VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 566: : Finally 160

There are nine people in the Mystic Pavilion studio plus a Sword Six. Except for Ye Luo who has no pets, most of the others need 【Potential Pill】to raise the Dark Gold level pets, so they need a lot of medicines. Now they don’t have so many. . In order to upgrade the pet to level 160 as soon as possible, everyone suggested that he refine [Potential Pill] now.

Ye Luo nodded in agreement, preparing to start refining after the materials arrived.

"Hehe, this time I have good luck. I only used one [Potential Pill] to raise Xiaojin to the **** level." Zhiyue hugged a pet egg and said, her pretty face was full of triumph. color.

"Great, then give me the remaining [Potential Pill]." Po Lang Chengfeng stretched out her hand, she couldn't wait to raise the Purple Thunder Mouse King to the immortal level.

After trading 【Potential Pill】to Breaking Waves and Riding the Wind, Zhiyue began to incubate pet eggs, and then explored Xiaojin’s growth aptitude and new skills he learned.

That's right, if pets take [Potential Pill] to upgrade, they have a great chance of comprehending new skills, especially after reaching the **** level.

After Zhiyue's Golden Winged Eagle King was promoted to the **** level, his growth aptitude has also been greatly improved:

[Qi and Blood]: 245 stars

[Attack]: 39 stars

【Defense】: 31 stars

The qi and blood growth qualification is higher than that of the Ice and Fire Demon Tiger King, but the attack and defense are a little bit worse, but the Golden Winged Eagle King's skills are not bad, and the strength will be terrifying after being upgraded to level 160. I am afraid that it is not worse than the ordinary hidden profession. How much, not to mention that it can fly, which is an advantage that players do not have at this stage.

After the upgrade, the Golden Winged Eagle King has mastered the skills of [Strong Wind], [High Altitude Advantage], [Raptor Pecking], [Golden Winged Sword], [Golden Wind Blade], and [Wind Crane] skills, but also a skill , Is a passive acceleration skill, which is also very good.

Originally, the speed of the Golden Winged Eagle King was very fast, and it would be faster after adding passive skills, which also meant that Zhiyue would move faster after riding it, and had a greater advantage when facing the enemy.

"Hehe, both summoned beasts have reached the **** level, and now I am firmly seated on the throne of the first summoner of the tribulation." Zhiyue laughed while teasing the palm-sized ice fire and Xiaojin.

"Well, Yue'er, Binghuo and Xiaojin are both god-level, but they are now level 0. You won't be able to fly for a while, so how do you upgrade them?" Othello discovered this.

Although the Ice and Fire Demon Tiger King and the Golden Winged Eagle King have been promoted to the **** level, they are level 0 after all, and their attributes are messed up. Killing the Skeleton Dragon General here is afraid that they will die if they are touched casually. But Zhiyue is a summoner, and her output ability depends entirely on the summoned beast. Without the Ice and Fire Demon Tiger King and the Golden Winged Eagle King, she would hardly have any output ability.

"Uh, this..." Zhiyue was stunned, and then pouted at the fireworks Yicold, Ye Luo and others.

"Let them follow the mixed experience, I will take you to upgrade." Ye Luo can't see the look of Zhiyue the least, he hurriedly said: "First bring Xiaojin, let it rise to level 120 for three revolutions, you can ride it to fly , So there is a very good output ability, we are here to kill the skeleton dragon general, it must not be long."

When the Golden Winged Eagle King was still at the immortal level, he needed level 120 to bring Zhiyuefei, so Ye Luo said to bring it to level 120 for three revolutions.

"Hehe, Brother Ye is the best." Zhiyue hugged Ye Luo with a look of intimacy and gratitude, making the latter dumbfounded, and he was even flushed in front of the women.

It took a few seconds to realize that her actions were too intimate, Zhiyueqiao blushed, but after she sent Ye Luo away, she changed the subject wisely: "Brother Ye, Xiaojin has grown a lot bigger after he reached the **** level. It was prompted that it could take me to fly after the second turn at level 80."

"You can fly after the second revolution at level 80. This is more time-saving." Ye Luo said, he glanced at everyone: "Now that the person sending alchemy materials has not come, I will take you to upgrade first, let Xiaojin earlier Up to level 80, you can also help us fight monsters."

Not much to say, Zhiyue temporarily retracted Ice and Fire into the pet space, and then took Xiaojin to follow Ye Luo for mixed experience.

Although Xiaojin's upgrade experience is half that of ordinary players after he reaches the **** level, Yeluo's upgrade experience is five times that of ordinary players, which is equivalent to 10 times that of Xiaojin. He killed a 195-level lord-level monster, so Xiaojin's upgrade speed Soon, it was about level 30 in just a few minutes. I believe it will not take long to bring it to level 80.

Ye Luo and the others know that the upgrade speed is fast in the early stage. After Xiaojin reaches level 100, the upgrade speed will slowly slow down. They don't know if they can bring it and Binghuo to level 160 within 10 days.

On the other hand, after feeding Xiaozi 3 [Potential Pills], it rose to the immortal level. After breaking the waves and riding the wind, he gave the remaining pill to sit on Qin Xin and the others, and then took it to join the fight with gusto. .

