VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 636: : Unprecedented

There are regulations in the tournament that the group points match and subsequent matches cannot be abstained. It even says that every two teams must complete three types of matches, so knowing that they are not defeated by Gale Feiyang, they have to bite the bullet.

"Brother Feiyang, let's learn from each other, anyway, it won't take long." Zhiyue is indifferent, but she herself doesn't know that these words will embarrass Gale Feiyang.

The gale flew up and smiled, but he didn't think that Zhiyue was humiliating him, but that was the case. Shaking his head, he rushed up with a long sword, wanting to end the game as soon as possible.

The facts are also as Zhiyue said, after entering the ring, she only took 1 or 2 minutes to solve the first round. The second round was even shorter than the first round, less than 1 minute, only 50 seconds. time.

"Sister Yue is really strong, she will solve it in less than a minute." Dafeng Jiange teased behind.

"It's very fast. I thought he could hold on for 1 minute. Alas, I was disappointed in the end." Da Feng Juanyun pretended to sigh and said: "A swordsman against the previous summoner was solved in this way. It's really enough. Failure."

"I'm going, is Feitianyue an ordinary summoner? Two god-level BOSS summoned beasts. Even if she can't fly, only these two pets can easily kill me." Da Feng Feiyang said in a spirited manner, he looked at Da Feng Juan Yun and others. : "If you are on [August 1 Chinese website www.x81zw.info], it might not have been a long time for me to persist."

"Hey, don't worry, the time I insist on will never be lower than you." Gale Cirrus was full of confidence, and then he rushed to the battlefield with high morale to face the waves and wind.

Perhaps it was to confirm that the wind was flying, and the next wave to ride the wind would appear. As a result, the wind and cirrus clouds were emptied of blood within 40 seconds. After his resurrection, his face turned red and he was ashamed.

On the side, Da Feng Feiyang, Da Feng Jian Ge and others laughed forward and backward together, especially Gale Feiyang, who had been ridiculed before, and when it was the turn of the storm, he would not let go of the opportunity and taunted him.

"Hmph, that was because I was accidentally paralyzed. I don't believe that the luck of Chengfeng beauty is so good." Da Feng Cuan Yun was angrily, he looked at Da Feng Jian Ge: "Wait, there is another round, I insist The overall time is definitely higher than you."

Next, Gale Cirrus took the stage again, but his luck was not very good, the attack of the waves and the wind appeared 5 times crit, and he was emptied of blood and blood, and the battle lasted only 30 seconds. time.

"Haha, indeed, you lasted longer than me in the two rounds, but it was better than me." Gale Flew smiled, and he ridiculed Gale Chuangyun again.

"The luck of the beauty of Chengfeng is so good, a crit has solved me." Da Feng Cuanyun was chattering.

"I don't think it's the good luck of Chengfeng beauty, but your bad luck." Dafeng Jiange ridiculed, he geared his hands: "Hey, it's time to look at me next, I will insist on both of you for a long time. "

"Come on, you can last for 1 minute in two rounds. Don't forget that you are against Ye Luo Zhiqiu. His attack power is even more terrifying than the beauty of the wind." Gale Fei said.

"Hey, that's because your tactics are not good. I will definitely last longer than you." Dafeng Jiange was full of confidence. He looked at Dafeng Juanyun and others: "If I persist for longer than you all, You invite me to have a meal at the best restaurant in Yangzhou, and vice versa, how about it?"

"You gamble, we can still afford a meal." Da Feng Feiyang said nonchalantly: "Yesterday we bet that the Miao Miao Pavilion Studio could win the first place but made a lot of money. Now my buddies are not bad."

"Yes, it's not bad, just gamble." Da Feng Juanyun also agreed. He is embarrassed now. If he doesn't ‘show a little’ aura, he will be even more untenable here.

After making a bet, Dafeng Jiange rushed to the ring with high spirits to fight Ye Luo.

I don’t know if it was Dafeng Sword Song’s bad luck or Ye Luo’s good luck. After the two faced each other a few times, Ye Luo triggered a critical attack on [Samsara Pupils]. The 250% damage caused him to lose his energy and blood. After a big cut, there was another critical strike, and as a result his vitality was empty.

Seeing that Dafeng Jiange was killed, Gale flew up and laughed, he laughed: "It seems that Jiange lasted for 26 seconds, haha, I am so ridiculous, maybe he will break our record."

"Well, really." Da Feng Juanyun nodded solemnly, pretending to be: "This time is really a bit of a situation where the ancients will not be seen before and the people will not be seen afterwards. It can be called a model of our generation."

"Haha..." On the side, the other Dafengge players couldn't help laughing.

After the resurrection, Dafeng Jiange had a dark face, and he muttered: "What fun, isn't there still another round? If I exceed your total time in the two rounds, I will still win the bet."

