VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3895: :change plan

When all the walls of Red Fish City are taken down, Ye Luo and the others will still have 1 or 2 minutes to go in the state of [Thunder God's Fall]. Breaking the waves and riding the wind proposes to take advantage of this time to directly attack the Wufu gang. The station, it is no accident that it will be able to destroy multiple defense equipment for such a long time, and this will naturally make the subsequent siege easier and much easier.

However, at this time, Fireworks Easy Cooling is going to support the team led by Du Kang, the God of Bacchus, and Feng Xing, which made Polang Chengfeng and the others a little puzzled. to support.

"Yes, as Sister Shi said, it is more beneficial for us to support Uncle Bacchus. It's not that we want to get the reward for their occupation of Hongye City. The main thing is that once we go to support the super masters such as Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night. We will naturally be deterred by us and then entangle Dongfang Tiantian and others, and this will naturally make the casualties and consumption of the Dongfang Family and other gangs larger." Ye Luo took over the words and saw Polang Chengfeng and others nodded after he continued. Said: "In addition, the battle on the Red Maple City side will not end for a while, no accident, dark night, Tokyo Mythology, they will be entangled for a period of time, at least the enemy alliance will have many elites will be entangled, so We will help Uncle Bacchus and the others to take over the city walls of Hongye City and then attack Wufu Imperial City, and we will face a lot less masters."

"Of course, the most important thing is that we have to mobilize elites to Wufu during this time. After all, even if we sneak attack on the gang station of the enemy alliance, we will need a lot of people. There is also a lot of resistance." Ye Luo added: "Because of the initial fight against the grass and the snake, the Wufu has been more fully prepared, and it will be more difficult for us to capture the Wufu gang's station."

"That's right." Fireworks Yi Leng nodded, paused for a moment, and continued: "Like we attacked the city yesterday, although when we attacked Black Cloud City, it was easier for us to attack the city wall with the help of the state of [Thunder God]. Then some city walls were destroyed, but because we could only mobilize some players, we could only occupy a section of the city wall. During this period, the enemy alliance mobilized a large number of elites to block it, which is why our consumption and casualties were slightly less yesterday. ."

"However, if we mobilize enough manpower to attack the Wufu gang station, especially if the elites of the enemy alliance are attracted by the players of the Dongfang Family and other gangs, then it will be easier for us to attack the target in one fell swoop." Fireworks Yi Leng added. Said: "What's more, if we really do something to Wufu, then in the dark night, Tokyo Mythology, they may turn around and attack our people in Red Fish City. In this case, it is not so easy for us to take care of this side. "

"That's true. If we stay in the plus server, then they don't dare to rashly do something to our side in the dark night. After all, we can come back at any time to support." Po Lang Cheng Feng nodded, she finally understood.

Since there are so many benefits, Ye Luo and the others didn't say much. They contacted Feng Xinglie directly and asked him to use the [Space Portal] to teleport them.

As soon as he got the news, Feng Xinglie decisively used [Space Portal] and then teleported Ye Luo, Polang Chengfeng and others. It is still difficult for others to stop them. At least the arrival of Ye Luo and the others can greatly reduce their casualties, so they are naturally happy to have Ye Luo and the others to support them, especially the fireworks Yi Leng bluntly said that there is no need for them to occupy Hongye at all. city ​​reward.

Ye Luo and the others didn't say much after their arrival, and directly helped everyone to attack the city, while Midnight Book and Changhe Sunset were still in the state of [Thunder God descending] to harass and chase super masters such as Tokyo Mythology. Drive them away and further increase the advantage of the alliance forces on the Chinese server side. From the current point of view, they will definitely be able to occupy the target earlier than the gangs such as Dongfang Shijia.

At this time, Tokyo Mythology and the others can no longer stay in Hongye City. After all, it is still very dangerous to face the pursuit of Midnight Books, Changhe Sunset and others at any time. Although the Redfish City has come to support Yeluo and the others, it is not too much. They are powerful experts, but the situation over there is already settled. Tokyo Mythology and the others will not have any objection if they rush over, especially since they are likely to continue to attract the pursuit of Midnight Books and even Ye Luo.

After thinking about it, they could only rush to Red Maple City. Although they were able to suppress Tokyo Mythology because of the state of Dongfang Slaughtering the Heavens, they did not learn the [Arrow of Chaos] because of Dongfang Slaughtering Heaven. [ create a threat.

