush to support at any time.

Of course, Fireworks Yi Leng also instructed a lot of elite cavalry to lock the Midnight Book and send them to charge against Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night, which would cause more trouble and make Midnight Book safer.

I have to say that the arrangement of fireworks and easy cold is very useful. In the middle of the night, they teamed up to entangle the Tokyo mythology. The two teamed up to easily suppress it or entanglement, even if the Japanese server also sent a group of elite experts to support it. Even the arrival of Amaterasu didn't change much.

That's right, seeing the Midnight Book rushing towards Amaterasu, the God of Amaterasu couldn't help but directly abandon the opponent and come straight, and then he teamed up with Tokyo Myth to face the Midnight Book, but the combination of the two of them did not change the situation. There are too many, not because of the lack of strength of Tokyo Mythology or the God of Amaterasu. The strength of one plus one is definitely more than the two of them in the middle of the night, but the cooperation between the two of them is not so tacit. A difference.

It's a thousand miles away, but this gap makes the combat power that the two of them can play together is much worse than that of the Midnight Books, and even they are faintly at a disadvantage. Undoubtedly, it is more beneficial - the two of them not only entangled the Tokyo mythology, but also entangled the super master of Amaterasu, which is undoubtedly more beneficial to the Chinese server alliance.

Without the obstruction of Tokyo Mythology and the God of Amaterasu, players from the Chinese server alliance quickly replenished, and many players in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] rushed over and easily stood their ground, while destroying some surrounding defenders. After the equipment, they can lead the surrounding elites to rush to both sides, which also means that they can also occupy the walls of the Hanbok Imperial City.

The players here are not too far away from Ye Luo and Polangchengfeng. Once the two sides meet, it means that a large portion of the city wall has fallen into the hands of the China-server alliance, which will undoubtedly further expand the advantages of the China-server alliance.

In addition, the players on this side and Ye Luo and the others are looking at each other from a distance, which means that the players in the middle Japanese server alliance are attacked from back and forth, which undoubtedly makes these players feel jealous. After all, no player wants to be killed, so many people have sprung up. Retreat, or ready to withdraw at any time, which further reduced the combat power of these people.

Of course, the main reason why these players don't work hard is not that they are attacked from the front and back, the most important thing is that they are players in the Japanese server, and they will not work hard for the Korean server, especially when they already know that it is difficult to defend the imperial city, so they The combat power that can be exerted is even weaker.

The Tokyo Mythology in the battle naturally sees their situation now, especially since he knows that it is more beneficial for his own alliance to be entangled with these people, so what they have to do is to get rid of Midnight Books and others as much as possible and then go to other places Block a player from an alliance on the Chinese server.

It's just that Midnight Book and Changhe Sunset are like maggots on the tarsal bones. It's not that easy to get rid of them. You can only rely on space players to send them to a safe place and then send them over again. Somehow they will waste some time.

Tokyo Mythology and the God of Amaterasu are not only wearing big moves, but also in the state of [Baqi Tianjiang]. Wasting some time at this time can undoubtedly greatly reduce their damage output, and this also means that the Chinese server alliance The casualties will be reduced a lot, and the pressure will also be reduced a lot. In a word, this is still very beneficial for the Chinese server alliance.

Although Tokyo Mythology and the others knew that getting rid of Midnight Books and their entanglement would waste some time, they knew better that being entangled in this way not only prevented them from exerting their due combat power, but most importantly, they were in danger of being killed at any time. , in this case, even if it will waste some time, they will let the space system players of their own alliance teleport them away-Midnight Book, Long River Sunset have learned [Chaos Arrow], if they are controlled by this skill, then the next Ye Luo and the others will rush over as soon as possible, so naturally there is a greater chance to kill them.

Even though Midnight Book and Changhe Sunset didn't have time to cast [Arrow of Chaos] due to the fierce battle, Ye Luo, Polangchengfeng and the others were not too far away from here, especially since players from both sides of the China-Server Alliance wanted to see each other and the passage could be opened at any time. That is to say, Ye Luo and Polang may rush over at any time, especially if they use the 100-meter displacement skill, they will be very dangerous in Tokyo Mythology.

