VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 530: : Invite the moon to shoot

Listening to the quarrel between Po Lang Cheng Feng and Daughter Hong, everyone was amused, and it was about to start a battle, not only in the game, but also in reality.

Regarding this, the people around didn't think it was a big deal at all, and they all started booing.

"Xiaohong, forget it." Bacchus Du Kang persuaded his daughter Hong. He glanced at Ye Luo with profound meaning: "Ye Luo's identity is a bit scary. It is estimated that Jian Nanchun is really not his opponent. I can't keep him up."

"Uncle Bacchus, can you check me?" Ye Luo frowned.

"Suddenly there is a master in the studio, and this master can defeat celebrities such as Damo Guyan, Tiandi, etc., don't you feel that no one will check your identity?" Bacchus Du Kang asked, seeing Ye Luo silent, he laughed "It's not just us, but the two old men from Chengfeng Girl and Fireworks Girl's family are also bad. They can't worry about letting a stranger stay with their daughter."

"I want him to be troublesome!" Po Lang said angrily.

On the side, the firework's cold brow frowned, faintly unhappy.

"It's not that you are afraid that you will suffer. If Ye Luo is an ordinary person, he is a master. In reality, he is even more powerful than the two of you. If he wants to plot wrongdoing, you can deal with him?" Bacchus Du Kang Dao, without waiting for the two women to speak, he continued: "I know you absolutely trust Ye Luo, but the elders of your two families don't think so. They are going to find out the details of Ye Luo."

"Hmph, I'm sure about my own affairs. No matter how much he does, don't blame me for never going home." Po Lang snorted coldly, and she looked at Bacchus Dukang: "Uncle Bacchus, you often talk to my old man Drink and convey my meaning to him."

"I have the same attitude as Sister Feng. We handle our own affairs by ourselves." Fireworks Yi said coldly, but anyone can hear the strangeness in her tone.

"Well, this kind of thankless thing always falls on my old man." Bacchus Du Kang looked helpless, and saw Ye Luo's dignified face, he laughed: "Ye Luo, you don't need to be like this. As a parent, you don’t want to see accidents with your children. You have to be considerate of the elderly."

"I know, Uncle Bacchus." Ye Luo responded indifferently, and then changed his tone: "Then what have you found?"

"Your kid was deliberately angry with me. You don't know what your own identity is. If you don't use high-level personnel, can we find it?" Bacchus Dukang said with no anger, and saw Ye Luo's mouth a smile: "But we did find out a little bit, such as your name, age, and confidentiality level. As for everything else, they are all confidential, and it is not convenient for our friends to tell us."

"They dare to tell you, then wait to go to jail." Ye Luo said lightly, but his tone of voice was somewhat harsh.

"Yes, your identity is too special, just knowing your confidentiality level can guess what you are doing, so we didn't check it again." Bacchus Du Kang said to himself: "It's all for A man who is passionate about national interests is not the kind of sinister villain."

Without waiting for Ye Luo to speak, he continued: "To a certain extent, our major gangs also have such responsibilities, and they are all fighting for national interests, so we understand you very well and respect your career. Now you turn In the game, it can be regarded as another way to serve the country."

"Serve the country..." Ye Luo muttered, and his cold heart instantly heated up.

On the side, listening to the words of the **** of wine Du Kang, daughter Hong, Jian Nanchun and others were silent. They faintly guessed the identity of Ye Luo. Daughter Hong showed strong curiosity, while Jian Nanchun showed some admiration and hidden warfare.

"Well, don't talk about this, invite Yuege to start the next round of promotion competition." Suddenly, the book attracted everyone's attention in the middle of the night.

No longer said anything, everyone once again turned their attention to the battlefield.

Inviting Yue to raise a glass this time encountered some obstacles, but he also won 6 people against 10 people, tied 2 people, and lost 2 people, so he won the promotion, and he is eligible to continue the next round of promotion competition.

The results came out very quickly, and the ranking of Inviting Moon Toast has reached 65.

"Haha, this kid Yue Yue is very upbeat this time." Bacchus Du Kang couldn't help but laughed: "Keep working hard and strive to advance a few places. There is a big gap between the treatment of the top 60 and the more than 60. "

Soon the competition for a toast to the moon began again, and he continued to advance, and this round of competition victory still exceeded half, which means that he is qualified to challenge the top 50 celebrities.

At the end of this round, the ranking of Invite Moon Toast has become 54, from 97 to 54. I am afraid that he has not improved so fast in the entire game.

The next discussion of the promotion contest started again. This time, the people you met at the invitation to toast were all masters, and wanting to be in the top 50 is not only based on personal strength, but also on the influence of the game.

