VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3898: : another one

Like Ye Luo, Polang Chengfeng and others, super masters such as Tokyo Mythology and Emperor Hymn cannot use the [Group Blessing Scroll], but at this time Ye Luo can lock his qi and blood at 50% and then use the [Reincarnation Foreign Dao* donation] Festival] and increase the overall attribute by 150%, in this case, Tokyo Myth and others are not their opponents at all.

Not only that, there are many players in Ye Luo who have the [Arrow of Chaos], and they can use this skill to control Tokyo Mythology and others, so they are naturally more afraid and dare not come to Wufu to stop the siege of the Misty Pavilion. .

Of course, they also have an excellent reason for Tokyo Mythology and the others, that is, the Chinese server alliance is attacking the Hanbok, and they can't get out of the Hanbok Imperial City - except for the Misty Pavilion, a large number of elites from the Chinese server alliance are in the Korean server. , which is naturally worthy of their focus on defense in Tokyo Mythology.

And it is precisely because the super masters of the Japanese server alliance such as Tokyo Mythology did not come to Wufu to support, so that Ye Luo and the others attacked the city smoothly. Even they were a little earlier than Dongfang Tiantian and the others. Occupation, and this also means that the occupation of Wulong City by the Misty Pavilion is a sure thing.

"Sister Fireworks, Uncle Bacchus, they are still fighting, which means that they can still contain a large number of people from the enemy alliance. In this case, we can still attack another Wufu gang station." Looking at the fireworks expectantly.

"That's right, that's right. Next, we have every opportunity to occupy another gang station of theirs." The waves and the wind echoed: "Especially now that we can use the [Group Blessing Scroll]..."

"Being able to use [Group Blessing Scroll] is even more detrimental to us, because we can use Tokyo Mythology and they can too." Samadhi interrupted the words of breaking waves and riding the wind: "In this way, Ye Luo uses [Samsara *Sacrifice] Our advantages will be reduced a lot, at least when Tokyo Mythology they can use the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] to cause greater resistance to us."

"But Tokyo Mythology and they still have to intercept Uncle Bacchus and the others..." Zhiyue said, but she was interrupted before she finished speaking.

"Uncle Bacchus and the others have come to an end, and they can occupy all the city walls at any time. In this case, Tokyo Mythology and the others have no excuse to continue relying on the Hanbok. They will stop us then." Midnight Shu Shen said: "In this case, we naturally need to spend a higher price to capture the target, and even as we analyzed before, it is very likely that it will be difficult to ride a tiger."

"Xiaoshu is right, we are not suitable to do it again, it will be better to do it after tomorrow." Ye Luo took over the words, paused for a while, and continued: "By the way, the reason why it is more suitable to do it after tomorrow. Not only the two points we talked about before, but also tomorrow Xiaoshu will be able to get the reward for destroying the Wufu, and this will greatly improve his strength, and even at that time, he can entangle Tokyo Mythology and Emperor by himself. Emperor Praise, there is no problem in suppressing the dark night, in this case, it is naturally easier for us to occupy the gang station of the enemy alliance."

"Of course, if Uncle Bacchus and the others continue to siege the enemy alliance, we can still do it." Ye Luo said, and then his tone changed: "It's just that if we don't take the lead, I'm afraid they won't. We'll do it again, so let's stop it today, let's do the dungeon quest next."

Hearing this, Zhiyue and the others also thought of these, and for a while they also realized that it would be wiser to do it tomorrow.

In fact, as Ye Luo said, after Du Kang, the **** of wine, and the others occupied the Hanbok gang station, they did not continue to attack the city, and the people from the Dongfang family and other gangs would not. Will not start.

However, Ye Luo and the others were not idle. They organized elite forces to do dungeon missions. Of course, Midnight Books and Long River Sunset continued to lead a group of elite assassins to launch sneak attacks and harassment operations against the enemy alliance.

Like Midnight Book and the others, there are Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night, and others, but they only use this method to cause some trouble to the Central Service Alliance, while Midnight Book and the others have a variety of choices, but they It is more inclined to form an elite squad to launch a sneak attack on the enemy alliance.

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Luo and the others logged into the game on time, but because the rewards for destroying the Wufu Imperial City had not yet been in place, plus everyone's ultimate move and even the awakening skills of the combination equipment were all on the CD, it was naturally not suitable for immediate confrontation. Add service to the imperial city.

Although it is not possible to immediately attack the Imperial City on the added server, it is possible to mobilize the elites from the added server in advance, and after the rewards of the guild residences such as Red Fish City are in place, the players of the central server alliance can transmit a large number of elites through the teleportation array and then surround the Canadian server. After serving the Imperial City, after the number of people is sufficient, you can naturally attack the additional server.