After thinking about this, Tokyo Mythology quickly made a decision-let their space system players teleport them to a safe place.

Seeing Tokyo Mythology, God of Amaterasu and others being teleported away, Midnight Book and Changhe Sunset didn’t take it seriously. Then they didn’t chase or intercept Dark Ye and others, but helped the surrounding players to attack the city, and This also gives players from the surrounding China-server alliance a greater advantage.

It is worth mentioning that Midnight Book and Long River Sunset are heading towards the place where Ye Luo and Polang Chengfeng are. They displayed various skills. The players in the Japanese server alliance are even more sparse, which makes the speed of the dash faster.

With the help of Midnight Shu and the others, they joined Ye Luo and the others in less than a minute, and this also meant that the city wall occupied by the Chinese server alliance directly increased a lot.

After that, Midnight Shu and the others did not join forces with Ye Luo, Polang Chengfeng and others to continue occupying the city wall, but went to find trouble with Dark Night and others. No accident, they would be able to contain Dark Ye and others and then serve the Chinese side. of players create better opportunities.

The fact is also true, Midnight Book and Changhe Sunset, with the assistance of several elite cavalry, caused great trouble to Dark Night, Autumn Wind Sweeping Leaves and others, especially when they did not hesitate to use various group attack and group control skills. Next, they were forced to use the invincible skills in the dark night for a while, but in this way they lacked some killer skills - because Midnight Book has [cooling reset], plus he originally learned the skills of assassins and swordsmen And he has more skills than many players, so naturally he doesn't need to be stingy with skills, especially these skills can cause a lot of trouble to the most powerful players in the enemy alliance.

In the dark night, they have the same scruples as Tokyo Myth and others, so even if they are defending the Hanbok Imperial City today, they don't dare to work too hard, so the combat power they can exert at this time is much weaker, but it is not like In Tokyo Myth, they were just teleported away like that.

However, they had to be teleported away in the dark night soon, because Ye Luo, Fireworks Yi Leng, and Polang Chengfeng were teleported directly. Facing these people and their entanglement in the middle of the night, they were not opponents at all, so naturally they could only let space players sent them away.

The reason why Ye Luo, Polang Chengfeng and others have time to come over to support is naturally because they have occupied a large section of the city wall, and another section of the city wall is also occupied by other players from the Chinese server alliance. Even if they didn't have the help of Midnight Book and Long River and Sunset, they rushed in a distance of dozens or hundreds of meters with the help of multiple players in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], which means Ye Luo and the others wanted to continue. Occupying the city wall that has not been snatched has to be rushed to hundreds of meters away, even at their speed, it will waste some time.

In this case, it would be better to send it directly to the Midnight Books. After all, the city wall here is still in the hands of the players of the alliance in the Japanese server. Of course, the most important thing is that Feng Xinglie came to suppress the dark night and others under the order of Fireworks Yi Leng. You can use [Space Portal] to teleport Ye Luo and the others, so Ye Luo and the others don't need to spend time on their way or use [Teleport].

Facts have also proved that Ye Luo and the others can maximize their combat power by doing this, and even their role is even greater, because the elite masters who saw them coming to Dark Night, Twilight Wei Liang and other Hanbok had to choose to withdraw. This not only means that Ye Luo and the others can easily occupy the city wall in front of them, but also makes Dark Night and the others waste some time, which is the time to awaken skills with the ultimate move and combination equipment, which undoubtedly makes Dark Night their damage output. reduced a lot.

After Ye Luo and the others arrived and Dark Ye and other Hanbok masters all withdrew, the players from the Chinese server alliance quickly occupied the surrounding city walls, and because they hardly encountered too strong resistance, they rushed forward very fast.

"Hey, the official siege only takes 5 or 6 minutes. We have already occupied 30% to 40% of the outer city walls, which is too efficient." Othello laughed: "The most important thing is that the enemy alliance initially Owning the city walls has the greatest advantage. It will be the most difficult for us to occupy their city walls. Now that we have occupied so many city walls, the efficiency of our occupation of the city walls will increase a lot. As of now, before the end of our combined equipment awakening skills There is no problem in occupying 60-70% of the city wall.”

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