VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 642: :One pick two

Fireworks Yi Leng found a way to discover the whereabouts of the assassin, coupled with her abnormal memory and observation ability, matched with her professional skills, there is no suspense against Eidolon, easily defeated the first game, and the second game also followed Similar to the first game, Eidolon was emptied of blood and blood without even getting close to him.

As a result, the Miaoge Studio won another round, and the big score was already 2 to 1.

"I've seen a ghost, how can the fireworks beauty accurately find out my location every time? Her luck is also too good." After the resurrection, Ye Ling's face was full of depression: "Could it be that the beauty of the first All six senses are accurate, the more beautiful, the more so?"

"Tsk tusk, Brother Ling, I think you were abused by Sister Fireworks. You want to die." Ye Zhenghao teased again.

On the other side, Jing Ke assassinated Qin seemed to have discovered something. He looked solemnly and looked at the unknown person aside: "Boss, the firework is easy to cold, she has found a way to deal with our assassins, we..."

"Yes, through the fresh water stains under your feet." Wuming nodded, and he applauded: "This woman is really not simple, she has a delicate mind, a keen observation, and her professional advantage. In the future, the assassin will face her one-on-one. It’s hard to win, even I’m not so sure. After all, Fireworks Yibing should have several group attack skills. After being slowed down, I want to avoid her attack and it’s a bit troublesome. I can’t get close to her at all, so I want to defeat her too. It's difficult, I have to say that the profession of Ice Dragon Archer is too suitable for fireworks and cold."

"It seems that our next 5v5 will be more and less ill-fortuned." Ten steps to kill, sighed, and then changed his tone: "But I will play 2v2 next, hehe, face Po Lang Cheng Feng and Ye Luo Zhi Qiu, especially It's the latter, I am very interested in him."

"Even if the fireworks are easy to be cold and did not find this way, I am afraid it is difficult for us to win them. The odds of winning are less than 30%, because our profession is too single to form the advantage of professional matching." Despite this, Wuming has not lost a trace. , On the contrary, there was a smile at the corner of his mouth: "The strength of the Misty Pavilion has really improved very quickly, and it seems that their rise is also unstoppable."

"Well, I feel that our chances of winning 2v2 are not big, or almost none." Jing Ke assassinated Qin, and ignored the ten-step kill with a face of dissatisfaction. He continued: "I have played against Ye Luo Zhiqiu. I don’t have any chance of winning against him. Even if I join forces with Eidolon, I’m not sure that I can defeat him, not to mention that he is now in a dual career."

"Yes, don't forget to add the same tricky wave-breaking and wind-riding." Eidolon finally recovered from the previous depression: "I feel that even if the two of them stand still, you will attack one or two sets of skills in a row. It’s nothing, they are heavy armor classes, with high physical defenses, and sufficient energy and blood. You can beat them with one-third of their energy and blood."

At the end, he added: "Fortunately, I didn't partner with Jing Ke this time, or I would be mistreated."

With that said, he glanced at Ten Step One Kill playfully, with a sense of schadenfreude.

"You were also miserably abused by fireworks before." Ten steps kills in a bad tone, and then the tone changes: "I don't believe that Ye Luo Zhiqiu is better than the boss. In the case of a sneak attack... "

"Sneak attack is of no use to him. He can sense the killing intent. Unless the boss takes the shot himself, he can react the moment we take the shot. This is what I have personally experienced with Ye Ling." Jing Ke stabbed Qin lightly.

"No?" Ten steps kills his face in disbelief, and then he looks at Wuming: "The boss should be able to attack him successfully, after all, the boss is an existence that can even kill Dongfang Tiantian."

"I feel that even my sneak attack is not very effective." But he didn't want Wuming to shook his head. He looked at Midnight Book: "You have seen the previous performance of Xiaoshu. He can withstand my assassination, and he is Ye Luozhi. What Qiu taught should be stronger than him in this respect, and it is not impossible to resist my sneak attack."

"No, how could there be people in this world who react so quickly? I'm afraid that only Longteng Tianxia and Dongfang Qitian can do it." Ten steps and one shot were full of disbelief.

"I have to say that Ye Luo Zhiqiu is a person of the same level as Longteng Tianxia and Dongfang Jitian." Wuming said, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Now Ye Luo Zhiqiu's potential has not been fully realized, maybe he Can surpass the East to kill the sky."

Hearing that Wuming had such a high evaluation of Ye Luo, he was even more dissatisfied with the ten-step kill. His eyes flickered, and his fighting spirit was booming: "Since the boss said he is so powerful, then I would like to fight him even more. Jing Ke , Wait for you to deal with the waves and wind, I will deal with Ye Luo Zhiqiu."

He nodded faintly, Jing Ke stab Qin without saying much, a white light flashed he entered the ring, and ten moves followed.

Jing Ke Ci Qin nodded faintly again, this time he said hello to Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng.

There was a fate, Jing Ke had a good impression of Ye Luo, not to mention breaking the waves and riding the wind, they had known each other a long time ago.