Ye Luo and the others were not idle when mobilizing manpower. They first did a dungeon quest, and then rushed to the plus server to harass the imperial city. Using elite squads to harass the imperial city can destroy some of the imperial city in the plus server. Defense equipment, which will make the next siege easier.

It is worth mentioning that before the reward for destroying the Imperial City of Wufu is about to arrive, the super gang station in the Japanese server has finally been upgraded to level 4, which also makes its defense no worse than the Imperial City, plus there are Japanese server emperors around. City and many satellite stations, it is no exaggeration to say that the defense here is no worse than the super gang station on the Australian server.

"Hey, soon Xiaoshu's reward for destroying Wufu Imperial City will be in place. I don't know what kind of national weapon he will get." Polang Chengfeng said with anticipation: "High-grade national weapon, if Xiaoshu can The equipment can greatly improve his strength, of course, if Ye Luo and I can equip it, it will be even better, so that it will be easier for us to suppress Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night."

"If it is Xiaoshu, the national weapons we can equip are naturally the best, but you and I have equipped a lot of national weapons, and it is too difficult to obtain the national weapons we can equip." Ye Luo said casually: "Fortunately Our strength at this time is enough to suppress the masters of the enemy alliance, so even if it is not a national weapon that we can equip, it is nothing."

"That's true. Anyway, this national weapon belongs to our Misty Pavilion. No matter who can equip it, it can greatly improve the overall strength of our Misty Pavilion. Next, it will be easier for us to occupy the gang station of the enemy alliance. It's gone." Riding the wind and breaking the waves, she thought of something that made her even more excited: "And this will also give us a better chance to destroy the imperial city of the added service, tsk tsk, if we can destroy the imperial city of the added service, then our Misty Pavilion will have even more opportunities. The opportunity has been to occupy the gang station of the enemy alliance."

Everyone agreed with this, and when they thought about this, they were all gearing up for it, eager to attack the city immediately.

However, in the next month, Feixue's intelligence agency came with news that was not very good for everyone in the Misty Pavilion—people from the Dongfang Family and other gangs were building a super gang station.

"What, the people from the Dongfang Family and other gangs are building a super gang station?!" After hearing the news, the voice of the waves and the wind increased a bit: "Doesn't this mean that they have obtained props that can build a super gang station? Theirs We're lucky, why didn't we get such an item?"

"Indeed, their luck is very good." Sitting on Qin Xindao, when she said this, her tone was full of envy: "Although our Chinese server alliance has a great advantage, we don't need the super gang station as the last habitat. , but there are still many advantages to having a super gang station. For example, the super gang station is bigger than the imperial city, and this will undoubtedly attract a large number of players, especially the living players in the past, how the tax alone is an astronomical figure , which will make the funds of Dongfang Family and other gangs more sufficient."

"Of course, after the end of the national war, we will fight against gangs such as the Dongfang family. Having a super gang station will also make the Dongfang family more confident. At least it will be more difficult for us to fight them without habitation. " Sitting on Qin Xin added.

Hearing this, everyone also thought of this, which made their expressions more or less dignified.

"Where did Feixue, Dongfang Shijia and other gang members build the super gang station?" Fireworks Yi Leng suddenly asked, and everyone was smart, and instantly realized that this was a very important matter.

"Shouldn't they build a super gang station near our Peerless City or Tianxia City?" Before June Feixue opened his reversible guess, "If this is the case, they will be a great threat to us, because they can be very dangerous in the future. The side mobilized sufficient manpower from the super gang station and then launched a sneak attack on our gang station. With a huge advantage in numbers, it would be much easier for them to destroy our gang station in one fell swoop."

"The most important thing is that during the national war, we have not been able to take action against gangs such as the Dongfang Family, which means that we cannot stop them from building super gang stations." Othello added.

"That's true, if that's the case, then we're still in trouble." Samadhi also realized this problem, but after thinking of something, she chuckled: "Of course, because we have three gangs stationed in the Chinese server, and the super There should only be one guild station, which means that Dongfang Tiantian can only occupy one of our gang stations with the help of the super gang station, and it will be much more difficult to take action against other gang stations, and as long as they can't occupy all our gang stations in one fell swoop, then they will. I can't see you defeat us in one fell swoop, and then we will have plenty of time to fight back."

"Well, yes, even if they destroyed all our gang stations in one fell swoop, they couldn't defeat us, because we occupied many gang stations in the enemy alliance, so we have no shortage of funding sources..."

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