VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 507: : Dragoon Lancer

Although the level 2 gang trial task is slightly more difficult than the level 1, the output of Yeluo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind, and Zhiyue are the top players in the entire Tribulation game. And with the three gang skills [Knowing One Strike], [Indestructible], [Sturdy as a Rock] and the team’s command of [Elf Blessing], the output of the Elite Team of Misty Pavilion is second to none in the entire Heavenly Tribulation game. It is very easy to kill the monster within the specified time.

In this way, Ye Luo and the others are doing their best, and the mission is limited to 15 minutes, but they only took 9 minutes to complete the mission, so they got another gang skill:

[Wind Speed ​​Switch] (Gang Skill Book*Passive and non-upgradeable skills)

Skill introduction: It is fast and lightning fast. After the gang leader learns, the movement speed of all gang members is increased, and the movement speed is increased by 10%. It can be superimposed with other skills and equipment characteristics that increase the movement speed.

Learning restrictions: Only the leader of a gang can learn, and only after establishing a gang and joining a gang can you enjoy the effect of this skill.

"Hehe, the ability to increase the speed of movement is also very good, at least it will save time on the road in the future." Looking at the newly acquired gang skills, June Feixue couldn't help laughing.

"It's quite good. Although it can't be output, it is important whether it is used to chase the enemy or evacuate." Samadhi said, she faintly expected: "Now I look forward to what gangs will be obtained after the trial of the 3rd gang. Unfortunately, the next gang trial will take 24 hours."

"Moreover, 5 million gold coins are needed. Some officials of the Heavenly Tribulation are really pits." Po Lang muttered.

"Okay, don't complain, hurry up and take the gang quest to do it. We will upgrade the gang to level 4 as soon as possible. We still have many gang members waiting." Samadhi Shi urged.

"The level 4 gang can only accommodate 100,000 people, it's really not enough." At this point, Po Lang Chengfeng sighed, but didn't say anything anymore, chose the gang task, and then left at the fastest speed.

The first establishment of the gang in the mysterious pavilion undoubtedly stimulated countless big gangs. During this time, they gave up confronting each other, looking for and killing the boss frantically, and the whole catastrophe game became calm.

"Ye Luo, Uncle Bacchus sent someone to send dozens of materials for refining [Potential Pill], even the keel." The voice of sitting on the piano heart sounded in the team channel: "If you find time, you can help them refining. Let's make it so that we can also get a lot of them."

"Okay." Ye Luo replied, and then changed his tone: "Sister Qin, during this time we have obtained a lot of dragon sunflower fruit and fairy-level BOSS blood, but the dragon bones are gone..."

"I have already asked Xiaoshu to them. I believe I will find the dragon monster soon." Sitting on the piano, said.

"It's a pity that I couldn't kill the frost dragon at the beginning, otherwise it would not only burst the dragon bones, maybe even some fairy equipment, and even burst pet eggs, that's a god-level boss." thought of this. Stubble, breaking waves and riding the wind couldn't help complaining.

"Sister Feng, you can be content. If you kill that frost dragon, you won't be able to obtain such powerful skills." Samadhi said, her tone was a little envious: "In addition to those skills, Hanyue also agreed to Say something nice and give you a sacred dragon when you can ride a dragon. Holy dragon, that is the most powerful existence in the dragon clan."

"And that frost dragon seems to be reserved for us." June Feixue took the stubbornly, she was a little excited: "So our gang will have at least two dragons, tusk, this is a great advantage. It’s much more precious than a few pieces of equipment and some keels."

"Hehe, this is also true." Po Lang Chengfeng couldn't help laughing.

As he was talking, a series of system prompts sounded:


System reminder (Chinese server): Congratulations to the **** of Bacchus Du Kang for completing the special hidden trial mission and successfully inaugurated as Dragon Knight. Because he is a spear god, his career has been upgraded to the dragon cavalry spearman, and his growth qualifications have been improved. A skill book with 1 point of luck and 1000 points of prestige is encouraged.

The system prompt sounded three times in a row, resounding through the entire Heavenly Tribulation Continent.

"Hey, Uncle Bacchus is also a dual career?!" Hearing the news, Samadhi sighed, and then she laughed: "This is a good thing. Uncle Bacchus has a ambition for thousands of miles, and now he has a strong post. His dual careers, his old man is afraid that he will become energetic."

"Hey, I was stimulated by us to take a dual career. I guess Uncle Bacchus would be grateful to us." Po Lang Chengfeng laughed, and she was quite appreciative of the dual career of Bacchus Du Kang.

Next, the system prompts to sound:


System reminder (breaking the waves and riding the wind): Congratulations to Uncle Bacchus for taking office in Shuanghui Career.


System prompt (invite a toast to the moon): Bacchus boss is mighty, boss is the strongest! Um, Chengfeng, the boss saw so many'old' words in your blessings. His old man was a little excited and said that he should have a good talk with his grandfather. not good.

