VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3877: : acting alone

The Japanese server alliance has not been able to have both super damage output and super long-range attack power like Ye Luo, and then can force the opponent to be unable to get close to the players within 20 meters, so they naturally cannot rely on the heart of the city to resist the middle. Conquering the offensive of one side, and using [Space Barrier] can only delay time. Once the barrier is over, the remaining players cannot be resisted by attacking dozens of times or more players.

Twilight Weiliang and Dark Night also judged this, and in order not to continue to increase casualties, they decided to give up defending the city.

Since Dark Night, the highest combat power and commander of Hanbok, decided to give up defending the city, players on other servers naturally had no objection, and then the matter was settled like this. The player teleports away, which also means that they have completely given up defending the city.

Not to mention the dark night they made the decision to give up defending the city, and back in time to the Hanbok's space-based players cast [space enchantment] to protect the heart of the city.

"Hey, they really will let space players cast [Space Barrier]." Yaoyue raised his glass and smiled, and then his tone changed: "It's just that [Space Barrier] can only be delayed for 10 minutes, once the barrier is formed When the time limit is reached, we will rush over as soon as possible, and then we can definitely make the number of players far more than the enemies in the enchantment at this time within 3 seconds. The most important thing is that all the super masters of our alliance will rush up, so even if If the enemy alliance casts [Space Barrier] again, we don't have to retreat, we can fight them recklessly."

"Even with our strong strength, we still have the opportunity to prevent the dark night and them from escaping, which means that we can kill them, so that we can not only destroy the Hanbok Imperial City, but also make it possible to kill the dark night and others. The enemy alliance no longer has any resistance." Yaoyue added a toast.

"It's very difficult to kill a master at the level of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, and it's not even possible to kill players with national weapons." Longteng Tianxia took over the words, chuckled, and his tone changed: "However, with our strength, we can easily destroy the Hanbok Imperial City, and this not only weakens the overall strength of Hanbok and even the enemy alliance, but after we get the reward for destroying the Imperial City, our strength will be greatly improved, which means that both sides The strength gap between them will widen further, and it will be much easier to deal with them later."

"That's right, this time we will definitely be able to destroy their imperial city." Feng Xing said with certainty, and when he thought of something, he turned to look at Fireworks Yi Leng: "Firework girl, what will you do after destroying the Hanbok Imperial City? Do you want to join forces and reoccupy it? Some gang locations in the enemy alliance?"

Hearing this, many people's eyes lit up, because at present, after the destruction of the Hanbok Imperial City, the Chinese server alliance still has strong combat power, especially after they can use the [Group Blessing Scroll] again, with these It is still very easy to occupy some gang locations in the Japanese server alliance, and this will undoubtedly further increase the advantages of the Chinese server alliance.

"After that, everyone can do whatever they want, and they can do whatever they want." Fireworks Yi said coldly, stopping Du Kang, the **** of wine, who was about to say something, and she continued: "But we have to act alone, and after that, in addition to attacking the enemy Alliance Emperor We will not take the initiative to participate in the operation of the city or the super gang station."

"Uh, this..." Feng Xing was stunned, but he could only laugh when he thought of the previous agreement that Misty Pavilion could act alone.

"Don't we continue to join forces to attack the gang station of the next server and then destroy their imperial city?" Yaoyue raised her glass and asked, and he frowned slightly when he said this: "Although we already have a big advantage at this time, But if we don't strike while the iron is hot and continue to destroy some imperial cities of the enemy alliance, I'm afraid they will have a chance to breathe, if that's the case, then we will have no time to regret it."

"After the destruction of the Hanbok Imperial City, the strength gap between the two sides is already very large. We don't need to continue to join forces to have the strength to occupy the gang's station. The two-pronged approach may be better." After the guild station in a certain server has been occupied, we can naturally choose to join forces and then capture it. I believe that even if we don’t prepare as deliberately as today, we can easily destroy their guild station.”

"Even if we act alone next time, we will have the opportunity to occupy some gang quarters, and this is also to prepare for the destruction of the imperial city of the enemy alliance." Samadhi added.

With the experience of Fengxing and Du Kang, the God of Bacchus, it is natural to know how far the strength gap between the two alliances will be after the destruction of the Hanbok Imperial City. Especially this action has caused the Japanese server alliance to consume a lot of [Group Blessing Scroll] and other killers. Even if they don't join forces and want to occupy some gangs in the Japanese server alliance, it is not a problem.

"But the destroyed imperial city will be restored in 3 days, so the strength of the enemy alliance will be improved, and we may not be able to destroy another imperial city in 3 days..." Nangong Yunlong thought of this problem, but he He was interrupted before he could finish speaking.