"Hey, Tokyo Mythology and they really went to stop Dongfang Tianslayer and the others. Although Dongfang Tianzhu used [Sacred Beast Skyfall], they definitely couldn't prevent them from occupying Red Maple City, but they could cause some casualties to it more or less. , it may even force the Dongfang Family and other gangs to use some [Group Blessing Scrolls], which is still very beneficial to us." Othello couldn't help laughing.

Seeing that the situation is as predicted by their own people, they are still very satisfied with the samādhi and fireworks, but they are not too entangled in this matter. While helping Du Kang, the **** of wine, and the others to occupy the city wall, they also began to woo Wu. The dispatched troops will then prepare to attack Wufu at any time.

"Uncle Bacchus, Uncle Fengxing, why don't we join forces to occupy a guild station with additional servers." Suddenly Fireworks Yi Leng suggested that without waiting for Du Kang to recover, she continued: "We don't want the reward for occupying Hongye City. Yes, but if we occupy a gang station in the additional server next, we need to be rewarded according to how much damage output we played in the Misty Pavilion, how?"

"Of course, the people who eventually occupy the gang's resident are yours." Fireworks Yi Leng added.

Although the elites led by the Dionysian Du Kang and the others are very strong overall, they probably only have the strength to occupy a guild station in the server. Myth and Dark Night will definitely come to intercept them, so it will be even more difficult for them to occupy a gang station.

However, if everyone in the Misty Pavilion decides to help, the situation will be different. At the very least, experts such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology will have some scruples and will not dare to attack the city. Experts can easily attack the city wall and then gain a firm foothold, so there is naturally no problem in occupying a gang station.

Although the reward for occupying the gang station is also distributed to the Misty Pavilion, for Du Kang, the God of Bacchus, this is a gang station that was occupied by Bai, and then they get additional rewards. It is totally worthwhile to give it to the Misty Pavilion, not to mention that they are also aware of the occupation. The more gangs that are added to the service, it will also be good for tomorrow's actions. Thinking of this, they naturally agreed without hesitation.

"Fireworks, why did you suddenly change your mind?" Sitting on Qin Xin, she asked suspiciously in the Misty Pavilion studio channel.

"Because we joined forces with Uncle Bacchus and the others, in addition to occupying an additional guild station and then sharing some rewards, we can also keep more masters of the enemy alliance in the additional server, plus seeing us continue to attack the city, the East is killing the sky. They are definitely not willing to occupy only one gang station, and they will most likely choose to continue attacking the city when they see Tokyo Myth and other masters to stop us." Ye Luo explained on his behalf, seeing them sitting on Qin Xin, they were suddenly surprised. He smiled: "Yes, as you think, because the overall strength of our team with Uncle Bacchus and the others is stronger, so Tokyo Mythology will naturally choose to intercept Dongfang Tiantian and others, especially Dongfang. Slaughtering the Heavens and their [Sacred Beasts] state has ended, and in this case, it will naturally cause more casualties and consumption to the Dongfang Family and other gangs."

"The most important thing is that we can get things done here earlier and we can sneak attack on Wufu when Dongfang Tiantian and the others are entangled in Tokyo Mythology and others. In this case, we will be able to easily capture the target." Ye Luo added.

At this time, everyone had already understood all this, thinking that they could easily occupy a gang station in Wufu, and thinking that they could get some extra rewards by joining forces with the **** of wine, Du Kang, and they were all excited and looking forward to it for a while.

Because of Ye Luo and the others' support, everyone quickly occupied most of the city walls of Hongye City, and players who continued to defend the city had to give up. As a result, occupying Hongye City was already a sure thing, especially the large number of alliances on the Chinese server side. The elites have surrounded the heart of the city of Hongye City.

Seeing that the overall situation here has been settled, Du Kang, the **** of wine, immediately issued an order to the players who rushed to Red Rock City in advance - ordering them to teleport them, and in order to teleport as many players as possible, they did not hesitate to use [ Mass Teleport Scroll].

Because they started to transfer troops to Red Rock City in advance, and almost all space players in the Chinese server alliance were here and then used [Space Portal], of course, the most important thing was to use dozens of [Group Teleportation Scrolls] ], the number of players who participated in the siege of Red Rock City for a while has reached as many as 1,2 million, and this number is much higher than the number of players defending the city. Some more.

Not only that, because Ye Luo and the others are sneak attacks and don't have to worry about being intercepted by Tokyo Mythology and others in a short time, even if they come to intercept, there are Dragon Soaring World, Thousand Miles Walking Alone, Number One, Polar Silver Wolf. The super masters went to block, so they rushed directly to the city wall and then launched an all-out siege.

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