Listening to Yin Yue's toast, Po Lang Chengfeng's face turned black, and the women such as Samadhi Shi couldn't help laughing.


System reminder (Eastern Killing the Sky): Congratulations to the Bacchus boss, you are as old as you are after dual careers! But the boss of Bacchus, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind can only marry me, so only I can surrender a sturdy woman.

"Fuck him, give him a face!" The book said in the middle of the night, and then looked at the firework and it was easy to get cold: "Sister Firework, greet me with Dongfang Family's household registration book, let him sprinkle some body fluids to take care of his disgusting person. face!"

It involves breaking the waves and riding the wind, and it is such an important thing. In the middle of the night, the book is young and energetic, and can't bear it.

Over there, Po Lang Chengfeng's temper was even more fierce, and it broke out immediately:


System reminder (breaking the waves and riding the wind): Dongfang kills the sky, I greet you with an account book! Don't look at your virtue, my old lady will look at you, so cool to die!


System reminder (Oriental Pearl): Break the waves and ride the wind, you barbaric woman, vulgar, just like you, never want to be my sister-in-law!


System prompt (Eastern Xiaotian): Break the waves and ride the wind, you******

A series of star symbols sounded. Obviously, this was blocked by the brain system. Don't think Dongfang Xiaotian said nothing good.


System prompt (Chinese server): In view of the vulgar export of Dongfang Xiaotian, the system gives a serious warning once and bans the speech for 24 hours. If you repeat it, you will directly cancel the celebrity list propaganda privileges, in order to prevent others from doing so.


System prompt (breaking the waves and riding the wind): Haha, Oriental Pearl Tower, you beg me to be your sister-in-law and I won't do it! By the way, what you said before seems to have fallen on your brother. It's vulgar, really vulgar, in order to emulate you. It seems that there is a sentence that kills chickens and monkeys, so he is a chicken.

Being ridiculed in this way, you can imagine how irritated Dongfang Xiaotian and Dongfang Mingzhu were, but the former was banned by the system, and the latter was stopped by Dongfang Killing's glare, so they did not refute them.


System reminder (listening to Zen under the moon): Congratulations to Uncle Bacchus for taking office as Dragoon Gunner. On behalf of the Yeyu family, I wish you an early acquisition of the dragon and gallop the world!


It’s just an episode to greet the Dongfang Family by breaking the waves and riding the wind. The next system channel is occupied by celebrities on the celebrity list. There are even many gang bosses who spend gold coins to get system shouting opportunities. Congratulations to Bacchus Du Kang for his dual career.

Later, the fireworks easy to cold statistics, a total of 86 celebrity list blessed openly, 107 celebrities in the game industry blessed, and even the old rival of the wine family, the popular gang has many celebrity blessings, which shows the reputation of Bacchus Dukang. .

"Uncle Bacchus's dragon cavalry spear makes the growth aptitude similar to that of the flame dragon cavalry of the Dragon World, and it is slightly different from the wind sister's thunder dragon cavalry, and it is not as good as the dragon **** of the East, but it is also very powerful." Samadhi said, she laughed: "With the addition of the profession of Uncle Bacchus, the reputation of the wine family will be higher, and the overall strength of the gang will also be improved a lot."

"Hey, now the people of Fengxing and Fengxing World are going to be depressed, after all, they don't have a profession that can compete with the Dragoon Spearman." Black and white chess said.

"Who knows how the Fengxing Gang is going, maybe they are also completing a large task." Po Lang Chengfeng muttered to himself, but didn't want to hear the sound of the system prompting:


System reminder (Chinese server): Congratulations to Fengxing Tianxia for completing the special hidden trial mission and successfully inaugurating the Dragon Knight. Because he is a Storm Swordsman, his career upgrade is-Storm Dragon Knight, growth qualifications are improved, and the system rewards his own skills A book, lucky value 1 point, prestige value 1000 points, to encourage.

"Uh, Sister Feng, you are too crow-mouthed, you just said that you have taken a dual career in the world." Othello looked at the waves and the wind, his face was full of stunned.

"I, I just talked casually, and I didn't expect it to be like this." Breaking the waves and riding the wind chattered, and while she was talking, she checked the message of the world: "The blast Dragon Cavalry and the Flame Dragon Cavalry, the Dragon Cavalry Lance make these professions There is not much difference in growth aptitude, but the speed of movement and attack speed of the Dragon Knight is faster, and the agile growth is much higher."

"Fengxing Tianxia is the deputy gang leader of the Fengxing Gang. He ranks seventeenth on the Celebrity List. He ranks higher than Da Mo Guyan. His strength is unfathomable. Now that he has a dual career, he is even more powerful." Samadhi murmured, Then she shook her head: "Furthermore, at the time of the year, the condition is much better than that of Uncle Bacchus. The two are in line..."

"Uncle Bacchus is more than 90% likely to be defeated." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "It is estimated that Uncle Bacchus should have a headache again..."

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