"Three days is a long time. It is still easy to occupy some gang positions in the enemy alliance with our current strength. After the number of occupied gang positions on a certain server reaches 3, we can organize forces to fight against the imperial city. Let’s do it, no accident, we can destroy another imperial city before the Hanbok Imperial City is restored, so that the overall strength of the enemy alliance will not increase too much.” Ye Luo said in a deep voice, paused for a while and continued: “And As we occupy more and more gang locations, our strength is still further increasing, which will also make the overall strength gap between the two sides wider and wider."

"As for the restoration of the Hanbok Imperial City, I can't wait to do so." Ye Luo added, he looked around as he spoke: "We have occupied the guild sites such as Luofeng City and Qiufeng City, and even all the other gang sites around the imperial city. After being occupied by us, and the fact that Hanbok is a soft persimmon will definitely bear the brunt of the situation, and some gang quarters will be occupied, then it will be very easy for us to destroy the Hanbok Imperial City, much easier than it is now.”

Everyone is smart, and they quickly understood what Ye Luo meant - the destruction of the Hanbok Imperial City greatly reduced the strength of players in the Hanbok and other Hanbok, so the alliance of the Chinese server will definitely take advantage of their weak strength and then occupy some gangs in the Hanbok. The station, although the Imperial City will automatically recover and cannot be occupied, but the occupied gang station will not return to the hands of the Hanbok players, and it will naturally be much easier to destroy the Hanbok Imperial City with the help of these, and destroying the Hanbok Imperial City again will be possible. Once again, it is a good thing for the Chinese server alliance to get the system reward.

In a word, the strength of the Chinese server alliance will be much higher than that of the Japanese server alliance, and it will not matter whether to occupy their gang station or continue to destroy their imperial city.

Thinking of this, everyone no longer struggles with whether the Misty Pavilion will participate in the collective action, and even they are eager for the Misty Pavilion to act alone, not only because it will cause more pressure on the enemy alliance and thus give them more opportunities, and less Outside of the Misty Pavilion, they will be able to get more loot - Misty Pavilion has a lot of spoils because of the highest overall damage output.

As for the people in the Misty Pavilion, they naturally know that the fireworks Yi Leng suggested that the Misty Pavilion act alone is for the Misty Pavilion, because they all know that they will continue to act together with the large army. Although the overall damage output of the Misty Pavilion is the highest among all gangs, it has the most spoils. However, the Dongfang Family and other gangs have more benefits than the Misty Pavilion. In the long run, the [Group Blessing Scroll] and other killer props that the Misty Pavilion has hoarded will be far less than the alliances of the Dongfang Family and other gangs, which is not too much for the Misty Pavilion. Okay.

However, it is different for the Misty Pavilion to act alone. The gains from occupying the gang's resident will be attributed to the Misty Pavilion. If the efficiency of the Misty Pavilion's occupation of the gang's resident is high, the gains will be even greater.

"Fireworks, I know that your proposal to act alone is to fight against the alliances of the Dongfang Family and other gangs in the future, but the premise is whether we have the strength to occupy the enemy's alliance gangs alone." Sitting on Qin Xin's voice resounded in the studio of the Misty Pavilion In the channel: "If we can't occupy the gang station of the enemy alliance, we can't gain anything. In this case, it is better to continue to act with the large army, so that we can still get a lot of spoils."

"Although a joint operation with a large army will definitely be able to occupy the guild station of the enemy alliance, but you and I both know that the overall output of the gangs such as the Dongfang Family is much higher than ours, which means that their total gain is greater than ours. , if things go on like this, the [Group Blessing Scroll] and other killer props that they have hoarded will be far more than us, so after the end of the national war, we may not be able to suppress them when we meet them." Samadhi explained on behalf of her, and she continued after a while. "Of course, what you said, Sister Qin, is also very important, but at the moment, our Misty Pavilion should have the strength to occupy the enemy's alliance gang alone, especially at the same time, the large troops will act with us and attract the enemy. with most of the league's attention."

"That's right, we may not have the strength to occupy the enemy's alliance gang alone in the previous words, but we should have it now." Ye Luo took over the words, paused a little, and continued: "Because after this battle, the enemy The Fang Alliance has consumed a lot of the [Group Blessing Scroll] and other killer items, and even the [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Order] is not much left. Even if there are still some, they will definitely stay in the Japanese server to prevent the super gang station from being attacked. , in this case, it is relatively easy for us to occupy the gang station of the enemy alliance alone."

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