"Hey, Jing Ke, one kill, get ready, let's see how my sister abuses you." Po Lang Chengfeng looked at the joke unceremoniously: "My strength has improved a lot recently."

I have always met Polangchengfeng, and can be regarded as a friend. I didn’t care about her ridiculous ten-step kill. He laughed: "Chengfeng beauty, I don’t want to fight with you this time, I want to Brother Ye Luo discussed each other, and Jingke and the boss spoke highly of him. I want to learn something."

"Ah, that's it, I'm still thinking about one-to-two." Po Lang muttered in the wind, and then his tone changed: "That's it, you fight against each other, if you can defeat Ye Luo..."

Having said that, Po Lang Riding the Wind shook his head: "It seems a little unlikely, then I will single you two in the next game."

Speaking unintentionally, listening intentionally, although not angry, but ten steps to kill is even more unrestrained in his heart, he held a dagger and clasped his fists: "Brother Ye Luo, please enlighten me."

"Don't dare, teach and learn from each other." Ye Luo returned a salute, and then didn't say much, the two fought together.

Seeing ten steps and one kill stealthily preparing to assassinate, Po Lang Chengfeng did not worry that he would suddenly attack him, but looked at Jing Ke Assassin Qin: "Jing Ke, come on, I won't bully you with professional advantage, we just do What is the level?"

For ordinary assassins and swordsmen, fighting head-on is definitely a loss for the assassins, but breaking the waves and riding the wind is not an ordinary swordsman. She has too many powerful skills with dual professions, and she can easily gain an advantage with these skills. At this time, fighting with Jing Ke Ci Qin alone would be considered a self-defeating advantage.

"The agile growth aptitude of Chengfeng beauty is higher than me, and the speed of movement is faster than me." Jing Ke assassinated Qin lightly said: "So I have no chance of winning at all, even if it is an assassination, I can't if it is not for the competition. Abstain, I will never fight with you."

"Hey, don't talk nonsense, hurry up and fight with sister!" Po Lang Chengfeng smiled, and then she rushed up with her double swords.

Helpless, Jing Ke Ci Qin can only bite the bullet to fight.

I have to say that Polangchengfeng has made some progress after learning from each other with Ye Luo. This has enabled her to make further progress. Her strength is already stronger than Jing Ke's assassination of Qin, plus growth qualifications, equipment and other advantages. She quickly gained the upper hand, and only had the power to attack Jing Ke and assassin Qin.

On the other hand, Ten Step One Kill will not only fight with Ye Luo, but use the technique of assassination. He still does not believe that someone can react so quickly to resist the assassin's assassination.

But soon he believed it, because no matter how he sneaked, Ye Luo could always block his attack easily, and he even had a bit of extra energy.

After trying several times, I finally believed that Jing Ke Assassinated Qin and the others said that he would no longer try to assassinate after someone outsiders, but he would fight with Ye Luo, although his strength was slightly stronger than Jing Ke Assassin’s Qin. , But Ye Luo still couldn't get half the upper hand, and even fell into a disadvantage soon.

Although knowing that he fell into a disadvantage so quickly has something to do with Ye Luo's professional growth aptitude, but ten steps to kill also knows that even if the two fight against each other regardless of their careers, he will fall into the disadvantage, but it will last a little longer.

The battle lasted for 3 or 4 minutes. Breaking the waves and the wind finally solved Jing Ke's assassination of Qin, and the battle on Ye Luo's side came to an end, and the blood of ten steps and one kill had bottomed out.

The first round was over quickly, Ye Luo and they were slightly ahead, and after 2 minutes they started the second round.

"One kill, your curiosity is satisfied, now you can fight with your sister, I'll pick two, and see if I can withstand your attacks." Breaking the waves and riding the wind are full of anticipation, and then think of something, She continued: "Of course, don't use skills, just fight operations, how about?"

"Chengfeng beauty, although I admit that you are better than me, but you are too underestimating us. It shouldn't be too difficult for the two of us to defeat you in the operation of the product." Ten steps kill, he laughed: "I I don’t want people outside to say that we two big men bully you a weak woman, uh, no, you are not a weak woman."

"It's good to know that my sister is not a weak woman, stop talking nonsense, and quickly let go." Po Lang Chengfeng said, although she let others let go, but she took the lead in rushing up with a long sword.

Helplessly, Jing Ke's Assassin and Ten Steps could only meet, and the two of them left and right, but they also cooperated very well.

As the Ten Steps and One Kill said, although Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind is stronger than them alone, it is unlikely to defeat the combination of the two of them. Gradually, she fell into a disadvantage.

Of course, even though she fell into the wind, breaking the waves and riding the wind did not show defeat. She showed her footwork, circled one person, and made the other person throw a rat trap, so that it was not difficult to resist the combined attack of the two.

The more they fought for ten moves, the more they were surprised. It was obvious that the two of them had the upper hand, but they still had no choice but to break the waves and ride the wind. They felt like they were powerful and helpless in fighting.

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