Because the experience required to upgrade a fairy-level pet is still one-tenth of that of an ordinary player, Xiaozi can upgrade faster. Like a rocket, it only takes a few minutes to reach level 50. It will probably not take long to reach level. More than 150 levels tied the waves and ride the wind.

The next thing is very simple. After sitting on Qin Xin and others, they used up all the 【Potential Pill】and joined the battle with their pets, so the speed of killing the Skeleton Dragon General was greatly accelerated.

Although the [Potential Pill] has been used up, there are still a few people whose pets have not been upgraded, and Ye Luo still needs to refine the pill.

Time passed, and a few more hours passed in a blink of an eye.

After so long, Ye Luo has refined a lot of [Potential Pills], and everyone present has also upgraded their pets. I believe that their overall output capacity will be greatly improved after those pets reach level 150.

"Little book, Ye Luo, the lowest level among us people, is already level 156, and you are only level 152, do you want to rise to level 160 and then participate in the martial arts competition?" Po Lang Chengfeng said, the tone increased. a bit.

After reaching level 150, the speed of everyone's leveling up was much slower, and sometimes they couldn't give birth to level 1 in a day. Ye Luo and the others upgraded so quickly because they killed Skeleton Dragons whose level was 4 or 50 higher than them.

"It's not because I have to manage a few gangs. Although Sister Fireworks and Sister Yu have done a lot of help, there are still a lot of things that I need to take." The book muttered in the middle of the night, and felt that the tone of the waves and the wind became more serious. He hurriedly said: "Don't worry, now the gang construction has been formalized. The Second League has made a lot of money, and the Second League has begun to take on mercenary tasks. Then I will save a lot of trouble and can level up with peace of mind. "

"Sister Feng, you think that other people are as easy as you and Uncle Ye Luo. You have to take care of many things." June Feixue joked, she laughed: "Little book, waiting for you When it's over, come to the Land of Dragonbone. We will take you to level up, and strive to get you level 160 four turns when the tournament comes."

"Hey, this relationship is good, and the upgrade speed is the fastest in the Land of Dragonbone." Midnight Shu was excited.

As she was talking, suddenly the samādhi poem gave a soft voice, and she was a little shocked in her tone: "How did Dongfang Jitian suddenly rise to level 159? He has surpassed Yue'er and became the second in the ranking list. I remember an hour ago he was 158. Level, is it true that he has found a lot of high-level bosses as Fireworks said, and is now harvesting them!"

"If this is the case, it would be bad, let him take the first four turns of level 160..." Othello frowned, but was interrupted before he could finish.

"Don't worry, I have 99% experience at level 159, and I can get to level 160 by brushing some Skeleton Dragon Generals." The firework is easy to cold, and her tone is as flat as ever: "Eastern Killing Heaven is worth 159, even if they find it. The Shao Xian-level bosses also have to kill them one by one, and it will take a lot of time to just rush, and he can't keep up with me."

In spite of this, the firework's attack speed is much faster, and she is not stingy with magic, and she will use the group attack skill after the CD is completed. Obviously, she is also a little worried.

Seeing this, everyone stopped frolicking and increased their attack power. Various group attack skills were displayed. Pieces of high damage numbers floated up, and a burst of experience energy was absorbed by everyone.

After 5 or 6 minutes, a white light rose from the top of Firework Yi Leng's head, and her level finally rose to level 160. Without saying anything, she immediately withdrew from the circle of war. When the fighting state was small, she took out the scroll of returning to the city and turned it into A white light disappeared.

June Feixue took a look at the ranking list and saw that the second-ranked Eastern Killing Sky was still at level 159. She let out a long sigh of relief: "East Killing Sky is still at level 159, and Sister Fireworks has returned to the city for the mission. Go, so she shouldn't have any problems with her first second turn."

"That's not true. After all, no one knows what the firework's 4th turn task is, whether it is difficult or how long it will take." Samadhi said, her brows furrowed deeply when she said this, obviously quite quite worry about.

"Don't worry, we have to believe in fireworks." Po Lang Chengfeng Road, she thought she was comforting everyone and she seemed to say to herself: "Now Eastern Killing Sky has not yet risen to level 160, so fireworks still have a lot of advantages. "

Nodding their heads, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and after a few minutes, June Feixue couldn't help but ask Fireworks Yicold on the team channel: "Sister Fireworks, you have taken the quest for Turn 4, right? What do you need to do for the quest? Do you want us to help?"

"The four-revolution mission is not difficult. Let me kill a 175-level immortal boss, and the person who releases the mission will directly teleport me over, and it won't be too wasteful of time." The firework's cold voice sounded.

Hearing the words that fireworks are easy to cold, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the first four turns of fireworks were no longer suspenseful.

"Sister Qin, the fireworks are only facing 175 thrilled immortal bosses, but you can be faster, and you can help if you can." Samadhi suddenly said, she looked at Qin Xin: "You directly Cast [Heart-to-Heart] and send it over, help her increase blood, fight monsters, you also have a few output skills, full intelligence plus point is normal attack and it has no weak damage."

Not much to say, she sat on Qin Xin to display her skills, and then set her target as fireworks and easy cold, she turned into a white light and left.

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