VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 629: : The situation has reversed

After two consecutive defeats, the fireworks were easy to be cold and finally got back a city. The two sides scored 1 to 2. This made the waves and the wind and the others a little relieved, while the heroes of the Heavenly War heroes looked more solemn, because they knew that The down 2V2 is very likely to lose.

In 2V2, Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng played in the Misty Pavilion. Both of them are super masters. They are at the same level as Da Mo Guyan, and their professions are both double professions, and their equipment level is almost the entire day. The best in the game.

On the other hand, the hero of Tianzhan, although fighting the world and dual occupations, but the growth aptitude is much worse than that of Ye Luo. After all, there are some gaps in careers, and Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng both completed SSS+ difficulty. In the special trial mission, he obtained the rewards of 3 stars with all basic attributes, 10000 points of vitality and magic, 10% movement speed and attack speed, plus the equipment gap, the attribute gap between him and the two is even greater.

In addition to the attribute gap, Zhan Tianxia's operation level is obviously worse than Ye Luo two, it is no exaggeration to say that Ye Luo two can easily defeat him under the same circumstances.

There is a big gap between Zhan Tianxia and Ye Luo in the double career, not to mention the ordinary hidden career Zhan Tian Yijian, if there is no big accident, the two will lose.

Coming to the arena, Po Lang Chengfeng glanced at Zhan Tianxia and Zhan Tian Yijian, and then fixed her gaze on Ye Luo. She laughed, "Ye Luo, what tactics?"

"Listen to you." Ye Luo said lightly.

"Hey, then you don't move, I'll solve the two of them, okay?" Po Lang said with a smile.

His brows wrinkled slightly, but thinking of the strength of breaking the waves and riding the wind, he nodded: "Well, well, you really can't beat me."

With Ye Luo's consent, Po Lang Riding the Wind was extremely excited, chuckled, and then went to Zhan Tianxia two people holding the sword.

As for Ye Luo, he didn't move, just as Brave the Waves and Ride the Wind asked him to wait and see.

Seeing that Po Lang Chengfeng and others were so arrogant, the two Zhan Tianxia were extremely angry. They looked at each other, and then split left and right towards Po Lang Chengfeng to kill. During the charge, Zhan Tian Yijian had already used [Therapeutic Guard], look at this The posture is completely a violent export plan.

When there was more than 10 meters away from the target, he didn’t say much about breaking the waves and riding the wind. He directly used the [Sword Qi aspect]. A dozen sword auras covered the target, and two damage figures over 8000 floated. It was close to one-tenth of Zhan Tianxia's vitality, not to mention Zhan Tian Yijian, which was much less vital.

However, Zhan Tian Yijian and the others were not in a panic, because the healing guards behind them could automatically help them increase blood.

With a cold snort, both of Zhan Tianxia also used group attack skills, Zhan Tianxia used the [Rotating Axe], and Zhan Tianyijian used [Sword Qi], covering the waves and wind.

Sword Qi and Axe Qi Qi swept through, and the damage figures of '3156' and '5221' floated above the waves and wind. This made Zhantian Yijian and the two dumbfounded. They actually only caused such damage, and the two did not even add up. The attack of one person breaking the waves and riding the wind is high.

Seeing her own damage, Po Lang Chengfeng laughed, and after casting [Thunder Sweep], she cast [Crazy Thunder Sword Shadow]. This time she was lucky. Not only did she cause over 10,000 damage to the two targets, And also made Zhan Tian Yijian dizzy for 1 second.

Upon seeing this, breaking the waves and riding the wind rejoiced, seeing that the distance to the world was less than 10, [Charge] was directly displayed, and she whizzed away like a purple thunder and lightning.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind to use 【Charge】, there are only three ways to deal with the world. First, he uses the displacement skill to stay away from the attack range, but in this way, the sword will be attacked by the breaking waves and riding the wind.

Teleported away, it takes about 6 seconds to get back from the battlefield at a distance of more than 10 meters. I am afraid that Zhan Tian Yijian has been emptied of blood and blood long ago. Obviously this approach is quite unwise.

The second method is to turn on the invincible skills, but he is a little reluctant to hand in the invincible skills so early, after all, no one knows what powerful skills will be used in the next wave.

The third method is naturally to use the [Charge] to greet, so that both will be dizzy, and Zhan Tian will be able to attack.

Zhan Tianxia is worthy of being a master of the celebrity list. He made a decision in an instant and played [Charge] to greet him. In his mind, he is also a dual career. Even if his strength growth qualifications are slightly lower, there should be no problem.

However, Zhan Tianxia forgot that the power gap between him and Po Lang Cheng Feng is not 1.8 points, but his career is 2 stars. In addition, breaking waves and Cheng Feng rewarded three stars for completing the mission of SSS+ difficulty, so it is 5 stars. More than 160 levels are more than 800 points worse.

In addition to these, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind was rewarded with more than 200 points of all attributes when completing the elves mission. After taking the two levels of [Potential Pill], she increased by 250 points, and she was at least more than 1,200 more powerful than Zhan Tianxia. Point, this is still not the case of equipment.

With so much power gap, Zhan Tianxia was hit by 5 meters, and he was dizzy for more than 1 second.