"Yueyue's game influence is still a bit different, and I don't know if he can enter the top 50." For these, Bacchus Dukang is also a little uncertain.

"Yuanyue has now become an elder of your wine family. The last time I participated in the [Defend Homeland] mission, I performed well. I should still have a chance." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, and then his tone changed: "It's just his profession. It's a bit ordinary, Yuexia Tingzen's strength is only higher than him, but because of his dual career, he can advance from 49 to 39, which is a big span."

"It's not that easy to get a dual career. I'm not lucky enough to be a Dragoon Gunner." Bacchus Dukang said, and then his tone changed, he was a little excited: "But Yan Yue is doing a very difficult task recently. Serial missions are related to dual careers. After completing the missions, you should be able to find dual careers. Hehe, so his influence in the game industry is even greater."

As Polangchengfeng said, the celebrity ranking test is only part of the celebrity ranking, and the performance in the game is also a part. For example, Dukang, the **** of wine, although his current status is declining, in addition to his previous contributions, he is now in a dual career. To a large extent, his position on the celebrity list is guaranteed.

"Hey, this is also a good thing." Po Lang Chengfeng said, although she was very curious about the task of Yueyue toasting, but she also knew that it was the biggest secret of a gang, so the very interesting did not ask.

Soon after, the challenge of inviting the moon to toast ended, and everyone was delighted that he actually made it into the top 50, ranking 47.

"Hey, it's very good to be ranked 47." Po Lang Riding the Wind praised, and she smiled: "It's only because the influence of Yan Yue in the game is not very big. As time goes by, he will be more If you are famous, the ranking will be higher."

"Hey, I'm now considering whether to make him a leader of the league, so his influence will increase a lot." Bacchus Dukang said, obviously he is very satisfied with the performance of the invitation to the moon to toast.

"Building a sub-league, this is a good idea." Po Lang Chengfeng said casually, and then she saw some people out of her eyes, and her eyes lit up: "Hey, Yeyu Family's Yeyutian Song and Yeyu Fei will also Participate in the celebrity list trial?"

"Yes, and the chances of the two becoming celebrities are not small." Bacchus Dukang said, he looked at Yeyu Tiange: "Yeyu Tiange is the helper of the Yeyu family, and joins the Yeyu family with the listen to Zen under the moon. , Coupled with the development of this period of time, the Yeyu family has risen very quickly, and it is no accident that it can enter the top 20, so the tide will rise, and the influence of Yeyu Tiange will greatly increase."

"Ye Yu Tian Ge has a very strong level of operation. He was qualified as a celebrity list master one or two years ago, but he has never participated in the celebrity list trial, and I did not expect to participate now." Daughter Hong muttered to herself : "Now his strength must be stronger, maybe not worse than Yan Yue."

"He is waiting for an opportunity." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and seeing everyone showing curiosity, she continued: "He is waiting for the Ye Yu family to grow, and now Yuexia Ting Zen joins the Ye Yu family, and the Ye Yu family He has grown stronger, so the opportunity for him to wait will come. If nothing happens, this person will not only be on the celebrity list, but will also be ranked very high."

"It's a blockbuster, this is what he wants." Firework Yi Leng added again.

"I have tolerated until now, now everything is ready, and the next thing is the natural thing." Bacchus Du Kang said, after a moment he nodded: "Well, this time his ranking will be very high, maybe not worse than Yueyue. But two years ago, he was still a hairy boy with a flamboyant personality. How come he has become so bearable now?

"If I guessed correctly, it should have been arranged by Ye Yu Fei Fei. This woman is more troublesome than Ye Yu Tian Ge." The firework is easy to cold, and her smooth brows frown slightly: "This woman has a strong strategy and excellent methods. The courage is also very human, not to be underestimated."

"Indeed, I have also been in contact with this girl, she is not easy." Bacchus Du Kang nodded, his expression showed approval: "She is also very suitable to be a family member, and her strength is very good. It shouldn't be a problem to enter the celebrity list. Big."

"In this way, the Yeyu family will have three celebrity list masters. If the ranking is good, then the ranking of the Yeyu family gang will be even higher." Samadhi said, her brows frowned slightly: "Give them again For a while, maybe the Ye Yu family has the strength to aspire to the top ten gangs."

"Hey, beautiful poetry, you are a bit too high to look at them, it is so easy to become the top ten gang." Red Star Erguotou didn't care, he smiled: "The heroes of heaven and earth have gathered heaven, earth and war. The power of the three gangs, Tianxia and Heroic Mound, can’t help you. These three gangs rank 13th, 12th, and 11th, the top ten gangs in the most realm, and they can’t help you if they join forces, let alone Ye Yu Family."

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