"Then I hope you will hold on for a while." Gale flew up, and then his tone changed, and he pretended to say to himself: "It's just that sometimes manpower is exhausted. It is hard to violate the fate..."

Listening to the unbridled smile of his teammates, Dafeng Jiange's face darkened, and he simply ignored them and waited for the start of the next game.

Two minutes later, the second game began. This time, Dafeng Jiange was quite cautious, used all his best, blocked with the long sword, tried to avoid being attacked, but persisted for a few seconds.

But Ye Luo didn't give him a chance, and directly used [Charge]. Now the two are about 2 meters apart, it is impossible for Dafeng Jiange to escape 10 meters away. As a last resort, he can only bite the bullet and greet him. One move [charge].

Unexpectedly, with the power advantage, professional advantage, and the bonus of [Li Bashanxi], Ye Luo was only dizzy for about 0.7 seconds, while Dafeng Jiange was dizzy for 1.5 seconds, but was not knocked off. .

I have to say that Dafeng Jiange's luck is very bad. If he is hit 5 meters away, it will take some time for Ye Luo to chase the past, and he has enough time to react, so it will last longer.

It's a pity that he didn't get knocked into the air. Ye Luo was just one piece. It was a coincidence that Ye Luo triggered a critical strike with 700% damage. In the end, he only knocked out Dafeng Sword Song with more than 100,000 blood and blood. Unsurprisingly, he was emptied of blood.

From the beginning of the battle to the end of the battle, the total time is less than 10 seconds. It is true that, as Da Fengcuanyun said, this time is a little bit missing from the ancients and then the visitors.

"Puff......" Gale Feiyang couldn't help laughing: "Nine seconds, only nine seconds. This really broke our record, Sword Song, you are really a role model for my generation."

A face was so black as if the bottom of the pot was as gray as the bottom of the pot, Dafeng Jiange roared, and then said: "The game is over, please go to the best restaurant for a meal. Order whatever you want. You don't have to be polite."

Hearing that, the people of Dafengge laughed, and the audience was dumbfounded. People who didn't know thought they had won.

Indeed, even though they lost the game, the people of Dafengge were in a good mood. They participated in the next game with smiles, which made the audience even more puzzled. They thought that these people lost too badly and made them crazy.

There was no suspense in the next two games and they were easily resolved. As a result, Ye Luo won the final game with a 9-0 score and accumulated 3 points.

The next duel will not take place until half an hour after the other teams have resolved the battle, so everyone has a lot of time. Because the other four teams have no threat to them, Ye Luo and the others did not deliberately adjust their status. Several people took a few. A small difficult gang task to do the task.

"Sister Qin, which team will we face in the next match?" Zhiyue asked casually while doing the task.

"The next game is more interesting. Our opponent is the second team of the Fine Wine Family." Samadhi replied on his behalf, with a smile in his tone: "Hey, it feels good to get rid of the people of Uncle Bacchus by hand. ."

"Sister Shi, we are allies. It's not a good idea to say that." June Feixue said, and then his tone changed: "But really, it's fun to watch Uncle Bacchus violently train them, his old man I love training people the most."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help laughing.

"Feixue, who did the team from the Eastern Family meet for the first time, and what was the result?" Yi Leng asked the fireworks.

"The people at the General Tomb, it was easy to solve. There was almost no trump card, and there was no suspense at all." June Feixue said, she couldn't help but muttered: "I want to rely on them to force Dongfang Qitian to play trump cards. It's impossible."

As if she knew it would be like this a long time ago, the fireworks were easy to be cold and her expression remained unchanged, she said lightly: "Wait and give me the video of their game, I remember to let you enter their game venue to watch."

Nodded, June Feixue didn't say much, and passed the video over.

Soon after, Ye Luo began their second game against the second team of the wine family.

With the current strength of the Mystic Pavilion Studio, even if it was the first team of the Fine Wine Family, there was not much suspense, let alone their second team, and they easily won it.

The relationship between Miao Miao Ge and the Wine Family is very good. Although they lost, the people on the Second Team of the Wine Family were not angry. They greeted the waves and the wind and they joked that they did not reveal their cards to facilitate the Wine Family. The team wins.

"Hey, come on, it's unrealistic for you to force us to use tricks. Uncle Dionysus can come." Po Lang said with a smile.

"Our boss said, they still hope to meet you later, because if they meet you, they will be resolved in all likelihood." A member of the Second Team of the Wine Family said, he laughed: "The boss’s vision is still very poisonous. He said that your Misty Pavilion can at least get second place in this tournament. As for the bosses, they can get into the top three if you are lucky."

"I feel that it is difficult even to get into the top three. The heroes of the Heavenly Battle are also very strong. I feel that they are better than the boss."

"Yes, I feel the same way, unless it is to let the Ming Men Pavilion and the Dongfang Family Team solve the heroes of the Heavenly War in advance..."

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