As for breaking the waves and riding the wind, she was only dizzy for about 0.8 seconds because of her strength advantage and a slight occupational advantage.

When breaking waves and riding the wind awakened, Zhan Tian Yijian woke up a long time ago, and he didn't say much. It came up with a [Scary Slash]. In his heart, if this trick hits, then the waves and wind riding are almost dead. Up.

But I didn't want to break the waves and ride the wind. Although I woke up 0.3 seconds later, the reaction was quite quick, and she blocked the attack of Zhan Tian Yijian with a long sword.

While the long sword was blocking, the wave-breaking and wind-riding body revolved, in a graceful arc, she went around to the left and back of Zhantian Yijian, without saying more, flipped her wrist, and a note of "Scary Slash" was displayed. In the middle of Zhan Tian Yijian who couldn't react, he was dizzy for 3 seconds.

With a twist of the wrist, Yijian slashed the healing guard not far away, and then the firework Yi Leng used the combined skills of [Thunder Slash] + Flat Slash + [Thunder Slash], so that the blood to fight the world was reduced again. 30000, at this time his blood is less than half.

At this time, Zhan Tianxia, ​​who was hit by flying, finally woke up, but he was more than 5 meters away from here, and he would not be able to rush for a while, so he could only use a group attack skill attack of [Bloodthirsty Demon Axe].

Regarding this, Breaking Waves and Riding the Wind didn’t care, and continued to attack. After 0.5 seconds of charging, the [Kuang Lei Slash] was displayed, so that Zhan Tian Yijian who had just woken up was stunned again, and his blood was lost again. More than 10,000 points.

Looking at Zhan Tian Yijian, who had only 23,000 qi and blood, a smile was raised at the corner of Po Lang Chengfeng's mouth, and the two-handed long swords attacked one after another. After 2 seconds, she finally emptied his qi and serum. She took the lead in solving an opponent.

Seeing that Zhan Tian Yijian was killed in front of him, Zhan Tianxia was furious. He used the skills of [War Roar] and [Bloodthirsty Rage]. For a time, his attack power, attack speed and movement speed increased greatly. His battle axe also seems to be powerful and very brave.

Seeing that the distance to break the waves and ride the wind is less than 5 meters, the world shouted loudly, ready to use [Blood Dragon Binding], which is similar to the [Blood Dragon Binding] and [Ice Dragon Binding] skills, which require a charge of 1 second.

This skill is the exclusive skill of the Dragon Knight. It is quite powerful, with a high hit rate and a very long time of restraint. If it is hit, it is dangerous to break the waves and ride the wind.

When I saw the Scarlet Dragon Shadow, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind realized what skills Zhan Tianxia was going to use. She would never give him this opportunity. [Jinghong Jueying] appeared behind Zhan Tianxia instantly, and then prepared. attack.

Seeing the disappearance of the waves and the wind, Zhan Tianxia realized that something was wrong. From the corner of his eyes, he also saw the phantom behind him. In desperation, he had to give up [Blood Dragon Binding] and prepare to block the long sword of the waves and wind with the axe.

It's just that the attack interval of the axe is longer than that of the long sword, and the battle has to turn around. Helpless, he gritted his teeth and had to activate the invincible skill.

Seeing Zhan Tianxia's invincible skill, a smile evoked at the corner of her mouth, she retreated decisively, and her speed was already faster than Zhan Tianxia after displaying [Jue Ying], so she didn't worry about being caught up.

After 5 seconds, the effect of Zhan Tianxia's invincible skill disappeared, breaking the waves and riding the wind turned and stood with him.

1 vs. 1, Breaking the waves and riding the wind took the absolute advantage, but it took 2 or 3 minutes to kill Zhan Tianxia, ​​so they took the lead in winning the next game.

"Hey, Ye Luo, how about it, elder sister, I'm good." Back to Ye Luo's side, Palang Chengfeng said proudly.

"Awesome, awesome." Ye Luo nodded lightly, and then changed his tone: "Sister Feng, you have already forced out all the skills of Zhan Tianxia. The skill of the sword master of Zhan Tian Yijian is similar to that of Jian Liu, but nothing It’s necessary to force it again. Don’t waste time in the next game. Let’s shoot together."

Before breaking the waves and riding the wind, he continued: "The first game of Zhantian Yijian is a little careless, otherwise you will have trouble one-on-two. After all, both of them are celebrity list masters, and Zhantianxia is a double professional, although you may also Victory, but it should be forced out very early, so it is not worthwhile."

She groaned for a while, knowing that Polangchengfeng knows the same, she said: "Well, let's take action together. But I want to deal with Zhan Tianxia, ​​and that Zhan Tian Yijian will be given to you."

Ye Luo didn't care about this, he replied, "Okay."

Breaking the waves and riding the wind alone can defeat the two in the world. Needless to say, add another Ye Luo who is more powerful than her. The two only took 2 or 3 minutes to solve the goal, so they won the 2V2. .

Ye Luo and their battle ended, the big score became 3 to 2, and the situation of Misty Pavilion was reversed, which made June Feixue and the others happy.

"Huh, what's so happy? 5V5 lets you know how good we are." Zhan Tian Yijian snorted coldly, his face also gloomy.

"Hehe, okay, let you see who is better." June Feixue was not to be outdone.

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