VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 513: : The second gang

Although embarrassing, the people invited to raise a glass and others did not show anger. They listened carefully when the Bacchus Dukang preached, and performed demonstrations from time to time, but there were some gains.

Killing so many immortal bosses to obtain so many immortal weapons, invite the moon toast and the Bacchus Du Kang and others to get what they need. As their equipment gets better and better, their strength becomes stronger and stronger. You can kill fairy-level bosses below level 170 without using the fighting style.

After solving the 170-level BOSS, Ye Luo and the others began to deal with the 180-level. Maybe it was because Ye Luo was equipped with [Dragon Scale Armor], [Dragon Scale Helmet], maybe it was the Bacchus Dukang who joined, maybe it was Daughter Red 'S healing output is higher, so they are not too dangerous to kill these BOSS.

Watching the BOSS being killed one by one, watching the equipment level of himself and others getting higher and higher, the Bacchus Du Kangle is unsupportable, he knows that after killing these BOSS, they will be fully capable of killing the fairy-level BOSS without asking for help. .

Whispering to the side while killing the monsters, Bacchus Du Kang eagerly wanted these BOSSs to make a help order.

Seeing the look of Bacchus Dukang's broken thoughts, Po Lang Chengfeng was amused. She casually said, "Uncle Bacchus, if we help you make a help order, do you want to give us a good reward?"

"Hey, if there is an order to build a gang, you should be rewarded." Bacchus Dukang gave a natural tone, and then waved his hand: "Say, what do you want?"

"First of all, should the two immortal artifacts be added?" Po Lang Riding the Wind asked tentatively. Seeing the Bacchus Dukang nodded, she continued: "The other equipment gives us priority, how about?"

"You girl, I want to take advantage of this opportunity." Bacchus Du Kang saw through the cautious thinking of breaking the waves and riding the wind, but he didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "If there is a real help order, then I will agree to give you Three fairy artifacts, and let you pick them first."

"Cut, only 3 pieces, Uncle Bacchus, you are so generous." Po Lang Chengfeng said mockingly.

"Haha, who makes us poorer now? The fairy tools owned by the whole gang are inferior to the members of your Misty Pavilion studio." Bacchus Dukang said haha.

I don’t know if it was Ye Luo’s high luck value or the increase in the burst rate of the build-up order, or that they killed too many bosses today, and they saw a familiar token when they killed the last fairy-level boss. . Seeing this token, the beautiful eyes of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind lit up, and Dukang, the **** of Bacchus, was also inexplicably excited-bursting to build an order.

"Haha, Chengfeng girl, I think you have the potential of a crow's mouth, what do you say." Picking up the Jianbang Ling, Bacchus Dukang smiled.

Not only Dukang, the **** of wine, but also invited the moon to raise a glass, the red star Erguotou and others were also excited.

"Can you make an order to build a gang? Ye Luo and I have such a high lucky value, especially Ye Luo. He Xingyu is already 2 or 30 o'clock." Po Lang Chengfeng muttered.

"Uncle Bacchus, you hurry up to build a help, it will change later." Ye Luo reminded.

Nodded, Dukang, the **** of wine, didn't say much, took out the teleporting scroll, and wanted to teleport to Qingfeng Town.

"Uncle Bacchus, you promised to give us three immortal artifacts earlier, and you want us to pick whatever you want, so that we can speak for ourselves."

"Hey, you girl, my old man is always the same. Inviting the moon, you guys will take out all the fairy artifacts that burst today, let Chengfeng choose between them."

After speaking, Dukang, the **** of wine, turned into a white light and disappeared.

Although I was a little bit dissatisfied with the three immortal artifacts, the "crow's mouth" who was supporting the waves and riding the wind broke the order to build a gang, and the people who invited the moon to raise a glass were quite excited, and didn't care about the three immortal artifacts. , Let Ye Luo choose them.

Regardless of the equipment, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind directly said: "Invite the moon, take the arm shield you equipped, just don't occupy the deputy weapon slot."

Warrior players can equip weapons with both hands, as well as shields in their off-hand weapons, but there is a special shield that does not occupy the off-hand weapon slot, but this kind of equipment is extremely rare, and it happens that Ye Luo and the others killed those BOSS today.

What's more coincidentally, Ye Luo and the others helped the fine wine family to make a gang order, and Bacchus Dukang also agreed to let Breaking Waves and Riders choose equipment first.

The shield can be equipped without the off-hand weapon slot. In this way, the warrior system not only does not reduce the output, but also greatly increases the defense. This kind of equipment is precious, and you will not miss it.

Inviting the moon to toast naturally also knows that this piece of equipment is precious, I am afraid it is even more precious than two or three pieces of immortal artifacts. Seeing that such equipment is needed at the exit of the wave and the wind, his face immediately became difficult to look like: You won’t, grab the equipment from me, it’s not that gentlemen don’t take what others like..."

"Stop, I'm not a gentleman, I'm a woman." Po Lang Chengfeng interrupted the invitation to raise a glass. She looked in the direction where the **** of Bacchus Dukang had left: "Uncle Bacchus says nothing, and what he promised is nothing. It doesn’t count. Besides, Ye Luo and I played so many good equipment for you today, and even the order to build a gang came out. You are not willing to have a shield."

"You also know that the people of our wine family have enough output, but the defense is a bit poor. With this arm shield, it will be much easier to kill the fairy-level boss." Jian Nanchun said, he bargained: "Why not, except for that one. , Whatever else you choose, how about?"

"No, I want that arm shield." Breaking the waves and riding the wind refused to let go, and then looked at Yaoyue to raise a glass: "Furthermore, two arm shields were exploded this time, one fairy weapon and one dark gold, dark gold. Although the attributes are almost the same, it is also an excellent piece of equipment. At least let you equip you with one more armor out of thin air, so your defense is also very strong, and there is no big problem in killing a fairy-level BOSS around 180."

That’s right, today Ye Luo and the others are very lucky. They have exploded so many immortal artifacts and the order to build a gang, and they also exploded two arm shields, but one of them is immortal artifact and the other. It is a dark gold level, and breaking waves and wind will naturally choose which fairy weapon level.

Seeing that the waves and the wind are reluctant, and this is indeed the promise of Bacchus Dukang, it is quite helpless to invite Yue to raise a glass and others.

"Sister Feng, is this..." Ye Luo couldn't bear it, but was interrupted when he said halfway.

"Ye Luo, don't worry, this is what Uncle Bacchus agreed, and they are equipped with so many fairy weapons, coupled with the gang skills, it is not too difficult to kill a level 180 fairy-level BOSS at present." , And then his tone changed: "But I will sell you a face, we will pick this one, and you can give the other two as you like. This is the head office."

Knowing that Breaking Waves and Riding the Wind had already made a big concession, invited Yue to raise a glass and the others looked at each other, and then all nodded, and several people discussed it, and then traded the fairy arm shield and two other fairy artifacts. Fairy.

Just after receiving the equipment, a system prompt sounded:


System tips (Chinese server): Congratulations to the **** of wine, Du Kang, for establishing a gang-the wine family. Since this is the second gang in the game of Heavenly Tribulation, the system will reward the gang to level 2, which can accommodate 20,000 people. A gang skill book——【Indestructible】. In view of the fact that Bacchus Dukang established a gang for the second time, the system will reward her with a level 2 increase, a lucky value of 1 point, and a random treasure chest for encouragement.

Hearing the system prompt, the previously depressed invite Yue to raise a glass and others became excited, and the previous unhappiness was wiped out.

"Tsk tsk, the second person who establishes a gang also has rewards. The gang will be directly promoted to level 2. This saves a lot of things. The most important thing is to reward a gang skill. An extra gang skill will make a gang very difficult. There is an advantage." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, then she looked at the daughter Hong and others: "I heard it, how rich the reward is, now I know the value of this arm shield."

"Hey, Ye Luo's lucky value of 2 and 30 points is great." Po Lang Chengfeng proudly said, and then thought of something, she said to herself: "But why is the explosion rate a bit low when we kill the BOSS ourselves?"

"It's not that some people are too fierce, they have bad luck, can't touch good equipment, who is to blame?" Daughter Hong said in an angry manner, she was stunned by Po Lang Chengfeng again.

"Hey, the task of touching the corpse is not irresponsible. It has nothing to do with me." Breaking the waves and riding the wind murmured, she did not give in: "Your luck is good, you also killed some immortals before we came. BOSS, why didn't we burst the order to build a gang? We burst as soon as we came, but we are lucky."

"Humph, today you killed more bosses, but luckily, you got a help order."

"It was a fluke. As a beneficiary, do you want to thank us?"

"We have already thanked you with our equipment, why do we need to thank you?"


Listening to the quarrel between the two women, the crowd on the side was full of heads and hurriedly stopped them. Ye Luo smiled bitterly: "Everyone, Brother Yue, Uncle Bacchus has established a gang, and there are still many things to do next, you are Isn't it time to go back and join the gang? Besides, it's time for us to go back."

"Uh, I just quarreled with this murderous lady and forgot about such an important thing." Daughter Hong muttered, she said while taking out the teleportation scroll: "After establishing the gang, we must complete the gang trial mission, so we can Two more gang skills are now available, and if you kill the boss in the future, you will no longer need to ask this murderous lady to help."

Without waiting for the waves to refute, she looked at Ye Luo again: "But Ye Luo brother is more pleasing to the eye. Our wine family welcomes you as a guest at any time, and my sister can accompany you alone..."

"Cut, Ye Luo won't let you accompany you, and he won't come to you alone. If you want to accompany you, I will accompany you." Po Lang muttered in the wind, but he realized that it was wrong after he finished speaking, and wanted to take it back The covering water is hard to harvest.

"Tsk tusk, there is a situation..." Jian Nanchun and several others teased.

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